Changelog for python3-pyramid-debugtoolbar-4.10-lp154.2.2.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Feb 21 2023 Daniel Garcia - Update to 4.10 - Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6. - Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11. - Fix deprecated usages of ``threading.currentThread()``. See 4.9 (2020-11-24) - Support Python 3.9. - Added a new Session Panel to track ingress and egress changes to a registered ISession interface across a request lifecycle. By default, the panel only operates on accessed sessions via a wrapped loader. Users can activate the Session Panel, via the Toolbar Settings or a per-request cookie, to track the ingress and egress data on all requests.
* Removed \"Session\" section from Request Vars Panel
* Updated Documentation and Screenshots - Ensured the Headers panel only operates when a Response object exists, to create better stack traces if other panels encounter errors. - ``utils.dictrepr`` will now fallback to a string comparison of the keys if a TypeError is encountered, which can occur under Python3.
* A test was added to check to ensure sorting errors occur under Python3. If the test fails in the future, this workaround may no longer be needed. - Updated toolbar javascript to better handle multiple user-activated panels.
* ``split`` and ``join`` functions now use the same delimiter.
* If the browser supports it, use a \"set\" to de-duplicate active panels. - Inline comments on toolbar.js and to alert future developers on the string delimiters and cookie names.- 4.8 (2020-10-23) - Added tracking of transactional SQLAlchemy events to provide more insight into database session behavior during a request\'s lifecycle. See 4.7 (2020-10-22) - Added black, isort, and github actions to the pipeline. Dropped travis-ci. - Added some extra output to the \"Request Vars\" panel related to previewing the body contents. See 4.6.1 (2020-02-10) - Fix parser errors when injecting the toolbar into XHTML formatted pages. See
* Mon Apr 20 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Remove py2 dependency as we build only py3 package
* Mon Mar 23 2020 version update to 4.6.1 - Fix parser errors when injecting the toolbar into XHTML formatted pages. See - Show the full URL in the tooltip on the requests panel. See - Stop accessing ``request.unauthenticated_userid`` in preparation for Pyramid 2.0 where it is deprecated. - Catch a ``ValueError`` when JSON-serializing SQLA objects for display. See
* Mon Oct 14 2019 Matej Cepl - Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
* Wed Sep 11 2019 John Vandenberg - Rename to python-pyramid-debugtoolbar and integrated doc subpackage- Trimmed package description- Update to v4.5
* Drop Python 3.3 support to align with Pyramid and its EOL
* Add support for testing on Python 3.7
* Add a list of engines to the SQLAlchemy panel if queries come from multiple engines
* When the toolbar intercepts an exception via ``debugtoolbar.intercept_exc = True`` and returns the interactive debugger, it will add ``request.exception`` and ``request.exc_info`` to the request to indicate what exception triggered the response. This helps upstream tweens such as ``pyramid_retry`` to possibly retry the requests
* Stop parsing the ``request.remote_addr`` value when it contains chain of comma-separated ip-addresses. Reject these values and emit a warning to sanitize the value upstream
* Mon May 28 2018 Packaging : + spec-cleaner -m (url,date,%license)- Update to new version 4.4 + Reduce the log output for squashed exceptions and put them at the INFO level so they can be filtered out if desired. See + 4.3.1 (2018-01-28) Javascript syntax fixes for browsers that don’t support trailing commas. See
* Wed Sep 06 2017 specfile : rename requires plaster-pastedeploy
* Fri Jul 28 2017 specfile : Move to singlespec, cleanup, update copyright year. Add minimal rpm-macros for -doc package to build on Leap- update to version 4.3 see all changes at
* Sat Sep 10 2016 specfile:
* update copyright year- update to version 3.0.4:
* 3.0.3 was a brownbag release missing static assets.- changes from version 3.0.3:
* Fix another regression where the toolbar was modifying requests to the toolbar itself such that the \"script_name\" and \"path_info\" were different after handling the request than before. See
* Mon Jul 04 2016 specfile:
* update copyright year- update to version 3.0.2:
* Fix a regression with inspecting requests with a session that is loaded before the toolbar executes. See
* Mon Jun 13 2016 Split documentation into subpackage to speed up build.
* Sat May 28 2016 specfile:
* update copyright year- update to version 3.0.1:
* Avoid touching \"request.unauthenticated_userid\", \"request.authenticated_userid\" and \"request.effective_principals\" unless they are accessed by the user in the normal request lifecycle. This avoids some issues where unauthenticated requests could trigger side effects on your authentication policy or access the properties outside of the expected lifecycle of the properties. See changes from version 3.0:
* The toolbar is now a completely standalone application running inside the tween. There are several minor incompatibilities and improvements related to this extra isolation: + 1. \"pyramid_mako\" and the \".dbtmako\" renderer are no longer included in the parent application (your app). + 2. Panels must be extra careful now that they only render templates inside of the \"render_vars\" and \"render_content\" functions. These are the only functions in which the \"request\" object is for rendering the toolbar panel. + 3. The toolbar will not be affected by any global security policies your application may put in place other than via \"config.set_debugtoolbar_request_authorization\".
*never run the toolbar in production
* See
* Updated Bootstrap to v3.3.6, refactored static assets and dropped require.js. Each page now depends on what it needs without extra dependencies included in the debugger pages. See
* Enabled interactive tablesorting on table columns. See
* setuptools-git is now required to install the codebase in non-editable mode.- changes from version 2.5:
* Drop Python 2.6 and Python 3.2 support.
* Add Python 3.5 support.
* Remove inline javascript from injected pages to work better with any Content Security Policy that may be in place. See
* Added the packages\' `.location` to the \"Versions\" panel so developers can tell which version of each package is actually being used. See
* Upon exception do a better job guessing the charset of the sourcefile when reading it in to display tracebacks. See
* Removed jQuery code in the toolbar referring to a DOM node called \'myTab\', which doesn\'t seem to exist anymore. See
* Updated the \"Request Vars\" panel: + 1. Show additional values that were previously missing + 2. Sections upgraded to link to Pyramid Documentation when possible + 3. Mako reformatted into \"defs\" for simpler reorganization in the future See
* Fix to prevent the toolbar from loading the session until it is actually accessed by the user. This avoids unnecessary parsing of the session object as well as waiting to parse it until later in the request which may meet more expectations of the session factory. See
* Sun May 08 2016 specfile:
* changed to https for source url
* updated source url to
* remove if case for suse version <= 1110
* Thu Oct 29 2015 update to version 2.4.2:
* Fix a long-standing bug in which log messages were not rendered until the end of the response. By this time the arguments passed to the logger may no longer be valid (such as SQLAlchemy managed objects) and you would see a \"DetachedInstanceError\". See
* Sun Sep 27 2015 update to version 2.4.1:
* Remove the extra query hash constructed when indexing into SQL queries via url as it was unused after releasing 2.4. See
* Fri Aug 21 2015 package and build python3 support
* Thu Jul 30 2015 update to 2.4 (2015-06-04)
* This release changes some details of the panel API, so if you are writing any custom panels for the toolbar please review the changes.
* Document the cookie used to activate panels on a per-request basis. It is possible to specify the cookie per-request to turn on certain panels. This is used by default in the browser, but may also be used on a per-request basis by curl or other http APIs.
* Add new debugtoolbar.active_panels setting which can specify certain panels to be always active.
* Modify to be a valid python identifier, used for settings and lookup.
* The toolbar no longer will clobber the property. It now namespaces its usage as request.pdtb_id, freeing up for applications.
* Add a lock icon next to the request method in the sidebar if the request was accessed over https. See
* Update to bootstrap 3.1.1. See
* Fix display of POST variables where the same key is used multiple times. See
* Fix auth callback so it protects the toolbar views. Auth system is tested now. See
* Convert SQLAlchemy views to obtain the query and params internally; this allows executing queries with parameters that are not serializable. See
* Adds Pyramid version tests and bumps required Pyramid version to 1.4. The pyramid_mako dependency requires 1.3, but debugtoolbar also uses invoke_subrequest which was added in 1.4. The invoke_subrequest call was added in pyramid_debugtoolbar 2.0; if you need Pyramid 1.3 compatibility, try an older version. See and add python-webtest test dependency
* Fri Feb 06 2015 update to 2.3: too many changes to list here check:
* Mon Dec 29 2014 update to version 2.2.2