Changelog for
python3-oletools-0.60-4.2.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Dec 14 2021 pytest-runner is not required for build
* Sun Jul 04 2021 Fix package builds for Leap 15.2 and 15.3, python-xml dependency was missing.
* Mon Jun 21 2021 update to version 0.60: - ftguess: new tool to identify file formats and containers (issue #680) - oleid: (issue #679) - each indicator now has a risk level - calls ftguess to identify file formats - calls olevba+mraptor to detect and analyse VBA+XLM macros - olevba: - when XLMMacroDeobfuscator is available, use it to extract and deobfuscate XLM macros - rtfobj: - use ftguess to identify file type of OLE Package (issue #682) - fixed bug in re_executable_extensions - crypto: added PowerPoint transparent password \'/01Hannes Ruescher/01\' (issue #627) - setup: XLMMacroDeobfuscator, xlrd2 and pyxlsb2 added as optional dependencies
* Sun May 09 2021 update to version 0.56.2: - olevba: - updated plugin_biff to v0.0.22 to fix a bug (issues #647, #674) - olevba, mraptor: - added detection of Workbook_BeforeClose (issue #518) - rtfobj: - fixed bug when OLE package class name ends with null characters (issue #507, PR #648) - oleid: - fixed bug in check_excel (issue #584, PR #585) - clsid: - added several CLSIDs related to MS Office click-to-run issue CVE-2021-27058 - added checks to ensure that all CLSIDs are uppercase (PR #678)
* Mon Apr 05 2021 update to version 0.56.1: - olevba: - fixed bug when parsing some malformed files (issue #629) - oleobj: - fixed bug preventing detection of links \'externalReference\', \'frame\', \'hyperlink\' (issue #641, PR #670) - setup: - avoid installing msoffcrypto-tool when platform is PyPy+Windows (issue #473) - PyPI version is now a wheel package to improve installation and avoid antivirus false positives due to test files (issues #215, #398)
* Sat Jan 23 2021 initial package for version 0.56