Changelog for
PyCBC-utils-2.5.1-lp154.3.2.noarch.rpm :
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Atri Bhattacharya
- Add python-PyCBC-tests-numpy-2.0-compat.patch for compatibility with numpy >= 2.0 in tests.
* Sat Aug 17 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 2.5.1:
* enable checksum by default for h5py datasets
* use a personal branch of BBHx to allow python3.9 to run- Changes from version 2.5.0:
* Add support for python 3.12, drop support for python 3.8
* Standardization of logging and versioning information
* Thu Oct 19 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 2.4.0:
* Prevent conda pointing to the LVK release branch.
* Fri Oct 13 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 2.3.0:
* Various small improvements with respect to v2.2.2
* Tue Oct 10 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 2.2.2:
* Adds a variety of incremental improvements with respect to v2.2.1, including the ability to use the SEOBNRv5 waveform.- Update to version 2.2.1:
* Adds a variety of incremental improvements with respect to v2.2.0.- Disable requires pykerr which is not packaged for openSUSE.
* Tue May 23 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 2.2.0:
* Bugfix to remove calls to removed lalsuite functions.- Disable a few more tests requiring access to network.
* Wed Aug 24 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 2.0.5:
* Change how FFT is imported to avoid segfaults which occur on 2.0.4 on some systems.
* Fri Jul 01 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to version 2.0.4
* Add Multisignal models and fix issue where loading MKLblibs before FFTW can in some cases cause a segfault.- Release 2.0.3
* Adds support for hierarchical inference models and astropy 5.1 release.- Update requirements- Test in multibuild flavor in order to verify requirements.
* Mon Mar 07 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 2.0.2:
* Add option for more accurate match calculation.
* Sat Feb 05 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Add Obsoletes: python-PyCBC <= 1.18.0 to PyCBC-utils package to avoid conflicts during updates.- Disable builds for python <= 3.6 by requiring python-devel >= 3.7 in keeping with
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 2.0.1:- Split out utilities into new package called PyCBC-utils, which requires the default py3 flavour.- Build the python module itself for all supported python flavours; disable python2 which is no longer supported by PyCBC or its dependencies.- Run tests using pytest; note that using the pytest_arch macro leads to errors, so we largely replicate its behaviour except for running pytest itself without any options passed to it.- Re-check which tests work and rm those which do not to avoid module import errors.- New BuildRequires: python-pyFFTW.
* Wed Nov 17 2021 Dominique Leuenberger - Do not build for %ix86: lal is not available on this platform.
* Fri Feb 26 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 1.18.0:
* update dependencies (require lalsuite, no longer require emcee).
* build wheels and update build infrastructure.- Drop usage of python singlespec macros and switch to supporting just the default python3 environment. The large number of binaries installed to _bindir and the lack of a reasonable way to use python_clone for all the binaries forces this change.- Promote lal
* to Requires and drop BuildRequires/Recommends on python-emcee in keeping with upstream changes.- Drop additional source not needed any more.- Enable tests after deleting broken test cases.- Add BuildRequires/Requires on lalpulsar, python-ligo-lw, python-lscsoft-glue: new upstream dependencies.- Switch source tarball to GitHub since PyPI tarball does not carry the helper scripts and data files for test suite.
* Mon Dec 21 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 1.17.0:
* gwtc-2 included in catalog package.
* New interface for search statistics.
* Allow for time variance in antenna pattern for relative likelihood.- Setup but don\'t run tests: some of them are broken (known upstream).
* Fri Oct 23 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 1.16.11:
* Extra vetoes around gates and other things which are useful for IMBH searches.
* Wed Oct 07 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 1.16.10:
* Updates to statistics using PSD variation.
* Allow triggers at certain times to be manually removed from significance calculations on the command line.
* Thu Aug 20 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 1.16.9:
* Allow the compression level of HDF5 files created by `pycbc_coinc_mergetrigs` to be specified by a command-line argument (default to 6, not 9), speeding up execution with only marginal increase in the resulting file size (gh#gwastro/pycbc#3428).
* Sat Aug 15 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 1.16.8:
* Allow optimal_snr jobs to be parallelized.
* Speed up in trigger fitting.
* Sun Aug 02 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 0.16.7:
* Work around an unhandled exception when a GPU is present on a system but not allocated to the process [gh#gwastro/pycbc#3403].
* Fix typo in ACT printed to screen [gh#gwastro/pycbc#3402].
* Fix nonfsio site so that it does not allow jobs on that site to run on the grid [gh#gwastro/pycbc#3399].
* Fix error caused by missing https:// prefix on [gh#gwastro/pycbc#3398].
* Sat Aug 01 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 0.16.6:
* Fix a bug from v1.16.5 in how pycbc_coinc_hdfinjfind deals with segment attributes in the statmap files.
* Allow use of reuse cache files stored on web pages behind authentication.- Changes from version 0.16.5: - Improvements to efficiency of coincidence finding in the offline search. - Changes to allow for time-dependent arguments for channel names. - Settings to allow for different handling of file I/O in overloaded filesystems.- Update the list of Requires and Recommends to provide a more complete experience.
* Mon Jul 06 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 0.16.4:
* Adds plugin support for pycbc waveform.
* Adds additional parameter mappings.- Changes from version 0.16.3:
* Fix a bug in version 0.16.2.- Changes from version 0.16.2:
* Update some offline statistic naming.
* Add the ability to alter the search string in live.
* Correct some issues found in the creation of phase time amplitude difference histograms
* Wed May 27 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 0.16.1:
* Backward incompatible Changes to the offline search analysis, notably in the naming of ranking statistics
* Thu Apr 23 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 1.15.6:
* More functionality for the multi-detector workflow
* A patch to the PSD variation is added to avoid time around autogated periods is not strongly upranked.
* Steady improvements to the inference toolkit.
* Mon Feb 03 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update min required version of numpy to 1.16.0 for BuildRequires.
* Mon Feb 03 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 1.15.4
* Workflow code can now run on python3
* Inference data reading interface is now standardized
* XML segment files can be provided as input in workflow generation
* Some patches have been applied for PyCBC Live.- Fix env based hashbangs for exec in bindir; remove the hashbangs for non-bindir files.- Drop python-PyCBC-work-with-latest-numpy.patch: no longer needed as python-numpy >= 1.16.0 is now supported by default.- Package binaries only for python3 version.
* Mon Jul 22 2019 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 1.14.1:
* Bug fixed: issues with the dqsegdb integration in the new module.- Changes from version 1.14.0:
* Beta support for python3 (not enabled on openSUSE builds)
* Development towards a multi-ifo offline search code
* Numerous improvements in other code modules- Add python-PyCBC-work-with-latest-numpy.patch to avoid checking for max supported numpy version for python2 to get it building on openSUSE >= 1550 where the current python2-numpy version is 1.16.x.- Drop no longer needed sed commands.
* Thu Feb 07 2019 Add python-numpy Requires.
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Initial package.