Changelog for python311-concurrentloghandler-0.9.19-lp160.3.1.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Jul 27 2021 Matej Cepl - Stupid me: it should be rm -rf test_output, not just rm -rf test (gh#Preston-Landers/concurrent-log-handler#38).
* Wed Mar 17 2021 Matej Cepl Update to 0.9.19: 0.9.19: Fix Python 2 compatibility (again), thanks AATTbuddly27 Fix accidental detection of \'darwin\' (Mac OS) as Windows in 0.9.18: Remove ez_setup from the 0.9.17: Contains the following fixes: - Catch exceptions when unlocking the lock. - Clarify documentation, esp. with use of multiprocessing - In Python 2, don\'t request/allow portalocker 2.0 which won\'t work. (Require portalocker<=1.7.1) 0.9.16: Fix publishing issue with incorrect code included in the wheel Affects Python 2 mainly - see Issue #21 0.9.15: Fix bug from last version on Python 2. (Issue #21) Thanks AATTcondontrevor Also, on Python 2 and 3, apply unicode_error_policy (default: ignore) to convert a log message to the output stream\'s encoding. I.e., by default it will filter out (remove) any characters in a log message which cannot be converted to the output logfile\'s encoding. 0.9.14: Fix writing LF line endings on Windows when encoding is specified. Added newline and terminator kwargs to allow customizing line ending behavior. Thanks to AATTvashek 0.9.13: Fixes Crashes with ValueError: I/O operation on closed file (issue #16) Also should fix issue #13 with crashes related to Windows file locking. Big thanks to AATTterencehonles, AATTnsmcan, AATTwkoot, AATTdismine for doing the hard parts 0.9.12: Add umask option (thanks to AATTblakehilliard) This adds the ability to control the permission flags when creating log files. 0.9.11: Fix issues with gzip compression option (use buffering) 0.9.10: Fix inadvertent lock sharing when forking Thanks to AATTeriktews for this fix 0.9.9: Fix Python 2 compatibility broken in last release 0.9.8: Bug fixes and permission features - Fix for issue #4 - AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'write\' This error could be caused if a rollover occurred inside a logging statement that was generated from within another logging statement\'s format() call. - Fix for PyWin32 dependency specification (explicitly require PyWin32) - Ability to specify owner and permissions (mode) of rollover files [Unix only] 0.9.7/0.9.6: Fix platform specifier for PyPi 0.9.5: Add use_gzip option to compress rotated logs. Add an optional threaded logging queue handler based on the standard library\'s logging.QueueHandler. 0.9.4: Fix to not include tests in distribution. 0.9.3: Refactoring release - For publishing fork on pypi as concurrent-log-handler under new package name. - NOTE: PyWin32 is required on Windows but is not an explicit dependency because the PyWin32 package is not currently installable through pip. - Fix lock behavior / race condition 0.9.2: Initial release of fork by Preston Landers based on a fork of Lowell Alleman\'s ConcurrentLogHandler 0.9.1 - Fixes deadlocking issue with recent versions of Python - Puts .__ prefix in front of lock file name - Use secrets or SystemRandom if available. - Add/fix Windows support- Remove ConcurrentLogHandler-0.9.1-testpath.patch, which is unnecessary
* Thu May 17 2018 Fix tests
* Thu May 17 2018 Run spec-cleaner on the SPEC file.- Fix SPEC file to work according to the latest standards- Failed to make tests working.
* Thu Aug 24 2017 singlespec auto-conversion
* Wed Jul 20 2016 Fix build (boo#985412):
* Use --record-rpm instead of --record for listing files installed with
* Fix ConcurrentLogHandler-0.9.1-testpath.patch: py files were not installed.
* Thu Sep 26 2013 Update to version 0.9.1 + Bug fixes - LP Bug 1199332 and LP Bug 1199333 + More gracefully handle out of disk space scenarios. Prevent release() from throwing an exception + Handle logging.shutdown() in Python 2.7+. Close the lock file stream via close()- Changes between 0.9.0 and 0.8.6 + Now requires Python 2.6+ + Revamp file opening/closing and file-locking internals + Add the \'delay\' parameter (delayed log file opening) to better match the core logging functionality in more recent version of Python. + For anyone still using Python 2.3-2.5, please use the latest 0.8.x release- Changes between 0.8.6 and 0.8.5 + Fix a small packaging bug from the 0.8.5 release. + Updated to always use the correct python version when launching sub-processes instead of the system\'s default \"python\"- Changes between 0.8.5 and 0.8.4 + Bugs resolved Red Hat Bug #858912 and Python Bug #15960 + Updated to 0.7.7 + Updated portalocker to 0.3 + Initial Python 3 support + Fixed minor spelling mistakes- Rebase specfile- Rebase ConcurrentLogHandler-0.8.4-testpath.patch to work with upstream changes
* Tue Jun 22 2010 Initial Package, Version 0.8.4