Changelog for python311-django-upgrade-1.20.0-lp160.2.2.noarch.rpm :

* Sat Aug 31 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 1.20.0:
* Fix the admin_register fixer to avoid rewriting when there are duplicate ModelAdmin classes in the file. Issue #471.
* Mon Jul 08 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 1.19.0:
* Add Django 4.2+ fixer to rewrite index_together declarations into indexes declarations in model Meta classes. This fixer can make changes that require migrations. Add a test for pending migrations to ensure that you do not miss these. PR [#464].
* Fix tracking of AST node parents. This may have fixed some subtle bugs in these fixers: admin_register assert_form_error default_app_config management_commands request_headers settings_database_postgresql settings_storages testcase_databases use_l10n utils_timezone
* If you see any new changes, or had them previously disabled, please report an issue so we can extra tests to the test suite.
* Wed Jun 12 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 1.18.0:
* Support Django 5.1 as a target version.
* Add Django 5.1+ fixer to rewrite the check keyword argument of CheckConstraint to condition.
* Add fixer selection options: --only , --skip , and --list-fixers.
* Sun Apr 07 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 1.16.0:
* Remove the Django 5.0+ fixer that dropped .choices from model field choices parameters. It was too unreliable because it could break use for “DIY” enumeration types.
* Remove the Django 5.0+ fixer that dropped .choices from model field choices parameters. It was too unreliable because it could break use for “DIY” enumeration types.
* Add Django 1.10+ fixer to rewrite request.user functions that changed to boolean attributes: is_authenticated and is_anonymous.
* Add Django 1.10+ fixer to rewrite request.user functions that changed to boolean attributes: is_authenticated and is_anonymous.
* Add Django 2.0+ imports fixes for names moved from django.core.urlresolvers to django.urls.
* Add Django 2.0+ imports fixes for names moved from django.core.urlresolvers to django.urls.
* Sat Dec 02 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 1.15.0:
* Support Django 5.0 as a target version.
* Add Django 5.0+ fixer to drop ``.choices`` on model field ``choices`` parameters when using an enumeration type.
* Add some compatibility import replacements for Django 4.0 and below.
* Fix issue with ``AATTadmin.register()`` checker
* Mon Sep 11 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 1.14.1:
* Fix bug in ``STORAGES`` fixer when only one of ``DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`` or ``STATICFILES_STORAGE`` was defined.
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 1.14.0:
* Support Python 3.12.
* Thu Mar 30 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 1.13.0:
* Add Django 4.2+ fixer to combine deprecated ``DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`` and ``STATICFILES_STORAGE`` settings into the new ``STORAGES`` setting.
* Add Django 4.2+ fixer to rewrite HTTP headers passed to test ``Client`` and ``RequestFactory``.
* Add Django 4.2+ fixer to rewrite test case methods ``assertFormsetError()`` and ``assertQuerysetEqual()`` into the new spellings with capitalized “Set”.
* Add Django 4.0 fixer to rewrite ``django.contrib.admin.utils.lookup_needs_distinct`` -> ``lookup_spawns_duplicates``.
* Rewrite ``request.META`` -> ``request.headers`` on the
*right hand side
* of assignments.
* Group some compatibility import replacements into a single “fixer”, optimizing runtime by about 3%.
* Fri Jan 20 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 1.12.0:
* Make ``re_path`` -> ``path`` fixer also convert ``include()``\\\'s with unterminated regexes.
* Avoid rewriting ``request.META`` to ``request.headers`` in ``del`` statements.
* Add Django 1.9+ fixer to rename the legacy engine name ``django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2`` in ``settings.DATABASES`` to ``django.db.backends.postgresql``.
* Make detection of management commands and migration files detect both forward and backward slashes as directory separators.- update to 1.11.0:
* See also `the release blog post `__.
* Add Django 1.7+ fixer to rewrite ```` calls into ``AATTadmin.register()`` when eligible.
* Add Django 3.2+ fixer to rewrite admin action function attributes to use the ``AATTadmin.action()`` decorator.
* Add Django 3.2+ fixer to rewrite admin display function attributes to use the ``AATTadmin.display()`` decorator.
* Add Django 4.1+ fixer to rewrite calls to test case methods ``assertFormError()`` and ``assertFormsetError()`` from their old signatures to the new ones.
* Add Django 2.0+ fixer to drop assignments of ``allow_tags`` attributes to ``True``.
* Add Django 3.1+ fixer to replace ``list`` error message key with ``list_invalid`` on ``ModelMultipleChoiceField``.
* Make ``request.headers`` fixer also rewrite accesses of the ``content- length`` and ``content-type`` headers.
* Extend ``request.headers`` fixer to rewrite ``in`` and ``not in`` comparisons on ``request.META``.
* The ``request.headers`` fixer now uses lowercase for header lookups, as per the HTTP/2 specification.
* Make ``on_delete`` fixer also support ``ForeignKey`` and ``OneToOneField`` imported from ``django.db.models``.
* Make ``NullBooleanField`` fixer preserve existing ``null`` arguments.
* Update ``timezone.utc`` fixer to only use absolute references from existing imports of the ``datetime`` module.
* Make Django 2.0+ URL fixer avoid a loop of adding imports that already exist.
* Fixers that modify string literals now match existing use of double quotes.
* Make fixers that erase lines also erase any trailing comments.
* Fix leaving a trailing comma when editing imports in certain cases.
* Expand the range of files considered settings files.
* Require at least one filename.
* Update README with info on how to run an upgrade on entire project.- update to 1.10.0:
* Add Django 3.2+ fixer to update ``requires_system_checks`` in management command classes.
* Thu Sep 01 2022 John Vandenberg - Update to v1.9.0
* Sun Dec 26 2021 John Vandenberg - Initial spec for v1.4.0