Changelog for
ruby2.7-rubygem-codemirror-rails-3-3.24-lp156.1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Feb 10 2015 updated to version 3.24
* Mon Oct 13 2014 add gem2rpm.yml
* Sun Oct 12 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging style
* Sat Feb 22 2014 updated to version 3.22 Adds the findMarks method. New addons: rulers, markdown-fold, yaml-lint. New theme: mdn-like. New mode: Sold. Auto-indenting a block will no longer add trailing whitespace to blank lines. Marking text has a new option clearWhenEmpty to control auto-removal. Several bugfixes in the handling of bidirectional text. The XML and CSS modes were largely rewritten. LESS support was added to the CSS mode. The OCaml mode was moved to an mllike mode, F# support added. Make it possible to fetch multiple applicable helper values with getHelpers, and to register helpers matched on predicates with registerGlobalHelper. New theme pastel-on-dark. Better ECMAScript 6 support in JavaScript mode. New modes: Julia and PEG.js. Support ECMAScript 6 in the JavaScript mode. Improved indentation for the CoffeeScript mode. Make non-printable-character representation configurable. Add ‘notification’ functionality to dialog addon.
* Mon Aug 26 2013 updated to version 3.16 The whole codebase is now under a single license file. The project page was overhauled and redesigned. New themes: Paraiso (light), The Matrix. Improved interaction between themes and active-line/matchbrackets addons. New folding function CodeMirror.fold.comment. Added fullscreen addon. Full list of patches. 29-07-2013: Version 3.15: New modes: Jade, Nginx. New addons: Tern, matchtags, and foldgutter. Introduced helper concept (context). New method: getModeAt. New themes: base16 dark/light, 3024 dark/light, tomorrow-night. Full list of patches.
* Mon Jul 01 2013 updated to version 3.14 New addons: trailing space highlight, XML completion (rewritten), and diff merging. markText and addLineWidget now take a handleMouseEvents option. New methods: lineAtHeight, getTokenTypeAt. More precise cleanness-tracking using changeGeneration and isClean. Many extensions to Emacs mode (prefixes, more navigation units, and more). New events \"keyHandled\" and \"inputRead\". Various improvements to Ruby, Smarty, SQL, and Vim modes.
* Mon May 27 2013 updated to version 3.13
* update the included CodeMirror
* relax rails dep
* Tue May 07 2013 updated to version 3.12
* update the included CodeMirror
* Tue Feb 12 2013 updated to version 3.02
* Fri Dec 14 2012 updated to version 3.00