Changelog for
ruby2.7-rubygem-kaminari-1.2.2-150400.1.5.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Jan 25 2022 cooloAATTsuse.comupdated to version 1.2.2 see installed [#]# 1.2.2 [#]## Enhancements:
* Rails 7 support via [dbac7d4]( and [07fafc0]( [#]## Bug Fixes:
* Restored `path_to_next_url` helper that was accidentally deleted in v1.2.0 #1027 [AATTryym]
* Fixed invalid link tag HTML output from `rel_next_prev_link_tags` helper #1045 [AATTdlackty]
* Fixed Errno::ENOENT error for views generator on Ruby 3 #1050 [AATTar31an]
* Suppress warnings about keyword args on Ruby 2.7 #1053 [AATTmishina]
* Tue Jun 09 2020 Updated to version 1.2.1 [#]## Security Fixes:
* Added `original_script_name` parameter to the ignore list: #1020 [AATTviseztrance] See CVE-2020-11082 for full details. [#]## Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a couple of grouped `total_count` regressions by reverting #979
* Mon Feb 10 2020 updated to version 1.2.0 see installed [#]# 1.2.0 [#]## Deprecations:
* Deprecated `current_per_page` in favor of `limit_value` [#]## Enhancements:
* Added `#url_to_next_page` and `#url_to_prev_page` helper methods: [38e95a2](
* Extracted url helper methods and packed them in `Kaminari::Helpers::UrlHelper`: [ff38bee](
* Improved performance of `total_count` for grouped queries by explicitly giving SQL `select` clause #979 [AATTMmKolodziej]
* Added `LIMIT` to `total_count` query when `max_pages` presents #981 [AATTrymai] [#]## Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a bug where the `kaminari-mongoid` gem was not loaded properly: kaminari/kaminari-mongoid#9 [AATTDenniJensen]
* Fixed a bug where the `#total_count` method incorrectly calculates the total count: #932 [AATTtumayun]
* Fixed a bug where `empty?` breaks subsequent `last_page?` in without_count mode #1009 [AATTmontdidier]
* Fixed kwargs warnings on Ruby 2.7 #1010 [AATTconnorshea]
* Mon Oct 23 2017 updated to version 1.1.1
* Bug Fixes: - Fixed a bug where paginate ..., params: { controller: ..., action: ... } didn\'t override the params[:controller] and params[:action] #919 [AATTchao-mu]
* Fri Oct 13 2017 updated to version 1.1.0
* Enhancements: - Now the page_entries_info method respects the I18n.locale value when pluralizing the entry_name option #899 [AATThundred] - require \'kaminari/core\' is no longer necessary when using require \'kaminari/activerecord\' #896 [AATTyhara] - Added the #current_per_page method to inspect current value of per_page #875 [#bfad] - Better accesibility support by adding accessibility roles to pagination nav #848 [AATTfrrrances]
* Bug Fixes: - Fixed an issue where the command rails g kaminari:views ... stopped working due to a missing require #912 [AATTjvsoares] - Fixed a bug where passing in params to the link_to_next_page or link_to_previous_page method raises an exception #874 [AATT5t111111]
* Thu Jan 19 2017 updated to version 1.0.1 see installed [#]# 1.0.1 [#]## Bug Fixes:
* Added `required_ruby_version` to the gemspec #847 [AATTtimoschilling]
* Fixed a regression where `per(nil)` uses `max_per_page` instead of `default_per_page` #813 [AATTmerqlove]
* Fixed a regression where passing a String to `per()` aborts with ArgumentError #849 [AATTrafaelgonzalez]
* Fixed a bug where calling deprecated `max_pages_per` caused an Error on Rails 4 #852 [AATTtsuwatch]
* Wed Jan 11 2017 updated to version 1.0.0 CHANGELOG.rdoc removed upstream
* Tue May 31 2016 updated to version 0.17.0 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 0.17.0
* Rails 5 ready!
* Mongoid 5.0 support
* Dropped Ruby 1.8 support
* Dropped Mongoid 2.x support
* Extracted Sinatra support to kaminari-sinatra gem
* Extracted DataMapper support to kaminari-data_mapper gem
* Extracted Mongoid support to kaminari-mongoid gem
* Extracted MongoMapper support to kaminari-mongo_mapper gem
* Deprecated Kaminari::PageScopeMethods#num_pages in favor of `total_pages`
* Deprecated :num_pages option for `paginate` in favor of :total_pages
* Fixed mangled params in pagination links on Rails 5 #766 [audionerd]
* Fixed a bug where the range of the records displayed on the last page doesn\'t match #718 [danzanzini]
* Wed Feb 11 2015 updated to version 0.16.3
* Fixed a \"stack level too deep\" bug in mongoid #642 [bartes]
* Fixed a bug that Kaminari possibly crashes when combined with other gems that define `inherited` method on model classes, such as aasm. #651 [zeitnot]
* Mon Feb 09 2015 updated to version 0.16.2
* Fixed a bug where cloned Relations remember previous relations\' AATTtotal_count value #565 [inkstak]
* Fixed a bug where `paginate_array()` with total_count option returns whole array for every page #516 [abhichvn]
* Fixed a bug where :num_pages option was backwards-incompatible #605 [klebershimabuku]
* Fixed a bug where themed views generator attempts to overwrite [#623] [swrobel]
* Fixed a bug that ruby raises a NameError when theme was not found #622 [maxprokopiev]
* Fixed a bug that paginates_per does not work with subclasses on mongoid #634 [kouyaf77]
* Show an error message if a proper template was not found for the generator theme #600 [meltedice]
* Wed Oct 15 2014 updated to version 0.16.1
* Fix a bug where :theme option for #paginate method doesn\'t work properly [#566] [commstratdev] == 0.16.0
* Add support for mongoid max_scan option #500 [aptx4869]
* Add `link_to_previous_page` helper for Sinatra #504 [ikeay]
* Add :views_prefix option to #paginate for alternative views directory #552 [apotonick]
* Simplify `page_entries_info` by adding entry_name interface to each ORM
* Refer ActiveRecord::Base from top level namespace for more safety when inherited class\'s namespace has \'ActiveRecord\' constant #522 [yuroyoro]
* Fix a bug where runtime persistence not taken into account with mongoid/kaminari #326 [nubeod]
* Fix a bug where helper methods were not available from inside `paginator.render do ... end` block #239 [damien-roche]
* Fix a bug where theme generator didn\'t work on Rails 4.1 #526 [jimryan]
* Fix a bug that paginatable arrays with `total_count` option always returns whole array #516 [abhichvn]