Changelog for
ruby2.7-rubygem-rubocop-1.28.2-150300.71.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Apr 28 2022 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.28.2 no changelog found
* Thu Mar 10 2022 updated to version 1.26.0 [#]## New features
* [#10419]( Add new `Style/NestedFileDirname` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10433]( Support `TargetRubyVersion 3.2` (experimental). ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#10406]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/InheritException` when inheriting a standard lib exception class that is not a subclass of `StandardError`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10421]( Make `Style/DefWithParentheses` aware of endless method definition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10401]( Fix a false positive for `Style/HashSyntax` when local variable hash key and hash value are the same. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10424]( Fix a false positive for `Security/YamlLoad` when using Ruby 3.1+ (Psych 4). ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10446]( Lint/RedundantDirGlobSort unset SafeAutoCorrect. ([AATTfriendlyantz][])
* [#10403]( Fix an error for `Style/StringConcatenation` when string concatenation with multiline heredoc text. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10432]( Fix an error when using regexp with non-encoding option. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10415]( Fix an error for `Lint/UselessTimes` when using `1.times` with method chain. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#10408]( Mark `Lint/InheritException` as unsafe auto-correction. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10407]( Change `EnforcedStyle` from `runtime_error` to `standard_error` for `Lint/InheritException`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10414]( Update auto-gen-config\'s auto-correction comments to be more clear. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])
* [#10427]( Mark `Style/For` as unsafe auto-correction. ([AATTissyl0][])
* [#10410]( Improve help string for `--fail-level` CLI option. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* Tue Feb 15 2022 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.25.1 no changelog found
* Tue Jan 25 2022 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.25.0 no changelog found
* Sat Dec 25 2021 updated to version 1.24.0 [#]## New features
* [#10279]( Support Ruby 3.1\'s anonymous block forwarding syntax. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10295]( Support Ruby 3.1\'s hash value omission syntax for `Layout/HashAlignment`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10303]( Add `AllowedNumbers` option to `Style/NumericLiterals`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10290]( Add new `Naming/BlockForwarding` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10289]( Add `EnforcedShorthandSyntax` option to `Style/HashSyntax` cop to support Ruby 3.1\'s hash value omission syntax by default. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10257]( Add new `Style/MapToHash` cop. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10261]( Add new `Style/FileRead` cop. ([AATTleoarnold][])
* [#10291]( Support Ruby 3.1\'s hash value omission syntax for `Layout/SpaceAfterColon`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10260]( Add new `Style/FileWrite` cop. ([AATTleoarnold][])
* [#10307]( Support Ruby 2.7\'s numbered parameter for `Metrics/BlockLength`, `Metrics/ClassLength`, `Metrics/MethodLength`, and `Metrics/ModuleLength` cops. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7671]( Add cli option `--show-docs-url` to print out documentation url for given cops. ([AATTHeroProtagonist][])
* [#10308]( Make `Style/CollectionCompact` aware of block pass argument. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#10285]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/SoleNestedConditional` when using nested `if` within `if foo = bar`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10309]( Fix a false positive for `Bundler/DuplicatedGem` when a gem conditionally duplicated within multi-statement bodies. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#10300]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Layout/DotPosition` and `Style/RedundantSelf` when auto-correction conflicts. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10284]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass` when regexp containing an unescaped `#`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10265]( Fix `Style/IfInsideElse` to be able to handle `if-then` nested inside an `else` without clobbering. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10297]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant` when building digest using an algorithm string and nested digest constants. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10282]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/EmptyCaseCondition` when using `when ... then` in `case` in a method call. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10273]( Fix a false positive for `InternalAffairs/UndefinedConfig` to suppress a false wrong namespace warning. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10305]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/HashConversion` when using `Hash[a || b]`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10264]( Fix the following incorrect auto-correct for `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses` with `Layout/SpaceBeforeFirstArg`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10276]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/RedundantInterpolation` when using a method call without parentheses in string interpolation. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#10253]( Deprecate `RuboCop::Cop::EnforceSuperclass` module. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10248]( Make `Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods` aware of `ENV.freeze`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10269]( Mark `Lint/IncompatibleIoSelectWithFiberScheduler` as unsafe auto-correction. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8586]( Add configuration parameter `AllowForAlignment` in `Layout/CommentIndentation`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* Wed Dec 22 2021 updated to version 1.23.0 [#]# 1.23.0 (2021-11-15) [#]## New features
* [#10202]( Add new `Lint/UselessRuby2Keywords` cop. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10217]( Add new `Style/OpenStructUse` cop. ([AATTmttkay][])
* [#10243]( Add new `Gemspec/RequireMFA` cop. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#10203]( Fix `Style/FormatStringToken` to respect `IgnoredMethods` with nested structures. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#10242]( Fix `last_column` value for `JSONFormatter`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10229]( Fix a false positive for `Style/StringLiterals` when `EnforcedStyle: double_quotes` and using single quoted string with backslash. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10174]( Fix inherit_from_remote should follow remote includes path starting with `./`. ([AATThirasawayuki][])
* [#10234]( Fix an error for `Style/Documentation` when using a cbase class. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10227]( Fix a false positive for `Style/ParenthesesAroundCondition` when parentheses in multiple expressions separated by semicolon. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10230]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/AmbiguousRange` when a range is composed of all literals except basic literals. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#10221]( Update `Naming::FileName` to recognize `Struct`s as classes that satisfy the `ExpectMatchingDefinition` requirement. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10220]( Update `Naming/FileName` to make `CheckDefinitionPathHierarchy` roots configurable. ([AATTgrosser][])
* [#10199]( Change `AllowAdjacentOneLineDefs` config parameter of `Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs` to `true` by default . ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10236]( Make `Lint/NumberConversion` aware of `to_r`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]# 1.22.3 (2021-10-27) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#10166]( Fix a false positive for `Style/StringLiterals` when using some meta characters (e.g. `\'\\s\'`, `\'\\z\'`) with `EnforcedStyle: double_quotes`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10216]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/SelectByRegexp` when using `lvar =~ blockvar` in a block. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10207]( Fix false positive in Layout/DotPosition when the selector is on the same line as the closing bracket of the receiver. ([AATTmvz][]) [#]## Changes
* [#10209]( Make `Lint/DeprecatedConstants` aware of `Net::HTTPServerException`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]# 1.22.2 (2021-10-22) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#10165]( Fix `Layout/DotPosition` false positives when the selector and receiver are on the same line. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10171]( Fix `Style/HashTransformKeys` and `Style/HashTransformValues` incorrect auto-correction when inside block body. ([AATTfranzliedke][])
* [#10180]( Fix an error for `Style/SelectByRegexp` when using `match?` without a receiver. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10193]( Fix an error for `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundExceptionHandlingKeywords` when `begin` and `rescue` are on the same line. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10185]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/AmbiguousRange` when using `self` in a range literal. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10200]( Fix an error when inspecting a directory named `
*`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10149]( Fix `Bundler/GemComment` where it would not detect an offense in some cases when `OnlyFor` is set to `restrictive_version_specifiers`. ([AATTDrowze][]) [#]## Changes
* [#10157]( Updated `Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion` handle being set to blank values. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10176]( Unmark `AutoCorrect: false` from `Security/JSONLoad`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10186]( Explicit block arg is not counted for `Metrics/ParameterLists`. ([AATTkoic][])
* Sat Oct 09 2021 updated to version 1.22.1 [#]# 1.22.1 (2021-10-04) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#10143]( Fix an error for `Lint/RequireRelativeSelfPath` when using a variable as an argument of `require_relative`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10140]( Fix false positive for `Layout/DotPosition` when a heredoc receives a method on the same line as the start sigil in `trailing` style. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10148]( Fix `Style/QuotedSymbols` handling escaped characters incorrectly. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10145]( Update `Style/SelectByRegexp` to ignore cases where the receiver appears to be a hash. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [#]# 1.22.0 (2021-09-29) [#]## New features
* [#8431]( Add `Safety` section to documentation for all cops that are `Safe: false` or `SafeAutoCorrect: false`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10132]( Reorganize output of `rubocop --help` for better clarity. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10111]( Add new `Style/NumberedParametersLimit` cop. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10025]( Changed cop `SpaceInsideParens` to include a `compact` style. ([AATTitay-grudev][])
* [#10084]( Add new `Lint/RequireRelativeSelfPath` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8327]( Add new cop `Style/SelectByRegexp`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10100]( Add new `Style/NumberedParameters` cop. ([AATTHugo-Hache][])
* [#10103]( Add `AllowHttpProtocol` option to `Bundler/InsecureProtocolSource`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10102]( Add new `Security/IoMethods` cop. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#10110]( Update `Layout/DotPosition` to be able to handle heredocs. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10134]( Update `Style/MutableConstant` to not consider multiline uninterpolated strings as unfrozen in ruby 3.0. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10124]( Fix `Layout/RedundantLineBreak` adding extra space within method chains. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10118]( Fix crash with `Style/RedundantSort` when the block doesn\'t only contain a single `send` node. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10135]( Fix `Style/WordArray` to exclude files in `--auto-gen-config` when `percent` style is given but brackets are required. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10090]( Fix a false negative for `Style/ArgumentsForwarding` when using only kwrest arg. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10099]( Update`Style/RedundantFreeze` to stop considering `ENV` values as immutable. ([AATTbyroot][])
* [#10078]( Fix `Layout/LineLength` reported length when ignoring directive comments. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9934]( Fix configuration loading to not raise an error for an obsolete ruby version that is subsequently overridden. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10136]( Update `Lint/AssignmentInCondition` to not consider assignments within blocks in conditions. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9588]( Fix causing a variable to be shadowed from outside the rescue block in the logic of Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName. ([AATTlilisako][])
* [#10096]( Fix `Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence` with `and`/`or` operators. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10106]( Fix `Style/RedundantSelf` for pattern matching. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10066]( Fix how `MinDigits` is calculated for `Style/NumericLiterals` when generating a configuration file. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [#]## Changes
* [#10088]( Update `Lint/BooleanSymbol` to be `SafeAutoCorrect: false` rather than `Safe: false`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10122]( Update `Style/RedundantSort` to be unsafe, and revert the special case for `size` from [#10061]( ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10130]( Update `Lint/ElseLayout` to be able to handle an `else` with only a single line. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [#]# 1.21.0 (2021-09-13) [#]## New features
* [#7849]( Add new `Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence` cop. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9061]( Add new `Lint/IncompatibleIoSelectWithFiberScheduler` cop. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#10067]( Fix an error for `Lint/NumberConversion` when using nested number conversion methods. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10054]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/SpaceAroundOperators` when match operators between `<<` and `+=`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10061]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantSort` when using `size` method in the block. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10063]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/SingleLineBlockChain` when method call chained on a new line after a single line block with trailing dot. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10064]( Fix `Style/ExplicitBlockArgument` corrector assuming any existing block argument was named `block`. ([AATTbyroot][])
* [#10070]( Fix a false positive for `Style/MutableConstant` when using non-interpolated heredoc in Ruby 3.0. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9674]( Disable `Style/AsciiComments` by default. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10051]( Improve the messaging for `Style/Documentation` to be more clear about what class/module needs documentation. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10074]( Update `Naming/InclusiveLanguage` to be disabled by default. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10068]( Mark `Style/AndOr` as unsafe auto-correction. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]# 1.20.0 (2021-08-26) [#]## New features
* [#10040]( Make `Lint/Debugger` aware of debug.rb. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9580]( Add a new cop that enforces which bundler gem file to use. ([AATTgregfletch][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#10033]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/BlockDelimiters` when there is a comment after the closing brace and using method chanin. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#6630]( Updated `Style/CommentAnnotation` to be able to handle multiword keyword phrases. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#7836]( Update `Style/BlockDelimeters` to add `begin`...`end` when converting a block containing `rescue` or `ensure` to braces. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10031]( Fix a false positive for `Style/HashExcept` when comparing with hash value. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#10034]( Add `RubyJard` debugger calls to Lint/Debugger/DebuggerMethods. ([AATTDanielVartanov][])
* [#10006]( Interpolated string literals are no longer frozen since Ruby 3.0. ([AATTsplattael][])
* [#9328]( Recognize shareable_constant_value magic comment. ([AATTthearjunmdas][], [AATTcaalberts][])
* [#10036]( Mark `Style/StructInheritance` as unsafe auto-correction. ([AATTkoic][])
* Wed Aug 25 2021 updated to version 1.19.1 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#10017]( Fixan error for `Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment` when using zsuper with block. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10011]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantSelfAssignmentBranch` when using instance variable, class variable, and global variable. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10010]( Fix a false positive for `Style/DoubleNegation` when `!!` is used at return location and before `rescue` keyword. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10014]( Fix `Style/Encoding` to handle more situations properly. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10016]( Fix conflict between `Style/SoleNestedConditional` and `Style/NegatedIf`/`Style/NegatedUnless`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10024]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/RedundantSelfAssignmentBranch` when using multiline `if` / `else` conditional assignment. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10004]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantBegin` when using one-liner with semicolon. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]# 1.19.0 (2021-08-12) [#]## New features
* [#4182]( Add `Lint/AmbiguousRange` cop to check for ranges with ambiguous boundaries. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#10000]( Parallel static analysis by default. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9948]( Support Ruby 2.7\'s pattern matching for `Style/ConditionalAssignment` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9999]( Add new `Style/RedundantSelfAssignmentBranch` cop. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9927]( Indent hash values in `Layout/LineEndStringConcatenationIndentation`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9959]( Make `Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches` able to handle ternary `if`s. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9946]( Avoid slow regexp matches in `Style/CommentedKeyword`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7422]( Treat constant assignment like other assignment in `Layout/SpaceAroundOperators`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9953]( Fix an infinite loop error and a false auto-correction behavior for `Layout/EndAlignment` when using a conditional statement in a method argument. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9958]( Prevent an infinite loop when a detected method has fewer arguments than expected. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9977]( Update `Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause` to not register an offense if there is another expression following the guard clause on the same line. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9980]( Fix a false positive for `Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches` when assigning to a variable used in a condition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9975]( Parentheses are always required for `Style/MethodDefParentheses` when a forwarding argument (`...`) is used. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9984]( Fix false negatives involving heredocs for `Layout/SpaceBeforeComma`, `Layout/SpaceBeforeComment`, `Layout/SpaceBeforeSemicolon` and `Layout/SpaceInsideParens`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9954]( Fix infinite loop error for `Layout/HashAlignment` when `EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation` is specified for `Layout/ArgumentAlignment`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#10002]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Lint/AmbigousRegexpLiteral` when using nested method arguments without parentheses. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9952]( [rubocop-rspec#1126]( Fix `inherit_mode` for deeply nested configuration defined in extensions\' default configuration. ([AATTpirj][])
* [#9957]( Add `WholeWord` configuration to `Naming/InclusiveLanguage`\'s `FlaggedTerms` config. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9970]( Don\'t register an offense when sort method has arguments for `Style/RedundantSort` cop. ([AATTmtsmfm][])
* [#4097]( Add require English for special globals. ([AATTbiinari][])
* [#9955]( Fix `Style/ExplicitBlockArgument` adding a second set of parentheses. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9973]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment` when aligned `rescue` keyword and leading dot. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9945]( Fix auto-correction of lines in heredocs with only spaces in `Layout/TrailingWhitespace`. ([AATTjonas054][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9989]( Mark `Style/CommentedKeyword` as unsafe auto-correction. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9964]( Make `Layout/LeadingCommentSpace` aware of `#:nodoc`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9985]( Mark `Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches` as unsafe auto-correction. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9962]( Update `Style/WordArray` to register an offense in `percent` style if any values contain spaces. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9979]( Enable basic autocorrection for `Style/Semicolon`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* Thu Jul 29 2021 updated to version 1.18.4 [#]## New features
* [#9930]( Support Ruby 2.7\'s pattern matching for `Lint/DuplicateBranch` cop. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9938]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Layout/LineLength` when a heredoc is used as the first element of an array. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9940]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/HashTransformValues` when value is a hash literal for `_.to_h{...}`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9752]( Improve error message for top level department used in configuration. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9933]( Fix GitHub Actions formatter when running in non-default directory. ([AATTojab][])
* [#9922]( Make better auto-corrections in `Style/DoubleCopDisableDirective`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9848]( Fix handling of comments in `Layout/ClassStructure` auto-correct. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9926]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/SingleLineMethods` when method body is enclosed in parentheses. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9928]( Fix an infinite loop error and a false auto-correction behavior for `Layout/EndAlignment` when using operator methods and `EnforcedStyleAlignWith: variable`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9434]( Fix false positive for setter calls in `Layout/FirstArgumentIndentation`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* Sun Jul 11 2021 updated to version 1.18.3 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9891]( Fix `--auto-gen-config` bug for `Style/HashSyntax`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9905]( Fix false positive for single line concatenation in `Layout/LineEndStringConcatenationIndentation`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9907]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Lint/UselessTimes` when using block argument for `1.times`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9869]( Fix reference to file in configuration override warning. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9902]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/BlockDelimiters` when there is a comment after the closing brace. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8469]( Add inspection of `class <<` to `Layout/SpaceAroundOperators`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9909]( This PR fixes an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/SingleLineMethods` when using `return`, `break`, or `next` for one line method body in Ruby 3.0. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9914]( Fix an error for `Layout/HashAlignment` when using aligned hash argument for `proc.()`. ([AATTkoic][])
* Thu Jun 24 2021 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.17.0 no changelog found
* Tue Jun 01 2021 updated to version 1.15.0 [#]## New features
* [#9734]( Add `Style/TopLevelMethodDefinition` cop. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9780]( Support summary report for `JUnitFormatter`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9798]( Make `Layout/ArgumentAlignment` aware of kwargs. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9749]( Fix autocorrection for `Layout/LineLength` to not move the first argument of an unparenthesized `send` node to the next line, which changes behaviour. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9799]( Fix invalid line splitting by `Layout/LineLength` for `send` nodes with heredoc arguments. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9773]( Fix `Style/EmptyLiteral` to not register offenses for `` when `Style/FrozenStringLiteral` is enabled. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9771]( Change `AllowDSLWriters` to true by default for `Style/TrivialAccessors`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9777]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/RedundantBegin` when using multi-line `if` in `begin` block. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9791]( Fix a false negative for `Layout/IndentationWidth` when using `ensure` in `do` ... `end` block. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9766]( Fix a clobbering error for `Style/ClassAndModuleChildren` cop with compact style. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9767]( Fix `Style/ClassAndModuleChildren` cop to preserve comments. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9792]( Fix false positive for `Lint/Void` cop with ranges. ([AATTtejasbubane][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9770]( Update `Lint/EmptyBlock` to handle procs the same way as lambdas. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9776]( Update `Style/NilLambda` to handle procs as well. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9744]( The parallel flag will now be automatically ignored when combined with `--cache false`. Previously, an error was raised and execution stopped. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Wed May 05 2021 New upstream release 1.14 [#]## New features
* [#7669]( New cop `Bundler/GemVersion` requires or forbids specifying gem versions. ([AATTtimlkelly][])
* [#9758]( Support `TargetRubyVersion 3.1` (experimental). ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9377]( Add cop `Layout/SingleLineBlockChain`. ([AATTjonas054][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9751]( `Style/StringLiteral` doesn\'t autocorrect global variable interpolation. ([AATTetiennebarrie][])
* [#9731]( Fix two autocorrection issues for `Style/NegatedIfElseCondition`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9740]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/SingleLineMethods` when defining setter method. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9757]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/NumberConversion` when `:to_f` is one of multiple method arguments. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9761]( Fix `Style/ClassAndModuleChildren` false negative for `compact` style when a class/module is partially nested. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9748]( Prevent infinite loops during symlink traversal. ([AATTTonkpils][])
* [#9762]( Update `VariableForce` to be able to handle `case-match` nodes. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9729]( Fix an error for `Style/IfUnlessModifier` when variable assignment is used in the branch body of if modifier. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9750]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/SoleNestedConditional` when when using nested `if` within `unless foo == bar`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9751]( `Style/StringLiteral` autocorrects `\'\\\\\'` into `\"\\\\\"`. ([AATTetiennebarrie][])
* [#9732]( Support deprecated Socket.gethostbyaddr and Socket.gethostbyname. ([AATTAndreiEres][])
* [#9713]( Fix autocorrection for block local variables in `Lint/UnusedBlockArgument`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9746]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/UnreachableLoop` when using conditional `next` in a loop. ([AATTkoic][]) [AATTtimlkelly]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTjonas054]: [AATTetiennebarrie]: [AATTdvandersluis]: [AATTTonkpils]: [AATTAndreiEres]: [AATTtejasbubane]:
* Wed Apr 21 2021 updated to version 1.13.0 [#]## New features
* [#7977]( Add `Layout/RedundantLineBreak` cop. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9691]( Add configuration parameter `InspectBlocks` to `Layout/RedundantLineBreak`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9684]( Support `IgnoredMethods` option for `Lint/AmbguousBlockAssociation`. ([AATTgprado][])
* [#9358]( Support `restrictive_version_specificiers` option in `Bundler/GemComment` cop. ([AATTRobinDaugherty][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#5576]( Fix problem with inherited `Include` parameters. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9690]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/IfUnlessModifier` when using a method with heredoc argument. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9681]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/RedundantBegin` when using modifier `if` single statement in `begin` block. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9698]( Fix an error for `Style/StructInheritance` when extending instance of `Struct` without `do` ... `end` and class body is empty and single line definition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9700]( Avoid warning about Ruby version mismatch. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#9636]( Resolve symlinks when excluding directories. ([AATTob-stripe][])
* [#9707]( Fix false positive for `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses` with `omit_parentheses` style on an endless `defs` node. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9689]( Treat parens around array items the same for children and deeper descendants. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9676]( Fix an error for `Style/StringChars` when using `split` without parentheses. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9712]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/HashConversion` when `Hash[]` as a method argument without parentheses. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9704]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/SingleLineMethods` when single line method call without parentheses. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9683]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/HashConversion` when using `zip` method without argument in `Hash[]`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9715]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses` of `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses` with `Style/RescueModifier`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7544]( Add --no-parallel (-P/--parallel can not be combined with --auto-correct). ([AATTkwerle][])
* [#9648]( Drop support for Ruby 2.4. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9647]( The parallel flag will now be automatically ignored when combined with `--auto-correct`, `--auto-gen-config`, or `-F/--fail-fast`. Previously, an error was raised and execution stopped. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Thu Apr 08 2021 dcermakAATTsuse.comNew upstream release 1.12.1 [#]# 1.12.1 (2021-04-04) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9649]( Fix when highlights contain multibyte characters. ([AATTosyo-manga][])
* [#9646]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses` of `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses` with `EnforcedStyle: conditionals` of `Style/AndOr`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9608]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause` when using guard clause is after `rubocop:enable` comment. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9637]( Allow parentheses for forwarded args in `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses`\'s `omit_parentheses` style to avoid endless range ambiguity. ([AATTgsamokovarov][])
* [#9641]( Fix `Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation` triggering on method calls that look like operators. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9638]( Fix an error for `Layout/LineLength` when over limit at right hand side of multiple assignment. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9639]( Fix `Style/RedundantBegin` removing comments on assignment statement correction. ([AATTmarcotc][])
* [#9671]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Lint/AmbiguousOperator` with `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9645]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/SingleLineMethods` when using single line class method definition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9644]( Fix an error and an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/MultilineMethodSignature` when line break after opening parenthesis. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9672]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/HashConversion` when using multi-argument `Hash[]` as a method argument. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]# 1.12.0 (2021-03-24) [#]## New features
* [#9615]( Add new `Style/StringChars` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9629]( Add `AllowParenthesesInStringInterpolation` configuration to `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses` to allow parenthesized calls in string interpolation. ([AATTgsamokovarov][])
* [#9219]( Allow excluding some constants from Style/Documentation. ([AATTfsateler][])
* Add `AllowNil` option for `Lint/SuppressedException` to allow/disallow `rescue nil`. ([AATTcorroded][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9560]( Fix an error for `Lint/ClassMethodsDefinitions` when defining class methods with `class << self` with comment only body. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9551]( Fix a false positive for `Style/UnlessLogicalOperators` when using `||` operator and invoked method name includes \"or\" in the conditional branch. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9620]( Allow parentheses in operator methods calls for `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses` `EnforcedStyle: omit_parentheses`. ([AATTgsamokovarov][])
* [#9622]( Fixed `Style/BisectedAttrAccessor` autocorrection to handle multiple bisected attrs in the same macro. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9606]( Fix an error for `Layout/IndentationConsistency` when using access modifier at the top level. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9619]( Fix infinite loop between `Layout/IndentationWidth` and `Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment` autocorrection. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9633]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Lint/NumberConversion` when `to_i` method in symbol form. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9616]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/EvalWithLocation` when using `#instance_eval` with a string argument in parentheses. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9429]( Fix `Style/NegatedIfElseCondition` autocorrect to keep comments in correct branch. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9631]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/RedundantReturn` when using `return` with splat argument. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9627]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/StructInheritance` when extending instance of Struct without `do` ... `end` and class body is empty. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#5953]( Fix a false positive for `Style/AccessModifierDeclarations` when using `module_function` with symbol. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9593]( Fix an error when processing a directory is named `{}`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9599]( Fix an error for `Style/CaseLikeIf` when using `include?` without a receiver. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9582]( Fix incorrect auto-correct for `Style/ClassEqualityComparison` when comparing `Module#name` for equality. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9603]( Fix a false positive for `Style/SoleNestedConditional` when using nested modifier on value assigned in condition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9598]( Fix RuboCop::MagicComment#valid_shareable_constant_value?. ([AATTkachick][])
* [#9625]( Allow parentheses in yield arguments with `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses` `EnforcedStyle: omit_parentheses` to fix invalid Ruby auto-correction. ([AATTgsamokovarov][])
* [#9558]( Fix inconsistency when dealing with URIs that are wrapped in single quotes vs double quotes. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9613]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantSelf` when a self receiver on an lvalue of mlhs arguments. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9586]( Update `Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName` to not register on inner rescues when nested. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9487]( Mark Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName as unsafe. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#9601]( Make `Style/RedundantBegin` aware of redundant `begin`/`end` blocks around memoization. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9617]( Disable suggested extensions when using the `--stdin` option. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [#]# 1.11.0 (2021-03-01) [#]## New features
* [#5388]( Add new `Style/UnlessLogicalOperators` cop. ([AATTcaalberts][])
* [#9525]( Add `AllowMethodsWithArguments` option to `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9520]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/MultipleComparison` when comparing a variable with multiple items in `if` and `elsif` conditions. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9548]( Fix a false positive for `Style/TrailingBodyOnMethodDefinition` when endless method definition body is after newline in opening parenthesis. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9541]( Fix `Style/HashConversion` when the correction needs to be wrapped in parens. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9533]( Make metrics length cops aware of multi-line kwargs. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9523]( Fix an error for `Style/TrailingMethodEndStatement` when endless method definition signature and body are on different lines. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9482]( Return minimal known ruby version from gemspecs `required_ruby_version`. ([AATTHeroProtagonist][])
* [#9539]( Fix an error for `Style/RedundantBegin` when using body of `begin` is empty. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9542]( Fix `Layout/FirstArgumentIndentation` for operator methods not called as operators. ([AATTdvandersluis][], [AATTTSMMark][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9526]( Add `AllowSplatArgument` option to `Style/HashConversion` and the option is true by default. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]# 1.10.0 (2021-02-15) [#]## New features
* [#9478]( Add new `Style/HashConversion` cop. ([AATTzverok][])
* [#9496]( Add new `Gemspec/DateAssignment` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8724]( Add `IgnoreModules` configuration to `Style/ConstantVisibility` to not register offense for module definitions. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9403]( Add autocorrect for `Style/EvalWithLocation` cop. ([AATTcteece][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9500]( Update `Lint/Debugger` so that only specific receivers for debug methods lead to offenses. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9499]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/SpaceBeforeBrackets` when multiple spaces are inserted inside the left bracket. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9507]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Lint/RedundantSplatExpansion` when expanding `` call on method argument. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9490]( Fix incorrect auto-correct for `Layout/FirstArgumentIndentation` when specifying `EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation` of `Layout/ArgumentAlignment` and `EnforcedStyle: consistent` of `Layout/FirstArgumentIndentation`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9497]( Fix an error for `Style/ExplicitBlockArgument` when `yield` is inside block of `super`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9349]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/MultipleComparison` when using `&`, `|`, and `^` set operation operators in multiple comparison. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9511]( Fix a false negative for `Lint/ElseLayout` when using multiple `elsif`s. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9513]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/HashConversion` when using hash argument `Hash[]`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9492]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant` when using no argument algorithm. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9405]( Improve documentation for `Style/EvalWithLocation` cop. ([AATTtaichi-ishitani][]) [#]# 1.9.1 (2021-02-01) [#]## New features
* [#9459]( Add `AllowedMethods` option to `Style/IfWithBooleanLiteralBranches` and set `nonzero?` as default value. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9431]( Fix an error for `Style/DisableCopsWithinSourceCodeDirective` when using leading source comment. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9444]( Fix error on colorization for offenses with `Severity: info`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9448]( Fix an error for `Style/SoleNestedConditional` when using nested `unless` modifier with a single expression condition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9449]( Fix an error for `Style/NilComparison` when using `x == nil` as a guard condition\'. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9440]( Fix `Lint/SymbolConversion` for implicit `to_sym` without a receiver. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9453]( Fix infinite loop error for `Layout/FirstParameterIndentation` when `EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation` is specified for `Layout/ArgumentAlignment`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9466]( Don\'t correct `Style/SingleLineMethods` using endless methods if the target ruby is < 3.0. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9455]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/SymbolConversion` when hash keys that contain `\":\"`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9454]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/IfWithBooleanLiteralBranches` when using `elsif do_something?` with boolean literal branches. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9438]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/SpaceBeforeBrackets` when space is used in left bracket. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9457]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/SymbolConversion` when hash keys that end with `=`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9473]( Fix an error for `Lint/DeprecatedConstants` when using `__ENCODING__`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9452]( Fix `StyleGuideBaseURL` not functioning with nested departments. ([AATTtas50][])
* [#9465]( Update `Metrics/ParameterLists` to be able to write `MaxOptionalParameters` in rubocop_todo.yml. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9433]( Fix an error for `Style/EvalWithLocation` when using eval with block argument. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9437]( Improve offense message when there is an allowed range of empty lines. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9476]( Mark `Style/IfWithBooleanLiteralBranche` as unsafe auto-correction. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]# 1.9.0 (2021-01-28) [#]## New features
* [#9396]( Add new `Style/IfWithBooleanLiteralBranches` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9402]( Add new `Lint/TripleQuotes` cop. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#7827]( Add pre-commit hook. ([AATTjdufresne][], [AATTadithyabsk][])
* [#7452]( Support `IgnoredMethods` option for `Style/FormatStringToken`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9340]( Added `info` Severity level to allow offenses to be listed but not return a non-zero error code. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9353]( Add new `Lint/SymbolConversion` cop. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9363]( Add new cop `Lint/OrAssignmentToConstant`. ([AATTuplus][])
* [#9326]( Add new `Lint/NumberedParameterAssignment` cop. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9366]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/SoleNestedConditional` when using method arguments without parentheses for outer condition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9372]( Fix an error for `Style/IfInsideElse` when nested `if` branch code is empty. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9374]( Fix autocorrection for `Layout/LineLength` when the first argument to a send node is a overly long hash pair. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9387]( Fix incorrect auto-correct for `Style/NilComparison` when using `!x.nil?` and `EnforcedStyle: comparison`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9411]( Fix false negatives for `Style/EvalWithLocation` for `Kernel.eval` and when given improper arguments. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#7766]( Fix `Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName` autocorrection when the rescue body returns the exception variable. ([AATTasterite][])
* [#7766]( Fix `Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName` autocorrection to not change variables if the exception variable has been reassigned. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9389]( Fix an infinite loop error for `IncludeSemanticChanges: false` of `Style/NonNilCheck` with `EnforcedStyle: comparison` of `Style/NilComparison`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9384]( Fix a suggestion message when not auto-correctable. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9424]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/ClassMethodsDefinitions` when defining class methods with `class << self` and there is no blank line between method definition and attribute accessor. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9370]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/SoleNestedConditional` when using nested `unless` modifier multiple conditional. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9406]( Fix rubocop_todo link injection when YAML doc start sigil exists. ([AATTdduugg][])
* [#9229]( Fix errors being reported with `rubocop -V` with an invalid config. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9425]( Fix error in `Layout/ClassStructure` when initializer comes after private attribute macro. ([AATTtejasbubane][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9415]( Change `Layout/ClassStructure` to detect inline modifiers. ([AATTAndreiEres][])
* [#9380]( Mark `Style/FloatDivision` as unsafe. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9345]( Make `Style/AsciiComments` allow copyright notice by default. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9399]( Added `AllowedCops` configuration to `Style/DisableCopsWithinSourceCodeDirective`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9327]( Change `Layout/EmptyLineAfterMagicComment` to accept top-level `shareable_constant_values` directive. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7902]( Change `Lint/NumberConversion` to detect symbol form of conversion methods. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* Wed Jan 20 2021 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.8.1 no changelog found
* Fri Jan 08 2021 New upstream release 1.8.0 [#]## New features
* [#9324]( Add new `Lint/DeprecatedConstants` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9319]( Support asdf\'s .tool-versions file. ([AATTnoon-ng][])
* [#9301]( Add new `Lint/RedundantDirGlobSort` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9281]( Add new cop `Style/EndlessMethod`. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9298]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Lint/RedundantCopDisableDirective` when there is a blank line before inline comment. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9233]( Fix `Style/SoleNestedConditional` copying non-relevant comments during auto-correction. ([AATTDarhazer][])
* [#9312]( Fix `Layout/FirstHashElementLineBreak` to apply to multi-line hashes with only a single element. ([AATTmuirdm][])
* [#9316]( Fix `Style/EmptyLiteral` registering wrong offense when using a numbered block for, i.e. ` { _1[_2] = [] }`. ([AATTagargiulo][])
* [#9308]( Fix an error for `Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs` when using endless class method. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9314]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/RedundantReturn` when multiple return values have a parenthesized return value. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9335]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses` of `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses` with `Style/NestedParenthesizedCalls`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9290]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/SpaceBeforeBrackets` when using array literal method argument. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9333]( Fix an error for `Style/IfInsideElse` when using a modifier `if` nested inside an `else` after `elsif`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9303]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/RaiseArgs` with `EnforcedStyle: compact` when using exception instantiation argument. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9300]( Make `Lint/NonDeterministicRequireOrder` not to register offense when using Ruby 3.0 or higher. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9320]( Support unicode-display_width v2. ([AATTdduugg][])
* [#9288]( Require Parser or higher. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9337]( Add `AllowedIdentifiers` to `Naming/VariableName`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9295]( Update `Style/SingleLineMethods` to correct to an endless method definition if they are allowed. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9331]( Mark `Style/MutableConstant` as unsafe. ([AATTkoic][]) [AATTkoic]: [AATTnoon-ng]: [AATTdvandersluis]: [AATTDarhazer]: [AATTmuirdm]: [AATTagargiulo]: [AATTdduugg]:
* Mon Jan 04 2021 New upstream release 1.7.0 [#]## New features
* [#9260]( Support auto-correction for `Style/MultilineMethodSignature`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9282]( Make `Style/RedundantFreeze` and `Style/MutableConstant` cops aware of frozen regexp and range literals when using Ruby 3.0. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9223]( Add new `Lint/AmbiguousAssignment` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#9243]( Support auto-correction for `Style/CommentedKeyword`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9283]( Add new `Style/HashExcept` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9231]( Add new `Layout/SpaceBeforeBrackets` cop. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9232]( Fix `Style/SymbolProc` registering wrong offense when using a symbol numbered block argument greater than 1, i.e. `[[1, 2]].map { _2.succ }`. ([AATTtdeo][])
* [#9274]( Fix error in `Metrics/ClassLength` when the class only contains comments. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9213]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedanduntFreeze` when using `Array#
*`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9279]( Add support for endless methods to `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9245]( Fix `Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral` when given a `match_with_lvasgn` node. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9276]( Add support for endless methods to `Style/SingleLineMethods`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9225]( Fix Style/LambdaCall ignoring further offenses after opposite style is detected. ([AATTsswander][])
* [#9234]( Fix the error for `Style/KeywordParametersOrder` and make it aware of block keyword parameters. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8938]( Fix some ConfigurableEnforcedStyle cops to output `Exclude` file lists in `--auto-gen-config` runs. ([AATTh-lame][])
* [#9257]( Fix false positive for `Style/SymbolProc` when the block uses a variable from outside the block. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9251]( Fix extracted cop warning when the extension is loaded using `--require`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9244]( When a cop defined in an extension is explicitly enabled, ensure that it remains enabled. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8046]( Fix an error for `Layout/HeredocArgumentClosingParenthesis` when there is an argument between a heredoc argument and the closing paretheses. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9261]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/MultilineWhenThen` when one line for multiple condidate values of `when` statement. ([AATTmakicamel][])
* [#9258]( Fix calculation of cop department for nested departments. ([AATTmvz][])
* [#9277]( Fix `Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs` error with endless method definitions. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9278]( Update `Style/MethodDefParentheses` to ignore endless method definitions since parentheses are always required. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9212]( Make `Style/RedundantArgument` aware of `String#chomp` and `String#chomp!`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8482]( Allow simple math for `Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#9237]( Add `IgnoredPatterns` configuration to `Lint/UnreachableLoop` to allow for block methods that share a name with an `Enumerable` method. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9206]( Allow extensions to disable cop obsoletions. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9262]( Update `Style/CollectionMethods` to be handle additional arguments and methods that accept a symbol instead of a block. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9235]( Allow `--only` and `--except` to be able to properly qualify cops added by require. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9205]( Update `Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName` to handle dynamically defined methods. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9285]( Add `AllowPercentLiteralArrayArgument` option for `Lint/RedundantSplatExpansion` to enable the option by default. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9208]( Use Array#bsearch instead of Array#include? to detect hidden files. ([AATTdark-panda][])
* [#9228]( Suppress any config warnings for `rubocop -V`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9193]( Add `IgnoreLiteralBranches` and `IgnoreConstantBranches` options to `Lint/DuplicateBranch`. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [AATTkoic]: [AATTfatkodima]: [AATTtdeo]: [AATTdvandersluis]: [AATTsswander]: [AATTh-lame]: [AATTmakicamel]: [AATTmvz]: [AATTdark-panda]: New upstream release 1.6.1 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9196]( Fix `ConfigObsoletion::ExtractedCop` raising errors for loaded features when bundler is not activated. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [AATTdvandersluis]:
* Wed Dec 09 2020 New upstream release 1.6.0 [#]## New features
* [#9125]( Allow ConfigObsoletion to be extended by other RuboCop libraries. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9182]( Support auto-correction for `Style/RedundantArgument`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9186]( Support auto-correction for `Style/FloatDivision`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9167]( Support auto-correct for `StyleSingleLineBlockParams`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9177]( Remove back-ref related code from `Style/SpecialGlobalVars`. ([AATTr7kamura][])
* [#9160]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/IfUnlessModifier` and `Style/SoleNestedConditional` when auto-correction conflicts for guard condition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9174]( Handle send nodes with unparenthesized arguments in `Style/SoleNestedConditional`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9184]( `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor` fails if the attr_accessor is the last line of the file. ([AATTtas50][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9171]( Add \"did you mean\" message when failing due to invalid cops in configuration. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8897]( Change `Style/StringConcatenation` to accept line-end concatenation between two strings so that `Style/LineEndConcatenation` can handle it instead. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9172]( Add `Style/PerlBackrefs` targets and change message more detailed. ([AATTr7kamura][])
* [#9187]( Update formatters to output `[Correctable]` for correctable offenses. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9169]( Add obsoletion warnings for `Performance/
*` and `Rails/
*` which are in separate gems now. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [AATTdvandersluis]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTr7kamura]: [AATTtas50]:
* Mon Dec 07 2020 New upstream release 1.5.2 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9152]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/SoleNestedConditional` when nested `||` operator modifier condition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9161]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/HeredocArgumentClosingParenthesis` when using subsequence closing parentheses in the same line. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9151]( Fix `SuggestExtensions` to not suggest extensions that are installed but not direct dependencies. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8985]( Fix `Style/StringConcatenation` autocorrect generating invalid ruby. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9155]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation` when multiline method chain has expected indent width and the method is preceded by splat for `EnforcedStyle: indented_relative_to_receiver`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9080]( Make `Lint/ShadowingOuterVariable` aware of `Ractor`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9102]( Relax regexp_parser requirement. ([AATTmarcandre][]) [AATTkoic]: [AATTdvandersluis]: [AATTtejasbubane]: [AATTmarcandre]: New upstream release 1.5.1 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8684]( Fix an error for `Lint/InterpolationCheck` cop. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9145]( Fix issues with SuggestExtensions when bundler is not available, or when there is no gemfile. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9140]( Fix an error for `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundArguments` when multiline style argument for method call without selector. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9136]( Fix `AllowedIdentifiers` in `Naming/VariableNumber` to include variable assignments. ([AATTPhilCoggins][]) [AATTtejasbubane]: [AATTdvandersluis]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTPhilCoggins]: New upstream release 1.5.0 [#]## New features
* [#9112]( Add new cop `Lint/UnexpectedBlockArity`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9010]( `Metrics/ParameterLists` supports `MaxOptionalParameters` config parameter. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#9114]( Support auto-correction for `Style/SoleNestedConditional`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8564]( `Metrics/AbcSize`: Add optional discount for repeated \"attributes\". ([AATTmarcandre][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8820]( Fixes `IfWithSemicolon` autocorrection when `elsif` is present. ([AATTadrian-rivera][], [AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9113]( Fix a false positive for `Style/MethodCallWithoutArgsParentheses` when assigning to a default argument with the same name. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9115]( Fix a false positive for `Style/FirstArgumentIndentation` when argument has expected indent width and the method is preceded by splat for `EnforcedStyle: consistent_relative_to_receiver`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9128]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/ClassAndModuleChildren` when namespace is defined as a class in the same file. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9105]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/RedundantCondition` when using operator method in `else`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9096]( Fix #9095 use merged_config instead of config for pending new cop check. ([AATTThomasKoppensteiner][])
* [#8053]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/AndOr` when `or` precedes `and`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9097]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundArguments` when blank line is inserted between method with arguments and receiver. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9122]( Added tip message if any gems are loaded that have RuboCop extensions. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9104]( Preset some stdlib method names for `Naming/VariableNumber`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9127]( Update `Style/SymbolProc` to be aware of numblocks. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9102]( Upgrade regexp_parser to 2.0. ([AATTknu][])
* [#9100]( Update `ConfigObsoletion` so that parameters can be deprecated but still accepted. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9108]( Update `Lint/UnmodifiedReduceAccumulator` to handle numblocks and more than 2 arguments. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9098]( Update `Metrics/BlockLength` and `Metrics/MethodLength` to use `IgnoredMethods` instead of `ExcludedMethods` in configuration. The previous key is retained for backwards compatibility. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9098]( Update `IgnoredMethods` so that every cop that uses it will accept both strings and regexes in the configuration. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [AATTdvandersluis]: [AATTfatkodima]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTmarcandre]: [AATTadrian-rivera]: [AATTknu]:
* Fri Nov 27 2020 New upstream release 1.4.2 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9083]( Fix `Style/RedundantArgument` cop raising offense for more than one argument. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9089]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/FormatString` when using springf with second argument that uses an operator. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7670]( Handle offenses inside heredocs for `-a --disable-uncorrectable`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#9070]( Fix `Lint/UnmodifiedReduceAccumulator` error when the block does not have enough arguments. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9091]( Have `Naming/VariableNumber` accept _1, _2, ... ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#9087]( Deprecate `EnforceSuperclass` module. ([AATTkoic][]) [AATTtejasbubane]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTjonas054]: [AATTdvandersluis]: [AATTmarcandre]: New upstream release 1.4.1 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9082]( Fix gemspec to include assets directory. ([AATTjavierav][]) [AATTjavierav]:
* Mon Nov 23 2020 New upstream release 1.4.0 Drop patch:
* 0001-Use-usr-bin-bash-instead-of-env-as-the-shebang.patch (file no longer in the gem) [#]## New features
* [#7737]( Add new `Style/RedundantArgument` cop. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9064]( Add `EmptyLineBetweenMethodDefs`, `EmptyLineBetweenClassDefs` and `EmptyLineBetweenModuleDefs` config options for `Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs` cop. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9043]( Add `--stderr` to write all output to stderr except for the autocorrected source. ([AATTknu][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9067]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Lint::AmbiguousRegexpLiteral` when passing in a regexp to a method with no receiver. ([AATTamatsuda][])
* [#9060]( Fix an error for `Layout/SpaceAroundMethodCallOperator` when using `__ENCODING__`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7338]( Handle assignment with `[]=` in `MultilineMethodCallIndentation`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7726]( Fix `MultilineMethodCallIndentation` indentation inside square brackets. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#8857]( Improve how `Exclude` properties are generated by `--auto-gen-config`. ([AATTjonas054][]) [#]## Changes
* [#8788]( Change `Style/Documentation` to not trigger offense with only macros. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#8993]( Allow `ExcludedMethods` config of `Metrics/MethodLength` cop to contain regex. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9073]( Enable `Layout/LineLength`\'s auto-correct by default. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* [#9079]( Improve the gemspec to load only the necessary files without the git utility. ([AATTpiotrmurach][])
* [#9059]( Update `Lint/UnmodifiedReduceAccumulator` to accept blocks which return in the form `accumulator[element]`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9072]( `Lint/MissingSuper`: exclude `method_missing` and `respond_to_missing?`. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#9074]( Allow specifying a pull request ID when calling `rake changelog:
*`. ([AATTmarcandre][]) [AATTtejasbubane]: [AATTknu]: [AATTamatsuda]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTjonas054]: [AATTbbatsov]: [AATTpiotrmurach]: [AATTdvandersluis]: [AATTmarcandre]:
* Mon Nov 16 2020 dcermakAATTsuse.comNew upstream release 1.3.1 [#]# 1.3.1 (2020-11-16) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#9037]( Fix `required_ruby_version` issue when using `Gem::Requirement`. ([AATTcetinajero][])
* [#9039]( Fix stack level too deep error if target directory contains `
*`. ([AATTunasuke][])
* [#6962]( Limit `Layout/ClassStructure` constant order autocorrect to literal constants. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#9032]( Fix an error for `Style/DocumentDynamicEvalDefinition` when using eval-type method with interpolated string that is not heredoc without comment doc. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9049]( Have `Lint/ToEnumArguments` accept `__callee__`. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#9050]( Fix a false positive for `Style/NegatedIfElseCondition` when `if` with `!!` condition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9041]( Fix a false positive for `Naming/VariableNumber` when using integer symbols. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#9045]( Have `cut_release` handle \"config/default\" and generate cops doc. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#9036]( Allow `enums` method by default for `Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9035]( Only complain about `SafeYAML` if it causes issues. ([AATTmarcandre][]) [#]# 1.3.0 (2020-11-12) [#]## New features
* [#8761]( Read `required_ruby_version` from gemspec file if it exists. ([AATTHeroProtagonist][])
* [#9001]( Add new `Lint/EmptyClass` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#9025]( Add `AllowedMethods` option to `Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9014]( Support auto-correction for `Style/IfInsideElse`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8483]( Add new `Style/StaticClass` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#9020]( Add new `Style/NilLambda` cop to check for lambdas that always return nil. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8404]( Add new `Lint/DuplicateBranch` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8499]( Fix `Style/IfUnlessModifier` and `Style/WhileUntilModifier` to prevent an offense if there are both first-line comment and code after `end` block. ([AATTdsavochkin][])
* [#8996]( Fix a false positive for `Style/MultipleComparison` when comparing two sides of the disjunction is unrelated. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8975]( Fix an infinite loop when autocorrecting `Layout/TrailingWhitespace` + `Lint/LiteralInInterpolation`. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8998]( Fix an error for `Style/NegatedIfElseCondition` when using negated condition and `if` branch body is empty. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9008]( Mark `Style/InfiniteLoop` as unsafe. ([AATTmarcandre][]) [#]## Changes
* [#8978]( Update `Layout/LineLength` autocorrection to be able to handle method calls with long argument lists. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9015]( Update `Lint/EmptyBlock` to allow for empty lambdas. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9022]( Add `NOTE` to keywords of `Style/CommentAnnotation`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9011]( Mark autocorrection for `Lint/Loop` as unsafe. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9026]( Update `Style/DocumentDynamicEvalDefinition` to detect comment blocks that document the evaluation. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#9004]( Remove obsolete gem `SafeYAML` compatibility. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#9023]( Mark unsafe for `Style/CollectionCompact`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#9012]( Allow `AllowedIdentifiers` to be specified for `Naming/VariableNumber`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* Thu Nov 05 2020 dcermakAATTsuse.comNew upstream release 1.2.0 [#]# 1.2.0 (2020-11-05) [#]## New features
* [#8983]( Support auto-correction for `Naming/HeredocDelimiterCase`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8004]( Add new `GitHubActionsFormatter` formatter. ([AATTlautis][])
* [#8175]( Add new `AllowedCompactTypes` option for `Style/RaiseArgs`. ([AATTpdobb][])
* [#8566]( Add new `Style/CollectionCompact` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8925]( Add `--display-time` option for displaying elapsed time of `rubocop` command. ([AATTjoshuapinter][])
* [#8967]( Add new `Style/NegatedIfElseCondition` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8984]( Support auto-correction for `Style/DoubleNegation`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8992]( Support auto-correction for `Lint/ElseLayout`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8988]( Support auto-correction for `Lint/UselessSetterCall`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8982]( Support auto-correction for `Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8989]( Fix multibyte support in the regexp node handler that led `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape` to malfunction and corrupt a program in auto-correction. ([AATTknu][])
* [#8912]( Fix `Layout/ElseAlignment` for `rescue/else/ensure` inside `do/end` blocks with assignment. ([AATTmiry][])
* [#8971]( Fix a false alarm for `# rubocop:disable Lint/EmptyBlock` inline comment with `Lint/RedundantCopDisableDirective`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8976]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/KeywordParametersOrder` when when `kwoptarg` is before `kwarg` and argument parentheses omitted. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8084]( Fix a bug in how `Layout/SpaceAroundBlockParameters` handles block parameters with a trailing comma. ([AATTbquorning][])
* [#8966]( Fix `Layout/SpaceInsideParens` to enforce no spaces in empty parens for all styles. ([AATTjoshuapinter][]) [#]## Changes
* [#5717]( Support `defined?`-based memoization for `Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8964]( Extend `Naming/VariableNumber` cop to handle method names and symbols. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* Mon Nov 02 2020 New upstream release 1.1.0 [#]# 1.1.0 (2020-10-29) [#]## New features
* [#8896]( Add new `Lint/DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement` cop. ([AATTowst][])
* [#8895]( Add new `Lint/EmptyBlock` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8934]( Add new `Style/SwapValues` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#7549]( Add new `Style/ArgumentsForwarding` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8859]( Add new `Lint/UnmodifiedReduceAccumulator` cop. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8951]( Support auto-correction for `Style/MultipleComparison`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8953]( Add `AllowMethodComparison` option for `Lint/MultipleComparison`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8960]( Add `Regexp::Expression#loc` and `#expression` to replace `parsed_tree_expr_loc`. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8930]( Add rake tasks for alternative way to specify Changelog entries. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8940]( Add new `Style/DocumentDynamicEvalDefinition` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#7753]( Add new `Lint/ToEnumArguments` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8921]( Prevent `Lint/LiteralInInterpolation` from removing necessary interpolation in `%W[]` and `%I[]` literals. ([AATTknu][])
* [#8708]( Fix bad regexp recognition in `Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef` when there are multiple regexps. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8945]( Fix changelog task to build a correct changelog item when `Fix #123` is encountered. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8914]( Fix autocorrection for `Layout/TrailingWhitespace` in heredocs. ([AATTmarcandre][]) [#]## Changes
* [#8920]( Remove Capybara\'s `save_screenshot` from `Lint/Debugger`. ([AATTybiquitous][])
* [#8919]( Require RuboCop AST 1.0.1 or higher. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8939]( Accept comparisons of multiple method calls for `Style/MultipleComparison`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8950]( Add `IgnoredMethods` and `IgnoredClasses` to `Lint/NumberConversion`. ([AATTdvandersluis][]) [#]# 1.0.0 (2020-10-21) [#]## New features
* [#7944]( Add `MaxUnannotatedPlaceholdersAllowed` option to `Style/FormatStringToken` cop. ([AATTTietew][])
* [#8379]( Handle redundant parentheses around an interpolated expression for `Style/RedundantParentheses` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8892]( Fix an error for `Style/StringConcatenation` when correcting nested concatenable parts. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8781]( Fix handling of comments in `Style/SafeNavigation` autocorrection. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8907]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Layout/ClassStructure` when heredoc constant is defined after public method. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8889]( Cops can use new `after_
` callbacks (only for nodes that may have children nodes, like `:send` and unlike `:sym`). ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8906]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/SpaceAroundOperators` when upward alignment. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8585]( Fix false positive in `Style/RedundantSelf` cop with nested `self` access. ([AATTmarcotc][])
* [#8692]( Fix `Layout/TrailingWhitespace` auto-correction in heredoc. ([AATTmarcandre][]) [#]## Changes
* [#8882](
*(Potentially breaking)
* RuboCop assumes that Cop classes do not define new `on_` methods at runtime (e.g. via `extend` in `initialize`). ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#7966](
* Enable all pending cops for RuboCop 1.0. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8490](
* Change logic for cop department name computation. Cops inside deep namespaces (5 or more levels deep) now belong to departments with names that are calculated by joining module names starting from the third one with slashes as separators. For example, cop `Rubocop::Cop::Foo::Bar::Baz` now belongs to `Foo/Bar` department (previously it was `Bar`). ([AATTdsavochkin][])
* [#8692]( Default changed to disallow `Layout/TrailingWhitespace` in heredoc. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8894]( Make `Security/Open` aware of ``. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8901]( Fix false positive for `Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName` when defining `=~`. ([AATTzajn][])
* [#8908]( Show extension cop versions when using `--verbose-version` option. ([AATTkoic][])
* Wed Oct 14 2020 New upstream release 0.93.1 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8782]( Fix incorrect autocorrection for `Style/TernaryParentheses` with `defined?`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8867]( Rework `Lint/RedundantSafeNavigation` to be more safe. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8864]( Fix false positive for `Style/RedundantBegin` with a postfix `while` or `until`. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8869]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantBegin` when using `begin` for or assignment and method call. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8862]( Fix an error for `Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral` when using regexp without method calls in nested structure. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8872]( Fix an error for `Metrics/ClassLength` when multiple assignments to constants. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8871]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantBegin` when using `begin` for method argument or part of conditions. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8875]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/ClassEqualityComparison` when comparing class name. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8880]( Fix an error for `Style/ClassLength` when overlapping constant assignments. ([AATTkoic][])- New upstream release 0.93 [#]## New features
* [#8796]( Add new `Lint/HashCompareByIdentity` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8833]( Add new `Style/ClassEqualityComparison` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8668]( Add new `Lint/RedundantSafeNavigation` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8842]( Add notification about cache being used to debug mode. ([AATThatkyinc2][])
* [#8822]( Make `Style/RedundantBegin` aware of `begin` without `rescue` or `ensure`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8810]( Fix multiple offense detection for `Style/RaiseArgs`. ([AATTpbernays][])
* [#8151]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/BooleanSymbol` when used within `%i[...]`. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8809]( Fix multiple offense detection for `Style/For`. ([AATTpbernays][])
* [#8801]( Fix `Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault` only registered once in a line. ([AATTrdunlop][])
* [#8514]( Correct multiple `Style/MethodDefParentheses` per file. ([AATTrdunlop][])
* [#8825]( Fix crash in `Style/ExplicitBlockArgument` when code is called outside of a method. ([AATTghiculescu][])
* [#8718]( Fix undefined methods of pseudo location. ([AATTybiquitous][])
* [#8354]( Detect regexp named captures in `Style/CaseLikeIf` cop. ([AATTdsavochkin][])
* [#8821]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/NestedTernaryOperator` when using a nested ternary operator expression with no parentheses on the outside. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8834]( Fix a false positive for `Style/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression` when method argument parentheses are omitted and hash argument key is enclosed in parentheses. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8830]( Fix bad autocorrect of `Style/StringConcatenation` when string includes double quotes. ([AATTtleish][])
* [#8807]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantCondition` when using assignment by hash key access. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8848]( Fix a false positive for `Style/CombinableLoops` when using the same method with different arguments. ([AATTdvandersluis][])
* [#8843]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral` when sending method to regexp literal receiver. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8842]( Save actual status to cache, except corrected. ([AATThatkyinc2][])
* [#8835]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/RedundantInterpolation` when using string interpolation for non-operator methods. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7495]( Example for `Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation` cop. ([AATTAllanSiqueira][])
* [#8855]( Fix an error for `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier` and `Style/AccessModifierDeclarations` when using only access modifier. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#8803](
* `RegexpNode#parsed_tree` now processes regexps including interpolation (by blanking the interpolation before parsing, rather than skipping). ([AATTowst][])
* [#8625]( Improve `Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass` and `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape` by using `regexp_parser` gem. ([AATTowst][])
* [#8646]( Faster find of all files in `TargetFinder` class which improves initial startup speed. ([AATTtleish][])
* [#8102]( Consider class length instead of block length for ``. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7408]( Make `Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion` cop aware of `Gem::Requirement`. ([AATTtejasbubane][]) [AATTfatkodima]: [AATThatkyinc2]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTpbernays]: [AATTrdunlop]: [AATTghiculescu]: [AATTybiquitous]: [AATTdsavochkin]: [AATTtleish]: [AATTdvandersluis]: [AATTAllanSiqueira]: [AATTowst]: [AATTtejasbubane]:
* Fri Sep 25 2020 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 0.92.0 no changelog found
* Tue Sep 01 2020 New upstream release 0.90.0 [#]## New features
* [#8451]( Add new `Style/RedundantSelfAssignment` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8384]( Add new `Layout/EmptyLineAfterMultilineCondition` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8390]( Add new `Style/SoleNestedConditional` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8562]( Add new `Style/KeywordParametersOrder` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8486]( Add new `Style/CombinableLoops` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8381]( Add new `Style/ClassMethodsDefinitions` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8474]( Add new `Lint/DuplicateRequire` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8472]( Add new `Lint/UselessMethodDefinition` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8531]( Add new `Lint/EmptyFile` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* Add new `Lint/TrailingCommaInAttributeDeclaration` cop. ([AATTdrenmi][])
* [#8578]( Add `:restore_registry` context and `stub_cop_class` helper class. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8579]( Add `Cop.documentation_url`. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8510]( Add `RegexpNode#each_capture` and `parsed_tree`. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8365]( Cops defining `on_send` can be optimized by defining the constant `RESTRICT_ON_SEND` with a list of acceptable method names. ([AATTmarcandre][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8508]( Fix a false positive for `Style/CaseLikeIf` when conditional contains comparison with a class. Mark `Style/CaseLikeIf` as not safe. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8618]( Fix an infinite loop error for `Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs`. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8534]( Fix `Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands` for binary operators used as unary operators. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8537]( Allow a trailing comment as a description comment for `Bundler/GemComment`. ([AATTpocke][])
* [#8507]( Fix `Style/RescueModifier` to handle parentheses around rescue modifiers. ([AATTdsavochkin][])
* [#8527]( Prevent an incorrect auto-correction for `Style/CaseEquality` cop when comparing with `===` against a regular expression receiver. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8524]( Fix `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody` and `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundModuleBody` to correctly handle an access modifier as a first child. ([AATTdsavochkin][])
* [#8518]( Fix `Lint/ConstantResolution` cop reporting offense for `module` and `class` definitions. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#8158]( Fix `Style/MultilineWhenThen` cop to correctly handle cases with multiline body. ([AATTdsavochkin][])
* [#7705]( Fix `Style/OneLineConditional` cop to handle if/then/elsif/then/else/end cases. Add `AlwaysCorrectToMultiline` config option to this cop to always convert offenses to the multi-line form (false by default). ([AATTLykos][], [AATTdsavochkin][])
* [#8590]( Fix an error when auto-correcting encoding mismatch file. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8321]( Enable auto-correction for `Layout/{Def}EndAlignment`, `Lint/EmptyEnsure`, `Style/ClassAndModuleChildren`. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8583]( Fix `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape` false positive for line continuations. ([AATTowst][])
* [#8593]( Fix `Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass` false positive for interpolated multi-line expressions. ([AATTowst][])
* [#8624]( Fix an error with the `Style/CaseLikeIf` cop where it does not properly handle overridden equality methods with no arguments. ([AATTSkipants][]) [#]## Changes
* [#8413]( Pending cops warning now contains snippet that can be directly copied into `.rubocop.yml` as well as a notice about `NewCops: enable` config option. ([AATTcolszowka][])
* [#8362]( Add numbers of correctable offenses to summary. ([AATTnguyenquangminh0711][])
* [#8513]( Clarify the ruby warning mentioned in the `Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable` documentation. ([AATTchocolateboy][])
* [#8517]( Make `Style/HashTransformKeys` and `Style/HashTransformValues` aware of `to_h` with block. ([AATTeugeneius][])
* [#8529]( Mark `Lint/FrozenStringLiteralComment` as `Safe`, but with unsafe auto-correction. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8602]( Fix usage of `to_enum(:scan, regexp)` to work on TruffleRuby. ([AATTjaimerave][]) [AATTfatkodima]: [AATTdrenmi]: [AATTmarcandre]: [AATTpocke]: [AATTdsavochkin]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTtejasbubane]: [AATTLykos]: [AATTowst]: [AATTSkipants]: [AATTcolszowka]: [AATTnguyenquangminh0711]: [AATTchocolateboy]: [AATTeugeneius]: [AATTjaimerave]:
* Mon Aug 17 2020 New upstream release 0.89.1 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8463]( Fix false positives for `Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef` when a regexp is defined and matched in separate steps. ([AATTeugeneius][])
* [#8464]( Handle regexps matched with `when`, `grep`, `gsub`, `gsub!`, `sub`, `sub!`, `[]`, `slice`, `slice!`, `scan`, `index`, `rindex`, `partition`, `rpartition`, `start_with?`, and `end_with?` in `Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef`. ([AATTeugeneius][])
* [#8466]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/UriRegexp` when using `regexp` method without receiver. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8478]( Relax `Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands` for mathematical operations. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8480]( Tweak callback list of `Lint/MissingSuper`. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8481]( Fix autocorrect for elements with newlines in `Style/SymbolArray` and `Style/WordArray`. ([AATTbiinari][])
* [#8475]( Fix a false positive for `Style/HashAsLastArrayItem` when there are duplicate hashes in the array. ([AATTwcmonty][])
* [#8497]( Fix `Style/IfUnlessModifier` to add parentheses when converting if-end condition inside a parenthesized method argument list. ([AATTdsavochkin][]) [#]## Changes
* [#8487]( Detect `<` and `>` as comparison operators in `Style/ConditionalAssignment` cop. ([AATTbiinari][]) [AATTeugeneius]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTmarcandre]: [AATTbiinari]: [AATTwcmonty]: [AATTdsavochkin]:
* Fri Jul 31 2020 dcermakAATTsuse.comNew upstream release 0.88
* Mon Jun 22 2020 New upstream release 0.86.0 [#]## New features
* [#8147]( Add new `Style/RedundantFetchBlock` cop. ([AATTfatkodima][])
* [#8111]( Add auto-correct for `Style/StructInheritance`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#8113]( Let `expect_offense` templates add variable-length whitespace with `_{foo}`. ([AATTeugeneius][])
* [#8148]( Support auto-correction for `Style/MultilineTernaryOperator`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8151]( Support auto-correction for `Style/NestedTernaryOperator`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8142]( Add `Lint/ConstantResolution` cop. ([AATTrobotdana][])
* [#8170]( Support auto-correction for `Lint/RegexpAsCondition`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8169]( Support auto-correction for `Lint/RaiseException`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8132]( Fix the problem with `Naming/MethodName: EnforcedStyle: camelCase` and `_` or `i` variables. ([AATTavrusanov][])
* [#8115]( Fix false negative for `Lint::FormatParameterMismatch` when argument contains formatting. ([AATTandrykonchin][])
* [#8131]( Fix false positive for `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape` with escaped delimiters. ([AATTowst][])
* [#8124]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` when using named parameters with escaped `%`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7979]( Fix \"uninitialized constant DidYouMean::SpellChecker\" exception. ([AATTbquorning][])
* [#8098]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass` when using interpolations. ([AATTowst][])
* [#8150]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor` when using attribute accessors in `if` ... `else` branches. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8179]( Fix an infinite correction loop error for `Layout/MultilineBlockLayout` when missing newline before opening parenthesis `(` for block body. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8185]( Fix a false positive for `Style/YodaCondition` when interpolation is used on the left hand side. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#8146]( Use UTC in RuboCop todo file generation. ([AATTmauro-oto][])
* [#8149]( Cop `Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity` now counts `&.`, `||=`, `&&=` and blocks known to iterate. Default bumped from 6 to 7. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#8178]( Mark unsafe for `Lint/RaiseException`. ([AATTkoic][]) [AATTfatkodima]: [AATTtejasbubane]: [AATTeugeneius]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTrobotdana]: [AATTavrusanov]: [AATTandrykonchin]: [AATTowst]: [AATTbquorning]: [AATTmauro-oto]: [AATTmarcandre]:
* Mon Jun 08 2020 New upstream release 0.85.1 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8083]( Fix an error for `Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes` cop when using a regular expression that cannot be processed by regexp_parser gem. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8081]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/SuppressedException` when empty rescue block in `do` block. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8096]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/SuppressedException` when empty rescue block in defs. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8108]( Fix infinite loop in `Layout/HeredocIndentation` auto-correct. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#8042]( Fix raising error in `Lint::FormatParameterMismatch` when it handles invalid format strings and add new offense. ([AATTandrykonchin][]) [AATTkoic]: [AATTjonas054]: [AATTandrykonchin]:
* Fri Jun 05 2020 New upstream release 0.85 [#]## New features
* [#6289]( Add new `CheckDefinitionPathHierarchy` option for `Naming/FileName`. ([AATTjschneid][])
* [#8055]( Add new `Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass` cop. ([AATTowst][])
* [#8069]( New option for `expect_offense` to help format offense templates. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#7908]( Add new `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape` cop. ([AATTowst][])
* [#7978]( Add new option `OnlyFor` to the `Bundler/GemComment` cop. ([AATTric2b][])
* [#8063]( Add new `AllowedNames` option for `Naming/ClassAndModuleCamelCase`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#8050]( New option `--display-only-failed` that can be used with `--format junit`. Speeds up test report processing for large codebases and helps address the sorts of concerns raised at [mikian/rubocop-junit-formatter #18]( ([AATTburnettk][])
* [#7746]( Add new `Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes` cop. ([AATTpocke][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#8008]( Fix an error for `Lint/SuppressedException` when empty rescue block in `def`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8012]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant` when deprecated OpenSSL constant is used in a block. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#8017]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/SuppressedException` when empty rescue with comment in `def`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7990]( Fix resolving `inherit_gem` in remote configs. ([AATTCvX][])
* [#8035]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant` when using double quoted string argument. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7971]( Fix an issue where `--disable-uncorrectable` would not update uncorrected code with `rubocop:todo`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#8035]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant` when argument is a variable, method, or consntant. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#8056](
* Remove support for unindent/active_support/powerpack from `Layout/HeredocIndentation`, so it only recommends using squiggy heredoc. ([AATTbquorning][]) [AATTjschneid]: [AATTowst]: [AATTmarcandre]: [AATTric2b]: [AATTtejasbubane]: [AATTburnettk]: [AATTpocke]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTCvX]: [AATTrrosenblum]: [AATTbquorning]: New upstream release 0.84.0 [#]## New features
* [#7735]( `NodePattern` and `AST` classes have been moved to the [`rubocop-ast` gem]( ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#7950]( Add new `Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant` cop. ([AATTbdewater][])
* [#7976]( Add `AllowAliasSyntax` and `AllowedMethods` options for `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7984]( New `rake` task \"check_commit\" will run `rspec` and `rubocop` on files touched by the last commit. ([AATTmarcandre][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7953]( Fix an error for `Lint/AmbiguousOperator` when a method with no arguments is used in advance. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7962]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression` when heredoc has a space between the same string as the method name and `(`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7967]( `Style/SlicingWithRange` cop now supports any expression as its first index. ([AATTzverok][])
* [#7972]( Fix an incorrect autocrrect for `Style/HashSyntax` when using a return value uses `return`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7886]( Fix a bug in `AllowComments` logic in `Lint/SuppressedException`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7991]( Fix an error for `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor` when attribute method is method chained. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7993]( Fix a false positive for `Migration/DepartmentName` when a disable comment contains an unexpected character for department name. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7952](
* Change the max line length of `Layout/LineLength` to 120 by default. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7959]( Change enforced style to conditionals for `Style/AndOr`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7985]( Add `EnforcedStyle` for `Style/DoubleNegation` cop and allow double nagation in contexts that use boolean as a return value. ([AATTkoic][]) [AATTmarcandre]: [AATTbdewater]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTzverok]: [AATTjonas054]:
* Wed May 20 2020 New upstream release 0.83.0 [#]## New features
* [#7951]( Include `rakefile` file by default. ([AATTjethrodaniel][])
* [#7921]( Add new `Style/SlicingWithRange` cop. ([AATTzverok][])
* [#7895]( Include `.simplecov` file by default. ([AATTrobotdana][])
* [#7916]( Support autocorrection for `Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7917]( Support autocorrection for `Lint/UselessAccessModifier`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#595]( Add ERB pre-processing for configuration files. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7918]( Support autocorrection for `Lint/AmbiguousOperator`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7937]( Support autocorrection for `Style/IfWithSemicolon`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#3696]( Add `AllowComments` option to `Lint/EmptyWhen` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7910]( Support autocorrection for `Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7925]( Support autocorrection for `Layout/ConditionPosition`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7934]( Support autocorrection for `Lint/EnsureReturn`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7922]( Add new `Layout/EmptyLineAroundAttributeAccessor` cop. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7929]( Fix `Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment` to accept frozen_string_literal anywhere in leading comment lines. ([AATTjeffcarbs][])
* [#7882]( Fix `Style/CaseEquality` when `AllowOnConstant` is `true` and the method receiver is implicit. ([AATTrafaelfranca][])
* [#7790]( Fix `--parallel` and `--ignore-parent-exclusion` combination. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7881]( Fix `--parallel` and `--force-default-config` combination. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7635]( Fix a false positive for `Style/MultilineWhenThen` when `then` required for a body of `when` is used. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7905]( Fix an error when running `rubocop --only` or `rubocop --except` options without cop name argument. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7903]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/HashTransformKeys` and `Style/HashTransformValues` cops when line break before `to_h` method. ([AATTdiogoosorio][], [AATTkoic][])
* [#7899]( Fix an infinite loop error for `Layout/SpaceAroundOperators` with `Layout/ExtraSpacing` when using `ForceEqualSignAlignment: true`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7885]( Fix `Style/IfUnlessModifier` logic when tabs are used for indentation. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7909]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression` when using an intended grouped parentheses. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7913]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/LiteralAsCondition` when using `true` literal in `while` and similar cases. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7928]( Fix a false message for `Style/GuardClause` when using `and` or `or` operators for guard clause in `then` or `else` branches. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7928]( Fix a false positive for `Style/GuardClause` when assigning the result of a guard condition with `else`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7860]( Change `AllowInHeredoc` option of `Layout/TrailingWhitespace` to `true` by default. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7094]( Clarify alignment in `Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#4245](
* Inspect all files given on command line unless `--only-recognized-file-types` is given. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7390](
* Enabling a cop overrides disabling its department. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7936]( Mark `Lint/BooleanSymbol` as unsafe. ([AATTlaurmurclar][])
* [#7948]( Mark unsafe for `Style/OptionalArguments`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7931]( Remove dependency on the `jaro_winkler` gem, instead depending on `did_you_mean`. This may be a breaking change for RuboCop libraries calling `NameSimilarity#find_similar_name`. ([AATTbquorning][]) [AATTjethrodaniel]: [AATTzverok]: [AATTrobotdana]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTjonas054]: [AATTjeffcarbs]: [AATTrafaelfranca]: [AATTdiogoosorio]: [AATTlaurmurclar]: [AATTbquorning]:
* Thu Apr 16 2020 New upstream release 0.82.0 [#]## New features
* [#7867]( Add support for tabs in indentation. ([AATTDracoAter][])
* [#7863]( Corrector now accepts nodes in addition to ranges. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#7862]( Corrector now has a `wrap` method. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#7850]( Make it possible to enable/disable pending cops. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7861]( Make it to allow `Style/CaseEquality` when the receiver is a constant. ([AATTrafaelfranca][])
* [#7851]( Add a new `Style/ExponentialNotation` cop. ([AATTtdeo][])
* [#7384]( Add new `Style/DisableCopsWithinSourceCodeDirective` cop. ([AATTegze][])
* [#7826]( Add new `Layout/SpaceAroundMethodCallOperator` cop. ([AATTsaurabhmaurya15][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7871]( Fix an auto-correction bug in `Lint/BooleanSymbol`. ([AATTknu][])
* [#7842]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/RaiseException` when raising Exception with explicit namespace. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7834]( Fix `Lint/UriRegexp` to register offense with array arguments. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7841]( Fix an error for `Style/TrailingCommaInBlockArgs` when lambda literal (`->`) has multiple arguments. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7842]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/RaiseException` when Exception without cbase specified under the namespace `Gem` by adding `AllowedImplicitNamespaces` option. ([AATTkoic][])
* `Style/IfUnlessModifier` does not infinite-loop when autocorrecting long lines which use if/unless modifiers and have multiple statements separated by semicolons. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [rubocop-hq/rubocop-rails#127]( Use `ConfigLoader.default_configuration` for the default config. ([AATThanachin][]) [#]## Changes
* Renamed `Layout/Tab` cop to `Layout/IndentationStyle`. ([AATTDracoAter][])
* [#7869](
* Drop support for Ruby 2.3. ([AATTkoic][]) [AATTDracoAter]: [AATTmarcandre]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTrafaelfranca]: [AATTtdeo]: [AATTegze]: [AATTsaurabhmaurya15]: [AATTknu]: [AATTtejasbubane]: [AATTalexdowad]: [AATThanachin]:
* Wed Apr 01 2020 New upstream release 0.81.0 [#]## New features
* [#7299]( Add new `Lint/RaiseException` cop. ([AATTdenys281][])
* [#7793]( Prefer `include?` over `member?` in `Style/CollectionMethods`. ([AATTdmolesUC][])
* [#7654]( Support `with_fixed_indentation` option for `Layout/ArrayAlignment` cop. ([AATTnikitasakov][])
* [#7783]( Support Ruby 2.7\'s numbered parameter for `Style/RedundantSort`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7795]( Make `Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause` aware of case where `and` or `or` is used before keyword that break control (e.g. `and return`). ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7786]( Support Ruby 2.7\'s pattern match for `Layout/ElseAlignment` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7784]( Support Ruby 2.7\'s numbered parameter for `Lint/SafeNavigationChain`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7331]( Add `forbidden` option to `Style/ModuleFunction`cop. ([AATTweh][])
* [#7699]( Add new `Lint/StructNewOverride` cop. ([AATTybiquitous][])
* [#7637]( Add new `Style/TrailingCommaInBlockArgs` cop. ([AATTpawptart][])
* [#7809]( Add auto-correction for `Style/EndBlock` cop. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7739]( Add `IgnoreNotImplementedMethods` configuration to `Lint/UnusedMethodArgument`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])ñ
* [#7740]( Add `AllowModifiersOnSymbols` configuration to `Style/AccessModifierDeclarations`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7812]( Add auto-correction for `Lint/BooleanSymbol` cop. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7823]( Add `IgnoredMethods` configuration in `Metrics/AbcSize`, `Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity`, and `Metrics/PerceivedComplexity` cops. ([AATTdrenmi][])
* [#7816]( Support Ruby 2.7\'s numbered parameter for `Style/Lambda`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7829]( Fix an error for `Style/OneLineConditional` when one of the branches contains `next` keyword. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7236]( Mark `Style/InverseMethods` auto-correct as incompatible with `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTdrenmi][])
* [#7144]( Fix `Style/Documentation` constant visibility declaration in namespace. ([AATTAdrienSldy][])
* [#7779]( Fix a false positive for `Style/MultilineMethodCallIndentation` when using Ruby 2.7\'s numbered parameter. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7733]( Fix rubocop-junit-formatter imcompatibility XML for JUnit formatter. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7767]( Skip array literals in `Style/HashTransformValues` and `Style/HashTransformKeys`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7791]( Fix an error on auto-correction for `Layout/BlockEndNewline` when `}` of multiline block without processing is not on its own line. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7778]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/EndAlignment` when a non-whitespace is used before the `end` keyword. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7806]( Fix an error for `Lint/ErbNewArguments` cop when inspecting ``. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7814]( Fix a false positive for `Migrate/DepartmentName` cop when inspecting an unexpected disabled comment format. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7728]( Fix an error for `Style/OneLineConditional` when one of the branches contains a self keyword. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7825]( Fix crash for `Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation` with key access to hash. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7831]( Fix a false positive for `Style/HashEachMethods` when receiver is implicit. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7797]( Allow unicode-display_width dependency version 1.7.0. ([AATTyuritomanek][])
* [#7779]( Change `AllowComments` option of `Lint/SuppressedException` to true by default. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7320]( `Naming/MethodName` now flags `attr_reader/attr_writer/attr_accessor/attr`. ([AATTdenys281][])
* [#7813](
* Remove `Lint/EndInMethod` cop. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* Mon Mar 02 2020 New upstream release 0.80.1 [#]# 0.80.1 (2020-02-29) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7719]( Fix `Style/NestedParenthesizedCalls` cop for newline. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7709]( Fix correction of `Style/RedundantCondition` when the else branch contains a range. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#7682]( Fix `Style/InverseMethods` autofix leaving parenthesis. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7745]( Suppress a pending cop warnings when pending cop\'s department is disabled. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7759]( Fix an error for `Layout/LineLength` cop when using lambda syntax that argument is not enclosed in parentheses. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7765]( When warning about a pending cop, display the version with the cop added. ([AATTkoic][])
* Tue Feb 18 2020 New upstream release 0.80.0 [#]# 0.80.0 (2020-02-18) [#]## New features
* [#7693]( NodePattern: Add `` ` `` for descendant search. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#7577]( Add `AllowGemfileRubyComment` configuration on `Layout/LeadingCommentSpace`. ([AATTcetinajero][])
* [#7663]( Add new `Style/HashTransformKeys` and `Style/HashTransformValues` cops. ([AATTdjudd][], [AATTeugeneius][])
* [#7619]( Support autocorrect of legacy cop names for `Migration/DepartmentName`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7659]( `Layout/LineLength` autocorrect now breaks up long lines with blocks. ([AATTmaxh][])
* [#7677]( Add a cop for `Hash#each_key` and `Hash#each_value`. ([AATTjemmaissroff][])
* Add `BracesRequiredMethods` parameter to `Style/BlockDelimiters` to require braces for specific methods such as Sorbet\'s `sig`. ([AATTmaxh][])
* [#7686]( Add new `JUnitFormatter` formatter based on `rubocop-junit-formatter` gem. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7715]( Add `Steepfile` to default `Include` list. ([AATTybiquitous][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7644]( Fix patterns with named wildcards in unions. ([AATTmarcandre][])
* [#7639]( Fix logical operator edge case in `omit_parentheses` style of `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses`. ([AATTgsamokovarov][])
* [#7661]( Fix to return correct info from multi-line regexp. ([AATTTietew][])
* [#7655]( Fix an error when processing a regexp with a line break at the start of capture parenthesis. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7647]( Fix an `undefined method on_numblock` error when using Ruby 2.7\'s numbered parameters. ([AATThanachin][])ñ
* [#7675]( Fix a false negative for `Layout/SpaceBeforeFirstArg` when a vertical argument positions are aligned. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7688]( Fix a bug in `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses` that made `--auto-gen-config` crash. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7203]( Fix an infinite loop error for `Style/TernaryParentheses` with `Style/RedundantParentheses` when using `EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses_when_complex`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7708]( Make it possible to use EOL `rubocop:disable` comments on comment lines. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7712]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/OrAssignment` when using `elsif` branch. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7636]( Remove `console` from `Lint/Debugger` to prevent false positives. ([AATTgsamokovarov][])
* [#7641](
* Remove `Style/BracesAroundHashParameters` cop. ([AATTpocke][])
* Add the method name to highlight area of `Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs` to help provide more context. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#7652]( Allow `pp` to allowed names of `Naming/MethodParameterName` cop in default config. ([AATTmasarakki][])
* [#7309]( Mark `Lint/UselessSetterCall` an \"not safe\" and improve documentation. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7723]( Enable `Migration/DepartmentName` cop by default. ([AATTkoic][])
* Mon Jan 06 2020 New upstream release 0.79.0 [#]# 0.79.0 (2020-01-06) [#]## New features
* [#7296]( Recognize `console` and `binding.console` ([rails/web-console]( calls in `Lint/Debuggers`. ([AATTgsamokovarov][])
* [#7567]( Introduce new `pending` status for new cops. ([AATTDarhazer][], [AATTpirj][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7193]( Prevent `Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters` from changing `%i` literals that contain escaped delimiters. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7590]( Fix an error for `Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces` when using with `EnforcedStyle: line_count_based` of `Style/BlockDelimiters` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7569]( Make `Style/YodaCondition` accept `__FILE__ == $0`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7576]( Fix an error for `Gemspec/OrderedDependencies` when using a local variable in an argument of dependent gem. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7595]( Make `Style/NumericPredicate` aware of ignored methods when specifying ignored methods. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7607]( Fix `Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment` infinite loop when magic comments are newline-separated. ([AATTpirj][])
* [#7602]( Ensure proper handling of Ruby 2.7 syntax. ([AATTdrenmi][])
* [#7620]( Fix a false positive for `Migration/DepartmentName` when a disable comment contains a plain comment. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7616]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/MultilineWhenThen` for when statement with then is an array or a hash. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7628]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Layout/MultilineBlockLayout` removing trailing comma with single argument. ([AATTpawptart][])
* [#7627]( Fix a false negative for `Migration/DepartmentName` when there is space around `:` (e.g. `# rubocop : disable`). ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7287]( `Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment` is now considered unsafe. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* Thu Dec 19 2019 New upstream release 0.78.0 [#]## New features
* [#7528]( Add new `Lint/NonDeterministicRequireOrder` cop. ([AATTmangara][])
* [#7559]( Add `EnforcedStyleForExponentOperator` parameter to `Layout/SpaceAroundOperators` cop. ([AATTkhiav223577][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7530]( Typo in `Style/TrivialAccessors`\'s `AllowedMethods`. ([AATTmovermeyer][])
* [#7532]( Fix an error for `Style/TrailingCommaInArguments` when using an anonymous function with multiple line arguments with `EnforcedStyleForMultiline: consistent_comma`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7534]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/BlockDelimiters` cop and `Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces` cop with `EnforcedStyle: no_space` when using multiline braces. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7231]( Fix the exit code to be `2` rather when `0` when the config file contains an unknown cop. ([AATTjethroo][])
* [#7513]( Fix abrupt error on autocorrecting with `--disable-uncorrectable`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7537]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/SpaceAroundOperators` when using a Rational literal with `/` (e.g. `2/3r`). ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7029]( Make `Style/Attr` not flag offense for custom `attr` method. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7574]( Fix a corner case that made `Style/GuardClause` crash. ([AATTbuehmann][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7514]( Expose correctable status on offense and in formatters. ([AATTtyler-ball][])
* [#7542](
* Move `LineLength` cop from `Metrics` department to `Layout` department. ([AATTkoic][])
* Thu Nov 28 2019 New upstream release 0.77.0 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7493]( Fix `Style/RedundantReturn` to inspect conditional constructs that are preceded by other statements. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7509]( Fix `Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets` to correct empty lines. ([AATTayacai115][])
* [#7517]( `Style/SpaceAroundKeyword` allows `::` after `super`. ([AATTozydingo][])
* [#7515]( Fix a false negative for `Style/RedundantParentheses` when calling a method with safe navigation operator. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7477]( Fix line length autocorrect for semicolons in string literals. ([AATTmaxh][])
* [#7522]( Fix a false-positive edge case (`n % 2 == 2`) for `Style/EvenOdd`. ([AATTbuehmann][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7077](
* Further standardisation of cop names. ([AATTscottmatthewman][])
* [#7469](
* Replace usages of the terms `Whitelist` and `Blacklist` with better alternatives. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7502]( Remove `SafeMode` module. ([AATTkoic][])
* Mon Oct 28 2019 Update to 0.76.0 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7439]( Make `Style/FormatStringToken` ignore percent escapes (`%%`). ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7438]( Fix assignment edge-cases in `Layout/MultilineAssignmentLayout`. ([AATTgsamokovarov][])
* [#7449]( Make `Style/IfUnlessModifier` respect `rubocop:disable` comments for `Metrics/LineLength`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7442]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/SafeNavigation` when an object check followed by a method call with a comment at EOL. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7434]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/MultilineWhenThen` when the body of `when` branch starts with `then`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7464]( Let `Performance/StartWith` and `Performance/EndWith` correct regexes that contain forward slashes. ([AATTeugeneius][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7465]( Add `os` to allowed names of `Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName` cop in default config. ([AATTnijikon][])
* [#7446]( Add `merge` to list of non-mutating methods. ([AATTcstyles][])
* [#7077](
* Rename `Unneeded
*` cops to `Redundant
*` (e.g., `Style/UnneededPercentQ` becomes `Style/RedundantPercentQ`). ([AATTscottmatthewman][])
* [#7396]( Display assignments, branches, and conditions values with the offense. ([AATTavmnu-sng][]) [AATTbuehmann]: [AATTgsamokovarov]: [AATTjonas054]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTeugeneius]: [AATTnijikon]: [AATTcstyles]: [AATTscottmatthewman]: [AATTavmnu-sng]:
* Tue Oct 15 2019 Update to 0.75.1 [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7391]( Support pacman formatter on Windows. ([AATTlaurenball][])
* [#7407]( Make `Style/FormatStringToken` work inside hashes. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7389]( Fix an issue where passing a formatter might result in an error depending on what character it started with. ([AATTjfhinchcliffe][])
* [#7397]( Fix extra comments being added to the correction of `Style/SafeNavigation`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#7378]( Fix heredoc edge cases in `Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause`. ([AATTgsamokovarov][])
* [#7404]( Fix a false negative for `Layout/IndentAssignment` when multiple assignment with line breaks on each line. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7410]( `Style/FormatStringToken` now finds unannotated format sequences in `printf` arguments. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#6964]( Set default `IgnoreCopDirectives` to `true` for `Metrics/LineLength`. ([AATTjdkaplan][]) [AATTlaurenball]: [AATTbuehmann]: [AATTjfhinchcliffe]: [AATTrrosenblum]: [AATTgsamokovarov]: [AATTkoic]: [AATTjdkaplan]:
* Mon Sep 30 2019 Update to version 0.75 [#]# 0.75.0 (2019-09-30) [#]## New features
* [#7274]( Add new `Lint/SendWithMixinArgument` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7272]( Show warning message if passed string to `Enabled`, `Safe`, `SafeAutocorrect`, and `AutoCorrect` keys in .rubocop.yml. ([AATTunasuke][])
* [#7295]( Make it possible to set `StyleGuideBaseURL` per department. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7301]( Add check for calls to `remote_byebug` to `Lint/Debugger` cop. ([AATTriley-klingler][])
* [#7321]( Allow YAML aliases in `.rubocop.yml`. ([AATTraymondfallon][])
* [#7317]( Add new formatter `pacman`. ([AATTcrojasaragonez][])
* [#6075]( Support `IgnoredPatterns` option for `Naming/MethodName` cop. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7335]( Add todo as an alias to disable. `--disable-uncorrectable` will now disable cops using `rubocop:todo` instead of `rubocop:disable`. ([AATTdesheikh][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7256]( Fix an error of `Style/RedundantParentheses` on method calls where the first argument begins with a hash literal. ([AATThalfwhole][])
* [#7263]( Make `Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets` properly handle tab-indented arrays. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7252]( Prevent infinite loops by making `Layout/SpaceInsideStringInterpolation` skip over interpolations that start or end with a line break. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7262]( `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` did not recognize named format sequences like `%.2f` where the name appears after some modifiers. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7253]( Fix an error for `Lint/NumberConversion` when `#to_i` called without a receiver. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7271](, [#6498]( Fix an interference between `Style/TrailingCommaIn
*Literal` and `Layout/Multiline
*BraceLayout` for arrays and hashes. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7241]( Make `Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment` match only true & false. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#7290]( Handle inner conditional inside `else` in `Style/ConditionalAssignment`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#5788]( Allow block arguments on separate lines if line would be too long in `Layout/MultilineBlockLayout`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7305]( Register `Style/BlockDelimiters` offense when block result is assigned to an attribute. ([AATTmvz][])
* [#4802]( Don\'t leave any `Lint/UnneededCopEnableDirective` offenses undetected/uncorrected. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7326]( Fix a false positive for `Style/AccessModifierDeclarations` when access modifier name is used for hash literal value. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#3591]( Handle modifier `if`/`unless` correctly in `Lint/UselessAssignment`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7161]( Fix `Style/SafeNavigation` cop for preserve comments inside if expression. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#5212]( Avoid false positive for braces that are needed to preserve semantics in `Style/BracesAroundHashParameters`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7353]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantSelf` when receiver and multiple assigned lvalue have the same name. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7353]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantSelf` when a self receiver is used as a method argument. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7358]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/NestedModifier` when parentheses are required in method arguments. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7361]( Fix a false positive for `Style/TernaryParentheses` when only the closing parenthesis is used in the last line of condition. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7369]( Fix an infinite [#]loop error for `Layout/IndentAssignment` with `Layout/IndentFirstArgument` [#]when using multiple assignment. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7177](, [#7370]( When correcting alignment, do not insert spaces into string literals. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7367]( Fix an error for `Style/OrAssignment` cop when `then` branch body is empty. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7363]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Layout/SpaceInsideBlockBraces` and `Style/BlockDelimiters` when using multiline empty braces. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7212]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier` and `UselessAccessModifier` when using method with the same name as access modifier around a method definition. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Changes
* [#7312]( Mark `Style/StringHashKeys` as unsafe. ([AATTprathamesh-sonpatki][])
* [#7275]( Make `Style/VariableName` aware argument names when invoking a method. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#3534]( Make `Style/IfUnlessModifier` report and auto-correct modifier lines that are too long. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7261]( `Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment` no longer inserts an empty line after the comment. This is left to `Layout/EmptyLineAfterMagicComment`. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7091]( `Style/FormatStringToken` now detects format sequences with flags and modifiers. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7319]( Rename `IgnoredMethodPatterns` option to `IgnoredPatterns` option for `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7345]( Mark unsafe for `Style/YodaCondition`. ([AATTkoic][])
* Fri Aug 30 2019 Update to version 0.74 Add 0001-Use-usr-bin-bash-instead-of-env-as-the-shebang.patch [#]## New features
* [#7219]( Support auto-correct for `Lint/ErbNewArguments`. ([AATTkoic][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#7217]( Make `Style/TrailingMethodEndStatement` work on more than the first `def`. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7190]( Support lower case drive letters on Windows. ([AATTjonas054][])
* Fix the auto-correction of `Lint/UnneededSplatExpansion` when the splat expansion of `` with a block is assigned to a variable. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#5628]( Fix an error of `Layout/SpaceInsideStringInterpolation` on interpolations with multiple statements. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7128]( Make `Metrics/LineLength` aware of shebang. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#6861]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/IndentationWidth` when using `EnforcedStyle: outdent` of `Layout/AccessModifierIndentation`. ([AATTkoic][])
* [#7235]( Fix an error where `Style/ConditionalAssignment` would swallow a nested `if` condition. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* [#7242]( Make `Style/ConstantVisibility` work on non-trivial class and module bodies. ([AATTbuehmann][]) [#]## Changes
* [#5265]( Improved `Layout/ExtraSpacing` cop to handle nested consecutive assignments. ([AATTjfelchner][])
* [#7215]( Make it clear what\'s wrong in the message from `Style/GuardClause`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#7245]( Make cops detect string interpolations in more contexts: inside of backticks, regular expressions, and symbols. ([AATTbuehmann][])
* Deprecate the `SafeMode` option. Users will need to upgrade `rubocop-performance` to 1.15.0+ before the `SafeMode` module is removed. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Fri Jul 19 2019 updated to version 0.73.0 no changelog found
* Sun May 05 2019 updated to version 0.68.1 no changelog found
* Fri Mar 29 2019 updated to version 0.66.0 no changelog found
* Sat Mar 02 2019 updated to version 0.65.0 no changelog found
* Mon Jan 14 2019 updated to version 0.62.0 no changelog found
* Sat Dec 08 2018 updated to version 0.61.1 no changelog found
* Thu Nov 22 2018 updated to version 0.60.0 no changelog found
* Wed Sep 05 2018 updated to version 0.58.2 no changelog found
* Tue Jul 10 2018 updated to version 0.58.1 no changelog found
* Sat Jul 07 2018 updated to version 0.58.0 no changelog found
* Tue Jun 12 2018 updated to version 0.57.2 no changelog found
* Thu Jun 07 2018 updated to version 0.57.1 no changelog found
* Wed Jun 06 2018 updated to version 0.57.0 no changelog found
* Wed May 16 2018 updated to version 0.56.0 no changelog found
* Mon Apr 16 2018 updated to version 0.55.0 no changelog found
* Wed Mar 21 2018 updated to version 0.54.0 no changelog found
* Mon Mar 05 2018 updated to version 0.53.0 no changelog found
* Tue Jan 09 2018 updated to version 0.52.1 no changelog found
* Thu Dec 14 2017 updated to version 0.52.0 no changelog found
* Thu Oct 26 2017 updated to version 0.51.0 no changelog found
* Sun Sep 17 2017 updated to version 0.50.0 no changelog found
* Tue May 30 2017 updated to version 0.49.1 no changelog found
* Tue Apr 04 2017 updated to version 0.48.1 no changelog found
* Mon Mar 27 2017 updated to version 0.48.0 no changelog found
* Wed Jan 18 2017 updated to version 0.47.1 no changelog found
* Mon Jan 16 2017 updated to version 0.47.0 no changelog found
* Thu Dec 01 2016 updated to version 0.46.0 no changelog found
* Tue Nov 01 2016 updated to version 0.45.0 no changelog found
* Fri Oct 14 2016 updated to version 0.44.1 no changelog found
* Tue Sep 20 2016 updated to version 0.43.0 no changelog found
* Tue Jul 26 2016 updated to version 0.42.0 no changelog found
* Fri Jul 08 2016 updated to version 0.41.2 no changelog found
* Tue Jun 28 2016 updated to version 0.41.1 no changelog found
* Sun Jun 26 2016 updated to version 0.41.0 no changelog found
* Tue May 10 2016 updated to version 0.40.0 no changelog found
* Wed Apr 06 2016 updated to version 0.39.0 no changelog found
* Thu Mar 10 2016 updated to version 0.38.0 no changelog found
* Wed Mar 02 2016 updated to version 0.37.2 no changelog found
* Wed Feb 10 2016 updated to version 0.37.1 removed upstream
* Fri Feb 05 2016 updated to version 0.37.0 see installed [#]# 0.37.0 (04/02/2016) [#]## New features
* [#2620]( New cop `Style/ZeroLengthPredicate` checks for `object.size == 0` and variants, and suggests replacing them with an appropriate `empty?` predicate. ([AATTdrenmi][])
* [#2657]( Floating headers in HTML output. ([AATTmattparlane][])
* Add new `Style/SpaceAroundKeyword` cop. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2745]( New cop `Style/MultilineHashBraceLayout` checks that the closing brace in a hash literal is symmetrical with respect to the opening brace and the hash elements. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#2761]( New cop `Style/MultilineMethodDefinitionBraceLayout` checks that the closing brace in a method definition is symmetrical with respect to the opening brace and the method parameters. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#2699]( `Performance/Casecmp` can register offenses when `str.downcase` or `str.upcase` are passed to an equality method. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2766]( New cop `Style/MultilineMethodCallBraceLayout` checks that the closing brace in a method call is symmetrical with respect to the opening brace and the method arguments. ([AATTpanthomakos][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#2723]( Fix NoMethodError in Style/GuardClause. ([AATTdrenmi][])
* [#2674]( Also check for Hash#update alias in `Performance/RedundantMerge`. ([AATTdrenmi][])
* [#2630]( Take frozen string literals into account in `Style/MutableConstant`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2642]( Support assignment via `||=` in `Style/MutableConstant`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2646]( Fix auto-correcting assignment to a constant in `Style/ConditionalAssignment`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2614]( Check for zero return value from `casecmp` in `Performance/casecmp`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2647]( Allow `xstr` interpolations in `Lint/LiteralInInterpolation`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* Report a violation when `freeze` is called on a frozen string literal in `Style/RedundantFreeze`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2641]( Fix crashing on empty methods with block args in `Perfomance/RedundantBlockCall`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* `Lint/DuplicateMethods` doesn\'t crash when `class_eval` is used with an implicit receiver. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2654]( Fix handling of unary operations in `Style/RedundantParentheses`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2661]( `Style/Next` doesn\'t crash when auto-correcting modifier `if/unless`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2665]( Make specs pass when running on Windows. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2691]( Do not register an offense in `Performance/TimesMap` for calling `map` or `collect` on a variable named `times`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2689]( Change `Performance/RedundantBlockCall` to respect parentheses usage. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2694]( Fix caching when using a different JSON gem such as Oj. ([AATTstormbreakerbg][])
* [#2707]( Change `Lint/NestedMethodDefinition` to respect `` and ``. ([AATTowst][])
* [#2701]( Do not consider assignments to the same variable as useless if later assignments are within a loop. ([AATTowst][])
* [#2696]( `Style/NestedModifier` adds parentheses around a condition when needed. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2666]( Fix bug when auto-correcting symbol literals in `Lint/LiteralInInterpolation`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2664]( `Performance/Casecmp` can auto-correct case comparison to variables and method calls without error. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2729]( Fix handling of hash literal as the first argument in `Style/RedundantParentheses`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2703]( Handle byte order mark in `Style/IndentationWidth`, `Style/ElseAlignment`, `Lint/EndAlignment`, and `Lint/DefEndAlignment`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2710]( Fix handling of fullwidth characters in some cops. ([AATTseikichi][])
* [#2690]( Fix alignment of operands that are part of an assignment in `Style/MultilineOperationIndentation`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2228]( Use the config of a related cop whether it\'s enabled or not. ([AATTmadwort][])
* [#2721]( Do not register an offense for constants wrapped in parentheses passed to `rescue` in `Style/RedundantParentheses`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2742]( Fix `Style/TrailingCommaInArguments` & `Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral` for inline single element arrays. ([AATTannih][])
* [#2768]( Allow parentheses after keyword `not` in `Style/MethodCallParentheses`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2758]( Allow leading underscores in camel case variable names.([AATTmmcguinn][]) [#]## Changes
* Remove `Style/SpaceAfterControlKeyword` and `Style/SpaceBeforeModifierKeyword` as the more generic `Style/SpaceAroundKeyword` handles the same cases. ([AATTlumeet][])
* Handle comparisons with `!=` in `Performance/casecmp`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2684]( Do not base `Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment` on the version of Ruby that is running. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2732]( Change the default style of `Style/SignalException` to `only_raise`. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* Fri Jan 15 2016 updated to version 0.36.0 see installed [#]# 0.36.0 (14/01/2016) [#]## New features
* [#2598]( New cop `Lint/RandOne` checks for `rand(1)`, `Kernel.rand(1.0)` and similar calls. Such call are most likely a mistake because they always return `0`. ([AATTDNNX][])
* [#2590]( New cop `Performance/DoubleStartEndWith` checks for two `start_with?` (or `end_with?`) calls joined by `||` with the same receiver, like `str.start_with?(\'x\') || str.start_with?(\'y\')` and suggests using one call instead: `str.start_with?(\'x\', \'y\')`. ([AATTDNNX][])
* [#2583]( New cop `Performance/TimesMap` checks for `{}` and suggests replacing them with `{}`. ([AATTDNNX][])
* [#2529]( Add EnforcedStyle config parameter to IndentArray. ([AATTjawshooah][])
* [#2479]( Add option `AllowHeredoc` to `Metrics/LineLength`. ([AATTfphilipe][])
* [#2416]( New cop `Style/ConditionalAssignment` checks for assignment of the same variable in all branches of conditionals and replaces them with a single assignment to the return of the conditional. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2410]( New cop `Style/IndentAssignment` checks the indentation of the first line of the right-hand-side of a multi-line assignment. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#2431]( Add `IgnoreExecutableScripts` option to `Style/FileName`. ([AATTsometimesfood][])
* [#2460]( New cop `Style/UnneededInterpolation` checks for strings that are just an interpolated expression. ([AATTcgriego][])
* [#2361]( `Style/MultilineAssignmentLayout` cop checks for a newline after the assignment operator in a multi-line assignment. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#2462]( `Lint/UselessAccessModifier` can catch more types of useless access modifiers. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1677]( Add new `Performance/Casecmp` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1677]( Add new `Performance/RangeInclude` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1677]( Add new `Performance/RedundantSortBy` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1677]( Add new `Performance/LstripRstrip` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1677]( Add new `Performance/StartWith` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1677]( Add new `Performance/EndWith` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1677]( Add new `Performance/RedundantMerge` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Lint/Debugger` cop can now auto-correct offenses. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1677]( Add new `Performance/RedundantMatch` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1677]( Add new `Performance/RedundantBlockCall` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1954]( `Lint/UnneededDisable` can now autocorrect. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2501]( Add new `Lint/ImplicitStringConcatenation` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* Add new `Style/RedundantParentheses` cop. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#1346]( `Style/SpecialGlobalVars` can be configured to use either `use_english_names` or `use_perl_names` styles. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2426]( New `Style/NestedParenthesizedCalls` cop checks for non-parenthesized method calls nested inside a parenthesized call, like `method1(method2 arg)`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2502]( The `--stdin` and `--auto-correct` CLI options can be combined, and if you do so, corrected code is printed to stdout. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/ConditionalAssignment` works on conditionals with a common aref assignment (like `array[index] = val`) or attribute assignment (like `self.attribute = val`). ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2476]( `Style/GuardClause` catches if..else nodes with one branch which terminates the execution of the current scope. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* New `Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches` flags `if..else` and `case..when..else` constructs with an identical line at the end of each branch. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#207]( Add new `Lint/FloatOutOfRange` cop which catches floating-point literals which are too large or too small for Ruby to represent. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/GuardClause` doesn\'t report offenses in places where correction would make a line too long. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Lint/DuplicateMethods` can find duplicate method definitions in many more circumstances, even across multiple files; however, it ignores definitions inside `if` or something which could be a DSL method. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* A warning is printed if an invalid `EnforcedStyle` is configured. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1367]( New `Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier` checks for access modifiers which are erroneously applied to a singleton method, where they have no effect. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1614]( `Lint/BlockAlignment` aligns block end with splat operator when applied to a splatted method call. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2263]( Warn if `task.options = %w(--format ...)` is used when configuring `RuboCop::RakeTask`; this should be `task.formatters = ...` instead. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2511]( `--no-offense-counts` CLI option suppresses the inclusion of offense count lines in auto-generated config. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2504]( New `AllowForAlignment` config parameter for `Style/SingleSpaceBeforeFirstArg` allows the insertion of extra spaces before the first argument if it aligns it with something on the preceding or following line. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2478]( `Style/ExtraSpacing` has new `ForceEqualSignAlignment` config parameter which forces = signs on consecutive lines to be aligned, and it can auto-correct. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Lint/BlockAlignment` aligns block end with unary operators like ~, -, or ! when such operators are applied to the method call taking the block. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1460]( `Style/Alias` supports both `prefer_alias` and `prefer_alias_method` styles. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1569]( New `ExpectMatchingDefinition` config parameter for `Style/FileName` makes it check for a class or module definition in each file which corresponds to the file name and path. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2480]( Add a configuration to `Style/ConditionalAssignment` to check and correct conditionals that contain multiple assignments. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2480]( Allow `Style/ConditionalAssignment` to correct assignment in ternary operations. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2480]( Allow `Style/ConditionalAssignment` to correct comparable methods. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#1633]( New cop `Style/MultilineMethodCallIndentation` takes over the responsibility for checking alignment of methods from the `Style/MultilineOperationIndentation` cop. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2472]( New cop `Style/MultilineArrayBraceLayout` checks that the closing brace in an array literal is symmetrical with respect to the opening brace and the array elements. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#1543]( `Style/WordArray` has both `percent` and `brackets` (which enforces the use of bracketed arrays for strings) styles. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/SpaceAroundOperators` has `AllowForAlignment` config parameter which allows extra spaces on the left if they serve to align the operator with another. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/SymbolArray` has both `percent` and `brackets` (which enforces the user of bracketed arrays for symbols) styles. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2343]( Entire cop types (or \"departments\") can be disabled using in .rubocop.yml using config like `Style: Enabled: false`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2399]( New `start_of_line` style for `Lint/EndAlignment` aligns a closing `end` keyword with the start of the line where the opening keyword appears. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1545]( New `Regex` config parameter for `Style/FileName` allows user to provide their own regex for validating file names. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2253]( New `DefaultFormatter` config parameter can be used to set formatter from within .rubocop.yml. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2481]( New `WorstOffendersFormatter` prints a list of files with offenses (and offense counts), showing the files with the most offenses first. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* New `IfInsideElse` cop catches `if..end` nodes which can be converted into an `elsif` instead, reducing the nesting level. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1725]( --color CLI option forces color output, even when not printing to a TTY. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2549]( New `ConsistentQuotesInMultiline` config param for `Style/StringLiterals` forces all literals which are concatenated using \\ to use the same quote style. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2560]( `Style/AccessModifierIndentation`, `Style/CaseIndentation`, `Style/FirstParameterIndentation`, `Style/IndentArray`, `Style/IndentAssignment`, `Style/IndentHash`, `Style/MultilineMethodCallIndentation`, and `Style/MultilineOperationIndentation` all have a new `IndentationWidth` parameter which can be used to override the indentation width from `Style/IndentationWidth`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* Add new `Performance/HashEachMethods` cop. ([AATTojab][])
* New cop `Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment` will check for and add the comment `# frozen_string_literal: true` to the top of files. This will help with upgrading to Ruby 3.0. ([AATTrrosenblum][]) [#]## Bug Fixes
* [#2594]( `Style/EmptyLiteral` autocorrector respects `Style/StringLiterals:EnforcedStyle` config. ([AATTDNNX][])
* [#2411]( Make local inherited configuration override configuration loaded from gems. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2413]( Allow `%Q` for dynamic strings with double quotes inside them. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2404]( `Style/Next` does not remove comments when auto-correcting. ([AATTlumeet][])
* `Style/Next` handles auto-correction of nested offenses. ([AATTlumeet][])
* `Style/VariableInterpolation` now detects non-numeric regex back references. ([AATTcgriego][])
* `ProgressFormatter` fully respects the `--no-color` switch. ([AATTsavef][])
* Replace `` with `Time.current` on `Rails::TimeZone` cop message. ([AATTvolmer][])
* [#2451]( `Style/StabbyLambdaParentheses` does not treat method calls named `lambda` as lambdas. ([AATTdomcleal][])
* [#2463]( Allow comments before an access modifier. ([AATTcodebeige][])
* [#2471]( `Style/MethodName` doesn\'t choke on methods which are defined inside methods. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2449]( `Style/StabbyLambdaParentheses` only checks lambdas in the arrow form. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2456]( `Lint/NestedMethodDefinition` doesn\'t register offenses for method definitions inside an eval block (either `instance_eval`, `class_eval`, or `module_eval`). ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2464]( `Style/ParallelAssignment` understands aref and attribute assignments, and doesn\'t warn if they can\'t be correctly rearranged into a series of single assignments. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2482]( `Style/AndOr` doesn\'t raise an exception when trying to autocorrect `!variable or ...`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2446]( `Style/Tab` doesn\'t register errors for leading tabs which occur inside a string literal (including heredoc). ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2452]( `Style/TrailingComma` incorrectly categorizes single-line hashes in methods calls. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#2441]( `Style/AlignParameters` doesn\'t crash if it finds nested offenses. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2436]( `Style/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces` doesn\'t mangle a hash literal which is not surrounded by curly braces, but has another hash literal which does as its first key. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2483]( `Style/Attr` differentiate between attr_accessor and attr_reader. ([AATTweh][])
* `Style/ConditionalAssignment` doesn\'t crash if it finds a `case` with an empty branch. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2506]( `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` understands %{} and %<> interpolations. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2145]( `Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression` ignores calls with multiple arguments, since they are not ambiguous. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2484]( Remove two vulnerabilities in cache handling. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2517]( `Lint/UselessAccessModifier` doesn\'t think that an access modifier applied to `attr_writer` is useless. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2518]( `Style/ConditionalAssignment` doesn\'t think that branches using `<<` and `[]=` should be combined. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `CharacterLiteral` auto-corrector now properly corrects `?\'`. ([AATTbfontaine][])
* [#2313]( `Rails/FindEach` doesn\'t break code which uses `order(...).each`, `limit(...).each`, and so on. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1938]( `Rails/FindBy` doesn\'t autocorrect `where(...).first` to `find_by`, since the returned record is often different. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1801]( `EmacsFormatter` strips newlines out of error messages, if there are any. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2534]( `Style/RescueEnsureAlignment` works on `rescue` nested inside a `class` or `module` block. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Lint/BlockAlignment` does not refer to a block terminator as `end` when it is actually `}`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2540]( `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` understands format specifiers with multiple flags. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2538]( `Style/SpaceAroundOperators` doesn\'t eat newlines. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2531]( `Style/AndOr` autocorrects in cases where parentheses must be added, even inside a nested begin node. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2450]( `Style/Next` adjusts indentation when auto-correcting, to avoid introducing new offenses. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2066]( `Style/TrivialAccessors` doesn\'t flag what appear to be trivial accessor method definitions, if they are nested inside a call to `instance_eval`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/SymbolArray` doesn\'t flag arrays of symbols if a symbol contains a space character. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/SymbolArray` can auto-correct offenses. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2546]( Report when two `rubocop:disable` comments (not the single line kind) for a given cop apppear in a file with no `rubocop:enable` in between. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2552]( `Style/Encoding` can auto-correct files with a blank first line. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2556]( `Style/SpecialGlobalVariables` generates auto-config correctly. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2565]( Let `Style/SpaceAroundOperators` leave spacing around `=>` to `Style/AlignHash`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2569]( `Style/MethodCallParentheses` doesn\'t register warnings for `object.()` syntax, since it is handled by `Style/LambdaCall`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2570]( `Performance/RedundantMerge` doesn\'t break code with a modifier `if` when autocorrecting. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Performance/RedundantMerge` doesn\'t break code with a modifier `while` or `until` when autocorrecting. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2574]( `variable` style for `Lint/EndAlignment` is working again. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Lint/EndAlignment` can autocorrect offenses on the RHS of an assignment to an instance variable, class variable, constant, and so on; previously, it only worked if the LHS was a local variable. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2580]( `Style/StringReplacement` doesn\'t break code when autocorrection involves a regex with embedded escapes (like / /). ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2582]( `Style/AlignHash` doesn\'t move a key so far left that it goes onto the previous line (in an attempt to align). ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2588]( `Style/SymbolProc` doesn\'t break code when autocorrecting a method call with a trailing comma in the argument list. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2448]( `Style/TrailingCommaInArguments` and `Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral` don\'t special-case single-item lists in a way which contradicts the documentation. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* Fix for remote config files to only load from on http and https URLs. ([AATTptrippett][])
* [#2604]( `Style/FileName` doesn\'t fail on empty files when `ExpectMatchingDefinition` is true. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/RedundantFreeze` registers offences for frozen dynamic symbols. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2609]( All cops which rely on the `AutocorrectUnlessChangingAST` module can now autocorrect files which contain `__FILE__`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2608]( `Style/ConditionalAssignment` can autocorrect `=~` within a ternary expression. ([AATTalexdowad][]) [#]## Changes
* [#2427]( Allow non-snake-case file names (e.g. `some-random-script`) for Ruby scripts that have a shebang. ([AATTsometimesfood][])
* [#2430]( `Lint/UnneededDisable` now adds \"unknown cop\" to messages if cop names in `rubocop:disable` comments are unrecognized, or \"did you mean ...\" if they are misspelled names of existing cops. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#947]( `Style/Documentation` considers classes and modules which only define constants to be \"namespaces\", and doesn\'t flag them for lack of a documentation comment. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2467]( Explicitly inheriting configuration from the rubocop gem in .rubocop.yml is not allowed. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2322]( Output of --auto-gen-config shows content of default config parameters which are Arrays; this is especially useful for SupportedStyles. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1566]( When autocorrecting on Windows, line endings are not converted to \" \" in untouched portions of the source files; corrected portions may use \" \" rather than \" \". ([AATTalexdowad][])
* New `rake repl` task can be used for experimentation when working on RuboCop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Lint/SpaceBeforeFirstArg` cop has been removed, since it just duplicates `Style/SingleSpaceBeforeFirstArg`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/SingleSpaceBeforeFirstArg` cop has been renamed to `Style/SpaceBeforeFirstArg`, which more accurately reflects what it now does. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/UnneededPercentQ` reports `%q()` strings with what only appears to be an escape, but is not really (there are no escapes in `%q()` strings). ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Performance/StringReplacement`, `Performance/StartWith`, and `Performance/EndWith` more accurately identify code which can be improved. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* The `MultiSpaceAllowedForOperators` config parameter for `Style/SpaceAroundOperators` has been removed, as it is made redundant by `AllowForAlignment`. If someone attempts to use it, config validation will fail with a helpful message. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* The `RunRailsCops` config parameter in .rubocop.yml is now obsolete. If someone attempts to use it, config validation will fail with a helpful message. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* If .rubocop.yml contains configuration for a custom cop, no warning regarding \"unknown cop\" will be printed. The custom cop must inherit from RuboCop::Cop::Cop, and must be loaded into memory for this to work. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2102]( If .rubocop.yml exists in the working directory when running --auto-gen-config, any `Exclude` config parameters in .rubocop.yml will be merged into the generated .rubocop_todo.yml. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1895]( Remove `Rails/DefaultScope` cop. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2550]( New `TargetRubyVersion` configuration parameter can be used to specify which version of the Ruby interpreter the inspected code is intended to run on. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2557]( `Style/GuardClause` does not warn about `if` nodes whose condition spans multiple lines. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody`, `Style/EmptyLinesAroundModuleBody`, and `Style/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody` accept an empty body with no blank line, even if configured to `empty_lines` style. This is because the empty lines only serve to provide a break between the header, body, and footer, and are redundant if there is no body. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2554]( `Style/FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak` handles implicit hash arguments without braces; `Style/FirstHashElementLineBreak` still handles those with braces. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/TrailingComma` has been split into `Style/TrailingCommaInArguments` and `Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* RuboCop returns process exit code 2 if it fails due to bad configuration, bad CLI options, or an internal error. If it runs successfully but finds one or more offenses, it still exits with code 1, as was previously the case. This is helpful when invoking RuboCop programmatically, perhaps from a script. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* Wed Nov 11 2015 updated to version 0.35.1 see installed [#]# 0.35.1 (10/11/2015) [#]## Bug Fixes
* [#2407]( Use `Process.uid` rather than `Etc.getlogin` for simplicity and compatibility. ([AATTjujugrrr][])
* Sun Nov 08 2015 updated to version 0.35.0 see installed [#]# 0.35.0 (07/11/2015) [#]## New features
* [#2028]( New config `ExtraDetails` supports addition of `Details` param to all cops to allow extra details on offense to be displayed. ([AATTtansaku][])
* [#2036]( New cop `Style/StabbyLambdaParentheses` will find and correct cases where a stabby lambda\'s paramaters are not wrapped in parentheses. ([AATThmadison][])
* [#2246]( `Style/TrailingUnderscoreVariable` will now register an offense for `
*_`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2246]( `Style/TrailingUnderscoreVariable` now has a configuration to remove named underscore variables (Defaulted to false). ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2276]( New cop `Performance/FixedSize` will register an offense when calling `length`, `size`, or `count` on statically sized objected (strings, symbols, arrays, and hashes). ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* New cop `Style/NestedModifier` checks for nested `if`, `unless`, `while` and `until` modifier statements. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2270]( Add a new `inherit_gem` configuration to inherit a config file from an installed gem [(originally requested in #290)]( ([AATTjhansche][])
* Allow `StyleGuide` parameters in local configuration for all cops, so users can add references to custom style guide documents. ([AATTcornelius][])
* `UnusedMethodArgument` cop allows configuration to skip keyword arguments. ([AATTapiology][])
* [#2318]( `Lint/Debugger` cop now checks for `Pry.rescue`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2277]( New cop `Style/FirstArrayElementLineBreak` checks for a line break before the first element in a multi-line array. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#2277]( New cop `Style/FirstHashElementLineBreak` checks for a line break before the first element in a multi-line hash. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#2277]( New cop `Style/FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak` checks for a line break before the first argument in a multi-line method call. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#2277]( New cop `Style/FirstMethodParameterLineBreak` checks for a line break before the first parameter in a multi-line method parameter definition. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* Add `Rails/PluralizationGrammar` cop, checks for incorrect grammar when using methods like ``, when you should write `3.days.ago`. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])
* [#2347]( `Lint/Eval` cop does not warn about \"security risk\" when eval argument is a string literal without interpolations. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2335]( `Style/VariableName` cop checks naming style of method parameters. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2329]( New style `braces_for_chaining` for `Style/BlockDelimiters` cop enforces braces on a multi-line block if its return value is being chained with another method. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* `Lint/LiteralInCondition` warns if a symbol or dynamic symbol is used as a condition. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2369]( `Style/TrailingComma` doesn\'t add a trailing comma to a multiline method chain which is the only arg to a method call. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `CircularArgumentReference` cop updated to lint for ordinal circular argument references on top of optional keyword arguments. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])
* Added ability to download shared rubocop config files from remote urls. ([AATTptrippett][])
* [#1601]( Add `IgnoreEmptyMethods` config parameter for `Lint/UnusedMethodArgument` and `IgnoreEmptyBlocks` config parameter for `Lint/UnusedBlockArgument` cops. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1729]( `Style/MethodDefParentheses` supports new \'require_no_parentheses_except_multiline\' style. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2173]( `Style/AlignParameters` also checks parameter alignment for method definitions. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1825]( New `NameWhitelist` configuration parameter for `Style/PredicateName` can be used to suppress errors on known-good predicate names. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/Documentation` recognizes \'Constant =\' as a class definition. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1608]( Add new \'align_braces\' style for `Style/IndentHash`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/Next` can autocorrect. ([AATTalexdowad][]) [#]## Bug Fixes
* [#2265]( Handle unary `+` in `ExtraSpacing` cop. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2275]( Copy default `Exclude` into `Exclude` lists in `.rubocop_todo.yml`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* `Style/IfUnlessModifier` accepts blocks followed by a chained call. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2261]( Make relative `Exclude` paths in `$HOME/.rubocop_todo.yml` be relative to current directory. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2286]( Handle auto-correction of empty method when `AllowIfMethodIsEmpty` is `false` in `Style/SingleLineMethods`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2246]( Do not register an offense for `Style/TrailingUnderscoreVariable` when the underscore variable is preceeded by a splat variable. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2292]( Results should not be stored in the cache if affected by errors (crashes). ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2280]( Avoid reporting space between hash literal keys and values in `Style/ExtraSpacing`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2284]( Fix result cache being shared between ruby versions. ([AATTmiquella][])
* [#2285]( Fix `ConfigurableNaming#class_emitter_method?` error when handling singleton class methods. ([AATTpalkan][])
* [#2295]( Fix Performance/Detect autocorrect to handle rogue newlines. ([AATTpalkan][])
* [#2294]( Do not register an offense in `Performance/StringReplacement` for regex with options. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Fix `Style/UnneededPercentQ` condition for single-quoted literal containing interpolation-like string. ([AATTeagletmt][])
* [#2324]( Handle `--only Lint/Syntax` and `--except Lint/Syntax` correctly. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2317]( Handle `case` as an argument correctly in `Lint/EndAlignment`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2287]( Fix auto-correct of lines with only whitespace in `Style/IndentationWidth`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2331]( Do not register an offense in `Performance/Size` for `count` with an argument. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Handle a backslash at the end of a line in `Style/SpaceAroundOperators`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* Don\'t warn about lack of \"leading space\" in a =begin/=end comment. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2307]( In `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch`, don\'t register an offense if either argument to % is not a literal. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2356]( `Style/Encoding` will now place the encoding comment on the second line if the first line is a shebang. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* `Style/InitialIndentation` cop doesn\'t error out when a line begins with an integer literal. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2296]( In `Style/DotPosition`, don\'t \"correct\" (and break) a method call which has a line comment (or blank line) between the dot and the selector. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2272]( `Lint/NonLocalExitFromIterator` does not warn about `return` in a block which is passed to `Module#define_method`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2262]( Replace `Rainbow` reference with `Colorizable#yellow`. ([AATTminustehbare][])
* [#2068]( Display warning if `Style/Copyright` is misconfigured. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2321]( In `Style/EachWithObject`, don\'t replace reduce with each_with_object if the accumulator parameter is assigned to in the block. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#1981]( `Lint/UselessAssignment` doesn\'t erroneously identify assignments in identical if branches as useless. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2323]( `Style/IfUnlessModifier` cop parenthesizes autocorrected code when necessary due to operator precedence, to avoid changing its meaning. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2003]( Make `Lint/UnneededDisable` work with `--auto-correct`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* Default RuboCop cache dir moved to per-user folders. ([AATTbr3nda][])
* [#2393]( `Style/MethodCallParentheses` doesn\'t fail on `obj.method ||= func()`. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* [#2344]( When autocorrecting, `Style/ParallelAssignment` reorders assignment statements, if necessary, to avoid breaking code. ([AATTalexdowad][])
* `Style/MultilineOperationAlignment` does not try to align the receiver and selector of a method call if both are on the LHS of an assignment. ([AATTalexdowad][]) [#]## Changes
* [#2194]( Allow any options with `--auto-gen-config`. ([AATTagrimm][])
* Tue Sep 22 2015 updated to version 0.34.2 see installed [#]# 0.34.2 (21/09/2015) [#]## Bug Fixes
* [#2232]( Fix false positive in `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` for argument with splat operator. ([AATTdreyks][])
* [#2237]( Allow `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` to be called using `Kernel.format` and `Kernel.sprintf`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2234]( Do not register an offense for `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` when the format string is a variable. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2240]( `Lint/UnneededDisable` should not report non-`Lint` `rubocop:disable` comments when running `rubocop --lint`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2121]( Allow space before values in hash literals in `Style/ExtraSpacing` to avoid correction conflict. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2241]( Read cache in binary format. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2247]( Fix auto-correct of `Performance/CaseWhenSplat` for percent arrays (`%w`, `%W`, `%i`, and `%I`). ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2244]( Disregard annotation keywords in `Style/CommentAnnotation` if they don\'t start a comment. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2257]( Fix bug where `Style/RescueEnsureAlignment` will register an offense for `rescue` and `ensure` on the same line. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2255]( Refine the offense highlighting for `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* [#2260]( Make `Exclude` in `.rubocop_todo.yml` work when running from a subdirectory. ([AATTjonas054][]) [#]## Changes
* [#2248]( Allow block-pass in `Style/AutoResourceCleanup`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2258]( `Style/Documentation` will exclude test directories by default. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2260]( Disable `Style/StringMethods` by default. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* Thu Sep 10 2015 updated to version 0.34.1 see installed [#]# 0.34.1 (09/09/2015) [#]## Bug Fixes
* [#2212]( Handle methods without parentheses in auto-correct. ([AATTkarreiro][])
* [#2214]( Fix `File name too long error` when `STDIN` option is provided. ([AATTmrfoto][])
* [#2217]( Allow block arguments in `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2213]( Write to cache with binary encoding to avoid transcoding exceptions in some locales. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2218]( Fix loading config error when safe yaml is only partially loaded. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])
* [#2161]( Allow an explicit receiver (except `Kernel`) in `Style/SignalException`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* Sun Sep 06 2015 updated to version 0.34.0 see installed [#]# 0.34.0 (05/09/2015) [#]## New features
* [#2143]( New cop `Performance/CaseWhenSplat` will identify and rearange `case` `when` statements that contain a `when` condition with a splat. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* New cop `Lint/DuplicatedKey` checks for duplicated keys in hashes, which Ruby 2.2 warns against. ([AATTsliuu][])
* [#2106]( Add `SuspiciousParamNames` option to `Style/OptionHash`. ([AATTwli][])
* [#2193]( `Style/Next` supports more `Enumerable` methods. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2179]( Add `--list-target-files` option to CLI, which prints the files which will be inspected. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])
* New cop `Style/MutableConstant` checks for assignment of mutable objects to constants. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* New cop `Style/RedudantFreeze` checks for usages of `Object#freeze` on immutable objects. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* [#1924]( New option `--cache` and configuration parameter `AllCops: UseCache` turn result caching on (default) or off. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2204]( New cop `Style/StringMethods` will check for preferred method `to_sym` over `intern`. ([AATTimtayadeway][]) [#]## Changes
* [#1351]( Allow class emitter methods in `Style/MethodName`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2126]( `Style/RescueModifier` can now auto-correct. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2109]( Allow alignment with a token on the nearest line with same indentation in `Style/ExtraSpacing`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* `Lint/EndAlignment` handles the `case` keyword. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2146]( Add STDIN support. ([AATTcaseywebdev][])
* [#2175]( Files that are excluded from a cop (e.g. using the `Exclude:` config option) are no longer being processed by that cop. ([AATTbquorning][])
* `Rails/ActionFilter` now handles complete list of methods found in the Rails 4.2 [release notes]( ([AATTMGerrior][])
* [
*2138]( Change the offense in `Style/Next` to highlight the condition instead of the iteration. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* `Style/EmptyLineBetweenDefs` now handles class methods as well. ([AATTunmanbearpig][])
* Improve handling of `super` in `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* `Style/SymbolProc` is applied to methods receiving arguments. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#1839]( Remove Rainbow monkey patching of String which conflicts with other gems like colorize. ([AATTdaviddavis][])
* `Style/HashSyntax` is now a bit faster when checking Ruby 1.9 syntax hash keys. ([AATTbquorning][])
* `Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods` is now a whole lot faster. ([AATTbquorning][])
* `Lint/BlockAlignment`, `Style/IndentationWidth`, and `Style/MultilineOperationIndentation` are now quite a bit faster. ([AATTbquorning][]) [#]## Bug Fixes
* [#2123]( Fix handing of dynamic widths `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch`. ([AATTedmz][])
* [#2116]( Fix named params (using hash) `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch`. ([AATTedmz][])
* [#2135]( Ignore `super` and `zsuper` nodes in `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* [#2165]( Fix a NPE in `Style/Alias`. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* [#2168]( Fix a NPE in `Rails/TimeZone`. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* [#2169]( Fix a NPE in `Rails/Date`. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* [#2105]( Fix a warning that was thrown when enabling `Style/OptionHash`. ([AATTwli][])
* [#2107]( Fix auto-correct of `Style/ParallelAssignment` for nested expressions. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2111]( Deal with byte order mark in `Style/InitialIndentation`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2113]( Handle non-string tokens in `Style/ExtraSpacing`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2129]( Handle empty interpolations in `Style/SpaceInsideStringInterpolation`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2119]( Do not raise an error in `Style/RescueEnsureAlignment` and `Style/RescueModifier` when processing an excluded file. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2149]( Do not register an offense in `Rails/Date` when `Date#to_time` is called with a time zone argument. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])
* Do not register a `Rails/TimeZone` offense when using safely. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])
* [#2124]( Fix bug in `Style/EmptyLineBetweenDefs` when there are only comments between method definitions. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2154]( `Performance/StringReplacement` can auto-correct replacements with backslash in them. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2009]( Fix bug in `RuboCop::ConfigLoader.load_file` when `safe_yaml` is required. ([AATTeitoball][])
* [#2155]( Configuration `EndAlignment: AlignWith: variable` only applies when the operands of `=` are on the same line. ([AATTjonas054][])
* Fix bug in `Style/IndentationWidth` when `rescue` or `ensure` is preceded by an empty body. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2183]( Fix bug in `Style/BlockDelimiters` when auto-correcting adjacent braces. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2199]( Make `rubocop` exit with error when there are only `Lint/UnneededDisable` offenses. ([AATTjonas054][])
* Fix handling of empty parentheses when auto-correcting in `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* Thu Aug 06 2015 updated to version 0.33.0 see installed [#]# 0.33.0 (05/08/2015) [#]## New features
* [#2081]( New cop `Style/Send` checks for the use of `send` and instead encourages changing it to `BasicObject#__send__` or `Object#public_send` (disabled by default). ([AATTsyndbg][])
* [#2057]( New cop `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` checks for a mismatch between the number of fields expected in format/sprintf/% and what was pased to it. ([AATTedmz][])
* [#2010]( Add `space` style for SpaceInsideStringInterpolation. ([AATTgotrevor][])
* [#2007]( Allow any modifier before `def`, not only visibility modifiers. ([AATTfphilipe][])
* [#1980]( `--auto-gen-config` now outputs an excluded files list for failed cops (up to a maxiumum of 15 files). ([AATTbmorrall][])
* [#2004]( Introduced `--exclude-limit COUNT` to configure how many files `--auto-gen-config` will exclude. ([AATTawwaiid][], [AATTjonas054][])
* [#1918]( New configuration parameter `AllCops:DisabledByDefault` when set to `true` makes only cops found in user configuration enabled, which makes cop selection
*. ([AATTjonas054][])
* New cop `Performance/StringReplacement` checks for usages of `gsub` that can be replaced with `tr` or `delete`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2001]( New cop `Style/InitialIndentation` checks for indentation of the first non-blank non-comment line in a file. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2060]( New cop `Style/RescueEnsureAlignment` checks for bad alignment of `rescue` and `ensure` keywords. ([AATTlumeet][])
* New cop `Style/OptionalArguments` checks for optional arguments that do not appear at the end of an argument list. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* New cop `Lint/CircularArgumentReference` checks for \"circular argument references\" in keyword arguments, which Ruby 2.2 warns against. ([AATTmaxjacobson][], [AATTsliuu][])
* [#2030]( New cop `Lint/OptionHash` checks for option hashes and encourages changing them to keyword arguments (disabled by default). ([AATTmaxjacobson][]) [#]## Changes
* [#2052]( `Style/RescueModifier` uses token stream to identify offenses. ([AATTurbanautomaton][])
* Rename `Rails/Date` and `Rails/TimeZone` style names to \"strict\" and \"flexible\" and make \"flexible\" to be default. ([AATTpalkan][])
* [#2035]( `Style/ExtraSpacing` is now enabled by default and has a configuration parameter `AllowForAlignment` that is `true` by default, making it allow extra spacing if it\'s used for alignment purposes. ([AATTjonas054][]) [#]## Bugs fixed
* [#2014]( Fix `Style/TrivialAccessors` to support AllowPredicates: false. ([AATTgotrevor][])
* [#1988]( Fix bug in `Style/ParallelAssignment` when assigning from `Module::CONSTANT`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#1995]( Improve message for `Rails/TimeZone`. ([AATTpalkan][])
* [#1977]( Fix bugs in `Rails/Date` and `Rails/TimeZone` when using namespaced Time/Date. ([AATTpalkan][])
* [#1973]( Do not register an offense in `Performance/Detect` when `select` is called on `Enumerable::Lazy`. ([AATTpalkan][])
* [#2015]( Fix bug occurring for auto-correction of a misaligned `end` in a file with only one method. ([AATTjonas054][])
* Allow string interpolation segments inside single quoted string literals when double quotes are preferred. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2026]( Allow `Time.current` when style is \"acceptable\".([AATTpalkan][])
* [#2029]( Fix bug where `Style/RedundantReturn` auto-corrects returning implicit hashes to invalid syntax. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2021]( Fix bug in `Style/BlockDelimiters` when a `semantic` expression is used in an array or a range. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#1992]( Allow parentheses in assignment to a variable with the same name as the method\'s in `Style/MethodCallParentheses`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2045]( Fix crash in `Style/IndentationWidth` when using `private_class_method def` syntax. ([AATTunmanbearpig][])
* [#2006]( Fix crash in `Style/FirstParameterIndentation` in case of nested offenses. ([AATTunmanbearpig][])
* [#2059]( Don\'t check for trivial accessors in modules. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* Add proper punctuation to the end of offense messages, where it is missing. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2071]( Keep line breaks in place on WordArray autocorrect.([AATTunmanbearpig][])
* [#2075]( Properly correct `Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters` with escape characters in them. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2023]( Avoid auto-correction corruption in `IndentationWidth`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2080]( Properly parse code in `Performance/Count` when calling `select..count` in a class that extends an enumerable. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2093]( Fix bug in `Style/OneLineConditional` which should not raise an offense with an \'if/then/end\' statement. ([AATTsliuu][])
* Thu Jun 25 2015 updated to version 0.32.1 see installed [#]# 0.32.1 (24/06/2015) [#]## New features
* `Debugger` cop now checks catches methods called with arguments. ([AATTcrazydog115][]) [#]## Bugs fixed
* Make it possible to disable `Lint/UnneededDisable`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#1958]( Show name of `Lint/UnneededDisable` when `-D/--display-cop-names` is given. ([AATTjonas054][])
* Do not show `Style/NonNilCheck` offenses as corrected when the source code is not modified. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Fix auto-correct in `Style/RedundantReturn` when `return` has no arguments. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#1955]( Fix false positive for `Style/TrailingComma` cop. ([AATTmattjmcnaughton][])
* [#1928]( Avoid auto-correcting two alignment offenses in the same area at the same time. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#1964]( Fix `RedundantBegin` auto-correct issue with comments by doing a smaller correction. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#1978]( Don\'t count disabled offences if fail-level is autocorrect. ([AATTsch1zo][])
* [#1986]( Fix Date false positives on variables. ([AATTpalkan][]) [#]## Changes
* [#1708]( Improve message for `FirstParameterIndentation`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])
* [#1959]( Allow `Lint/UnneededDisable` to be inline disabled. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Sun Jun 07 2015 updated to version 0.32.0 see installed [#]# 0.32.0 (06/06/2015) [#]## New features
* Adjust behavior of `TrailingComma` cop to account for multi-line hashes nested within method calls. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#1719]( Display an error and abort the program if input file can\'t be found. ([AATTmatugm][])
* New cop `SpaceInsideStringInterpolation` checks for spaces within string interpolations. ([AATTglasnt][])
* New cop `NestedMethodDefinition` checks for method definitions inside other methods. ([AATTojab][])
* `LiteralInInterpolation` cop does auto-correction. ([AATTtmr08c][])
* [#1865]( New cop `Lint/UnneededDisable` checks for `rubocop:disable` comments that can be removed. ([AATTjonas054][])
* `EmptyElse` cop does auto-correction. ([AATTlumeet][])
* Show reference links when displaying style guide links. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* `Debugger` cop now checks for the Capybara debug method `save_screenshot`. ([AATTcrazydog115][])
* [#1282]( `CaseIndentation` cop does auto-correction. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#1928]( Do auto-correction one offense at a time (rather than one cop at a time) if there are tabs in the code. ([AATTjonas054][]) [#]## Changes
* Prefer `SpaceInsideBlockBraces` to `SpaceBeforeSemicolon` and `SpaceAfterSemicolon` to avoid an infinite loop when auto-correcting. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#1873]( Move `ParallelAssignment` cop from Performance to Style. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Add `getlocal` to acceptable methods of `Rails/TimeZone`. ([AATTojab][])
* [#1851](, [#1948]( Change offense message for `ClassLength` and `ModuleLength` to match that of `MethodLength`. ([AATTbquorning][]) [#]## Bugs fixed
* Don\'t count required keyword args when specifying `CountKeywordArgs: false` for `ParameterLists`. ([AATTsumeet][])
* [#1879]( Avoid auto-correcting hash with trailing comma into invalid code in `BracesAroundHashParameters`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#1868]( Do not register an offense in `Performance/Count` when `select` is called with symbols or strings as the parameters. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* `Sample` rewritten to properly handle shuffle randomness source, first/last params and non-literal ranges. ([AATTchastell][])
* [#1873]( Modify `ParallelAssignment` to properly autocorrect when the assignment is protected by a modifier statement. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Configure `ParallelAssignment` to work with non-standard `IndentationWidths`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#1899]( Be careful about comments when auto-correcting in `BracesAroundHashParameters`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#1897]( Don\'t report that semicolon separated statements can be converted to modifier form in `IfUnlessModifier` (and don\'t auto-correct them). ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#1644]( Don\'t search the entire file system when a folder is named `,` (fix for jruby and rbx). ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#1803]( Don\'t warn for `return` from `lambda` block in `NonLocalExitFromIterator`. ([AATTypresto][])
* [#1905]( Ignore sparse and trailing comments in `Style/Documentation`. ([AATTRGBD][])
* [#1923]( Handle properly `for` without body in `Style/Next`. ([AATTbbatsov][])
* [#1901]( Do not auto correct comments that are missing a note. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#1926]( Fix crash in `Style/AlignHash` when correcting a hash with a splat in it. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#1935]( Allow `Symbol#to_proc` blocks in Performance/Size. ([AATTm1foley][])
* Wed May 06 2015 updated to version 0.31.0 see installed [#]# 0.31.0 (05/05/2015) [#]## New features
* `Rails/TimeZone` emits acceptable methods on a violation when `EnforcedStyle` is `:acceptable`. ([AATTl8nite][])
* Recognize rackup file ( out of the box. ([AATTcarhartl][])
* [#1788]( New cop `ModuleLength` checks for overly long module definitions. ([AATTsdeframond][])
* New cop `Performance/Count` to convert `Enumerable#select...size`, `Enumerable#reject...size`, `Enumerable#select...count`, `Enumerable#reject...count` `Enumerable#select...length`, and `Enumerable#reject...length` to `Enumerable#count`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* `CommentAnnotation` cop does auto-correction. ([AATTdylandavidson][])
* New cop `Style/TrailingUnderscoreVariable` to remove trailing underscore variables from mass assignment. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#1136]( New cop `Performance/ParallelAssignment` to avoid usages of unnessary parallel assignment. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#1278]( `DefEndAlignment` and `EndAlignment` cops do auto-correction. ([AATTlumeet][])
* `IndentationWidth` cop follows the `AlignWith` option of the `DefEndAlignment` cop. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#1837]( New cop `EachWithObjectArgument` checks that `each_with_object` isn\'t called with an immutable object as argument. ([AATTjonas054][])
* `ArrayJoin` cop does auto-correction. ([AATTtmr08c][]) [#]## Bugs fixed
* [#1816]( Fix bug in `Sample` when calling `#shuffle` with something other than an element selector. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#1768]( `DefEndAlignment` recognizes preceding `private_class_method` or `public_class_method` before `def`. ([AATTtil][])
* [#1820]( Correct the logic in `AlignHash` for when to ignore a key because it\'s not on its own line. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#1829]( Fix bug in `Sample` and `FlatMap` that would cause them to report having been auto-corrected when they were not. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#1832]( Fix bug in `UnusedMethodArgument` that would cause them to report having been auto-corrected when they were not. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#1834]( Support only boolean values for `AutoCorrect` configuration parameter, and remove warning for unknown parameter. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#1843]( Fix crash in `TrailingBlankLines` when a file ends with a block comment without final newline. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#1849]( Fix bug where you can not have nested arrays in the Rake task configuration. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Fix bug in `MultilineTernaryOperator` where it will not register an offense when only the false branch is on a separate line. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* Fix crash in `MultilineBlockLayout` when using new lambda literal syntax without parentheses. ([AATThbd225][])
* [#1859]( Fix bugs in `IfUnlessModifier` concerning comments and empty lines. ([AATTjonas054][])
* Fix handling of trailing comma in `SpaceAroundBlockParameters` and `SpaceAfterComma`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* Wed Apr 22 2015 updated to version 0.30.1
* Tue Apr 07 2015 updated to version 0.30.0
* Sat Feb 14 2015 updated to version 0.29.1
* Tue Feb 10 2015 updated to version 0.29.0
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging