Changelog for
ghc-base-devel- :
* Fri Aug 11 2023 Ondřej Súkup
- update to 9.4.6- remove fix_extlinks.patch and add bytestring.patch
* Fix a bug where certain dictionaries for undecidable instances could end up looping at runtime
* Fix a compiler panic involving newtype family instances
* Fix a bug preventing using the command line to compile .cmm files to assembly
* Fix compiler panics with certain RULE pragmas
* Fix a loop in the simplifier due to a bug in the representation of certain fields in interface files
* Make type equality (~) checks in the presence of quantified contrains more robust to argument ordering
* Fix some segfaults when using UnliftedDataTypes
* Improve bounds checking with -fcheck-prim-bounds
* Fix a bug in the simplifier leading to core lint errors
* Ensure array read operations have proper memory barries
* Fix a spurious -dcore-lint failure with certain kinds of type family instances
* Fix a bug with .hie files containing spurious references to generated functions in files with partial field selectors
* With the aarch64 backend, fix a bug arising from lack of zero-extension for 8/16 bit add/sub with immediate
* Fix a number of bugs having to do with default representation polymorphic type variables
* Add support for top-level Addr# literals
* Fix some tag inference bugs when using the bytecode interpreter
* Support the foreign import prim calling convention in the bytecode interpreter
* Support sized literals in the bytecode interpreter
* Fix a bug with the handling of unboxed tuples in the bytecode interpreter
* Make the bytecode interpreter more robust when run on optimised code
* Accurately account for mutator allocations when using the non-moving GC
* Prevent some segfaults by ensuring that pinned allocations respect block size
* Fix warnings with clang 14.0.3
* Allow building documentation with sphinx 6.0.0
* Fix some dependency tracking bugs with hadrian
* Sun Aug 06 2023 Ondřej Súkup - remove post/postun base as is now handled in macros.ghc-extra
* Wed May 24 2023 Ondřej Súkup - add patch for Sphinx 7 release - sphinx7.patch- cleanup spec
* Fri Apr 21 2023 Andreas Schwab - libatomic.patch: Remove obsolete patch- Don\'t enable unregisterised on riscv64- Adjust constraints
* Wed Apr 19 2023 Ondřej Súkup - update to 9.4.5- drop unused patches: ghc-8.0.2-Cabal-dynlibdir.patch riscv-tntc.patch
* Fixes for a number of bug fixes in the simplifier
* Many bug fixes to the non-moving and parallel GCs
* A number of improvements to recompilation avoidance with multiple home units
* Fixes for regressions in the typechecker and constraint solver
* and many more. See the release notes for a full accounting.->
* Fri Apr 07 2023 Ondřej Súkup
* add provides hsc2hs into ghc-compiler
* Fri Mar 17 2023 Ondřej Súkup - build with hadrian- reintroduced profiling packages- added man pages: added 9_2_3-bootstrap-sources.tar.gz as hadrian deps- refreshed patches:
* fix_extlinks.patch
* Disable-unboxed-arrays.patch
* ghc-8.0.2-Cabal-dynlibdir.patch
* ghc-pie.patch- removed patches:
* ghc-armv7-VFPv3D16--NEON.patch
* buildpath-abi-stability.patch- added patches:
* ghc-gen_contents_index-haddock-path.patch
* ghc-Cabal-install-PATH-warning.patch
* execstack.patch
* libatomic.patch
* riscv-tntc.patch
* ghc-hadrian-s390x-rts--qg.patch
* Tue Jan 31 2023 Peter Simons - Update to GHC version 9.4.4.
* %{buildroot}%{ghclibdir}/include is apparently no longer used by the RTS package. Those files now live in /usr/lib64/ghc-9.4.4/rts/include.
* find %{buildroot}%{ghc_html_libraries_dir} -name LICENSE -exec rm \'{}\' \';\' no longer works because the directory doesn\'t exist at the time that command is run.
* The user manual and Haddock documentation is installed into a different location. For now, we just list the catchall %{_docdir}/packages/ghc to accept anything.
* The LICENSE file for Cabal-syntax lives at libraries/Cabal/Cabal-syntax instead of the expected place libraries/Cabal-syntax.
* The package system-cxx-std-lib has no LICENSE file. It\'s not even a proper package, it\'s just a configuration file that lists some compiler and linker flags. To work around the build error that causes, we just copy some random LICENSE file into the place where our build would expect it.
* Thu Jan 19 2023 Guillaume GARDET - Do not require unversionned llvm since ghc needs a specific llvm version. [boo#1207265]
* Tue Jan 17 2023 Peter Simons - Apply \"fix_extlinks.patch\" to work around a bug in Sphinx 6.1.x that broke our documentation build. Remove this patch once Sphinx is fixed. This patch is a variant of the ghc-9.4.4 patch from Upstream\'s has further details. [boo#1207214]
* Fri Jul 08 2022 Andreas Schwab - execstack.patch: add missing stack note
* Mon Jun 27 2022 Dirk Müller - add ghc.keyring to have source validation enabled- limit to use llvm12 for Factory as newer versions are not supported
* Fri Apr 29 2022 Martin Liška - Remove dependency on binutils-gold as the package will be removed in the future. Gold linker is unmaintained by the upstream project.
* Tue Mar 08 2022 Dirk Müller - add ghc-armv7-VFPv3D16--NEON.patch to use vfpv3-d16 on armv7hl
* Wed Feb 09 2022 Peter Simons - add environ.patch to fix build errors with recent gcc
* Fri Sep 03 2021 Ondřej Súkup - update to 8.10.7- drop 4134.patch and refresh ghc-pie.patch
* portabilit yfixes
* Export some RTS symbols required for static builds of GHC
* Fix LLVM version checking logic so it no longer complains about supported LLVM versions.
* Fix some RTS crashes on Darwin due to mixing up the closure sizes of the aarch64 and x86-64 backends.
* Fix a crash on the non-moving GC due to incorrect logic for calculating the header size for array write barries
* Fix a bug in base leading to a high likelihood of space leaks when using lazy bytestrings
* Fix some timer races in the RTS possibly manifesting in #18033 and #20132
* Fix a number of bugs affecting the RTS m32 allocator
* Fix a bug where code may be unloaded prematurely when using the parallel garbage collector
* Fix a bug where the linker may during shutdown unload code before libraries’ atexit handlers have a chance to run
* Improve code layout by distiguishing conditional and unconditional branches
* Add hs-boot file support for -ddump-minimal-imports
* Ensure hs-boot files are built before source files in GHCs -M mode
* Fix a long standing GHC API bug affecting clients like HLS where async exceptions used to cancel threads during typechecking would be caught by the Template Haskell evaluator and reported as compile errors
* Improve error messages when looking up packages fails
* Fix a number of quirks in GC accounting
* Fix a code generation bug which could result in entry of unlifted objects in some programs using unboxed sums
* Ensure that POSIX signals are not delivered to the ticker thread when using the pthread itimer implementation.
* Fix a specialiser bug which could result in the construction of recursive dictionaries in some programs
* Bump containers to
* Do not treat -Winferred-safe-imports warnings as errors.
* Fix a bug where typechecker plugins could be run with an inconsistent typechecker environment
* Fix a simplifier bug which lead to an exponential blow up and excessive memory usage in certain cases
* Fri Jun 25 2021 Ondřej Súkup - add 4134.patch to fix build with Sphinx4
* Mon Mar 15 2021 Dirk Müller - always build against llvm9, also on SLE15 (suse_version == 1500) otherwise the resulting build is not working (llvm is 7.x there) (bsc#1181571)
* Tue Feb 09 2021 Ondřej Súkup - update to 8.10.4
* Fix a crash caused by inappropriate garbage of heap-allocated data reachable from foreign exports