Changelog for python39-vcrpy-6.0.1-lp154.2.1.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Feb 06 2024 Markéta Machová - Update to 6.0.1
* BREAKING: Fix issue with httpx support (thanks AATTparkerhancock) in #784.
* BREAKING: Drop support for `boto` (vcrpy still supports boto3, but is dropping the deprecated `boto` support in this release. (thanks AATTjairhenrique)
* Fix compatibility issue with Python 3.12 (thanks AATThartwork)
* Drop simplejson (fixes some compatibility issues) (thanks AATTjairhenrique)
* Run CI on Python 3.12 and PyPy 3.9-3.10 (thanks AATTmgorny)
* Various linting and docs improvements (thanks AATTjairhenrique)
* Tornado fixes (thanks AATTgraingert)
* Mon Sep 18 2023 version update to 5.1.0
* Use ruff for linting (instead of current flake8/isort/pyflakes) - thanks AATTjairhenrique
* Enable rule B (flake8-bugbear) on ruff - thanks AATTjairhenrique
* Configure read the docs V2 - thanks AATTjairhenrique
* Fix typo in docs - thanks AATTquasimik
* Make json.loads of Python >=3.6 decode bytes by itself - thanks AATThartwork
* Fix body matcher for chunked requests (fixes #734) - thanks AATThartwork
* Fix query param filter for aiohttp (fixes #517) - thanks AATThartwork and AATTsalomvary
* Remove unnecessary dependency on six. - thanks AATTcharettes
* build(deps): update sphinx requirement from <7 to <8 - thanks AATTjairhenrique
* Add action to validate docs - thanks AATTjairhenrique
* Add editorconfig file - thanks AATTjairhenrique
* Drop iscoroutinefunction fallback function for unsupported python thanks AATTjairhenrique- for changelog for older releases refer to six is not required
* Thu Jun 15 2023 Andreas Schneider - Use sle15_python_module_pythons
* Tue May 23 2023 Ben Greiner - Restrict urllib3 < 2 -- gh#kevin1024/vcrpy#688
* Tue Oct 11 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 4.2.1
* Fix a bug where the first request in a redirect chain was not being recorded with aiohttp
* Various typos and small fixes, thanks AATTjairhenrique, AATTtimgates42
* Thu Aug 26 2021 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to 4.1.1:
* Fix HTTPX support for versions greater than 0.15 (thanks AATTjairhenrique)
* Include a trailing newline on json cassettes (thanks AATTAaronRobson)
* Fri Aug 28 2020 Steve Kowalik - Update to 4.1.0:
* Add support for httpx!! (thanks AATTherdigiorgi)
* Add the new allow_playback_repeats option (thanks AATTtysonholub)
* Several aiohttp improvements (cookie support, multiple headers with same key) (Thanks AATTpauloromeira)
* Use enums for record modes (thanks AATTaaronbannin)
* Bugfix: Do not redirect on 304 in aiohttp (Thanks AATTroyjs)
* Bugfix: Fix test suite by switching to mockbin (thanks AATTjairhenrique)
* Mon Apr 20 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Remove patch 0001-Revert-v4.0.x-Remove-legacy-python-and-add-python3.8.patch as we dropped py2 integration support on Tumbleweed
* Mon Feb 24 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Added patch 0001-Revert-v4.0.x-Remove-legacy-python-and-add-python3.8.patch
* Enable python2 again since it breaks many packages- Fix locale on Leap
* Fri Feb 07 2020 Marketa Calabkova - update to version 4.0.2
* Remove Python2 support
* Add Python 3.8 TravisCI support
* Correct mock imports
* Sun Nov 03 2019 Martin Hauke - Update to version 2.1.1
* Format code with black
* Improve documentation about custom matchers
* Fix exception when body is empty
* Fix yarl and python3.5 version issue
* Fix header matcher for boto3
* Mon Sep 16 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 2.1.0:
* Add a rewind method to reset a cassette (thanks AATTkhamidou)
* New error message with more details on why the cassette failed to play a request (thanks AATTarthurHamon2, AATTneozenith)
* Handle connect tunnel URI (thanks AATTjeking3)
* Drop support to python 3.4
* Add deprecation warning on python 2.7, next major release will drop python 2.7 support- Drop merged patch python-vcrpy-fix-tunnel-uri-generation.patch
* Wed Apr 17 2019 Matej Cepl - Test suite just doesn\'t work. gh#kevin1024/vcrpy#427
* Sat Dec 29 2018 Add patch:
* python-vcrpy-fix-tunnel-uri-generation.patch Needed for python-pyvmomi
* Wed Oct 24 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Use noun phrase in summary and adjust descriptions.
* Wed Oct 24 2018 Tomáš Chvátal - Version update to 2.0.1:
* Support python 3.7 (fix httplib2 and urllib2, thanks AATTfelixonmars)
* Thu Jul 13 2017 Move vcrpy to single spec.
* Thu Jun 08 2017 Changes from version 1.11.1:
* Bugfixes
* Add support for latest requests and urllib3 releases- Changes from version 1.11.0:
* Allow injection of persistence methods
* Bugfixes
* Support python 3.6 + CI tests
* Support pytest-asyncio coroutines- Changes from version 1.10.5:
* Added a fix to httplib2
* Fix an issue with aiohttp
* Add missing requirement yarl
* Remove duplicate mock triple- Changes from version 1.10.3:
* Aiohttp bugfix
* Empty cassette body bugfix
* Sun Sep 18 2016 Fix Source-URL- Update to version 1.10.2:
* only version bump - no code changes- Changes from version 1.10.1
* Move vcr.stubs.aiohttp_stub to a package
* Merge pull request #271 from lamenezes/fix-py2-setup
* Exclude aiohttp from python < 3 setup- Changes from version 1.10.0:
* remove py26-flakes test
* fix flake8: ignore yield from syntax errors
* fix tox\'s flakes tests
* fix test_aiohttp
* fix tests
* remove async/await from aiohttp_stubs to support python 3.4
* add aiohttp to tests config
* add integration tests for aiohttp
* fix aiohttp_stubs.vcr_request error message
* fix aiohttp response closing
* remove CIMultiDictProxy from aiohttp_stubs.vcr_request
* add support for aiohttp
* Merge pull request #265 from adamchainz/
* fix flaky test
* Convert readthedocs links for their .org -> .io migration for hosted projects- Changes from version 1.9.0:
* unzip bodies before comparing. Fixes #261
* Merge pull request #247 from dedsm/boto3_support
* Running boto3 tests in travis
* Fixing pep8 errors in boto tests
* boto3 integration tests
* Adding support for boto3
* fix tests in stubs, requests ssl verification and httpbin+flask
* Removed requests usage from test
* Renamed inside2 to inside
* Fix flake8 issue
* Updated comments
* Added a note on the deepcopy
* Added regression test
* Move deepcopy higher to not mutate original headers- Changes from version 1.8.0:
* missed a httpbin call
* Merge pull request #253 from jayvdb/no-pytest-localserver
* Remove pytest-localserver from test dependencies
* pep8
* Fix for Serialization errors with JSON adapter
* Use pytest-httpbin
* Add Python 3.5 and PyPy 3 to Travis
* Fix/ignore some flake errors
* Add test to make sure we can post chunked binary data
* Avoid concatenating bytes with strings
* Fix travis check for flakes
* allow filtering by response
* Exclude __pycache__ dirs & compiled files in sdist
* Fix Tornado support behavior for Tornado 3.
* Use tox-travis
* support python 3.4
* tests / docs for decode_compressed_response
* add decode_compressed_response option and filter
* Fix pyflakes and pep8 errors
* Use tox for Travis-CI
* Fix typo
* Add documentation for new features of filter_headers, filter_query_parameters and filter_post_data_parameters
* Update VCR params to use new filters.
* Add replace_post_data_parameters()
* Add replace_query_parameters()
* Add replace_headers()
* Add note and link for vcrpy-unittest.
* Blindly add modules to be documented
* Add PyPI badge.
* Rename waffle badge from \'ready\' to \'waffle\' which seems clearer.
* Split README.rst into appropriate docs sections
* Use sphinx_rtd_theme building docs locally
* Switch to default RtD theme
* Lint cleanup
* Fallback to importing from urllib3
* Tue Jan 26 2016 Update to version 1.7.4: 1.7.4 [#217] Make use_cassette decorated functions actually return a value (thanks AATTbcen). [#199] Fix path transfromation defaults. Better headers dictionary management. 1.7.3 [#188] additional_matchers kwarg on use_cassette. [#191] Actually support passing multiple before_record_request functions (thanks AATTagriffis). 1.7.2 [#186] Get effective_url in tornado (thanks AATTmvschaik), [#187] Set request_time on Response object in tornado (thanks AATTabhinav). 1.7.1 [#183] Patch fetch_impl instead of the entire HTTPClient class for Tornado (thanks AATTabhinav). 1.7.0 [#177] Properly support coroutine/generator decoration. [#178] Support distribute (thanks AATTgraingert). [#163] Make compatibility between python2 and python3 recorded cassettes more robust (thanks AATTgward). 1.6.1 [#169] Support conditional requirements in old versions of pip, Fix RST parse errors generated by pandoc, [Tornado] Fix unsupported features exception not being raised, [#166] content-aware body matcher. 1.6.0 [#120] Tornado support (thanks AATTabhinav), [#147] packaging fixes (thanks AATTgraingert), [#158] allow filtering post params in requests (thanks AATTMrJohz), [#140] add xmlrpclib support (thanks AATTDiaoul). 1.5.2 Fix crash when cassette path contains cassette library directory (thanks AATTgazpachoking). 1.5.0 Automatic cassette naming and ‘application/json’ post data filtering (thanks AATTmarco-santamaria). 1.4.2 Fix a bug caused by requests 2.7 and chunked transfer encoding 1.4.1 Include README, tests, LICENSE in package. Thanks AATTralphbean. 1.4.0 Filter post data parameters (thanks AATTeadmundo), support for posting files through requests, inject_cassette kwarg to access cassette from use_cassette decorated function, with_current_defaults actually works (thanks AATTsamstav). 1.3.0 Fix/add support for urllib3 (thanks AATTaisch), fix default port for https (thanks AATTabhinav).
* Wed Feb 04 2015 Update to version 1.2.0:
* Add custom_patches argument to VCR/Cassette objects to allow users to stub custom classes when cassettes become active.- Changes from version 2.1.4:
* Add force reset around calls to actual connection from stubs, to ensure compatibility with the version of httplib/urlib2 in python 2.7.9.- Changes from version 1.1.3:
* Fix python3 headers field
* Fix boto test
* Fix new_episodes record mode
* Fix Windows connectionpool
* Stub bug
* Add support for requests 2.5
* Tue Nov 04 2014 version 1.1.2: initial build