Changelog for python3-robotframework-3.2.2-2.8.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Oct 07 2020 switch to pypi tarball
* Tue Sep 29 2020 Add missing requires: python-setuptools
* Fri Sep 11 2020 Update to version 3.2.2:
* Changes from 3.2.2: Enhancements:
* Python 3.9 support
* Argument conversion with enums should work with normalized names
* Libdoc: Allow switching between compact and expanded list of shortcuts and tags
* Show members of enum argument types in Libdoc HTML
* Libdoc: Split arguments and tags in keyword table to own lines Fixes:
* --exitonfailure option ignores dynamic changes to criticality
* --expandkeywords fails in some cases
* Libdoc: Generating documentation fails if getting keyword source file is not possible
* Tidy adds trailing whitespace in multi-paragraph Documentation
* Screenshot: Newer scrot versions don\'t overwrite images when they should
* XML: Remove Element(s) does not work with Python 3.9
* :FOR still used in BuiltIn library docs
* Libdoc: Shortcuts are messed up on Firefox after search
* Bug in User Guide example related to
* Line number reported by test libraries using class decorators is different in Python 3.9 than earlier
* Error running RobotFramework in a Windows console with PyTest
* Changes from 3.2.1: Fixes:
* Regression with keywords implemented as methods with wrapping decorator
* Execution can crash if stdin is closed
* Changes from 3.2.0: Enhancements:
* New test data parser
* New AATTlibrary decorator
* New AATTnot_keyword decorator
* Enhanced Libdoc spec files
* Inline Python evaluation
* Native &{dict} iteration with FOR loops
* Listeners can add and remove tests
* Signatures of \"wrapped\" keywords are read correctly
* Standalone jar distribution updated to use Jython 2.7.2
* Continuous integrating Backwards incompatible changes:
* HTML and TSV formats are not supported anymore
* Only
*.robot files are parsed by default
* Parsing APIs have been rewritten
* Changes to recognizing and evaluating variables
* Variables in test case names are resolved
* Changes to handling non-ASCII spaces
* Old for loop style not supported with pipe-separated format
* Stricter section and setting name syntax
* Stricter for loop separator syntax
* Libdoc spec files have changed
* Pre-run modifiers are run before selecting tests cases to be executed
* Other backwards incompatible changes Deprecated features:
* Old FOR loop syntax
* FOR loops when all values are in key=value syntax
* Accessing list and dictionary items using AATT{var}[item] and &{var}[item]
* Ignoring space after literal newline is deprecated
* Changes from 3.1.2: Fixes:
* Creating scalar variables in resource files with custom separator
* Using keywords accepting embedded arguments when library is imported multiple times using the WITH NAME syntax
* The Tidy tool both handles new style for loops (FOR ... END) correctly and converts old style loops (:FOR ... \\ ...) to new style loops automatically Deprecated features:
* Omitting lines with only ... or ... # comment
* Converting non-ASCII spaces to normal spaces during parsing. Accidentally typed no-break spaces are most likely to cause warnings, but also they ought to be rare
* Collapsing spaces during parsing. Only affects the pipe separated format
* Creating tests and keywords with name ...
* Escaping leading empty cells with \\ except with for loops
* Changes from 3.1.1: Fixes:
* Regression using --suite when executing multiple data sources or --name option (affects Pabot)
* Regression with Python 3.5+ when keyword is decorated and decorator uses functools.wraps
* Regression when using BuiltIn.run_keyword internally in keyword with timeouts
* Changes from 3.1.0: Enhancements:
* Terminology configuration to support Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
* Automatic argument conversion
* Named-only arguments support
* Fix for intermittent corrupted outputs when using timeouts
* Installation enhancements
* For loop enhancements
* Accessing nested list and dictionary variable items
* New
*.resource extension for resource files
* Better error reporting when test data is invalid
* Better compatibility with third party tools consuming xUnit outputs
* No need to install external ElementTree module with IronPython 2.7.9+
* Generating documentation for Java based libraries works without tools.jar with Java 9+ Backwards incompatible changes:
* Python 2.6 and 3.3 are not supported anymore
* Old start-up scripts like pybot are removed
* Changes to pattern matching syntax
* Square brackets after variable like ${var}[xxx] is considered item access
* Underscores are not converted to spaces in values given from the command line
* Changes to xUnit output file format
* Logs and reports do not support IE 8 and other old browsers anymore
* Newline handling changed with Create File and Append To File on Windows
* Some deprecated syntax removed
* Other issues possibly causing backwards incompatibility problems Deprecated features:
* HTML and TSV data formats have been deprecated
* Parsing other than
*.robot files by default is deprecated
* For loop syntax changes
* List item access to be changed to use syntax ${var}[item]
* Using section and setting names space-insensitively is deprecated
* Escaping problematic characters with --escape is deprecated
* --warnonskippedfiles has been deprecated
* Thu Jul 23 2020 Renamed package from python-robot to python-robotframework- Add singlespec for packaging both python2 and python3 packages- Update to version 3.0.4
* Changes from 3.0.4: Fixes:
* Iterable objects (incl. ElementTree objects) converted to lists when added to dictionary variables in RF 3.0.3
* Modifying lists and dictionaries used as dictionary variable values stopped working in RF 3.0.3
* Changes from 3.0.3: Enhancements:
* Use new logo as favicon in output files
* Dictionary variables should support attribute access with nested dictionaries
* Errors related to finding keywords should not be considered syntax errors
* String \'NONE\' should be considered False when used as Boolean argument
* Change Selenium2Library to SeleniumLibrary in user guide documentation Fixes:
* Using typing hints or keyword-only-arguments prevented using function as keyword
* RuntimeWarning printed on console when using robot command with Python 3.6 on Windows
* Content Security Policy (CSP) causes problems with report
* Terminal emulation in Telnet library is not compatible with latest pyte versions
* Importing String and DateTime fails on Windows and OSX if PYTHONCASEOK is set or installation directory shared between VM and host
* rebot --merge doesn\'t work correctly if test messages contain HTML
* Dry Run fails if library keywords use embedded arguments
* Regression: Execution stops in teardown if keyword is not found
* [ ERROR ] Unexpected error: IOError: [Errno 0] Error
* Appending to test message using HTML doesn\'t work if old message is not HTML
* Custom string subclasses not always handled correctly (e.g. Convert To Integer)
* Zero length test library causes infinite recursion
* Timeouts do not stop execution if they occur during execution of log_message listener method
* robot.libdoc doesn\'t support specifying doc format although its docs say it does
* Syntax errors (non-fatal) when installing with easy_install using Python 3
* Process library keywords leave file descriptors open on Python 2
* Take Screenshot keyword causes warning when using wxPython 4 Tue Aug 30 13:52:49 UTC 2016 - ds(at) Initial package, robotframework 3.0.2