Changelog for python2-rdflib-5.0.0-3.57.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Jan 11 2021 removed unneeded \'Requires\' dependencies
* Tue May 19 2020 %python3_only -> %python_alternative
* Sun Apr 19 2020 Update to version 5.0.0
* General Bugs Fixed: - n3 parser exponent syntax of floats with leading dot - Change is comparison to == for tuple - Added _parseBoolean function to enforce correct Lexical-to-value mapping
* SPARQL Fixes: - CONSTRUCT resolve with initBindings fixes
* Sun Apr 05 2020 Update to version 5.0.0rc1
* General Bugs Fixed: - NTriples fails to parse URIs with only a scheme - Cannot clone on windows - Remove colons from test result files. - Add requirement for requests to - fixed URIRef including native unicode characters - DCTERMS.format not working - infixowl.manchesterSyntax do not encode strings - Fix blank node label to not contain \'_:\' during parsing - rename new SPARQLWrapper to SPARQLConnector - Unquote and Uriquote Literal Datatype. - Parsing nquads - ntriples spec allows for upper-cased lang tag - Adds escaped single quote to literal parser - N3 parse error on single quote within single quotes - RGDA1 graph canonicalization sometimes still collapses distinct BNodes - Accept header should use a q parameter - Incompatibility with Python3: unichr - include colon in ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS - fix compute_qname missing namespaces - RDFa parsing Error! __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument \'encoding\' - Bugfix: term.Literal.__add__ - Microdata to rdf second edition bak
* Enhanced Features: - Register additional serializer plugins for SPARQL mime types. - Allows RDF terms introduced by JSON-LD 1.1 - make SPARQLConnector work with DBpedia - ClosedNamespace returns right exception for way of access - Not adding all namespaces for n3 serializer - Adds basic support of xsd:duration - Add possibility to set authority and basepath to skolemize graph - Change notation3 list realization to non-recursive function. - Suppress warning for not using custom encoding. - Add support to parsing large xml inputs - improve hash efficiency by directly using str/unicode hash - Added the csvw prefix to the RDFa initial context. - syncing changes from pyMicrodata - Microdata parser: updated the parser to the latest version of the microdata->rdf note - Literal.toPython() support for xsd:hexBinary
* SPARQL Fixes: - Total order patch patch - use <<= instead of deprecated << - RDF Literal \"1\"^^xsd:boolean should not coerce to True - Makes NOW() return an UTC date - NOW() SPARQL should return an xsd:dateTime with a timezone - fix property paths bug - MulPath: correct behaviour of n3() - Literal total ordering - Remove SPARQLWrapper dependency - made UNION faster by not preventing duplicates - added a hook to add custom functions to SPARQL - Use <<= instead of deprecated << in SPARQL parser - Custom FILTER function for SPARQL engine
* Mon Oct 14 2019 Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Wed May 03 2017 Update to version 4.2.2 + Bug fixes:
* SPARQL bugs fixed:
* Fix for filters in sub-queries
* Fixed bind, initBindings and filter problems
* Fixed unexpected None value in SPARQL-update
* Fix sparql, group by and count of null values with `optional`
* Fixed sparql sub-query and aggregation bugs
* Fixed parsing Complex BGPs as triples
* Fixed DISTINCT being ignored inside aggregate functions
* Fix unicode encoding errors in sparql processor
* Fixed SPARQL select nothing no longer returning a `None` row
* Fixed aggregate operators COUNT and SAMPLE to ignore unbound / NULL values
* Fix sparql relative uris
* SPARQL can now compare xsd:date type as well, fixes #532
* fix sparql path order on python3: \"TypeError: unorderable types: SequencePath() < SequencePath()\"\"
* SPARQL parser now robust to spurious semicolon
* Let paths be comparable against all nodes even in py3 (preparedQuery error)
* Made behavior of `initN` in `update` and `query` more consistent
* SparqlStore:
* SparqlStore now closes underlying urllib response body
* SparqlStore injectPrefixes only modifies query if prefixes present and if adds a newline in between
* Fixes and tests for AuditableStore
* Trig bugs fixed:
* trig export of multiple graphs assigns wrong prefixes to prefixedNames
* Trig serialiser writing empty named graph name for default graph
* Trig parser can creating multiple contexts for the default graph
* Trig serialisation handling prefixes incorrectly
* Fixed Nquads parser handling of triples in default graph
* Fixed TypeError in Turtle serializer (unorderable types: DocumentFragment() > DocumentFragment())
* Fixed serialization and parsing of inf/nan
* Fixed RDFa parser from failing on time elements with child nodes
* Fix double reduction of \\\\ escapes in from_n3
* Fixed handling of xsd:base64Binary
* Fixed Collection.__setitem__ broken
* Fix ImportError when __main__ already loaded
* Fixed broken top_level.txt file in distribution + Enhancements:
* Added support for Python 3.5+
* More aliases for common formats (nt, turtle)
* Improved RDF1.1 ntriples support
* Dependencies updated and improved compatibility with pyparsing, html5lib, SPARQLWrapper and elementtree
* Improved prefix for SPARQL namespace in XML serialization
* Performance improvements:
* SPARQL Aggregation functions don\'t build up memory for each row
* Collections now support += (__iadd__), fixes slow creation of large lists
* SPARQL Optimisation to expand BGPs in a smarter way
* SPARQLStore improvements
* improved SPARQLStore BNode customizability
* Adding the option of using POST for long queries in SPARQLStore
* Exposed the timeout of SPARQLWrapper
* SPARQL prepared query now carries the original (unparsed) parameters
* added .n3 methods for path objects
* Added support for xsd:gYear and xsd:gYearMonth
* Allow duplicates in rdf:List
* Improved slicing of Resource objects + Cleanups:
* cleanup: SPARQL Prologue and Query new style classes
* Reduce amount of warnings, especially closing opened file pointers
* Improved ntriples parsing exceptions to actually tell you what\'s wrong
* remove ancient and broken 2.3 support code.
* Logger output improved
* properly cite RGDA1
* Avoid class reference to imported function
* Use find_packages for package discovery.
* Prepared ClosedNamespace (and _RDFNamespace) to inherit from Namespace (5.0.0)
* Avoid verbose build logging
* (ultra petty) Remove an unused import + Testing improvements:
* updating deprecated testing syntax
* make test 375 more portable (use sys.executable rather than python)
* Removed outdated, skipped test for #130 that depended on content from the internet
* enable all warnings during travis nosetests
* travis updates
* travis also builds release branches + Doc improvements:
* Update list of builtin serialisers in docstring
* Update reference to \"Emulating container types\"
* docs: clarify the use of an identifier when persisting a triplestore
* DOC: unamed -> unnamed, typos- Implement single-spec version- Fix source URL.
* Mon Sep 12 2016 Break cycle removing BuildRequires from python-SPARQLWrapper
* Mon Sep 12 2016 update to version 4.2.1:
* Minor enhancements: + Added a Networkx connector #471, #507 + Added a graph_tool connector #473 + Added a graphs method to the Dataset object #504, #495 + Batch commits for SPARQLUpdateStore #486
* Bug fixes: + Fixed bnode collision bug #506, #496, #494 + fix util.from_n3() parsing Literals with datatypes and Namespace support #503, #502 + make Identifier.__hash__ stable wrt. multi processes #501, #500 + fix handling URLInputSource without content-type #499, #498 + no relative import in algebra when run as a script #497 + Duplicate option in armstrong theme.conf removed #491 + Variable.__repr__ returns a python representation string, not n3 #488 + fixed broken example #482 + trig output fixes #480 + set PYTHONPATH to make rdfpipe tests use the right rdflib version #477 + fix RDF/XML problem with unqualified use of rdf:about #470, #468 + AuditableStore improvements #469, #463 + added asserts for graph.set([s,p,o]) so s and p aren\'t None #467 + threading.RLock instances are context managers #465 + SPARQLStore does not transform Literal(\'\') into Literal(\'None\') anymore #459, #457 + slight performance increase for graph.all_nodes() #458
* Testing improvements: + travis: migrate to docker container infrastructure #508 + test for narrow python builds (chars > 0xFFFF) (related to #453, [#454] ) #456, #509 + dropped testing py3.2 #448 + Running a local fuseki server on travis and making it failsafe [#476], #475, #474, #466, #460 + exclude def main(): functions from test coverage analysis #472
* Wed Jul 01 2015 Split documentation into doc subpackage
* Tue May 12 2015 update to version 4.2.0:
* Supporting N-Triples 1.1 syntax using UTF-8 encoding #447, [#449], #400
* Graph comparison now really works using RGDA1 (RDF Graph Digest Algorithm 1) #441 #385
* More graceful degradation than simple crashing for unicode chars > 0xFFFF on narrow python builds
* URLInputSource now supports json-ld #425
* SPARQLStore is now graph aware #401, #402
* SPARQLStore now uses SPARQLWrapper for updates #397
* Certain logging output is immediately shown in interactive mode [#414]
* Python 3.4 fully supported #418
* Fixed double invocation of 2to3 #437
* PyRDFa parser missing brackets #434
* Correctly handle \\uXXXX and \\UXXXXXXXX escapes in n3 files #426
* Logging cleanups and keeping it on stderr #420 #414 #413
* n3: allow AATTbase URI to have a trailing \'#\' #407 #379
* microdata: add file:// to base if it\'s a filename so rdflib can parse its own output #406 #403
* TSV Results parse skips empty bindings in result #390
* fixed accidental test run due to name #389
* Bad boolean list serialization to Turtle & fixed ambiguity between Literal(False) and None #387 #382
* Current version number & PyPI link in #383- remove
*.pyc deletion: fixed upstream- remove unwanted shebang in rdflib- fix update-alternatives- remove end-of-line encoding fix: fixed upstream
* Sat Nov 08 2014 fix bashisms in pre script