Changelog for python311-django-model-utils-4.4.0-lp160.2.3.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Feb 22 2024 Steve Kowalik - Update to 4.4.0:
* Add support for `Python 3.11`
* Add support for `Python 3.12`
* Drop support for `Python 3.7`
* Add support for `Django 4.2`
* Add support for `Django 5.0`
* Remove ``SaveSignalHandlingModel``. This model used a modified copy of the internal Django method `Model.save_base()` and had not been updated for upstream bug fixes changes since its addition.
* Add Swedish translation
* Use proper column name instead of attname
* Fix ValueError when calling prefetch_related for tracked ForeignKey fields- Switch to autosetup and pyproject macros.- No more greedy globs in %files.
* Wed Jan 04 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 4.3.1:
* Confirm support for `Django 4.0`
* Add Spanish translation
* Add French translation
* Drop Django 1.7 workaround from `select_subclasses()`
* Drop support for `Django < 3.2`
* Drop support for `Python 3.6`
* Confirm support for `Django 4.1`
* Fri Jan 07 2022 John Vandenberg - Skip Tumbleweed Python 3.6 incompatible with Django 4
* Sun Dec 26 2021 John Vandenberg - Update to v4.2.0
* Add support for Django 3.2
* Drop support for Django 3.0
* Add support for Python 3.10
* Added urlsafe token field.
* Introduce context manager for FieldTracker state reset
* Fix performance regression of FieldTracker on FileField subclasses on Django 3.1+- from v4.1.1
* Applied isort to codebase
* Fix TypeError in save when model inherits from both TimeStampModel and StatusModel.- from v4.1.0
* FieldTracker now marks fields as not changed after refresh_from_db respecting fields argument
* FieldTracker now respects update_fields changed in overridden save() method
* FieldTracker now resets states after pre_save() and not anymore save() signals, possibly altering the behaviour of overridden save() methods
* Update InheritanceQuerySetMixin to avoid querying too much tables
* TimeStampedModel now automatically adds \'modified\' field as an update_fields parameter even if it is forgotten while using save()
* Replace ugettext_lazy with gettext_lazy
* Add available_objects manager to SoftDeletableModel and add deprecation warning to objects manager.
* StatusModel now automatically adds \'status_changed\' field during save as an update_fieldsparameter when \'status\' is present in it to make sure it is not forgotten.
* Drop support for Django 2.1
* Add support for Python 3.9
* Add support for Django 3.1
* Wed Sep 02 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Fix test execution
* Tue Jan 07 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 4.0.0:
* Added Choices.subset.
* Remove hacks for previously supported Django versions. (Fixes GH-390)
* Dropped support for Python 2.7. (Fixes GH-393)
* Dropped usage of six
* Drop support for Django 1.11
* Add support for Python 3.8
* Add support for Django 3.0
* Tue Jul 02 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch use-sqlite.patch to use sqlite for testing and not postgresql
* Tue Jul 02 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 3.2.0:
* Catch AttributeError for deferred abstract fields, fixes GH-331.
* Update documentation to explain usage of timeframed model manager, fixes GH-118
* Honor OneToOneField.parent_link=False.
* Fix handling of deferred attributes on Django 1.10+, fixes GH-278
* Fix FieldTracker.has_changed() and FieldTracker.previous() to return correct responses for deferred fields.
* Add Simplified Chinese translations.
* Update AutoLastModifiedField so that at instance creation it will always be set equal to created to make querying easier. Fixes GH-254
* Support reversed for all kinds of Choices objects, fixes GH-309
* Fix Model instance non picklable GH-330
* Fix patched save in FieldTracker
* Upgrades test requirements (pytest, pytest-django, pytest-cov) and skips tox test with Python 3.5 and Django (trunk)
* Add UUIDModel and UUIDField support.- Remove upstream merged fix-deferred.patch
* Wed Apr 24 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Fix requires on python-Django
* Wed Feb 20 2019 John Vandenberg - Update to version 3.1.2- Patch for Django 2
* Sat Feb 16 2019 John Vandenberg - Update to support Python 3
* Fri Jan 31 2014 Update to version 2.0 + BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE: Indexing into a ``Choices`` instance now translates database representations to human-readable choice names, rather than simply indexing into an array of choice tuples. (Indexing into ``Choices`` was previously not documented.) If you have code that is relying on indexing or slicing ``Choices``, the simplest workaround is to change e.g. ``STATUS[1:]`` to ``list(STATUS)[1:]``. + Fixed bug with checking for field name conflicts for added query managers on `StatusModel`. + Can pass `choices_name` to `StatusField` to use a different name for choices class attribute. ``STATUS`` is used by default. + Can pass model subclasses, rather than strings, into `select_subclasses()` + Deepcopying a `Choices` instance no longer fails with infinite recursion in `getattr`. + `get_subclass()` method is now available on both managers and querysets + Fix bug in `InheritanceManager` with grandchild classes on Django 1.6+; `select_subclasses(\'child\', \'child__grandchild\')` would only ever get to the child class. + MonitorField now accepts a \'when\' parameter. It will update only when the field changes to one of the values specified.
* Sat Sep 28 2013 Update to version 1.5.0 + Choices now accepts option-groupings. Fixes GH-14. + Choices can now be added to other Choices or to any iterable, and can be compared for equality with itself. + Choices now __contains__ its Python identifier values. + Fixed a bug causing KeyError when saving with the parameter update _fields in which there are untracked fields. + Fixed FieldTracker usage on inherited models. Fixes GH-57. + Added mutable field support to FieldTracker- Use download url as source url- Replace python-distribute with python-setuptools BuildRequires- Add documentation from tarball
* Mon Jan 28 2013 Update to 1.2.0: - Moved primary development from Bitbucket to GitHub. Bitbucket mirror will continue to receive updates; Bitbucket issue tracker will be closed once all issues tracked in it are resolved. - Removed deprecated ChoiceEnum, InheritanceCastModel, InheritanceCastManager, and manager_from. - Fixed pickling of PassThroughManager. Thanks Rinat Shigapov. - Set use_for_related_fields = True on QueryManager. - Added __len__ method to Choices. Thanks Ryan Kaskel and James Oakley. - Fixed InheritanceQuerySet on Django 1.5. Thanks Javier García Sogo.
* Sat Apr 14 2012 Update to 1.1.0: - Updated AutoCreatedField, AutoLastModifiedField, MonitorField, and TimeFramedModel to use ```` on Django 1.4. Thanks Donald Stufft. - Fixed annotation of InheritanceQuerysets. Thanks Jeff Elmore and Facundo Gaich. - Dropped support for Python 2.5 and Django 1.1. Both are no longer supported even for security fixes, and should not be used. - Added ``PassThroughManager.for_queryset_class()``, which fixes use of ``PassThroughManager`` with related fields. Thanks Ryan Kaskel for report and fix.- Added ``InheritanceManager.get_subclass()``. Thanks smacker.
* Fri Jun 17 2011 Update to 1.0.0: - Fixed using SplitField on an abstract base model. - Fixed issue #8, adding ``use_for_related_fields = True`` to ``InheritanceManager``. - Added ``PassThroughManager``. Thanks Paul McLanahan. - Added pending-deprecation warnings for ``InheritanceCastModel``, ``manager_from``, and Django 1.1 support. Removed documentation for the deprecated utilities. Bumped ``ChoiceEnum`` from pending-deprecation to deprecation. - Fixed issue #6, bug with InheritanceManager and descriptor fields (e.g. FileField). Thanks zyegfryed for the fix and sayane for tests.- Regenerate spec file with py2pack.
* Fri Feb 18 2011 Update to 0.6.0: - Updated SplitField to define get_prep_value rather than get_db_prep_value. This avoids deprecation warnings on Django trunk/1.3, but makes SplitField incompatible with Django versions prior to 1.2. - Added InheritanceManager, a better approach to selecting subclass instances for Django 1.2+. Thanks Jeff Elmore. - Added InheritanceCastManager and InheritanceCastQuerySet, to allow bulk casting of a queryset to child types. Thanks Gregor Müllegger.
* Fri Sep 24 2010 Update to 0.5.0;- Bzip2 source file;- Spec file cleaned with spec-cleaner.
* Wed Mar 17 2010 Update to 0.4.0.
* Tue Oct 27 2009 Initial package (0.3.1) for openSUSE.