Changelog for
system-user-postorius-1.3.13-lp156.2.1.noarch.rpm :
* Sat Sep 21 2024 Andreas Schneider
- Update to version 1.3.13
* See or packaged news.rst file.- Re-added GPG signature
* Sun Sep 15 2024 Andreas Schneider - Update to version 1.3.12
* See or packaged news.rst file.- Removed GPG signature as the download links don\'t work
* Sun Jun 23 2024 Andreas Schneider - Update to version 1.3.11
* See or packaged news.rst file.
* Thu Mar 07 2024 Andreas Schneider - Validate source tarball- Split out system user
* Mon Mar 04 2024 Ben Greiner - Provide postorius name and group in web package (rpm 4.19)
* Thu Feb 29 2024 Ben Greiner - Simplify python flavor selection
* Go back to primary python3 on Tumbleweed
* Use SLE15 python module pythons on 15.x- Build PEP517 wheel
* Mon Nov 06 2023 Marcus Rueckert - make it easy to run a build without testsuite osc build --without=testsuite
* Mon Nov 06 2023 Marcus Rueckert - make it easier to notice to keep buildrequires and runtime requires version limits in sync. This will also help us to notice early when the version of other libraries do not match the requires encoded in the source code.
* Thu Nov 02 2023 Andreas Schneider - Update to version 1.3.10
* See or the file news.rst in the postorius package
* Sun Jul 02 2023 Andreas Schneider - Fix uwsgi requirement
* Sat Jul 01 2023 Andreas Schneider - Use sle15_python_module_pythons
* Fri Jun 30 2023 Andreas Schneider - Fix building on Leap
* Sun Jun 25 2023 Andreas Schneider - Update to version 1.3.8
* The buttons and confirmation page for removing members have been revised in an attempt to reduce accidental removal of all members. (Fixes #545)
* Add bounce score for members in the Members table (See #12)
* Add support for Python 3.11.- Use sle15_python_module_pythons
* Thu Nov 17 2022 Andreas Schneider - Update to version 1.3.7
* Fix a bug where various form(s) allowed setting empty values for delivery_mode and language. (Fixes #540, #522)
* Rename labels description and info fields as \'Short Description\' and \'Long Description\' to signify what they mean. (Fixes #510)
* Use date to format the dates in \'List Metrics\' section in the List summary page. (Fixes #508)
* Sort the list of languages in all Select elements alphabetically so they are easier to naviate with screen readers. (Fixes #498)
* Add support for Django 4.0
* A couple of unit tests are now marked expectedFailure due to (See #548)
* Translate template names in the “New Templates” page (See #547)
* Translate the section names in the MailingList->\"Settings\" tab. (See #550)
* Add support for Django 4.1
* Add support for Python 3.10
* Remove support for Django < 3.2
* Remove support for Python < 3.7
* Replace the use of mock with unittest.mock
* Change the way role is selector in the List index page to allow use of the
* filtering without javascript enabled dropdowns. It also enhances usability by enabling the roles that are currently active by default. (See #544)
* Show the number of files in each Mailman queue under \'System Information\' tab for Admins. (Fixes #480)- Removed postorius-fix-django-4.0-compatibility.patch- Add BR for django debug toolbar
* Wed Jul 06 2022 Andreas Schneider - Add missing makemigritions on update
* Wed Jul 06 2022 Ben Greiner - Fix Requires for %{mypython}-uwsgi-python3 on Tumbleweed vs. uwsgi-python3 on 15.x
* Tue Jul 05 2022 Andreas Schneider - Fix Requires for uwsgi-python3
* Mon Jul 04 2022 Ben Greiner - Use Python 3.9 like the rest of mailman3
* Thu Jun 09 2022 Andreas Schneider - Fix BR for mailman3 (package has been renamed)
* Thu May 26 2022 python-mock is not required for build
* Mon Feb 21 2022 Andreas Schneider - Make compatible with django 4.0
* Added postorius-fix-django-4.0-compatibility.patch
* Thu Nov 18 2021 Matej Cepl - Fix missing minimal requirements on Django.
* Thu Nov 18 2021 Andreas Schneider - Update to version 1.3.6 - Security: - Check that a user owns the email address they are trying to unsubscribe. This fixes a bug in which any logged-in user could unsubscribe any email address from any mailing list, leaking whether that address was subscribed originally. (CVE-2021-40347) - UI: - Add \'Delivery Mode\' and \'Moderation Action\' columns to - List members page. Add support to list and handle pending un-subscription requests. - Add support to specify a reason when handling (un)subscription requests - Success messages to mass subscribes now properly distinguish subscription from invitation and indicate possible pending confirmation or approval. - User profile dropdown no longer is too far right. - Expose archive_rendering_mode in Archiver settings to choose between plaintext and rich text rendering of emails in Hyperkitty. - Allow choosing delivery_mode and delivery_status when subscribing to a List. - Redirect to domain_index after domain_edit succeeds. - Expose new bounce_notify_owner_on_bounce_increment list setting on Bounce Processing settings, and expose the corresponding template. - Expose the forward_unrecognized_bounces_to setting on Bounce Processing settings. - Clarified the description of Maximum number of recipients. - List summary view will now display a table for all subscriptions with delivery_mode and delivery_status. - Add a new user management interface for superusrs. - Allow searching for users in list user views. - Show both display name and email in user management interface if available, - Allow list:admin:notice:pending template to be set in Postorius. - Other: - Use mass-subscription API in core for Mass Removal of Members. - Fix a bug where users with multiple subscriptions to a List couldn\'t view their Preferences for all addresses. - Check for pending unsubscription requests and notify user when the request is pending approval. - Improve the performance of Members\' page by skipping an API call. - Improve the performance of List index page for Superuser. - Skip looking up choosable_domains for non-superuser to reduce API calls. - Improve the performance of List owner access checks. - Add a new APICountingMiddleware to performance testing purposes. - Use user_id as subscriber instead of addresses to improve the efficiency of list index page. - AUTOCREATE_MAILMAN_USER setting is now removed and a Mailman user is always created when a User object in created in Django. Also remove duplicate implementation of get_mailman_user from MailmanUserManager so that we can use a single implementation that uses caching for efficient lookups. Bump bundled jQuery to 3.6.0.slim version. - Use the full jQuery not the slim version. - Do not show Ownerships and Moderator roles in the \'Subscriptions\' page under mange new user interface. - Ascessibility: - Move the focus to the textarea in mass subscribe page if there are errors in the form.
* Wed Jun 02 2021 Andreas Schneider - Remove the postorius-admin user
* Tue May 25 2021 Andreas Schneider - Create static files as part of the build process- Fixed CVE-2021-31997
* Tue May 04 2021 Ben Greiner - restrict to primary python3 flavor due to mailman
* Fri Feb 12 2021 Andreas Schneider - Update to version 1.3.4
* Update the default Site when creating a domain to match the domain if it is (Closes #427)
* Add the ability to subscribe via Primary Address instead of specific address. (See !516)
* Fix a bug where the user\'s display name would be ignore when subscribing. (Closes #429)
* Display a user\'s name in the pending subscription request list. (Closes #430)
* Set a user\'s preferrred_address in Core if it isn\'t already set and the user has a Primary Address that is verified.
* Use the new APIs in Core to get the count of held messages and pending subscriptions to improve peroformance of settings page for list owners. (Fixes #417)
* Show held message is local time of the User. (Closes #434)
* Fix a bug where non-member options page would show an owner\'s options if the same email was subscribed as owner and non-member in a list. (Closes #436)
* Switching subscription from one email address to other or Primary Address now preserves preferences and does not require Moderator approval. (Closes #425)
* Make \'Archives\' and \'List Options\' urls more prominently visible in the list summary page as buttons. (Closes #439)
* Added the ability to issue invitations from the mass subscribe view.
* Expose emergency moderation setting for MailingList.
* Fixed some minor HTML errors. (Closes #442)
* Fix the bug where ListOfStringsField couldn\'t be unset in Postorius. (Closes [#444])
* Allow list:user:action:invite template to be set in Postorius. (Closes [#454])
* Fix a bug where the Bans form would always use default language instead of current request\'s language. (Closes #441)
* Fix the URL on cancel buttons in template\'s confirm delete page. (Closes [#458])
* Use server side filtering for pending subscription requests for moderator approval. (See !559)
* Allow setting moderation action for a nonmember from Held Message modal. ( Closes #448)
* Add a new view to confirm subscriptions or new emails for Users using Postorius. (Fixes #459)
* Fix a bug where membership check compared email addresses in different cases. (Closes #457)
* Mass removal now accepts address formats with display names and/or angle brackets. (Closes #455)
* Add support to override send_welcome_message when mass subscribing to suppress welcome messages. (Closes #99)
* Add support for Django 3.1.x. (See !574)
* The list\'s send_goodbye_message is now settable on the Automatic Responses view. (Closes #466)
* Support HYPERKITTY_ENABLE_GRAVATAR setting to control the user gravatar. (Closes #467)- Fix building on tumbleweed
* Sun Dec 20 2020 Andreas Schneider - Improve documentation (
* Sat Dec 12 2020 Andreas Schneider - Fix chdir path in uwsgi config- Update
* Sat Oct 03 2020 Andreas Schneider - Create a postorius-web package with webroot files- Create a postorius-web-uwsgi with uwsgi configuration- Added postorius-settings.patch
* Sets the FHS default paths
* Tue Aug 04 2020 Stasiek Michalski - Update to 1.3.3
* Expose additional list settings.
* Correct description of Digest Frequency.
* Added links to Reply-To munging articles.
* Fix \"Show Headers\" button to show the held message headers in the held message popup.
* Fix the held message popup structure and increase the max width of the popup to be 800px(modal-lg) for larger screens.
* Fix FILTER_VHOST = True option to try to find the email host corresponding to the requesting web host.
* Allow specifying a reason when rejecting a held message.
* Allow users to set their preferred language in their preferences.
* Add support to ban addresses for the entire Mailman installation.
* Un-handled HTTPError exception raised from MailmanClient now results in an error page and proper logging instead of mysterious KeyError in logs.
* Change List settings navigation to be vertical instead of horizontal.
* Move bounce processing settings into a new vertical tab for better visibility.
* Add URL to edit the Web host for each domain in Domain Index page. Also, show the SITE_ID for each webhost.
* Tue Apr 14 2020 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 1.3.2 (no changelog)
* Thu Jan 23 2020 the pytest issue in 15 will be fixed on python rpm macros level
* Fri Jan 17 2020 %check correctly also for 15
* Mon Dec 02 2019 call spec-cleaner
* Wed Nov 27 2019 package example_project in doc
* Fri Nov 15 2019 initial version 1.3.0 [SLE-7686]