Changelog for python311-model-bakery-1.17.0-lp160.3.1.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Nov 09 2023 ecsos - Fix require and buildrequire versions.
* Tue Nov 07 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 1.17.0:
* Add support to `auto_now` and `auto_now_add` fields.
* Remove unnecessary casting to string methods `random_gen.gen_slug` and `random_gen.gen_string`
* Improved performance of `Baker.get_fields()`
* Add Python 3.12 support
* Revert erroneous optimisation of related logic (fix #439)
* forward \"_create_files\" flag to child generators for relational fields
* Small improvements to ``
* Improvements to ``
* Drop ``
* Drop Python 3.7 support (reached end of life)
* Add support for global seeding to baker random generation
* Fix utils.seq with start=0
* Add psycopg3 support for Django 4.2
* Enforce Python 3.7 as a minimum version in project metadata
* dropped support for `FloatRangeField` as it was removed in Django 3.1
* Django 4.2 support
* Wed Jan 25 2023 John Vandenberg - Update to v1.9.0
* Fixed a bug with seq being passed a tz-aware start value
* Create m2m when using _bulk_create=True- from v1.8.0
* Improve Baker.get_fields() to subtract lists instead of extra set cast- from v1.7.1
* Remove warning for future Django deprecation- from v1.7.0
* Fixed a bug with overwritten _save_kwargs and other custom arguments- from v1.6.0
* Python 3.11 support
* Django 4.1 support
* Added documentation for callables, iterables, sequences
* Drop Python 3.6 support
* Drop Django 2.2 support- from v1.5.0
* Add py.typed export per PEP 561
* Extend type hints in model_bakery.recipe module, make Recipe class generic
* Explicitly add _fill_optional parameters to baker.make and baker.prepare to aid IDE autocomplete function
* Fixed errors with reverse M2M relationships
* Fixed errors with reverse M2O relationships
* Improve exception message for unknown field types
* Fixed random generation of ContentType values when there is no database access- from v1.4.0
* Added postgis version to test settings
* Add support for Python 3.10
* Support for Django 4.0
* Validate increment_by parameter of seq helper when value is an instance of datetime
* Fix a simple typo in bulk_create disclaimer in docs
* Allow relation _id fields to use sequences
* Fix bulk_create not working with multi-database setup
* Conditionally support NullBooleanField, it\'s under deprecation and will be removed in Django 4.0
* Fix Django max version pin in requirements file
* Improve type hinting to return the correct type depending on _quantity usage
* Drop official Django 3.1 support. Django 2.2 is still supported, and 3.1 will likely keep working, but it’s not tested- from v1.3.3
* _bulk_create flag is not populating related objects as well
* Add support for iterators on GFK fields when using _quantity param
* Add support for iterators on many-to-many fields
* Fix typos in Recipes documentation page
* Add typing for baker.make and baker.prepare- from v1.3.2
* Fixed a bug (introduced in 1.2.1) that was breaking imports of recipes from non-installed-app modules
* Dependencies updates- from v1.3.1
* Fix requirements.txt to cover Django 3.2 (everything from 2.2 till 4.0)- from v1.3.0
* Add Django 3.2 LTS support
* Add new _bulk_create parameter to make for using Django manager bulk_create with _quantity
* Add the functionality to import Django models using the app_name.ModelName convention in import_from_str
* Add the functionality to import recipes using app_name.recipe_name
* Add new one_to_one parameter to foreign_key to allow usage of _quantity for recipes based on models with OneToOne fields
* [docs] Improved documentation on Recipe\'s import string
* Fixed a bug (introduced in 1.2.1) that was breaking creation of model instances with related model fields
* Type hinting fixed for Recipe \"_model\" parameter
* Dependencies updates from dependabot
* Removed fallback (use instead)
* Removed model_bakery.timezone.smart_datetime function (directly use model_bakery.timezone.tz_aware instead)
* Removed Remove all signs of Django 1.11 (as we dropped it in 1.2.1)
* Drop unsupported Django 3.0 from CI
* Fri Nov 27 2020 John Vandenberg - Add changelog and docs- Enable Leap builds by disabling Python 2- Update to v1.2.1
* Add ability to pass `str` values to `foreign_key` for recipes from other modules
* Add new parameter `_using` to support multi database applications
* Fixed _model parameter annotations
* Fixed bug when field has callable `default`
* Drop Python 3.5 support as it is retired
* Remove support for Django<2.2- from v1.2.0
* Support to Django 3.1 `JSONField`
* Added type annotations
* Support for Python 3.9
* Support for `prefix` in `seq` values
* Adjust imports for Django 3.1 compatibility
* Fri Sep 04 2020 John Vandenberg - Update to v1.1.1
* Tue May 05 2020 John Vandenberg - Initial spec for v1.1.0