Changelog for python311-Flask-Security-Too-5.4.3-lp154.2.3.noarch.rpm :

* Fri May 31 2024 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 5.4.3: + Fixes
* Regression - some templates no longer getting correct config
* CSRF not properly ignored for application forms using :py SECURITY_CSRF_PROTECT_MECHANISMS.
* Improve jp translations
* Regression - datetime_factory should still be an attribute
* :py SECURITY_RETURN_GENERIC_RESPONSES hide email validation/syntax errors.- Update to 5.4.2: + Fixes
* OpenAPI spec missing.
* Doc fixes
* Update ES/IT translations- Update to 5.4.0 & 5.4.1: + Features and improvements:
* Work with Flask[async]. view decorators and signals support async handlers.
* CI support for python 3.12
* Work with py_webauthn 2.0 (and only 2.0+)
* Improve (and simplify) Two-Factor setup. See below for backwards compatability issues and new functionality.
* Improve oauth debugging support. Handle next propagation in a more general way.
* Make AnonymousUser (Flask-Login) optional and deprecated.
* Remove undocumented and untested looking in session for possible \'next\' redirect location.
* No longer rely on Flask-Login.unauthorized callback. See below for implications.
* Changes to default unauthorized handler - remove use of referrer header (see below) and document precise behavior.
* The authentication_token format has changed - adding per-token expiry time and future session ID. Old tokens are still accepted. + Docs and Chores
* Improve method translations for unified signin and two factor. Remove support for Flask-Babelex.
* Chore - stop setting all config as attributes. init_app(
*kwargs) can only set forms, flags, and utility classes (see below for compatibility concerns).
* Update Spanish and Italian translations.
* Improve translations for two-factor method selection.
* Improve German translations.
* Remove deprecation of AUTO_LOGIN_AFTER_CONFIRM - it has a reasonable use case.
* Update message extraction - note that the CONFIRM_REGISTRATION message was changed to improve readability. + Fixes
* us-signin magic link should use fs_uniquifier (not email).
* Improve open-redirect vulnerability mitigation. (see below)
* user_datastore.create_user has side effects on mutable inputs. (NoRePercussions)
* The long deprecated _unauthorized_callback/handler has been removed.
* Oauth re-used POST_LOGIN_VIEW which caused confusion. See below for the new configuration and implications.
* Improve CSRF documentation and testing. Fix bug where a CSRF failure could return an HTML page even if the request was JSON.
* Register with JSON and authentication token failed CSRF.
* Fix 2 issues with CSRF configuration.
* It was possible that if SECURITY_EMAIL_VALIDATOR_ARGS were set that deliverability would be checked even for login. + Backwards Compatibility Concerns Please read the full changelog at Drop patch that\'s already included by upstream:
* support-python-312.patch
* Mon Feb 12 2024 Steve Kowalik - Add patch support-python-312.patch:
* Support Python 3.12 changes.
* Sat Jan 06 2024 Matej Cepl - Update to 5.3.3: Fix for CVE-2023-49438 (bsc#1218412).- Refresh patches: - no-mongodb.patch - use-pyqrcodeng.patch
* Thu Nov 30 2023 Antonio Larrosa - Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
* Mon Nov 27 2023 Steve Kowalik - Update to 5.3.2:
* Update Quickstart to show how to properly handle SQLAlchemy connections.
* Auth Token not returned from /tf-validate.
* Fix for latest email_validator deprecation - bump minimum to 2.0.0
* Deprecate passing in the anonymous_user class
* Compatability with Flask 3.0
* Revert change in 5.3.0 that added a Referrer-Policy header.
* Fix \'next\' propagation when passed as Drop patch filterwarnings-ignore-pkg_resources.patch, no longer needed
* Tue Oct 03 2023 Daniel Garcia - Add required python-requests build dependency to fix tests.
* Thu Aug 03 2023 Daniel Garcia - Update to 5.3.0:
* Improvements to recoverability and confirmation to align with OWASP best practices and reduce possible exploitation.
* Webauthn Updates to handling of transport.
* Fix MongoDB support by eliminating dependency on flask-mongoengine. Improve MongoDB quickstart.
* Fix Quickstart for SQLAlchemy with scoped session.
* Login no longer, by default, checks for email deliverability.
* Token authentication is no longer accepted on endpoints which only allow \'session\' as authentication-method. (N247S)
* /reset and /confirm and GENERIC_RESPONSES and additional form args don\'t mix.
* Reset password can be exploited and other OWASP improvements.
* Confirmation can be exploited and other OWASP improvements.
* Convert to pyproject.toml, build, remove
* the tf_validity feature now ONLY sets a cookie - and the token is no longer returned as part of a JSON response.
* Fix login/unified signin templates to properly send CSRF token. Add more tests.
* Improve Social Oauth example code.- 5.2.0:
* Small updates to work with latest Flask/Werkzeug.
* Drop support for Python 3.7
* Drop support for older versions of dependent packages (such as Flask).
* Remove old Werkzeug compatibility check.
* Compatibility with Quart.
* Remove dependence on pkg_resources / setuptools (use importlib_resources package)
* Fix tests to work with latest Werkzeug/Flask. Update requirements_low to match current releases.
* Drop support for Python 3.7- 5.1.2:
* Hungarian translations not working.
* Fix documentation for send_mail. (gg)
* Fix for latest mongoengine and mongomock.
* Fix inappropriate use of &thinsp& in French translations. (maxdup)
* Improve documentation around subclassing forms.
* Tue Apr 11 2023 Steve Kowalik - Add patch filterwarnings-ignore-pkg_resources.patch:
* Filter out DeprecationWarning for pkg_resources.- Add Authlib to BuildRequires.
* Fri Mar 03 2023 Steve Kowalik - Update to 5.1.1:
* Fix 2 Flask apps in same thread with USERNAME_ENABLE set. There was a too aggressive config check.
* Fix json/flask backwards compatibility hack.
* Fix unified signup when two-factor not enabled. (sebdroid)
* Add dependency on setuptools (pkg_resources). (hroncok)
* Option to encrypt recovery codes.
* Support for authentication via \'social\' oauth.
* Support for Python 3.11
* Fixes for Flask-SQLAlchemy 3.0.0. (jrast)
* Fixes for sqlalchemy 2.0.0 (jrast)
* Webauthn and Unified signin features now properly take into account blueprint prefixes.
* Properly propagate ?next=/xx - the verify, webauthn, and unified signin endpoints, that had multiple redirects, needed fixes.
* Two factor redirects ignored url_prefix. Added a SECURITY_TWO_FACTOR_ERROR_VIEW configuration option.
* Add configurations for static folder/URL and make sure templates reference blueprint relative static folder.
* Send entire context to MailUtil::send_mail (patrickyan)
* Support for Flask-Babel 3.0.0
* Add configuration option SECURITY_TWO_FACTOR_POST_SETUP_VIEW which is redirected to upon successful change of a two factor method.
* The ability to pass in a LoginManager instance which was deprecated in 5.0 has been removed.- Drop patch support-Flask-SQLAlchemy-3.0.patch, now included upstream.- Refresh all other patches.
* Fri Jan 06 2023 Steve Kowalik - Add patch support-Flask-SQLAlchemy-3.0.patch:
* Support Flask-SQLAlchemy >= 3.0
* Fri Sep 30 2022 Steve Kowalik - Upate to 5.0.2:
* Role permissions backwards compatibility bug.
* Fix Change Password regression.
* Support for WebAuthn.
* Support Two-factor recovery codes.
* Provide option to prevent user enumeration (i.e. Generic Responses).
* Support for Python 3.10.
* Support for Flask >= 2.2.
* Add custom HTML attributes to improve user experience.
* Make the required zxcvbn complexity score configurable.
* Get rid of Flask-Mail. Flask-Mailman is now the default preferred email package.
* A delete option has been added to us-setup (form and view).
* Improve username support - the LoginForm now has a separate field for username.
* Fix test and other failures with newer Flask-Login/Werkzeug versions.
* Fix test failures with newer Flask versions.- Drop patch endswith-assert.patch:
* Included upstream.- Rebase patches no-mongodb.patch and use-pyqrcodeng.patch- Update {Build,}Requires versions.
* Thu Sep 08 2022 Steve Kowalik - Use email-validator, not email_validator package name.
* Sat Apr 16 2022 Matej Cepl - Add endswith-assert.patch to overcome incompatibilities with WTForms >= 3.0.0 (gh#Flask-Middleware/flask-security#605).
* Thu Mar 17 2022 python-mock is actually not required for build
* Sat Mar 05 2022 Arun Persaud - specfile:
* updated minimum required version for packages listed in
* request pytest >=6.2.5 (for pytest.FixtureRequest)- update to version 4.1.3:
* Fixes + (:issue:`581`) Fix bug when attempting to disable register_blueprint. (halali) + (:pr:`539`) Fix example documentation re: generating localized messages. (kazuhei2) + (:pr:`546`) Make roles joinedload compatible with SQLAlchemy 2.0. (keats) + (:pr:`586`) Ship py.typed as part of package. + (:issue:`580`) Improve documentation around use of bleach and include in common install extra.
* Mon Feb 28 2022 Steve Kowalik - Update to 4.1.2:
* default_reauthn_handler doesn\'t honor SECURITY_URL_PREFIX
* Add public API and CLI command to change a user\'s password.
* Add type hints. Please note that many of the packages that flask-security
* Add first-class support for using username for signing in.
* Possible open redirect vulnerability.
* Improve cookie handling and default ``samesite`` to ``Strict``.
* Email validation confusion - added documentation.
* Add documentation on how to override specific error messages.
* Don\'t install global-scope tests.
* Add Blinker as explicit dependency, improve/fix celery usage docs, don\'t require pyqrcode unless authenticator configured, improve SMS configuration variables documentation.
* Your UserModel must contain ``fs_uniquifier``
* Removal of python 2.7 and <3.6 support
* Remove two-factor `/tf-confirm` endpoint and use generic `freshness` mechanism.
* Remove ``SECURITY_BACKWARDS_COMPAT_AUTH_TOKEN_INVALID(ATE)``. In addition to not making sense - the documentation has never been correct.
* Add 2FA Validity Window so an application can configure how often the second factor has to be entered.
* Add HTML5 Email input types to email fields.- 4.1.0 fixed bsc#1202105 CVE-2021-23385.- Refresh no-mongodb.patch- Drop patches:
* no-setup-dependencies.patch
* fix-dependencies.patch
* Add patch use-pyqrcodeng.patch:
* Use pyqrcodeng rather than pyqrcode.
* Tue Jun 15 2021 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 3.4.5
* Security Vulnerability Fix. Two CSRF vulnerabilities were reported: qrcode and login. This release fixes the more severe of the 2 - the /login vulnerability. The QRcode issue has a much smaller risk profile since a) it is only for two-factor authentication using an authenticator app b) the qrcode is only available during the time the user is first setting up their authentication app. The QRcode issue has been fixed in 4.0.
* Fixed - GET on /login and /change could return the callers authentication_token. This is a security concern since GETs don\'t have CSRF protection. This bug was introduced in 3.3.0. (bsc#1181058, CVE-2021-21241)
* Backwards Compatibility Concerns. Fix CSRF vulnerability on /login and /change that could return the callers authentication token. Now, callers can only get the authentication token on successful POST calls.- Update to 3.4.4
* Fix 3 regressions and a couple other bugs
* Fixed - Basic Auth broken. When the unauthenticated handler was changed to provide a more uniform/consistent response - it broke using Basic Auth from a browser, since it always redirected rather than returning 401. Now, if the response headers contain WWW-Authenticate (which is set if basic AATTauth_required method is used), a 401 is returned. See below for backwards compatibility concerns. - As part of figuring out issue 359 - a redirect loop was found. In release 3.3.0 code was put in to redirect to :py:data:`SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_VIEW` when GET or POST was called and the caller was already authenticated. The method used would honor the request next query parameter. This could cause redirect loops. The pre-3.3.0 behavior of redirecting to :py:data:`SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_VIEW` and ignoring the next parameter has been restored. - Fix peewee. Turns out - due to lack of unit tests - peewee hasn\'t worked since \'permissions\' were added in 3.3. Furthermore, changes in 3.4 around get_id and alternative tokens also didn\'t work since peewee defines its own get_id method.
* Compatibility Concerns. In 3.3.0, flask_security.auth_required was changed to add a default argument if none was given. The default include all current methods - session, token, and basic. However basic really isn\'t like the others and requires that we send back a WWW-Authenticate header if authentication fails (and return a 401 and not redirect). basic has been removed from the default set and must once again be explicitly requested.- Rebase patch to remove another case where mongo is used:
* no-mongodb.patch- Rebase patch to fix context:
* fix-dependencies.patch- Add patch to fix failed tests (so an exception is not raised if is None). Submitted upstream at gh#Flask-Middleware/flask-security#495:
* Wed Jul 01 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Update to 3.4.3
* Minor fixes for a regression and a couple other minor changes
* Thu May 14 2020 Antonio Larrosa - Decrease dependencies which aren\'t really required so we can build in SLE/Leap:
* Werkzeug 0.15.5 requirement decreased to 0.14.1
* cryptography 2.3.1 requirement decreased to 2.1.4
* bcrypt 3.1.5 requirement decreased to 3.1.4
* peewee 3.11.2 requirement decreased to 3.7.1
* Remove python-pony requirement- Add patch that applies previous dependency changes:
* fix-dependencies.patch
* Thu May 14 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to not pull in babel/twine/pytest-runner as upstream needs those but we really don\'t require them during a rpm build:
* no-setup-dependencies.patch
* Thu May 07 2020 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 3.4.2:
* The flask-security repo was moved to a github organization Flask-Middleware.- Update to 3.4.1:
* Fix a bunch of bugs in new unified sign in along with a couple other major issues.
* (:issue:`298`) Alternative ID feature ran afoul of postgres/psycopg2 finickiness.
* (:issue:`300`) JSON 401 responses had WWW-Authenticate Header attached - that caused browsers to pop up their own login/password form. Not what applications want.
* (:issue:`280`) Allow admin/api to setup TFA (and unified sign in) out of band. Please see :meth:`.UserDatastore.tf_set`, :meth:`.UserDatastore.tf_reset`, :meth:`.UserDatastore.us_set`, :meth:`.UserDatastore.us_reset` and :meth:`.UserDatastore.reset_user_access`.
* (:pr:`305`) We used form._errors which wasn\'t very pythonic, and it was removed in WTForms 2.3.0.
* (:pr:`310`) WTForms 2.3.0 made email_validator optional, we need it.- Added Requires python-bcrypt and python-email_validator, Recommends python-PyQRCode, python-SQLAlchemy, python-zxcvbn and Suggests python-argon2_cffi and python-phonenumbers
* Sun Apr 05 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 3.4.0:
* (:pr:`257`) Support a unified sign in feature. Please see :ref:`unified-sign-in`.
* (:pr:`265`) Add phone number validation class. This is used in both unified sign in as well as two-factor when using sms.
* (:pr:`274`) Add support for \'freshness\' of caller\'s authentication. This permits endpoints to be additionally protected by ensuring a recent authentication.
* (:issue:`99`, :issue:`195`) Support pluggable password validators. Provide a default validator that offers complexity and breached support.
* (:issue:`266`) Provide interface to two-factor send_token so that applications can provide error mitigation. Defaults to returning errors if can\'t send the verification code.
* (:pr:`247`) Updated all-inclusive data models (fsqlaV2). Add fields necessary for the new unified sign in feature and changed \'username\' to be unique (but not required).
* (:pr:`245`) Use fs_uniquifier as the default Flask-Login \'alternative token\'. Basically this means that changing the fs_uniquifier will cause outstanding auth tokens, session and remember me cookies to be invalidated. So if an account gets compromised, an admin can easily stop access. Prior to this cookies were storing the \'id\' which is the user\'s primary key - difficult to change! (kishi85)- Enable the testing- Add patch to not require mongodb during testing:
* no-mongodb.patch
* Tue Mar 24 2020 Antonio Larrosa - Initial release of python-Flask-Security-Too 3.3.0