Changelog for ruby3.1-rubygem-moneta-1.6.0-150300.32.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Sat Jun 10 2023 updated to version 1.6.0 see installed CHANGES 1.6.0
* Adapters - Support for Rails 6.1 and above (Adapters::ActiveRecord, Adapters::ActiveSupportCache, ActiveSupportCache::MonetaStore)
* Adapters::YAML - add `theadsafe` option
* Adapters::Sequel - fix deadlock issue with #increment on MySQL in newer Sequel versions (#244)
* Adapters::Sequel - fix issue with Postgres HStore on newer Postgres (#243)
* Adapters - fixed an issue many adapters had where #merge! errored if passed an empty hash (#246)
* Support changes - Drop support for 2.3 and 2.4, add support for 3.x
* Wed Dec 07 2022 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.5.2 see installed CHANGES 1.5.2
* Proxy - handle returning config when the adapter does not use config
* Avoid calling `supports?(:expires)` when expiry isn\'t needed
* Adapters::Mongo - fix `merge!` behaviour when no values are inserted
* Thu Apr 28 2022 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.5.1 see installed CHANGES 1.5.1
* Adapters::File - fix an implicit hash issue in Ruby 3 (#222) 1.5.0
* Adapters - internally, most (all?) adapters now inherit from a base Adapter class
* Adapters - adapter configuration is now accessed via a `config` method on each adapter - see the code for examples. This shouldn\'t affect users unless they were directly modifying adapters\' attributes.
* Redis - fix deprecation warnings for Redis 4.6+ multi/pipelined handling (#215)
* Mongo - slight improvement to error handling
* Thu Jun 24 2021 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.4.2 see installed CHANGES 1.4.2
* Pool - fix busy-loop issue (#197)
* Wed Jan 20 2021 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.4.1 see installed CHANGES 1.4.1
* Adapters::Mongo - deprecate :db option, document :database option (#194)
* Adapters::Mongo - add retries to increment operation
* Fri Sep 25 2020 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.4.0 see installed CHANGES 1.4.0
* Adapters::Mongo - drop support for moped gem (#182)
* Adapters::Redis - use #exists? where available (#189)
* Some reorganisation of code into more separate files (#177)
* Thu May 07 2020 updated to version 1.3.0 see installed CHANGES 1.3.0
* Transformer - add :each_key support (#170)
* Server - add :each_key support, use non-blocking IO (#165)
* Builder - dup options before passing to adapter/proxy (#174)
* Adapter::Couch - add HTTP basic auth support
* Support MRI 2.7.0 (#172)
* Minimum required MRI version is now 2.3.0 (#172)
* Mon Feb 10 2020 updated to version 1.2.1 see installed CHANGES 1.2.1
* Transformer - fix :escape transformer deserialize implementation (#168) 1.2.0
* Adapters::Sequel - fix for compatibility with new version of JDBC SQLite
* Adapters::Couch - refactor of error handling, #clear, #merge!, #slice, rev caching
* Fallback - add fallback proxy (#162)
* Pool - rewrite to enable limiting of size, gradual shrinking
* Enumerable - add proxy providing Enumerable API (using #each_key)
* Adapters::Couch, Adapters::RestClient - add Faraday :adapter option
* Adapters::Couch - add :full_commit and :batch options to some operations
* Adapters::LRUHash - rewrite to take advantage of ordered hashes
* Adapters::ActiveRecord - recover from deadlock during increment
* Sun May 05 2019 updated to version 1.1.1 see installed CHANGES 1.1.1
* Adapters::Sequel - use prepared statements
* Adapters::Sqlite - use upsert for increment where supported
* Fri Mar 29 2019 updated to version 1.1.0 see installed CHANGES 1.1.0
* Adapters::ActiveRecord - rewrite to use Arel directly; support for Rails 5
* Moneta::Server - close all connections when stopping
* Moneta::Shared - recover from socket errors
* Transformer - add :urlsafe_base64; use this by default for keys with Couch adapter
* Adapters::MongoMoped - recover from failed increment
* Moneta::Pool - fix race condition in #pop (#144)
* Moneta::Client - raise EOFError if a read fails
* Moneta::Expires - use Rational objects to get much more accurate time resolution
* Moneta::Lock/Moneta::Pool - allow wrapped methods to call other wrapped methods
* Adapters::Sequel - add optimisations for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite
* Adapters::Sequel - add Postgres+HStore backend
* Add Adapters::ActiveSupportCache
* Adapters::Sqlite - add :journal_mode option
* Add table creation options to Sequel and ActiveRecord adapters
* Adapters::ActiveRecord - support for forking (#159)
* Adapters::Cassandra - rewrite to use cassandra-driver gem (#81)
* Adapters::Couch - add a LRUHash to cache document revs
* Adapters::KyotoCabinet - implement atomic increment
* Add :each_key feature and implemented on many adapters; add Moneta::WeakEachKey (#143; see feature matrix)
* Add bulk read/write methods to the spec; added default implementation to Defaults and fast versions in many adapters (#116; see feature matrix)
* First class support for latest JRuby (#160)
* Minimum required MRI version is now 2.2.2 (#135)
* Thu Mar 09 2017 updated to version 1.0.0 see installed CHANGES 1.0.0
* Adapters::Sequel - allow usage of Sequel extensions and connection validation
* ActiveSupport::Cache::MonetaStore - dup options before mutating them
* ActiveSupport::Cache::MonetaStore - allow writing raw values
* Wed Dec 14 2016 updated to version 0.8.1 see installed CHANGES 0.8.1
* Adapters::TokyoTyrant - more consistent error handling
* Adapters::MongoMoped - support for moped gem v2.0
* Adapters::MongoOfficial - support for mongo gem versions 2-4
* Adapters::File - fix a bug in #load (#74)
* Adapters::LRUHash - allow to disable the limits by passing nil for max_size, max_count
* Transformer - don\'t use OpenSSL::Digest::Digest namespace
* Adapters::Sequel - fix issue with unknown \"blob\" type
* Rack::Cache - fix deprecated require paths
* Adapters::MemcachedNative - properly close connections
* Transformer - support bson gem versions 2-4
* Transformer - switch to rbzip2 gem for bzip2 support
* Adapters::MemcachedDalli - #create returns a boolean
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging