Changelog for python311-robotframework-7.0.1-lp160.2.2.noarch.rpm :

* Sat Jun 29 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 7.0.1:
* Fri Dec 15 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 6.1.1:
* Wed Dec 07 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 6.0.1
* Robot Framework 6.0.1 is the first bug fix release in the RF 6.0 series. It mainly fixes a bug in using localized BDD prefixes consisting of more than one word (#4515) as well as a regression related to the library search order (#4516). Questions and comments related to the release can be sent to the robotframework-users mailing list or to Robot Framework Slack, and possible bugs submitted to the issue tracker. If you have pip installed, just run pip install --pre --upgrade robotframework to install the latest available release or use pip install robotframework==6.0.1 to install exactly this version. Alternatively you can download the source distribution from PyPI and install it manually. For more details and other installation approaches, see the installation instructions. Robot Framework 6.0.1 was released on Thursday November 3, 2022. Full list of fixes and enhancements ID Type Priority Summary [#4515] bug high Localized BDD prefixes consisting of more than one word don\'t work [#4516] bug high Set Library Search Order doesn\'t work if there are two matches and one is from standard libraries [#4519] bug medium Libdoc\'s DocumentationBuilder doesn\'t anymore work with resource files with .robot extension [#4520] enhancement medium Document Libdoc\'s public API better [#4521] enhancement medium Enhance robot.utils.timestr_to_secs so that it works with timedelta objects [#4523] bug low Unit test test_parse_time_with_now_and_utc fails around DST change [#4525] bug low Wrong version numbers used in the User Guide and in a deprecation warning
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to 6.0.0 Most important enhancements
* Localization
* Enhancements to using keywords with embedded arguments
* Enhancements to keyword namespaces
* Enhancements to automatic argument conversion
* Enhancements for setting keyword and test tags
* Possibility to disable continue-on-failure mode
* start/end_keyword listener methods get more information about control structures
* Libdoc enhancements
* Performance enhancements for executing user keywords
* Python 3.11 support Backwards incompatible changes Deprecated features
* Force Tags and Default Tags settings
* Keywords in test case files having precedence over local keywords in resource files
* WITH NAME in favor of AS when giving alias to imported library
* Singular section headers like Test Case
* Using variables with embedded arguments so that value does not match custom pattern
* robot.utils.TRUE_STRINGS and robot.utils.FALSE_STRINGS
* Python 3.6 support
* Tue Oct 11 2022 Steve Kowalik - Update to 5.0.1:
* New SKIP status
* Criticality has been removed
* Native IF/ELSE syntax
* Basic IF syntax
* Support for nested control structures
* Libdoc enhancements
* HTML output enhancements
* Fix running keywords in `start/end_suite` listener method
* Fix skipping tests in suite teardown if suite setup has been failed or skipped
* Avoid argument conversion if given argument has one of the accepted types
* Fix using using `Union` containing generics as type hint
* Regression using `TypedDict` as type hint
* Continue-on-failure mode can be controlled using tags
* Python 3.10 support
* Catching exceptions with `EXCEPT`- Remove pointless BuildRequires on python
* Wed Oct 07 2020 Dirk Mueller - switch to pypi tarball
* Tue Sep 29 2020 Flávio Ramalho - Add missing requires: python-setuptools
* Fri Sep 11 2020 Update to version 3.2.2:
* Changes from 3.2.2: Enhancements:
* Python 3.9 support
* Argument conversion with enums should work with normalized names
* Libdoc: Allow switching between compact and expanded list of shortcuts and tags
* Show members of enum argument types in Libdoc HTML
* Libdoc: Split arguments and tags in keyword table to own lines Fixes:
* --exitonfailure option ignores dynamic changes to criticality
* --expandkeywords fails in some cases
* Libdoc: Generating documentation fails if getting keyword source file is not possible
* Tidy adds trailing whitespace in multi-paragraph Documentation
* Screenshot: Newer scrot versions don\'t overwrite images when they should
* XML: Remove Element(s) does not work with Python 3.9
* :FOR still used in BuiltIn library docs
* Libdoc: Shortcuts are messed up on Firefox after search
* Bug in User Guide example related to
* Line number reported by test libraries using class decorators is different in Python 3.9 than earlier
* Error running RobotFramework in a Windows console with PyTest
* Changes from 3.2.1: Fixes:
* Regression with keywords implemented as methods with wrapping decorator
* Execution can crash if stdin is closed
* Changes from 3.2.0: Enhancements:
* New test data parser
* New AATTlibrary decorator
* New AATTnot_keyword decorator
* Enhanced Libdoc spec files
* Inline Python evaluation
* Native &{dict} iteration with FOR loops
* Listeners can add and remove tests
* Signatures of \"wrapped\" keywords are read correctly
* Standalone jar distribution updated to use Jython 2.7.2
* Continuous integrating Backwards incompatible changes:
* HTML and TSV formats are not supported anymore
* Only
*.robot files are parsed by default
* Parsing APIs have been rewritten
* Changes to recognizing and evaluating variables
* Variables in test case names are resolved
* Changes to handling non-ASCII spaces
* Old for loop style not supported with pipe-separated format
* Stricter section and setting name syntax
* Stricter for loop separator syntax
* Libdoc spec files have changed
* Pre-run modifiers are run before selecting tests cases to be executed
* Other backwards incompatible changes Deprecated features:
* Old FOR loop syntax
* FOR loops when all values are in key=value syntax
* Accessing list and dictionary items using AATT{var}[item] and &{var}[item]
* Ignoring space after literal newline is deprecated
* Changes from 3.1.2: Fixes:
* Creating scalar variables in resource files with custom separator
* Using keywords accepting embedded arguments when library is imported multiple times using the WITH NAME syntax
* The Tidy tool both handles new style for loops (FOR ... END) correctly and converts old style loops (:FOR ... \\ ...) to new style loops automatically Deprecated features:
* Omitting lines with only ... or ... # comment
* Converting non-ASCII spaces to normal spaces during parsing. Accidentally typed no-break spaces are most likely to cause warnings, but also they ought to be rare
* Collapsing spaces during parsing. Only affects the pipe separated format
* Creating tests and keywords with name ...
* Escaping leading empty cells with \\ except with for loops
* Changes from 3.1.1: Fixes:
* Regression using --suite when executing multiple data sources or --name option (affects Pabot)
* Regression with Python 3.5+ when keyword is decorated and decorator uses functools.wraps
* Regression when using BuiltIn.run_keyword internally in keyword with timeouts
* Changes from 3.1.0: Enhancements:
* Terminology configuration to support Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
* Automatic argument conversion
* Named-only arguments support
* Fix for intermittent corrupted outputs when using timeouts
* Installation enhancements
* For loop enhancements
* Accessing nested list and dictionary variable items
* New
*.resource extension for resource files
* Better error reporting when test data is invalid
* Better compatibility with third party tools consuming xUnit outputs
* No need to install external ElementTree module with IronPython 2.7.9+
* Generating documentation for Java based libraries works without tools.jar with Java 9+ Backwards incompatible changes:
* Python 2.6 and 3.3 are not supported anymore
* Old start-up scripts like pybot are removed
* Changes to pattern matching syntax
* Square brackets after variable like ${var}[xxx] is considered item access
* Underscores are not converted to spaces in values given from the command line
* Changes to xUnit output file format
* Logs and reports do not support IE 8 and other old browsers anymore
* Newline handling changed with Create File and Append To File on Windows
* Some deprecated syntax removed
* Other issues possibly causing backwards incompatibility problems Deprecated features:
* HTML and TSV data formats have been deprecated
* Parsing other than
*.robot files by default is deprecated
* For loop syntax changes
* List item access to be changed to use syntax ${var}[item]
* Using section and setting names space-insensitively is deprecated
* Escaping problematic characters with --escape is deprecated
* --warnonskippedfiles has been deprecated
* Thu Jul 23 2020 Renamed package from python-robot to python-robotframework- Add singlespec for packaging both python2 and python3 packages- Update to version 3.0.4
* Changes from 3.0.4: Fixes:
* Iterable objects (incl. ElementTree objects) converted to lists when added to dictionary variables in RF 3.0.3
* Modifying lists and dictionaries used as dictionary variable values stopped working in RF 3.0.3
* Changes from 3.0.3: Enhancements:
* Use new logo as favicon in output files
* Dictionary variables should support attribute access with nested dictionaries
* Errors related to finding keywords should not be considered syntax errors
* String \'NONE\' should be considered False when used as Boolean argument
* Change Selenium2Library to SeleniumLibrary in user guide documentation Fixes:
* Using typing hints or keyword-only-arguments prevented using function as keyword
* RuntimeWarning printed on console when using robot command with Python 3.6 on Windows
* Content Security Policy (CSP) causes problems with report
* Terminal emulation in Telnet library is not compatible with latest pyte versions
* Importing String and DateTime fails on Windows and OSX if PYTHONCASEOK is set or installation directory shared between VM and host
* rebot --merge doesn\'t work correctly if test messages contain HTML
* Dry Run fails if library keywords use embedded arguments
* Regression: Execution stops in teardown if keyword is not found
* [ ERROR ] Unexpected error: IOError: [Errno 0] Error
* Appending to test message using HTML doesn\'t work if old message is not HTML
* Custom string subclasses not always handled correctly (e.g. Convert To Integer)
* Zero length test library causes infinite recursion
* Timeouts do not stop execution if they occur during execution of log_message listener method
* robot.libdoc doesn\'t support specifying doc format although its docs say it does
* Syntax errors (non-fatal) when installing with easy_install using Python 3
* Process library keywords leave file descriptors open on Python 2
* Take Screenshot keyword causes warning when using wxPython 4 Tue Aug 30 13:52:49 UTC 2016 - ds(at) Initial package, robotframework 3.0.2