Changelog for
python3-msal-extensions-1.1.0-3.1.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Mar 21 2024 Drop support for older Python versions- Limit Python files matched in %files section
* Fri Feb 09 2024 Update to version 1.1.0 + Support Python 3.12 by removing dependency on distutils (#120, #123) + Dropping Python 2.7 (#122)
* Mon May 08 2023 Relax version constraints for python-portalocker in BuildRequires and Requires
* Tue Apr 26 2022 Update to version 1.0.0 + New: Add a new platform-independent build_encrypted_persistence() API. (#87, #110) + Remove: Old TokenCache API which has been deprecated for 2 years. (#110) + Enhancement: Make all platform-dependent parameters optional (#103) + Enhancement: Provide PersistenceEncryptError and PersistenceDecryptError, currently raised when encryption on Windows fails. (#108) + Enhancement: The data file will be created with 600 permission when running in Unix-like systems. (#107)
* Mon Jan 03 2022 Update to version 0.3.1 + Enhancement: Better concurrency (#61, #63, #100) + Bugfix: Now supports user home dir in drive root on Windows (#83, #84) + Enhancement: This package can now be run inside container + Enhancement: Improvement compatibility with PyInstaller 3.5 on Python 2.7 (#85, #91) + Enhancement: Catchable exception when persistence is unavailable (#92, #93) + Enhancement: Support dependency portalocker 2.0+ (#94, #97) + Enhancement: Improve documentation (#77, #102) + Including license in release package (#76)
* Thu Nov 26 2020 Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater
* Tue Sep 08 2020 Update to version 0.3.0 + New unified PersistenceNotFound exception is now raised for cases where the persistence is not found. (#64, #67) + Bugfix: File not found exception is now handled for Python 2.7 as a no-op (#69) + Added performance tests for locking behavior (#58) + A non-exist persistence on Linux platform would previously return a None. Since this release, it will raise PersistenceNotFound exception which becomes a consistent behavior on Windows and macOS.
* Fri Aug 28 2020 Update to version 0.2.2 + Bugfix: Restored compatibility with upstream package portalocker version < 1.4.0 when running on non-Windows platform (#50) + Bugfix: Cache on Windows was not functioning in version 0.2.0 and 0.2.1(#52) + Enhancement: Improved readme providing installation and usage instructions (#53)- from version 0.2.1 + Functionally the same as 0.2.0, but we change the installation-time and import-time dependency of PyGObject to run-time dependency. This would make the installation easier for those customers who do not necessarily need to use the Encryption on Linux. (#47) + The version 1.6.0+ of upstream package portalocker is only required on Windows. Other platforms remain with portalocker 1.0.0+. (#49)- from version 0.2.0 + New feature: Support token cache encryption when running on Linux Desktop (#4, #44) + Bug fix: The cache lock was not properly removed on Windows 10 (#42, #43) + Change: A new set of API PersistedTokenCache is provided. Previous API is now deprecated and will be removed in next major release which will likely come within a month: WindowsTokenCache, OSXTokenCache, UnencryptedTokenCache, FileTokenCache and TokenCache. + Since this release, we have a dependency on PyGObject, when running on Linux. You may need to follow its installation steps, or follow our CI setup.- Update Requires from
* Tue Feb 18 2020 Initial build + Version 0.1.3