Changelog for
python3-pylint-2.12.2-2.2.noarch.rpm :
* Sat Dec 11 2021 Update to version 2.12.2
* Fixed a false positive for ``unused-import`` where everything was not analyzed properly inside typing guards.
* Fixed a false-positive regression for ``used-before-assignment`` for typed variables in the body of class methods that reference the same class
* Specified that the ``ignore-paths`` option considers \"\\\" to represent a windows directory delimiter instead of a regular expression escape character.
* Fixed a crash with the ``ignore-paths`` option when invoking the option via the command line.
* Fixed handling of Sphinx-style parameter docstrings with asterisks. These should be escaped with by prepending a \"\\\".
* Add ``endLine`` and ``endColumn`` keys to output of ``JSONReporter``.
* Fixed handling of Google-style parameter specifications where descriptions are on the line following the parameter name. These were generating false positives for ``missing-param-doc``.
* Fix false negative for ``consider-iterating-dictionary`` during membership checks encapsulated in iterables or ``not in`` checks
* ``unused-import`` now check all ancestors for typing guards- Release notes for 2.12.1
* Require Python ``3.6.2`` to run pylint.- Release notes for 2.12.0
* Upgrade astroid to 2.9.0
* Add ability to add ``end_line`` and ``end_column`` to the ``--msg-template`` option. With the standard ``TextReporter`` this will add the line and column number of the end of a node to the output of Pylint. If these numbers are unknown, they are represented by an empty string.
* Introduced primer tests and a configuration tests framework. The helper classes available in ``pylint/testutil/`` are still unstable and might be modified in the near future.
* Fix ``install graphiz`` message which isn\'t needed for puml output format.
* ``MessageTest`` of the unittest ``testutil`` now requires the ``confidence`` attribute to match the expected value. If none is provided it is set to ``UNDEFINED``.
* ``add_message`` of the unittest ``testutil`` now actually handles the ``col_offset`` parameter and allows it to be checked against actual output in a test.
* Fix a crash in the ``check_elif`` extensions where an undetected if in a comprehension with an if statement within a f-string resulted in an out of range error. The checker no longer relies on counting if statements anymore and uses known if statements locations instead. It should not crash on badly parsed if statements anymore.
* Fix ``simplify-boolean-expression`` when condition can be inferred as False.
* Fix exception when pyreverse parses ``property function`` of a class.
* The functional ``testutils`` now accept ``end_lineno`` and ``end_column``. Expected output files without these will trigger a ``DeprecationWarning``. Expected output files can be easily updated with the ``python tests/ - -update-functional-output`` command.
* The functional ``testutils`` now correctly check the distinction betweeen ``HIGH`` and ``UNDEFINED`` confidence. Expected output files without defiend ``confidence`` levels will now trigger a ``DeprecationWarning``. Expected output files can be easily updated with the ``python tests/ --update-functional-output`` command.
* The functional test runner now supports the option ``min_pyver_end_position`` to control on which python versions the ``end_lineno`` and ``end_column`` attributes should be checked. The default value is 3.8.
* Fix ``accept-no-yields-doc`` and ``accept-no-return-doc`` not allowing missing ``yield`` or ``return`` documentation when a docstring is partially correct
* Add an optional extension ``consider-using-any-or-all`` : Emitted when a ``for`` loop only produces a boolean and could be replaced by ``any`` or ``all`` using a generator. Also suggests a suitable any or all statement.
* Properly identify parameters with no documentation and add new message called ``missing-any-param-doc``
* Add checkers ``overridden-final-method`` & ``subclassed-final-class``
* Fixed ``protected-access`` for accessing of attributes and methods of inner classes
* Added support for ``ModuleNotFoundError`` (``import-error`` and ``no-name-in-module``). ``ModuleNotFoundError`` inherits from ``ImportError`` and was added in Python ``3.6``
* ``undefined-variable`` now correctly flags variables which only receive a type annotations and never get assigned a value
* ``undefined-variable`` now correctly considers the line numbering and order of classes used in metaclass declarations
* ``used-before-assignment`` now correctly considers references to classes as type annotation or default values in first-level methods
* ``undefined-variable`` and ``unused-variable`` now correctly trigger for assignment expressions in functions defaults
* ``undefined-variable`` now correctly triggers for assignment expressions in if ... else statements This includes a basic form of control flow inference for if ... else statements using constant boolean values
* Added the ``--enable-all-extensions`` command line option. It will load all available extensions which can be listed by running ``--list-extensions``
* Fix bug with importing namespace packages with relative imports
* Improve and flatten ``unused-wildcard-import`` message
* In length checker, ``len-as-condition`` has been renamed as ``use-implicit-booleaness-not-len`` in order to be consistent with ``use-implicit-booleaness-not-comparison``.
* Created new ``UnsupportedVersionChecker`` checker class that includes checks for features not supported by all versions indicated by a ``py-version``.
* Added ``using-f-string-in-unsupported-version`` checker. Issued when ``py-version`` is set to a version that does not support f-strings (< 3.6)
* Fix ``useless-super-delegation`` false positive when default keyword argument is a variable.
* Properly emit ``duplicate-key`` when Enum members are duplicate dictionary keys
* Use ``py-version`` setting for alternative union syntax check (PEP 604), instead of the Python interpreter version.
* Subclasses of ``dict`` are regarded as reversible by the ``bad-reversed-sequence`` checker (Python 3.8 onwards).
* Support configuring mixin class pattern via ``mixin-class-rgx``
* Added new checker ``use-implicit-booleaness-not-comparison``: Emitted when collection literal comparison is being used to check for emptiness.
* ``mising-param-doc`` now correctly parses asterisks for variable length and keyword parameters
* ``mising-param-doc`` now correctly handles Numpy parameter documentation without explicit typing
* ``pylint`` no longer crashes when checking assignment expressions within if-statements
* Update ``literal-comparison``` checker to ignore tuple literals
* Normalize the input to the ``ignore-paths`` option to allow both Posix and Windows paths
* Fix double emitting of ``not-callable`` on inferrable ``properties``
* ``self-cls-assignment`` now also considers tuple assignment
* Fix ``missing-function-docstring`` not being able to check ``__init__`` and other magic methods even if the ``no-docstring-rgx`` setting was set to do so
* Added ``using-final-decorator-in-unsupported-version`` checker. Issued when ``py-version`` is set to a version that does not support ```` (< 3.8)
* Added configuration option ``exclude-too-few-public-methods`` to allow excluding classes from the ``min-public-methods`` checker.
* The ``--jobs`` parameter now fallbacks to 1 if the host operating system does not have functioning shared semaphore implementation.
* Fix crash for ``unused-private-member`` when checking private members on ``__class__``
* Crashes when a list is encountered in a toml configuration do not happen anymore.
* Moved ``misplaced-comparison-constant`` to its own extension ``comparison_placement``. This checker was opinionated and now no longer a default. It can be reactived by adding ``pylint.extensions.comparison_placement`` to ``load-plugins`` in your config.
* A new ``bad-configuration-section`` checker was added that will emit for misplaced option in pylint\'s top level namespace for toml configuration. Top-level dictionaries or option defined in the wrong section will still silently not be taken into account, which is tracked in a follow-up issue.
* Fix crash for ``protected-access`` on (outer) class traversal
* Added new checker ``useless-with-lock`` to find incorrect usage of with statement and threading module locks. Emitted when ``with threading.Lock():`` is used instead of ``with lock_instance:``.
* Make yn validator case insensitive, to allow for ``True`` and ``False`` in config files.
* Fix crash on ``open()`` calls when the ``mode`` argument is not a simple string.
* Inheriting from a class that implements ``__class_getitem__`` no longer raises ``inherit-non-class``.
* Pyreverse - Add the project root directory to sys.path
* Don\'t emit ``consider-using-f-string`` if ``py-version`` is set to Python < ``3.6``. ``f-strings`` were added in Python ``3.6``
* Fix regression for ``unspecified-encoding`` with ``pathlib.Path.read_text()``
* Don\'t emit ``consider-using-f-string`` if the variables to be interpolated include a backslash
* Fixed false positive for ``cell-var-from-loop`` when variable is used as the default value for a keyword-only parameter.
* Fix false-positive ``undefined-variable`` with ``Lambda``, ``IfExp``, and assignment expression.
* Fix false-positive ``useless-suppression`` for ``wrong-import-order``
* Fixed ``toml`` dependency issue
* Fix false-positive ``useless-suppression`` for ``line-too-long``
* Fixed ``invalid-name`` not checking parameters of overwritten base ``object`` methods
* Fixed crash in ``consider-using-f-string`` if ``format`` is not called
* Fix crash with ``AssignAttr`` in ``if TYPE_CHECKING`` blocks.
* Improve node information for ``invalid-name`` on function argument.
* Prevent return type checkers being called on functions with ellipses as body
* Add ``is_sys_guard`` and ``is_typing_guard`` helper functions from astroid to ``pylint.checkers.utils``.
* Fix regression on ClassDef inference
* Fix regression on Compare node inference
* Fix false-positive ``isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type`` with ``typing.Callable``.
* It is now recommended to do ``pylint`` development on ``Python`` 3.8 or higher. This allows using the latest ``ast`` parser.
* All standard jobs in the ``pylint`` CI now run on ``Python`` 3.8 by default. We still support python 3.6 and 3.7 and run tests for those interpreters.
* ``TypingChecker``
* Fix false-negative for ``deprecated-typing-alias`` and ``consider-using-alias`` with ``typing.Type`` + ``typing.Callable``.- Unpin mccabe and astroid in sitelib metadata.
* Sat Oct 16 2021 Dropped pylint-pr4816-astroid27.patch
* Sun Oct 03 2021 Update to 2.11.1
* ``unspecified-encoding`` now checks the encoding of ``pathlib.Path()`` correctly
* The python3 porting mode checker and it\'s ``py3k`` option were removed. You can still find it in older pylints versions.
* ``raising-bad-type`` is now properly emitted when raising a string
* Added new extension ``SetMembershipChecker`` with ``use-set-for-membership`` check: Emitted when using an in-place defined ``list`` or ``tuple`` to do a membership test. ``sets`` are better optimized for that.
* Added ``py-version`` config key (if ``[MASTER]`` section). Used for version dependant checks. Will default to whatever Python version pylint is executed with.
* ``CodeStyleChecker`` Added ``consider-using-assignment-expr``: Emitted when an assignment is directly followed by an if statement and both can be combined by using an assignment expression ``:=``. Requires Python 3.8
* Added ``consider-using-f-string``: Emitted when .format() or \'%\' is being used to format a string.
* Fix false positive for ``consider-using-with`` if a context manager is assigned to a variable in different paths of control flow (e. g. if-else clause).
* https is now prefered in the documentation and correctly redirect to
* Fix false positive for ``function-redefined`` for simple type annotations
* Fix false positive for ``protected-access`` if a protected member is used in type hints of function definitions
* Fix false positive ``dict-iter-missing-items`` for dictionaries only using tuples as keys
* The ``unspecified-encoding`` checker now also checks calls to ``pathlib.Path().read_text()`` and ``pathlib.Path().write_text()``
* Fix false positive ``superfluous-parens`` for tuples created with inner tuples
* Fix false positive ``unused-private-member`` for accessing attributes in a class using ``cls``
* Fix false positive ``unused-private-member`` for private staticmethods accessed in classmethods.
* Extended ``consider-using-in`` check to work for attribute access.
* Setting ``min-similarity-lines`` to 0 now makes the similarty checker stop checking for duplicate code
* Fix a bug where pylint complained if the cache\'s parent directory does not exist
* The ``global-variable-not-assigned`` checker now catches global variables that are never reassigned in a local scope and catches (reassigned) functions
* Fix false positives for invalid-all-format that are lists or tuples at runtime
* Fix ``no-self-use`` and ``docparams extension`` for async functions and methods.
* Add documentation for ``pyreverse`` and ``symilar``
* Non symbolic messages with the wrong capitalisation now correctly trigger ``use-symbolic-message-instead``
* The ``consider-iterating-dictionary`` checker now also considers membership checks
* The ``invalid-name`` message is now more detailed when using multiple naming style regexes.- Release 2.10.2
* We now use platformdirs instead of appdirs since the latter is not maintained.
* Fix a crash in the checker raising ``shallow-copy-environ`` when failing to infer on ``copy.copy``- Release 2.10.1
* pylint does not crash when PYLINT_HOME does not exist.- Release 2.10.0
* pyreverse: add option to produce colored output.
* pyreverse: add output in PlantUML format.
* ``consider-using-with`` is no longer triggered if a context manager is returned from a function.
* pylint does not crash with a traceback anymore when a file is problematic. It creates a template text file for opening an issue on the bug tracker instead. The linting can go on for other non problematic files instead of being impossible.
* pyreverse: Show class has-a relationships inferred from the type-hint
* Fixed a crash when importing beyond the top level package during ``import-error`` message creation
* Added ``ignored-parents`` option to the design checker to ignore specific classes from the ``too-many-ancestors`` check (R0901).
* Added ``unspecified-encoding``: Emitted when open() is called without specifying an encoding
* Improved the Similarity checker performance. Fix issue with ``--min-similarity-lines`` used with ``--jobs``.
* Don\'t emit ``no-member`` error if guarded behind if statement.
* The default for ``PYLINTHOME`` is now the standard ``XDG_CACHE_HOME``, and pylint now uses ``appdirs``.
* Added ``use-list-literal``: Emitted when ``list()`` is called with no arguments instead of using ``[]``
* Added ``use-dict-literal``: Emitted when ``dict()`` is called with no arguments instead of using ``{}``
* Added optional extension ``consider-ternary-expression``: Emitted whenever a variable is assigned in both branches of an if/else block.
* Added optional extension ``while-used``: Emitted whenever a ``while`` loop is used.
* Added ``forgotten-debug-statement``: Emitted when ``breakpoint``, ``pdb.set_trace`` or ``sys.breakpointhook`` calls are found
* Fix false-positive of ``unused-private-member`` when using nested functions in a class
* Fix crash for ``unused-private-member`` that occurred with nested attributes.
* Fix a false positive for ``unused-private-member`` with class names
* Fix false positives for ``superfluous-parens`` with walrus operator, ternary operator and inside list comprehension.
* Added ``format-string-without-interpolation`` checker: Emitted when formatting is applied to a string without any variables to be replaced
* Refactor of ``--list-msgs`` & ``--list-msgs-enabled``: both options now show whether messages are emittable with the current interpreter.
* Fix false negative for ``used-before-assignment`` when the variable is assigned in an exception handler, but used outside of the handler.
* Added ``disable-next`` option: allows using `# pylint: disable-next=msgid` to disable a message for the following line
* Added ``redundant-u-string-prefix`` checker: Emitted when the u prefix is added to a string
* Fixed ``cell-var-from-loop`` checker: handle cell variables in comprehensions within functions, and function default argument expressions. Also handle basic variable shadowing.
* Fixed bug with ``cell-var-from-loop`` checker: it no longer has false negatives when both ``unused-variable`` and ``used-before-assignment`` are disabled.
* Fix false postive for ``invalid-all-format`` if the list or tuple builtin functions are used
* Config files can now contain environment variables
* Fix false-positive ``used-before-assignment`` with an assignment expression in a ``Return`` node
* Added ``use-sequence-for-iteration``: Emitted when iterating over an in-place defined ``set``.
* ``CodeStyleChecker``
* Limit ``consider-using-tuple`` to be emitted only for in-place defined ``lists``.
* Emit ``consider-using-tuple`` even if list contains a ``starred`` expression.
* Ignore decorators lines by similarities checker when ignore signatures flag enabled
* Allow ``true`` and ``false`` values in ``pylintrc`` for better compatibility with ``toml`` config.
* Class methods\' signatures are ignored the same way as functions\' with similarities \"ignore-signatures\" option enabled
* Improve performance when inferring ``Call`` nodes, by utilizing caching.
* Improve error message for invalid-metaclass when the node is an Instance.
* Fri Aug 20 2021 Unskip the numpy inference tests. Note: always check with a clean environment (osc build --clean) -- gh#PyCQA/pylint#4877
* Fri Aug 20 2021 Update to 2.9.6
* Fix a false positive undefined-variable when variable name in decoration matches function argument- Many more release notes from 2.9.0 to 2.9.5:
* Added time.clock to deprecated functions/methods for python 3.3
* No longer emit consider-using-with for ThreadPoolExecutor and ProcessPoolExecutor as they have legitimate use cases without a with block.
* The similarity checker no longer add three trailing whitespaces for empty lines in its report.
* Python 3.10 is now supported.
* Added various deprecated functions/methods for python 3.10, 3.7, 3.6 and 3.3
* setuptools_scm has been removed and replaced by tbump in order to not have hidden runtime dependencies to setuptools- Drop pylint-pr4450-import-init.patch- Add pylint-pr4816-astroid27.patch
* gh#PyCQA/pylint#4816
* remove astroid upper bound -- the previous pin broke a lot of packages through the pkg_resources check
* Sun Jun 06 2021 update to 2.8.3:
* pin astroid to 2.5.6
* Fri May 07 2021 Update to 2.8.2
* Keep ``__pkginfo__.numversion`` a tuple to avoid breaking pylint-django.
* scm_setuptools has been added to the packaging.
* Pylint\'s tags are now the standard form ``vX.Y.Z`` and not ``pylint-X.Y.Z`` anymore.
* New warning message ``deprecated-class``. This message is emitted if import or call deprecated class of the standard library (like ``collections.Iterable`` that will be removed Python 3.10).
* Add numversion back (temporarily) in __pkginfo__ because it broke Pylama and revert the unnecessary pylint.version beaking change.- Release 2.8.0
* New refactoring message ``consider-using-with``. This message is emitted if resource-allocating functions or methods of the standard library (like ``open()`` or ``threading.Lock.acquire() ``) that can be used as a context manager are called without a ``with`` block.
* Resolve false positives on unused variables in decorator functions
* Add new extension ``ConfusingConsecutiveElifChecker``. This optional checker emits a refactoring message (R5601 ``confusing-consecutive-elif``) if if/elif statements with different indentation levels follow directly one after the other.
* New option ``--output=
`` to output result to a file rather than printing to stdout.
* Use a prescriptive message for ``unidiomatic-typecheck``
* Apply ``const-naming-style`` to module constants annotated with ``typing.Final``
* The packaging is now done via setuptools exclusively. ``doc``, ``tests``, ``man``, ``elisp`` and ``Changelog`` are not packaged anymore - reducing the size of the package by 75%.
* Debian packaging is now (officially) done in https://salsa.
* The \'doc\' extra-require has been removed.
* ``__pkginfo__`` now only contain ``__version__`` (also accessible with ``pylint.__version__``), other meta-information are still accessible with ``from importlib import metadata;metadata. metadata(\'pylint\')``.
* COPYING has been renamed to LICENSE for standardization.
* Fix false-positive ``used-before-assignment`` in function returns.
* Updated ``astroid`` to 2.5.3
* Add ``consider-using-min-max-builtin`` check for if statement which could be replaced by Python builtin min or max
* Don\'t auto-enable postponed evaluation of type annotations with Python 3.10
* Update ``astroid`` to 2.5.4
* Add new extension ``TypingChecker``. This optional checker can detect the use of deprecated typing aliases and can suggest the use of the alternative union syntax where possible. (For example, \'typing.Dict\' can be replaced by \'dict\', and \'typing.Unions\' by \'|\', etc.) Make sure to check the config options if you plan on using it!
* Reactivates old counts in report mode.
* During detection of ``inconsistent-return-statements`` consider that ``assert False`` is a return node.
* Run will not fail if score exactly equals ``config. fail_under``.
* Functions that never returns may declare ``NoReturn`` as type hints, so that ``inconsistent-return-statements`` is not emitted.
* Improved protected access checks to allow access inside class methods
* Fix issue with PEP 585 syntax and the use of ``collections. abc. Set``
* Fix issue that caused class variables annotated with ``typing. ClassVar`` to be identified as class constants. Now, class variables nnotated with ``typing.Final`` are identified as such.
* Continuous integration with read the doc has been added.
* Don\'t show ``DuplicateBasesError`` for attribute access
* Fix crash when checking ``setup.cfg`` for pylint config when there are non-ascii characters in there
* Allow code flanked in backticks to be skipped by spellchecker
* Allow Python tool directives (for black, flake8, zimports, isort, mypy, bandit, pycharm) at beginning of comments to be skipped by spellchecker
* Fix issue that caused emacs pylint to fail when used with tramp
* Improve check for invalid PEP 585 syntax inside functions if postponed evaluation of type annotations is enabled
* Improve check for invalid PEP 585 syntax as default function arguments- Release 2.7.4
* Fix a problem with disabled msgid not being ignored
* Fix issue with annotated class constants- Release 2.7.3
* Introduce logic for checking deprecated attributes in DeprecationMixin.
* Reduce usage of blacklist/whitelist terminology. Notably, ``extension-pkg-allow-list`` is an alternative to ``extension-pkg-whitelist`` and the message ``blacklisted-name`` is now emitted as ``disallowed-name``. The previous names are accepted to maintain backward compatibility.
* Move deprecated checker to ``DeprecatedMixin``
* Bump ``astroid`` version to ``2.5.2``
* Fix false positive for ``method-hidden`` when using private attribute and method
* ``use-symbolic-message-instead`` now also works on legacy messages like ``C0111`` (``missing-docstring``).
* Remove unwanted print to stdout from ``_emit_no_member``
* Introduce a command-line option to specify pyreverse output directory
* Fix issue with Enums and ``class-attribute-naming-style=snake_case``
* Add ``allowed-redefined-builtins`` option for fine tuning ``redefined-builtin`` check.
* Fix issue when executing with ``python -m pylint``
* Exempt ``typing.TypedDict`` from ``too-few-public-methods`` check.
* Fix false-positive ``no-member`` for typed annotations without default value.
* Add ``--class-const-naming-style`` for Enum constants and class variables annotated with ``typing.ClassVar``
* Fix astroid.Inference error for undefined-variables with ``len()```
* Fix column index on FIXME warning messages
* Improve handling of assignment expressions, better edge case handling
* Improve check if class is subscriptable PEP585
* Fix documentation and filename handling of --import-graph
* Fix false-positive for ``unused-import`` on class keyword arguments
* Fix regression with plugins on PYTHONPATH if latter is cwd- Add pylint-pr4450-import-init.patch gh#PyCQA/pylint#4450 fix broken tests
* Mon Mar 22 2021 Update to 2.7.2
* Fix False Positive on ``Enum.__members__.items()``, ``Enum.__members__.values``, and ``Enum.__members__.keys``
* Properly strip dangerous sys.path entries (not just the first one)
* Workflow and packaging improvements- Release 2.7.1
* Expose ``UnittestLinter`` in pylint.testutils
* Don\'t check directories starting with \'.\' when using register_plugins- Release 2.7.0
* Introduce DeprecationMixin for reusable deprecation checks.
* Fix false positive for ``builtin-not-iterating`` when ``map`` receives iterable
* Python 3.6+ is now required.
* Fix false positive for ``builtin-not-iterating`` when ``zip`` receives iterable
* Add ``nan-comparison`` check for NaN comparisons
* Bug fix for empty-comment message line number.
* Only emit ``bad-reversed-sequence`` on dictionaries if below py3.8
* Handle class decorators applied to function.
* Add check for empty comments
* Fix minor documentation issue in contribute.rst
* Enums are now required to be named in UPPER_CASE by ``invalid-name``.
* Add missing checks for deprecated functions.
* Postponed evaluation of annotations are now recognized by default if python version is above 3.10
* Fix column metadata for anomalous backslash lints
* Drop support for Python 3.5
* Add support for pep585 with postponed evaluation
* Check alternative union syntax - PEP 604
* Fix multiple false positives with assignment expressions
* Fix TypedDict inherit-non-class false-positive Python 3.9+
* Fix issue with nested PEP 585 syntax
* Fix issue with nested PEP 604 syntax
* Fix a crash in ``undefined-variable`` caused by chained attributes in metaclass
* Fix false positive for ``not-async-context-manager`` when ``contextlib.asynccontextmanager`` is used
* Fix linter multiprocessing pool shutdown (triggered warnings when runned in parallels with other pytest plugins)
* Fix a false-positive emission of ``no-self-use`` and ``unused-argument`` for methods of generic structural types (`Protocol[T]`)
* Fix bug that lead to duplicate messages when using ``--jobs 2`` or more.
* Adds option ``check-protected-access-in-special-methods`` in the ClassChecker to activate/deactivate ``protected-access`` message emission for single underscore prefixed attribute in special methods.
* Fix vulnerable regular expressions in ``pyreverse``
* ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message is now emitted if one of ``try/except`` statement is not returning explicitly while the other do.
* Fix ``useless-super-delegation`` false positive when default keyword argument is a dictionnary.
* Fix a crash when a specified config file does not exist
* Add support to ``ignored-argument-names`` in DocstringParameterChecker and adds ``useless-param-doc`` and ``useless-type-doc`` messages.
* Enforce docparams consistently when docstring is not present
* Fix ``duplicate-code`` false positive when lines only contain whitespace and non-alphanumeric characters (e.g. parentheses, bracket, comman, etc.)
* Improve lint message for ``singleton-comparison`` with bools
* Fix spell-checker crash on indented docstring lines that look like # comments
* Fix AttributeError in checkers/
* Improve sphinx directives spelling filter
* Fix a bug with postponed evaluation when using aliases for annotations.
* Fix minor documentation issues
* Improve the performance of the line length check.
* Removed incorrect deprecation of ``inspect.getfullargspec``
* Fix ``signature-differs`` false positive for functions with variadics
* Fix a crash in ``consider-using-enumerate`` when encountering ``range()`` without arguments
* ``len-as-conditions`` is now triggered only for classes that are inheriting directly from list, dict, or set and not implementing the ``__bool__`` function, or from generators like range or list/dict/set comprehension. This should reduce the false positives for other classes, like pandas\'s DataFrame or numpy\'s Array.
* Fixes duplicate-errors not working with -j2+
* ``generated-members`` now matches the qualified name of members
* Add check for bool function to ``len-as-condition``
* Add ``simplifiable-condition`` check for extraneous constants in conditionals using and/or.
* Add ``condition-evals-to-constant`` check for conditionals using and/or that evaluate to a constant.
* Changed to work with distlib
* New check: ``consider-using-generator`` This check warns when a comprehension is used inside an ``any`` or ``all`` function, since it is unnecessary and should be replaced by a generator instead. Using a generator would be less code and way faster.
* Add Github Actions to replace Travis and AppVeyor in the future
* Tue Feb 16 2021 Update to 2.6.2 (no ChangeLog entry for this version)
* Tue Feb 16 2021 Update to 2.6.1
* Astroid version has been set as < 2.5 (#4093)
* Thu Dec 17 2020 Skip the failing test for unused imports on python36 flavor gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
* Fri Aug 21 2020 Update to 2.6.0
* Fix various scope-related bugs in ``undefined-variable`` checker
* bad-continuation and bad-whitespace have been removed, black or another formatter can help you with this better than Pylint
* The no-space-check option has been removed. It\'s no longer possible to consider empty line like a `trailing-whitespace` by using clever options
* ``missing-kwoa`` is no longer emitted when dealing with overload functions
* mixed-indentation has been removed, it is no longer useful since TabError is included directly in python3
* Add `super-with-arguments` check for flagging instances of Python 2 style super calls.
* Add an faq detailing which messages to disable to avoid duplicates w/ other popular linters
* Fix superfluous-parens false-positive for the walrus operator
* Fix `fail-under` not accepting floats
* Fix a bug with `ignore-docstrings` ignoring all lines in a module
* Fix `pre-commit` config that could lead to undetected duplicate lines of code
* Fix a crash in parallel mode when the module\'s filepath is not set- removed both_isort_4_5.patch obsoleted by upstream update
* Mon Jul 13 2020 Added both_isort_4_5.patch (gh#PyCQA/pylint#3725) allowing work with both versions of isort.
* Tue Jun 23 2020 test import workarounds need rework gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#48 gh#PyCQA/pylint#3636- do not benchmark, just run the tests once
* Mon Jun 08 2020 Update to 2.5.3
* Fix a regression where disable comments that have checker names with numbers in them are not parsed correctly Close #3666
* `property-with-parameters` properly handles abstract properties Close #3600
* `continue-in-finally` no longer emitted on Python 3.8 where it\'s now valid Close #3612
* Fix a regression where messages with dash are not fully parsed Close #3604
* In a TOML configuration file, it\'s now possible to use rich (non-string) types, such as list, integer or boolean instead of strings. For example, one can now define a
* of message identifiers to enable like this:: enable = [ \"use-symbolic-message-instead\", \"useless-suppression\", ] Close #3538
* Fix a regression where the score was not reported with multiple jobs Close #3547
* Protect against `AttributeError` when checking `cell-var-from-loop` Close #3646
* Mon May 18 2020 Update to 2.5.2
* ``pylint.Run`` accepts ``do_exit`` as a deprecated parameter Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3590- Changelog from 2.5.1
* Fix a crash in `method-hidden` lookup for unknown base classes Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3527
* Revert pylint.Run\'s `exit` parameter to ``do_exit`` This has been inadvertently changed several releases ago to ``do_exit``. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3533
* ``no-value-for-parameter`` variadic detection has improved for assign statements Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3563
* Allow package files to be properly discovered with multiple jobs Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3524
* Allow linting directories without `` which was a regression in 2.5. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3528- Changelog from 2.5.0
* Fix a false negative for ``undefined-variable`` when using class attribute in comprehension. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3494
* Fix a false positive for ``undefined-variable`` when using class attribute in decorator or as type hint. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#511, gh#PyCQA/pylint#1976
* Remove HTML quoting of messages in JSON output. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#2769
* Adjust the `invalid-name` rule to work with non-ASCII identifiers and add the `non-ascii-name` rule. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#2725
* Positional-only arguments are taken in account for ``useless-super-delegation``
* ``unidiomatic-typecheck`` is no longer emitted for ``in`` and ``not in`` operators Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3337
* Positional-only argument annotations are taken in account for ``unused-import`` Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3462
* Add a command to list available extensions.
* Allow used variables to be properly consumed when different checks are enabled / disabled Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3445
* Fix dangerous-default-value rule to account for keyword argument defaults Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3373
* Fix a false positive of ``self-assigning-variable`` on tuple unpacking. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3433
* ``no-self-use`` is no longer emitted for typing stubs. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3439
* Fix a false positive for ``undefined-variable`` when ``__class__`` is used Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3090
* Emit ``invalid-name`` for variables defined in loops at module level. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#2695
* Add a check for cases where the second argument to `isinstance` is not a type. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3308
* Add \'notes-rgx\' option, to be used for fixme check. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#2874
* ``function-redefined`` exempts function redefined on a condition. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#2410
* ``typing.overload`` functions are exempted from docstring checks Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3350
* Emit ``invalid-overridden-method`` for improper async def overrides. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3355
* Do not allow ``python -m pylint ...`` to import user code ``python -m pylint ...`` adds the current working directory as the first element of ``sys.path``. This opens up a potential security hole where ``pylint`` will import user level code as long as that code resides in modules having the same name as stdlib or pylint\'s own modules. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3386
* Add `dummy-variables-rgx` option for `_redeclared-assigned-name` check. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3341
* Fixed graph creation for relative paths
* Add a check for asserts on string literals. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3284
* `not in` is considered iterating context for some of the Python 3 porting checkers.
* A new check `inconsistent-quotes` was added.
* Add a check for non string assignment to __name__ attribute. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#583
* `__pow__`, `__imatmul__`, `__trunc__`, `__floor__`, and `__ceil__` are recognized as special method names. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3281
* Added errors for protocol functions when invalid return types are detected. E0304 (invalid-bool-returned): __bool__ did not return a bool E0305 (invalid-index-returned): __index__ did not return an integer E0306 (invalid-repr-returned): __repr__ did not return a string E0307 (invalid-str-returned): __str__ did not return a string E0308 (invalid-bytes-returned): __bytes__ did not return a string E0309 (invalid-hash-returned): __hash__ did not return an integer E0310 (invalid-length-hint-returned): __length_hint__ did not return a non-negative integer E0311 (invalid-format-returned): __format__ did not return a string E0312 (invalid-getnewargs-returned): __getnewargs__ did not return a tuple E0313 (invalid-getnewargs-ex-returned): __getnewargs_ex__ did not return a tuple of the form (tuple, dict) Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#560
* ``missing-
*-docstring`` can look for ``__doc__`` assignments. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3301
* ``undefined-variable`` can now find undefined loop iterables Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#498
* ``safe_infer`` can infer a value as long as all the paths share the same type. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#2503
* Add a --fail-under flag, also configurable in a .pylintrc file. If the final score is more than the specified score, it\'s considered a success and pylint exits with exitcode 0. Otherwise, it\'s considered a failure and pylint exits with its current exitcode based on the messages issued. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#2242
* Don\'t emit ``line-too-long`` for multilines when `disable=line-too-long` comment stands at their end Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#2957
* Fixed an ``AttributeError`` caused by improper handling of ``dataclasses`` inference in ``pyreverse`` Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3256
* Do not exempt bare except from ``undefined-variable`` and similar checks If a node was wrapped in a ``TryExcept``, ``pylint`` was taking a hint from the except handler when deciding to emit or not a message. We were treating bare except as a fully fledged ignore but only the corresponding exceptions should be handled that way (e.g. ``NameError`` or ``ImportError``) Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3235
* No longer emit ``assignment-from-no-return`` when a function only raises an exception Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3218
* Allow import aliases to exempt ``import-error`` when used in type annotations. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3178
* ``Ellipsis` is exempted from ``multiple-statements`` for function overloads. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3224
* No longer emit ``invalid-name`` for non-constants found at module level. Pylint was taking the following statement from PEP-8 too far, considering all module level variables as constants, which is not what the statement is saying: `Constants are usually defined on a module level and written in all capital letters with underscores separating words.` Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3111, gh#PyCQA/pylint#3132
* Allow ``implicit-str-concat-in-sequence`` to be emitted for string juxtaposition Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3030
* ``implicit-str-concat-in-sequence`` was renamed ``implicit-str-concat``
* The ``json`` reporter no longer bypasses ``redirect_stdout``. Close #3227
* Move ``NoFileError``, ``OutputLine``, ``FunctionalTestReporter``, ``FunctionalTestFile``, ``LintModuleTest`` and related methods from ```` to ``pylint.testutils`` to help testing for 3rd party pylint plugins.
* Can read config from a setup.cfg or pyproject.toml file. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#617
* Fix exception-escape false positive with generators Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3128
* ``inspect.getargvalues`` is no longer marked as deprecated.
* A new check ``f-string-without-interpolation`` was added Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3190
* Flag mutable ``collections.
*`` utilities as dangerous defaults Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3183
* ``docparams`` extension supports multiple types in raises sections. Multiple types can also be separated by commas in all valid sections. Closes gh#PyCQA/pylint#2729
* Allow parallel linting when run under Prospector
* Fixed false positives of ``method-hidden`` when a subclass defines the method that is being hidden. Closes gh#PyCQA/pylint#414
* Python 3 porting mode is 30-50% faster on most codebases
* Python 3 porting mode no longer swallows syntax errors Closes gh#PyCQA/pylint#2956
* Pass the actual PyLinter object to sub processes to allow using custom PyLinter classes. PyLinter object (and all its members except reporter) needs to support pickling so the PyLinter object can be passed to worker processes.
* Clean up Make pytest-runner a requirement only if running tests, similar to McCabe. Clean up the file, resolving a number of warnings around it.
* Handle SyntaxError in files passed via ``--from-stdin`` option Pylint no longer outputs a traceback, if a file, read from stdin, contains a syntaxerror.
* Fix uppercase style to disallow 3+ uppercase followed by lowercase.
* Fixed ``undefined-variable`` and ``unused-import`` false positives when using a metaclass via an attribute. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#1603
* Emit ``unused-argument`` for functions that partially uses their argument list before raising an exception. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3246
* Fixed ``broad_try_clause`` extension to check try/finally statements and to check for nested statements (e.g., inside of an ``if`` statement).
* Recognize classes explicitly inheriting from ``abc.ABC`` or having an ``abc.ABCMeta`` metaclass as abstract. This makes them not trigger W0223. Closes gh#PyCQA/pylint#3098
* Fix overzealous `arguments-differ` when overridden function uses variadics No message is emitted if the overriding function provides positional or keyword variadics in its signature that can feasibly accept and pass on all parameters given by the overridden function. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#1482, gh#PyCQA/pylint#1553
* Multiple types of string formatting are allowed in logging functions. The `logging-fstring-interpolation` message has been brought back to allow multiple types of string formatting to be used. Close gh#PyCQA/pylint#3361- needs python-toml now- remove python2 compatibility requirements- remove PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 -- its included in %pytest macro- two tests need special treatment:
* test_functional[undefined_variable] gh#PyCQA/pylint#3635
* test_do_not_import_files_from_local_directory gh#PyCQA/pylint#3636
* Wed Mar 18 2020 set locale during build/test to fix build on older releases (bsc#1124989)
* Wed Nov 13 2019 Update to 2.4.4: - Exempt all the names found in type annotations from ``unused-import`` The previous code was assuming that only ``typing`` names need to be exempted, but we need to do that for the rest of the type comment names as well. Close #3112 - Relax type import detection for names that do not come from the ``typing`` module Close #3191
* Fri Nov 08 2019 test_types_redefined enabled again, because gh#PyCQA/pylint#3171 has been fixed.
* Sun Oct 27 2019 Update to 2.4.3:
* Fix an issue with ``unnecessary-comprehension`` in comprehensions with additional repacking of elements.
* ``import-outside-toplevel`` is emitted for ``ImportFrom`` nodes as well.
* Do not emit ``no-method-argument`` for functions using positional only args.
* ``consider-using-sys-exit`` is no longer emitted when `exit` is imported in the local scope.
* `invalid-overridden-method` takes `abc.abstractproperty` in account
* Fixed ``missing-yield-type-doc`` getting incorrectly raised when a generator does not document a yield type but has a type annotation.
* ``typing.overload`` functions are exempted from ``too-many-function-args``
* Wed Oct 09 2019 Update to 2.4.2:
* Various bugfixes and compat with newer releases of astroid
* Tue Oct 08 2019 Skip pylint/test/extensions/ (gh#PyCQA/pylint#3171)
* Wed Jul 31 2019 Do not install tests on system
* Sat Jun 08 2019 Added missing dependency on package python-typed-ast
* Wed Mar 06 2019 Update to 2.3.1:
* Compat with astroid 2.2
* Wed Jan 02 2019 Fix build on SLE12
* Thu Dec 06 2018 Update to 2.2.2:
* Black is more used
* Many bugfixes
* For details see Changelog
* Thu Dec 06 2018 Fix fdupes call
* Thu Sep 20 2018 Depend on typed-ast as it is used in testsuite
* Tue Sep 18 2018 Version update to 2.1.1:
* latest release supports only python3
* Require 2.0 series astroid
* Mon Jul 16 2018 Enable tests and make sure they pass
* Sun Jul 15 2018 Update to 1.9.2:
* New Python 3 checkers
* Added two new Python 3 porting checks
* Added a new deprecated-sys-function check
* Added xreadlines-attribute check
* Wed Jan 24 2018 Switch to regular releases again- Update to 1.8.2:
* Various false positives were fixed
* Many additional python3 tweaks
* For more see ChangeLog- Drop test conditional as it is always on- Add py2 and py3 bconds to allow building in the respective enviroments- Run only python3 tests it takes ages to finish and we should focus only on one variant
* Also few tests currently fail and upstream is aware so put there ||:
* Wed Mar 29 2017 uninstall alternatives in %postun- add update-alternatives requires
* Wed Mar 01 2017 update for singlespec- enable test suite for all pythons- update to 1.7.0 git pre-release, for python 3.6 support (boo#1026174)
* multitude of new checkers
* support for namespace packages
* dropped pylint-gui
* see changes in /usr/share/doc/packages/python-pylint/ChangeLog
* Wed Feb 01 2017 Update to version 1.6.5 see changes in /usr/share/doc/packages/python-pylint/ChangeLog
* Wed Jan 11 2017 update source url
* Mon Aug 15 2016 Update to version 1.6.4 see changes in /usr/share/doc/packages/python-pylint/ChangeLog
* Thu Jul 07 2016 Update to version 1.6.1 see changes in /usr/share/doc/packages/python-pylint/ChangeLog
* Sat May 07 2016 Update to version 1.5.5:
* Let visit_importfrom from Python 3 porting checker be called when everything is disabled Because the visit method was filtering the patterns it was expecting to be activated, it didn\'t run when everything but one pattern was disabled, leading to spurious false positives
* Don\'t emit unsubscriptable-value for classes with unknown base classes.
* Use an OrderedDict for storing the configuration elements This fixes an issue related to impredictible order of the disable / enable elements from a config file. In certain cases, the disable was coming before the enable which resulted in classes of errors to be enabled, even though the intention was to disable them. The best example for this was in the context of running multiple processes, each one of it having different enables / disables that affected the output.
* Don\'t consider bare and broad except handlers as ignoring NameError, AttributeError and similar exceptions, in the context of checkers for these issues.
* Fri Feb 12 2016 Update to version 1.5.4
* Merge StringMethodChecker with StringFormatChecker. This fixes a bug where disabling all the messages and enabling only a handful of messages from the StringFormatChecker would have resulted in no messages at all.
* Don\'t apply unneeded-not over sets.
* Wed Jan 13 2016 Update to version 1.5.3:
* Handle the import fallback idiom with regard to wrong-import-order. Closes issue #750.
* Decouple the displaying of reports from the displaying of messages Some reporters are aggregating the messages instead of displaying them when they are available. The actual displaying was conflatted in the generate_reports. Unfortunately this behaviour was flaky and in the case of the JSON reporter, the messages weren\'t shown at all if a file had syntax errors or if it was missing. In order to fix this, the aggregated messages can now be displayed with Reporter.display_message, while the reports are displayed with display_reports. Closes issues #766 and #765.
* Ignore function calls with variadic arguments without a context. Inferring variadic positional arguments and keyword arguments will result into empty Tuples and Dicts, which can lead in some cases to false positives with regard to no-value-for-parameter. In order to avoid this, until we\'ll have support for call context propagation, we\'re ignoring such cases if detected. Closes issue #722.
* Treat AsyncFunctionDef just like FunctionDef nodes, by implementing visit_asyncfunctiondef in terms of visit_functiondef. Closes issue #767.
* Take in account kwonlyargs when verifying that arguments are defined with the check_docs extension. Closes issue #745.
* Suppress reporting \'unneeded-not\' inside `__ne__` methods Closes issue #749.- update to version 1.5.2:
* Don\'t crash if graphviz is not installed, instead emit a warning letting the user to know. Closes issue #168.
* Accept only functions and methods for the deprecated-method checker. This prevents a crash which can occur when an object doesn\'t have .qname() method after the inference.
* Don\'t emit super-on-old-class on classes with unknown bases. Closes issue #721.
* Allow statements in `if` or `try` blocks containing imports. Closes issue #714.- update to version 1.5.1:
* Fix a crash which occurred when old visit methods are encountered in plugin modules. Closes issue #711.
* Add wrong-import-position to check_messages\'s decorator arguments for ImportChecker.leave_module This fixes an esoteric bug which occurs when ungrouped-imports and wrong-import-order are disabled and pylint is executed on multiple files. What happens is that without wrong-import-position in check_messages, leave_module will never be called, which means that the first non-import node from other files might leak into the current file, leading to wrong-import-position being emitted by pylint.
* Fix a crash which occurred when old visit methods are encountered in plugin modules. Closes issue #711.
* Don\'t emit import-self and cyclic-import for relative imports of modules with the same name as the package itself. Closes issues [#708] and #706.- update to version 1.5.0:
* long list of changes, see Changelog file for details- Cleanup update-alternatives
* Wed Sep 02 2015 Update to 1.4.4:
* Avoid breaking pylint when using logilab.common >= 1.0.
* Mon Mar 16 2015 Update to 1.4.3:
* Remove three warnings: star-args, abstract-class-little-used, abstract-class-not-used. These warnings don\'t add any real value and they don\'t imply errors or problems in the code.
* Added a new option for controlling the peephole optimizer in astroid. The option ``--optimize-ast`` will control the peephole optimizer, which is used to optimize a couple of AST subtrees. The current problem solved by the peephole optimizer is when multiple joined strings, with the addition operator, are encountered. If the numbers of such strings is high enough, Pylint will then fail with a maximum recursion depth exceeded error, due to its visitor architecture. The peephole just transforms such calls, if it can, into the final resulting string and this exhibit a problem, because the visit_binop method stops being called (in the optimized AST it will be a Const node).
* Thu Mar 12 2015 Update to 1.4.2:
* Don\'t require a docstring for empty modules. Closes issue #261.
* Fix a false positive with `too-few-format-args` string warning, emitted when the string format contained a normal positional argument (\'{0}\'), mixed with a positional argument which did an attribute access (\'{0.__class__}\'). Closes issue #463.
* Take in account all the methods from the ancestors when checking for too-few-public-methods. Closes issue #471.
* Catch enchant errors and emit \'invalid-characters-in-docstring\' when checking for spelling errors. Closes issue #469.
* Use all the inferred statements for the super-init-not-called check. Closes issue #389.
* Add a new warning, \'unichr-builtin\', emitted by the Python 3 porting checker, when the unichr builtin is found. Closes issue #472.
* Add a new warning, \'intern-builtin\', emitted by the Python 3 porting checker, when the intern builtin is found. Closes issue #473.
* Add support for editable installations.
* The HTML output accepts the `--msg-template` option. Patch by Dan Goldsmith.
* Add \'map-builtin-not-iterating\' (replacing \'implicit-map-evaluation\'), \'zip-builtin-not-iterating\', \'range-builtin-not-iterating\', and \'filter-builtin-not-iterating\' which are emitted by `--py3k` when the appropriate built-in is not used in an iterating context (semantics taken from 2to3).
* Add a new warning, \'unidiomatic-typecheck\', emitted when an explicit typecheck uses type() instead of isinstance(). For example, `type(x) == Y` instead of `isinstance(x, Y)`. Patch by Chris Rebert. Closes issue #299.
* Add support for combining the Python 3 checker mode with the --jobs flag (--py3k and --jobs). Closes issue #467.
* Add a new warning for the Python 3 porting checker, \'using-cmp-argument\', emitted when the `cmp` argument for the `list.sort` or `sorted builtin` is encountered.
* Make the --py3k flag commutative with the -E flag. Also, this patch fixes the leaks of error messages from the Python 3 checker when the errors mode was activated. Closes issue #437.
* Wed Feb 18 2015 Update to 1.4.1:
* Look only in the current function\'s scope for bad-super-call. Closes issue #403.
* Check the return of properties when checking for not-callable. Closes issue #406.
* Warn about using the input() or round() built-ins for Python 3. Closes issue #411.
* Proper abstract method lookup while checking for abstract-class-instantiated. Closes issue #401.
* Use a mro traversal for finding abstract methods. Closes issue #415.
* Fix a false positive with catching-non-exception and tuples of exceptions.
* Fix a false negative with raising-non-exception, when the raise used an uninferrable exception context.
* Fix a false positive on Python 2 for raising-bad-type, when raising tuples in the form \'raise (ZeroDivisionError, None)\'.
* Fix a false positive with invalid-slots-objects, where the slot entry was an unicode string on Python 2. Closes issue #421.
* Add a new warning, \'redundant-unittest-assert\', emitted when using unittest\'s methods assertTrue and assertFalse with constant value as argument. Patch by Vlad Temian.
* Add a new JSON reporter, usable through -f flag.
* Add the method names for the \'signature-differs\' and \'argument-differs\' warnings. Closes issue #433.
* Don\'t compile test files when installing.
* Fix a crash which occurred when using multiple jobs and the files given as argument didn\'t exist at all.
* Mon Dec 08 2014 Lower tk dependency to Recommends as it\'s only needed for optional GUI
* Mon Dec 08 2014 Update to 1.4.0:
* Added new options for controlling the loading of C extensions. By default, only C extensions from the stdlib will be loaded into the active Python interpreter for inspection, because they can run arbitrary code on import. The option `--extension-pkg-whitelist` can be used to specify modules or packages that are safe to load.
* Change default max-line-length to 100 rather than 80
* Drop BaseRawChecker class which were only there for backward compat for a while now
* Don\'t try to analyze string formatting with objects coming from function arguments. Closes issue #373.
* Port source code to be Python 2/3 compatible. This drops the need for 2to3, but does drop support for Python 2.5.
* Each message now comes with a confidence level attached, and can be filtered base on this level. This allows to filter out all messages that were emitted even though an inference failure happened during checking.
* Improved presenting unused-import message. Closes issue #293.
* Add new checker for finding spelling errors. New messages: wrong-spelling-in-comment, wrong-spelling-in-docstring. New options: spelling-dict, spelling-ignore-words.
* Add new \'-j\' option for running checks in sub-processes.
* Added new checks for line endings if they are mixed (LF vs CRLF) or if they are not as expected. New messages: mixed-line-endings, unexpected-line-ending-format. New option: expected-line-ending-format.
* \'dangerous-default-value\' no longer evaluates the value of the arguments, which could result in long error messages or sensitive data being leaked. Closes issue #282
* Fix a false positive with string formatting checker, when encountering a string which uses only position-based arguments. Closes issue #285.
* Fix a false positive with string formatting checker, when using keyword argument packing. Closes issue #288.
* Proper handle class level scope for lambdas.
* Handle \'too-few-format-args\' or \'too-many-format-args\' for format strings with both named and positional fields. Closes issue #286.- Switched to tar.gz upstream
* Tue Nov 04 2014 Update to 1.3.1:
* Fix a false positive with string formatting checker, when encountering a string which uses only position-based arguments. Closes issue #285.
* Fix a false positive with string formatting checker, when using keyword argument packing. Closes issue #288.
* Handle \'too-few-format-args\' or \'too-many-format-args\' for format strings with both named and positional fields. Closes issue #286.
* Analyze only strings by the string format checker. Closes issue #287.
* Properly handle nested format string fields. Closes issue #294.
* Properly handle unicode format strings for Python 2. Closes issue #296.
* Fix a false positive with \'too-few-format-args\', when the format strings contains duplicate manual position arguments. Closes issue #310.
* fixme regex handles comments without spaces after the hash. Closes issue #311.
* Fix a crash encountered when looking for attribute docstrings.
* Fix a crash which ocurred while checking for \'method-hidden\', when the parent frame was something different than a function.