Changelog for python3-dash-2.2.0-2.1.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Mar 02 2022 Update to 2.2.0: Changelog would be too long, see for details.
* Fri Apr 09 2021 Update to 1.20.0 Changed
* #1531 Update the format of the docstrings to make them easier to read in the reference pages of Dash Docs and in the console. This also addresses #1205
* #1553 Increase the z-index of the Dash error menu from 1001 to 1100 in order to make sure it appears above Bootstrap components. Fixed
* #1546 Validate callback request outputs vs output to avoid a perceived security issue.- Release 1.19.0 Added
* #1508 Fix #1403: Adds an x button to close the error messages box.
* #1525 Adds support for callbacks which have overlapping inputs and outputs. Combined with dash.callback_context this addresses many use cases which require circular callbacks. Changed
* #1503 Fix #1466: loosen dash[testing] requirements for easier integration in external projects. This PR also bumps many dash [dev] requirements. Fixed
* #1530 Dedent error messages more carefully.
* #1527 get_asset_url now pulls from an external source if assets_external_path is set. - updated _add_assets_resource to build asset urls the same way as get_asset_url. - updated doc string for assets_external_path Dash argument to be more clear that it will allways be joined with the assets_url_path argument when determining the url to an external asset.
* #1493 Fix #1143, a bug where having a file with one of several common names (,,, etc) that imports a dash component package would make import dash fail with a cryptic error message asking whether you have a file named \"\"
* Sun Jan 03 2021 Prepare Andy\'s work for submission
* update specfile with requirements and comment about tests
* Mon Dec 21 2020 Update to 1.18.1.
* Bump plotly.js v1.58.2
* Updates for 1.18.0
* Fix a bug where the table is using classes that are styled by Bootstrap
* Upgraded Plotly.js to 1.58.1
* Updates for 1.17.0
* Update from React 16.13.0 to 16.14.0
* Fix #1432 for Julia to import non-core component packages without possible errors.
* Provide a hint in the callback error when the user forgot to make app.callback(...) a decorator.
* Updates for 1.16.3
* Fix a regression caused by flask-compress==1.6.0 causing performance degradation on server requests
* Updates for 1.16.2
* Fix a regression with some layouts callbacks involving dcc.Tabs, not yet loaded dash_table.DataTable and dcc.Graph to not be called
* Make callback graph more robust for complex apps and some specific props (width in particular) that previously caused errors.
* Updates for 1.16.1
* Extends the getTransform logic in the renderer to handle persistenceTransforms for both nested and non-nested persisted props. This was used to to fix dcc#700 in conjunction with dcc#854 by using persistenceTransforms to strip the time part of the datetime so that datepickers can persist when defined in callbacks. Fixes a bug where the callback graph layout would reset whenever a callback fired, losing user-initiated layout changes (#1402) or creating a new force layout (#1401)
* Updates for 1.16.0
* You can now get CSP script-src hashes of all added inline scripts by calling app.csp_hashes() (both Dash internal inline scripts, and those added with app.clientside_callback).
* Closes #1350 and fixes a previously undefined callback behavior when multiple elements are stacked on top of one another and their n_clicks props are used as inputs of the same callback. The callback will now trigger once with all the triggered n_clicks props changes.
* New and improved callback graph in the debug menu. Now based on Cytoscape for much more interactivity, plus callback profiling including number of calls, fine-grained time information, bytes sent and received, and more. You can even add custom timing information on the server with callback_context.record_timing(name, seconds)
* Fixed a bug introduced by #1180 breaking use of prevent_initial_call as a positional arg in callback definitions[1.15.0] - 2020-08-25
* Removed redundant log message and consolidated logger initialization. You can now control the log level - for example suppress informational messages from Dash with app.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING).
* #1253, #1377 Added experimental --jl-prefix option to dash-generate-components, optionally generates Julia version of components and corresponding Julia package
* Input, Output, and State in callback definitions don’t need to be in lists. You still need to provide Output items first, then Input items, then State, and the list form is still supported. In particular, if you want to return a single output item wrapped in a length-1 list, you should still wrap the Output in a list. This can be useful for procedurally-generated callbacks.
* Updated pytest to v6.0.1. To avoid deprecation warnings, this also updated pytest-sugar to 0.9.4 and pytest-mock to 3.2.0. The pytest mock update only effects python >= 3.0. Pytest-mock remains pinned at 2.0.0 for python == 2.7.
* Updates for 1.14.0
* Add title parameter to set the document title. This is the recommended alternative to setting app.title or overriding the index HTML.
* Add update_title parameter to set or disable the “Updating....” document title during updates. Closes #856 and [#732]
* Updates for 1.13.4
* Fix a regression since 1.13.0 preventing more than one loading state from being shown at a time.
* Updates for 1.13.3
* Updates for 1.13.2
* Fix regression that causes crash when FLASK_ENV is modified during app execution
* Fix regression that caused tests using _wait_for_callbacks to fail
* Updates for 1.13.0
* Supports DASH_PROXY env var to tell app.run_server to report the correct URL to view your app, when it’s being proxied. Throws an error if the proxy is incompatible with the host and port you’ve given the server.
* Adds callback_context to clientside callbacks (e.g. dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered). Supports triggered, inputs, inputs_list, states, and states_list, all of which closely resemble their serverside cousins.
* Closes #920: Converts hot reload fetch failures into a server status indicator showing whether the latest fetch succeeded or failed.
* Callback fetch failures still appear as errors but have a clearer message.
* Modifies the callback chain implementation and improves performance for apps with a lot of components
* Hard hot reload targets only the current window, not the top - so if your app is in an iframe you will only reload the app
* Fixes #919 so dash.testing is compatible with more pytest plugins, particularly pytest-flake8 and pytest-black.
* Fixes #1245, so you can use prop persistence with components that have dict IDs, ie for pattern-matching callbacks.
* Sort asset directories, same as we sort files inside those directories. This way if you need your assets loaded in a certain order, you can add prefixes to subdirectory names and enforce that order.#1288 Closes #1285: Debug=True should work in the main module.
* Updates for 1.12.0
* Adds control over firing callbacks on page (or layout chunk) load. Individual callbacks can have their initial calls disabled in their definition AATTapp.callback(..., prevent_initial_call=True) and similar for app.clientside_callback. The app-wide default can also be changed with app=Dash(prevent_initial_callbacks=True), then individual callbacks may disable this behavior.
* New attribute app.validation_layout allows you to create a multi-page app without suppress_callback_exceptions=True or layout function tricks. Set this to a component layout containing the superset of all IDs on all pages in your app.
* Permit usage of arbitrary file extensions for assets within component libraries
* Fixes #1223, a very specific situation in which initial callbacks will not fire.
* Fixes #1216, a set of related issues about pattern-matching callbacks with ALL wildcards in their Output which would fail if no components matched the pattern.
* Fixes #1200 - prior to Dash 1.11, if none of the inputs to a callback were on the page, it was not an error. This was, and is now again,treated as though the callback raised PreventUpdate. The one exception to this is with pattern-matching callbacks, when every Input uses a multi-value wildcard (ALL or ALLSMALLER), and every Output is on the page. In that case the callback fires as usual.
* Fixes #1193 - prior to Dash 1.11, you could use flask.has_request_context() == False inside an app.layout function to provide a special layout containing all IDs for validation purposes in a multi-page app. Dash 1.11 broke this when we moved most of this validation into the renderer. This change makes it work again.
* Tue May 26 2020 %python3_only -> %python_alternative
* Sat Apr 18 2020 specfile:
* updated required versions- update to version 1.11.0:
* Added + #1103 Pattern-matching IDs and callbacks. Component IDs can be dictionaries, and callbacks can reference patterns of components, using three different wildcards: ALL, MATCH, and ALLSMALLER, available from dash.dependencies. This lets you create components on demand, and have callbacks respond to any and all of them. To help with this, dash.callback_context gets three new entries: outputs_list, inputs_list, and states_list, which contain all the ids, properties, and except for the outputs, the property values from all matched components. + #1103 dash.testing option --pause: after opening the dash app in a test, will invoke pdb for live debugging of both Javascript and Python. Use with a single test case like pytest -k cbwc001 - -pause.
* Changed
* #1103 Multiple changes to the callback pipeline: + dash.callback_context.triggered now does NOT reflect any initial values, and DOES reflect EVERY value which has been changed either by activity in the app or as a result of a previous callback. That means that the initial call of a callback with no prerequisite callbacks will list nothing as triggering. For backward compatibility, we continue to provide a length-1 list for triggered, but its id and property are blank strings, and bool(triggered) is False. + A user interaction which returns the same property value as was previously present will not trigger the component to re-render, nor trigger callbacks using that property as an input. + Callback validation is now mostly done in the browser, rather than in Python. A few things - mostly type validation, like ensuring IDs are strings or dicts and properties are strings - are still done in Python, but most others, like ensuring outputs are unique, inputs and outputs don\'t overlap, and (if desired) that IDs are present in the layout, are done in the browser. This means you can define callbacks BEFORE the layout and still validate IDs to the layout; and while developing an app, most errors in callback definitions will not halt the app.
* Fixed + #1103 Fixed multiple bugs with chained callbacks either not triggering, inconsistently triggering, or triggering multiple times. This includes: #635, #832, #1053, #1071, and #1084. Also fixed #1105: async components that aren\'t rendered by the page (for example in a background Tab) would block the app from executing callbacks.- changes from version 1.10.0:
* Added + #1134 Allow dash.run_server() host and port parameters to be set with environment variables HOST & PORT, respectively
* Changed + #1145 Update from React 16.8.6 to 16.13.0
* Fixed + #1142 Persistence: Also persist 0, empty string etc
* Tue Mar 31 2020 Fix all the runtime dependencies
* Sat Mar 14 2020 specfile:
* be more specific in files section- update to version 1.9.1:
* #1133 Allow the compress config variable to be set with an environment variable with DASH_COMPRESS=FALSE
* Mon Feb 10 2020 Update to version 1.9.0
* Handle case where dash fails to load when used inside an iframe with a sandbox attribute that only has allow-scripts
* Thu Jan 30 2020 Update to version 1.8.0 + Added
* Two new functions to simplify usage handling URLs and pathnames: `app.get_relative_path` & `app.trim_relative_path`. + Changed
* Simplify our build process.
* Error messages when providing an incorrect property to a component have been improved: they now specify the component type, library, version, and ID (if available). + Fixed
* Fix no_update test to allow copies, such as those stored and retrieved from a cache.
* Fri Dec 06 2019 Disable python2 support since dependencies dropped python2- Update to version 1.7.0 + Added
* Add support for defining clientside JavaScript callbacks via inline strings.
* Allow `visit_and_snapshot` API in `dash.testing.browser` to stay on the page so you can run other checks. + Changed
* Better error message when you forget to wrap multiple `children` in an array, and they get passed to other props. + Fixed
* Fix the `dash.testing`
* API with process application runner in Python2. Use `kill()` instead of `communicate()` to avoid hanging.
* Fix bug with renderer callback lock never resolving with non-rendered async component using the asyncDecorator- Update to version 1.6.1 + Fixed
* Fix IE11 / ES5 compatibility and validation issues
* Fix bug with renderer wrapper component TreeContainer to prevent useless re-renders > Fix and improve the `clear_input()` API in `dash.testing`, so it\'s more robust handling react `input`. > make the `percy_snapshot()` API more robust, and the timeout of `wait_for_callbacks` (if set to True) will not fail the snapshot execution, but logged as potential error.- Update to version 1.6.0 + Fixed
* Fix fingerprint for component suites with `metadata` in version.
* Fix the assets loading issues when dashR application runner is handling with an app defined by string chunk.- Update to version 1.5.1 + Fixed
* Fix cache string handling for component suites with nested folders in their packages.
* Fix a bug with evaluation of `_force_eager_loading` when application is loaded with gunicorn- Update to version 1.5.0 + Added
* Adds support for preventing updates in clientside functions. > Reject all updates with `throw window.dash_clientside.PreventUpdate;` > Reject a single output by returning `window.dash_clientside.no_update`
* Add support for async dependencies and components
* Adds support for resource caching and adds a fallback caching mechanism through etag + Fixed
* Fix and improve a percy snapshot behavior issue we found in dash-docs testing. It adds a flag `wait_for_callbacks` to ensure that, in the context of a dash app testing, the percy snapshot action will happen only after all callbacks get fired.- Update to version 1.4.1 + Fixed
* Fix warnings emitted by react devtools coming from our own devtools components.- Update to version 1.4.0 + Added
* Support setting working directory for R apps run using the `dashr` fixture, primarily useful for tests with assets. `dashr.start_server` supports a `cwd` argument to set an explicit working directory, and has smarter defaults when it\'s omitted: if `app` is a path to an R script, uses the directory of that path; if `app` is a string, uses the directory the test file itself is in. > Relevant `dash.testing` methods can now be called with either an element or a CSS selector: `select_dcc_dropdown`, `multiple_click`, `clear_input`, `zoom_in_graph_by_ratio`, `click_at_coord_fractions`. > Three new `dash.testing` methods: `clear_local_storage`, `clear_session_storage`, and `clear_storage` (to clear both together)
* `dash.testing` adds two APIs `zoom_in_graph_by_ratio` and `click_at_coord_fractions` about advanced interactions using mouse `ActionChain`
* Add debugging traces to dash backend about serving component suites, to verify the installed packages whenever in doubt. + Fixed
* Fix a bug with persistence being toggled on/off on an existing component.- Update to version 1.3.1 + Changed
* Bump dash-core-components version from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1- Update to version 1.3.0 + Added
* Add one configuration `--percy-assets` in `pytest` to specify extra application assets path if needed.
* Add `wait_for_element_by_id` and `visit_and_snapshot` APIs in browser, add `raw_command` option (with higher priority than the default waitress one) and optional `start_timeout` argument to handle large applications within the process runner.
* Persistence: enable props edited by the user to persist across recreating the component or reloading the page. Components need to define three new props: `persistence`, `persisted_props`, and `persistence_type` as described in the lead comment of `src/persistence.js`. App developers then enable this behavior by, in the simplest case, setting `persistence: true` on the component. First use case is table + Changed
* Bump dash-table version from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0
* Bump dash-core-components version from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0
* Bump dash-renderer version from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 + Fixed
* Fix `dash-generate-components` on Windows.
* Fix the `--remote` pytest argument which was not effective in the code, adding a new argument `--remote-url` to support the selenium grid usage in the cloud.
* Reduce the dash-renderer packages size on
* about 55% by removing the source maps. To do more advanced debugging, the source maps needs to be generated from source code with `npm run build:local` and pip install in editable mode, i.e. `pip install -e .`- Update to version 1.2.0 + Added
* Add a new arg `dev_tools_prune_errors` to `app.run_server` and `app.enable_dev_tools`. Default `True`, tracebacks only include user code and below. Set it `False` for the previous behavior showing all the Dash and Flask parts of the stack. + Changed
* Bump dash-table version from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0
* Bump dash-core-components version from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2
* Bump dash-html-components version from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
* Bump dash-renderer version from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 + Fixed
* Clean all the binary assets in dash-renderer, add tool to build all the required bundles from fresh source code to avoid confusion of the assets and improve the release process.- Update to version 1.1.1 + Changed
* Bump dash-core-components version from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1- Update to version 1.1.0 + Added
* Add support for dashR testing to the `dash.testing` pytest framework. + Changed
* Bump dash-table version from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0
* Bump dash-core-components version from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0- Update to version 1.0.2 + Changed
* Bump dash-table version from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 + Fixed
* Fix a bug with callback error reporting- Update to version 1.0.1 + Changed
* Remove strong `dash.testing` dependencies per community feedback. Testing users should do `pip install dash[testing]` afterwards.
* Add headless mode for dash.testing, add `pytest_setup_options` hook for full configuration of `WebDriver Options`.
* Bump dash-table version from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1- Update to version 1.0.0 + Changed
* Several breaking changes to the `dash.Dash` API: > Remove two obsolete constructor kwargs: `static_folder` and `components_cache_max_age` > Remove the misspelled `supress_callback_exceptions` fallback > Remove the unused `resources.config.infer_from_layout` > Revamp `app.config`: ALL constructor args are now stored in `config`, with three exceptions: `server`, `index_string`, and `plugins`. None of these are stored in any other instance attributes anymore. > Change `hot_reload_interval` from msec to seconds, for consistency with `hot_reload_watch_interval` > When called from `enable_dev_tools`, `debug=True` by default. It\'s still `False` by default from `run_server`.
* Introducing Dash Testing (`dash.testing`) - read the full tutorial at
* `Component` no longer inherits `MutableMapping`, so `values`, `keys`, and more are no longer methods. Fixes an issue where components with certain prop names defined but not provided would cause a failure to render. During component generation we now disallow all props with leading underscores or matching a few remaining reserved words: `UNDEFINED`, `REQUIRED`, `to_plotly_json`, `available_properties`, and `available_wildcard_properties`.
* Allow the Flask app to be provided to Dash after object initialization. This allows users to define Dash layouts etc when using the app factory pattern, or any other pattern that inhibits access to the app object. This broadly complies with the flask extension API, allowing Dash to be considered as a Flask extension where it needs to be.
* Allow the Flask app to set the Dash app name if the name is not provided by users.
* Assets are served locally by default. Both JS scripts and CSS files are affected. This improves robustness and flexibility in numerous situations, but in certain cases initial loading could be slowed. To restore the previous CDN serving, set `app.scripts.config.serve_locally = False` (and similarly with `app.css`, but this is generally less important).
* Undo/redo toolbar is removed by default, you can enable it with `app=Dash(show_undo_redo=true)`. The CSS hack `._dash-undo-redo:{display:none;}` is no longer needed
* Merge the `dash-renderer` project into the main dash repo to simplify feature dev workflow. We will keep the deprecated one for archive purpose.- Update to version 0.43.0 + Changed
* Bump dash-core-components version from 0.47.0 to 0.48.0
* Bump dash-renderer version from 0.23.0 to 0.24.0
* Bump dash-table version from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0 + Fixed
* Fix regression on handling PreventUpdate (204 NO CONTENT)- Update to version 0.42.0 + Added
* Dev Tools support. A new UI in the application that automatically display JavaScript & Python error messages, validates your component\'s properties, and displays a graph of your callback\'s dependencies. Only enabled in debug mode. Turn this on and off with two new config flags in `app.run_server`: > `dev_tools_props_check` - turn on/off property validation. > `dev_tools_ui` - turn on/off the UI. + Fixed
* Fix regression for `children=0` case.- Update to version 0.41.0 + Added
* Support for \"Clientside Callbacks\" - an escape hatch to execute your callbacks in JavaScript instead of Python
* Add `dev_tools_ui` config flag in `app.run_server` (serialized in `