Changelog for
ruby2.5-rubygem-paper_trail-12.0.0-1.3.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Jun 24 2021 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 12.0.0 no changelog found
* Wed Jan 20 2021 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 11.1.0 no changelog found
* Fri Sep 25 2020 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 11.0.0 no changelog found
* Mon Feb 10 2020 updated to version 10.3.1 no changelog found
* Sun May 05 2019 updated to version 10.3.0 no changelog found
* Fri Mar 29 2019 updated to version 10.2.1 no changelog found
* Sat Mar 02 2019 updated to version 10.2.0 no changelog found
* Sat Dec 08 2018 updated to version 10.1.0 no changelog found
* Wed Sep 05 2018 updated to version 10.0.1 no changelog found
* Sun Jun 10 2018 updated to version 9.2.0 no changelog found
* Thu May 31 2018 updated to version 9.1.1 no changelog found
* Wed May 23 2018 updated to version 9.1.0 no changelog found
* Wed May 16 2018 updated to version 9.0.2 no changelog found
* Tue Apr 24 2018 updated to version 9.0.1 no changelog found
* Tue Mar 27 2018 updated to version 9.0.0 no changelog found
* Tue Jan 09 2018 updated to version 8.1.2 no changelog found
* Thu Dec 14 2017 updated to version 8.1.1 no changelog found
* Sun Dec 03 2017 updated to version 8.1.0 no changelog found
* Thu Oct 26 2017 updated to version 8.0.1 no changelog found
* Wed Oct 11 2017 updated to version 8.0.0 no changelog found
* Thu Sep 21 2017 updated to version 7.1.3 no changelog found
* Mon Sep 11 2017 updated to version 7.1.2 no changelog found
* Mon Aug 28 2017 updated to version 7.1.1 removed upstream
* Thu Aug 03 2017 updated to version 7.1.0 see installed [#]# 7.1.0 (2017-07-09) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - [#803]( Deprecate `where_object_changes` when reading json from a text column - [#976]( `PaperTrail.whodunnit` accepts a `Proc` [#]## Fixed - None
* Tue Jun 06 2017 updated to version 7.0.3 see installed [#]# 7.0.3 (2017-06-01) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - None [#]## Fixed - [#959]( - Add migration version (eg. `[5.1]`) to all migration generators.
* Tue May 23 2017 updated to version 7.0.2 see installed [#]# 7.0.2 (2017-04-26) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - [#932]( - `PaperTrail.whodunnit` now accepts a block. [#]## Fixed - [#956]( - Fix ActiveRecord >= 5.1 version check
* Thu Apr 13 2017 updated to version 7.0.1 see installed [#]# 7.0.1 (2017-04-10) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - Generate cleaner migrations for databases other than MySQL [#]## Fixed - [#949]( - Inherit from the new versioned migration class, e.g. `ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]`
* Sun Apr 02 2017 updated to version 7.0.0 see installed [#]# 7.0.0 (2017-04-01) [#]## Breaking Changes - Drop support for ruby 1.9.3, whose EOL was 2015-02-23 - Drop support for ruby 2.0.0, whose EOL was 2016-02-24 - Remove deprecated config methods: - PaperTrail.serialized_attributes? - PaperTrail.config.serialized_attributes - PaperTrail.config.serialized_attributes= - Sinatra integration moved to [paper_trail-sinatra]( gem [#]## Added - `PaperTrail.gem_version` returns a `Gem::Version`, nice for comparisons. [#]## Fixed - [#925]( - Update RSpec matchers to work with custom version association names - [#929]( - Fix error calling private method in rails 4.0 - [#938]( - Fix bug where non-standard foreign key names broke belongs_to associations - [#940]( - When destroying versions to stay under version_limit, don\'t rely on the database to implicitly return the versions in the right order
* Wed Dec 21 2016 updated to version 6.0.2 see installed [#]# 6.0.2 (2016-12-13) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - None [#]## Fixed - `88e513f` - Surprise argument modification bug in `where_object_changes` - `c7efd62` - Column type-detection bug in `where_object_changes` - [#905]( - Only invoke `logger.warn` if `logger` instance exists [#]## Code Quality - Improve Metrics/AbcSize from 30 to 22 - Improve Metrics/PerceivedComplexity from 10 to 9
* Fri Dec 09 2016 updated to version 6.0.1 see installed [#]# Unreleased [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - None [#]## Fixed - None [#]# 6.0.1 (2016-12-04) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - None [#]## Fixed - Remove rails 3 features that are no longer supported, most notably, `protected_attributes`. [#]# 6.0.0 (2016-12-03) Now with rails 5.1 support, and less model pollution! About 40 methods that were polluting your models\' namespaces have been removed, reducing the chances of a name conflict with your methods. [#]## Breaking Changes - [#898]( - Dropped support for rails 3 - [#864]( - The model methods deprecated in 5.2.0 have been removed. Use `paper_trail.x` instead of `x`. - [#861]( - `timestamp_field=` removed without replacement. It is no longer configurable. The timestamp field in the `versions` table must now be named `created_at`. [#]## Deprecated - None [#]## Added - [#900]( - Support for rails 5.1 - [#881]( - Add RSpec matcher `have_a_version_with_changes` for easier testing. [#]## Fixed - None
* Wed Nov 30 2016 updated to version 5.2.3 see installed
* Sat Sep 10 2016 updated to version 5.2.2 see installed [#]# 5.2.2 (2016-09-08) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Deprecated - [#863]( PaperTrail.timestamp_field= deprecated without replacement. See [#861]( for discussion. [#]## Added - None [#]## Fixed
* Sat Sep 03 2016 updated to version 5.2.1 see installed
* Tue Jun 28 2016 updated to version 5.2.0 see installed
* Wed Jun 01 2016 updated to version 5.1.1 see installed [#]# 5.1.1 (2016-05-31) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - None [#]## Fixed - [#813]( - Warning for paper_trail_on_destroy(:after) for pre-releases of AR 5 - [#651]( - Bug with installing PT on MySQL <= 5.6
* Sat May 21 2016 updated to version 5.1.0 see installed [#]# 5.?.? (Unreleased) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - None [#]## Fixed - None [#]# 5.1.0 (2016-05-20) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - [#809]( - Print warning if version cannot be saved. [#]## Fixed - [#812]( - Issue with saving HABTM associated objects using accepts_nested_attributes_for - [#811]( - Avoid unnecessary query in #record_destroy - Improvements to documentation [#]# 5.0.1 (2016-05-04) [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - None [#]## Fixed - [#791]( - A rare issue in applications that override `warn`. - [#789]( - A potentially common issue, in applications with initializers that use versioned models.
* Tue May 03 2016 updated to version 5.0.0 see installed
* Sat Jan 30 2016 updated to version 4.1.0 see installed [#]# 4.1.0 [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - A way to control the order of AR callbacks. [#614]( - Added `unversioned_attributes` option to `reify`. [#579]( [#]## Fixed - None
* Thu Jan 21 2016 updated to version 4.0.2 see installed [#]# 4.0.2 [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - None [#]## Fixed - [#696]( / [#697]( Bind JSON query parameters in `where_object` and `where_object_changes`.
* Mon Dec 14 2015 updated to version 4.0.1 see installed [#]# 4.0.1 [#]## Breaking Changes - None [#]## Added - None [#]## Fixed - [#636]( - Should compile assets without a db connection - [#589]( / [#588]( - Fixes timestamp for \"create\" versions
* Thu Jul 30 2015 updated to version 4.0.0 see installed [#]# 4.0.0 This major release adds JSON column support in PostgreSQL, limited support for versioning associations, various new configuration options, and a year\'s worth of bug fixes. Thanks to everyone who helped test the two betas and two release candidates. [#]## Changed - Using a Rails initializer to reopen PaperTrail::Version or otherwise extend PaperTrail is no longer recommended. An alternative is described in the readme. See and - If you depend on the `RSpec` or `Cucumber` helpers, you must [require them in your test helper]( - [#458]( - Version metadata (the `:meta` option) from AR attributes for `create` events will now save the current value instead of `nil`. - [#391]( - `object_changes` value should dump to `YAML` as a normal `Hash` instead of an `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess`. - [#375]( / [#374]( / [#354]( / [#131]( - Versions are now saved with an `after_` callback, instead of a `before_` callback. This ensures that the timestamp field for a version matches the corresponding timestamp in the model. - `3da1f104` - `PaperTrail.config` and `PaperTrail.configure` are now identical: both return the `PaperTrail::Config` instance and also yield it if a block is provided. [#]## Removed - [#566]( - Removed deprecated methods `paper_trail_on` and `paper_trail_off`. Use `paper_trail_on!` and `paper_trail_off!` instead. [#]## Added - [#525]( / [#512]( - Support for virtual accessors and redefined setter and getter methods. - [#518]( - Support for querying against PostgreSQL\'s [`JSON` and `JSONB` column types]( via `PaperTrail::VersionConcern#where_object` and `PaperTrail::VersionConcern#where_object_changes` - [#507]( - New option: `:save_changes` controls whether or not to save changes to the `object_changes` column (if it exists). - [#500]( - Support for passing an empty array to the `on` option (`on: []`) to disable all automatic versioning. - [#494]( - The install generator will warn the user if the migration they are attempting to generate already exists. - [#484]( - Support for [PostgreSQL\'s `JSONB` Type]( for storing `object` and `object_changes`. - [#439]( / [#12]( - Support for versioning associations (has many, has one, etc.) one level deep. - [#420]( - Add `VersionConcern#where_object_changes` instance method; acts as a helper for querying against the `object_changes` column in versions table. - [#416]( - Added a `config` option for enabling/disabling utilization of `serialized_attributes` for `ActiveRecord`, necessary because `serialized_attributes` has been deprecated in `ActiveRecord` version `4.2` and will be removed in version `5.0` - [#399]( - Add `:dup` argument for options hash to `reify` which forces a new model instance. - [#394]( - Add RSpec matcher `have_a_version_with` for easier testing. - [#347]( - Autoload `ActiveRecord` models in via a `Rails::Engine` when the gem is used with `Rails`. [#]## Fixed - [#563]( - Fixed a bug in `touch_with_version` so that it will still create a version even when the `on` option is, e.g. `[:create]`. - [#541]( - `PaperTrail.config.enabled` should be Thread Safe - [#451]( - Fix `reify` method in context of model where the base class has a default scope, and the live instance is not scoped within that default scope. - [#440]( - `versions` association should clear/reload after a transaction rollback. - [#438]( - `ModelKlass.paper_trail_enabled_for_model?` should return `false` if `has_paper_trail` has not been declared on the class. - [#404]( / [#428]( - `model_instance.dup` does not need to be invoked when examining what the instance looked like before changes were persisted, which avoids issues if a 3rd party has overriden the `dup` behavior. Also fixes errors occuring when a user attempts to update the inheritance column on an STI model instance in `ActiveRecord` 4.1.x - [#427]( - Fix `reify` method in context of model where a column has been removed. - [#414]( - Fix functionality `ignore` argument to `has_paper_trail` in `ActiveRecord` 4. - [#413]( - Utilize [RequestStore]( to ensure that the `PaperTrail.whodunnit` is set in a thread safe manner within Rails and Sinatra. - [#381]( - Fix `irb` warning: `can\'t alias context from irb_context`. `Rspec` and `Cucumber` helpers should not be loaded by default, regardless of whether those libraries are loaded. - [#248]( - In MySQL, to prevent truncation, generated migrations now use `longtext` instead of `text`. - Methods handling serialized attributes should fallback to the currently set Serializer instead of always falling back to `PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML`. [#]## Deprecated - [#479]( - Deprecated `originator` method, use `paper_trail_originator`.
* Thu Apr 30 2015 updated to version 3.0.8 see installed [#]# 3.0.8 - [#525]( / [#512]( - Support for virtual accessors and redefined setter and getter methods. (Backported from v4)
* Tue Mar 03 2015 updated to version 3.0.7
* Tue Feb 10 2015 updated to version 3.0.6
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging