Changelog for ruby3.1-rubygem-actionpack-5_0- :
* Thu Mar 14 2019 Stephan Kulow - updated to version see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails (March 11, 2019) ## * No changes. * Sat Dec 08 2018 Stephan Kulow - updated to version see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails (November 27, 2018) ## * No changes. * Fri Mar 30 2018 factory-autoAATTkulow.org- updated to version 5.0.7 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 5.0.7 (March 29, 2018) ## * Remove deprecation on `ActionController::Parameters#to_hash` when the instance is permitted. * Edouard Chin * * Mon Sep 11 2017 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 5.0.6 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 5.0.6 (September 07, 2017) ## * No changes. [#]# Rails 5.0.6.rc1 (August 24, 2017) ## * No changes. * Thu Aug 03 2017 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 5.0.5 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 5.0.5 (July 31, 2017) ## * No changes. [#]# Rails 5.0.5.rc2 (July 25, 2017) ## * No changes. [#]# Rails 5.0.5.rc1 (July 19, 2017) ## * Fallback `ActionController::Parameters#to_s` to `Hash#to_s`. * Kir Shatrov * * Tue Jun 20 2017 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 5.0.4 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 5.0.4 (June 19, 2017) ## * No changes. [#]# Rails 5.0.3 (May 12, 2017) ## * Tue May 23 2017 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 5.0.3 see installed CHANGELOG.md * Raise exception when calling `to_h` in an unfiltered Parameters. This method will raise on unfiltered Parameters if `config.action_controller.raise_on_unfiltered_parameters` is true. Before we returned either an empty hash or only the always permitted parameters (`:controller` and `:action` by default). The previous behavior was dangerous because in order to get the attributes users usually fallback to use `to_unsafe_h` that could potentially introduce security issues. * Rafael Mendonça França * * Add `ActionController::Parameters#to_hash` to implicit conversion. Now methods that implicit convert objects to a hash will be able to work without requiring the users to change their implementation. This method will return a `Hash` instead of a `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndefirentAccess` to mimic the same implementation of `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndefirentAccess#to_hash`. This method will raise on unfiltered Parameters if `config.action_controller.raise_on_unfiltered_parameters` is true. * Rafael Mendonça França * * Undeprecate `ActionController::Parameters#to_query` and `#to_param`. Previously it was raising a deprecation because it may be unsafe to use those methods in an unfiltered parameter. Now we delegate to `#to_h` that already raise an error when the Parameters instance is not permitted. This also fix a bug when using `#to_query` in a hash that contains a `ActionController::Parameters` instance and was returning the name of the class in the string. * Rafael Mendonça França * * Use more specific check for :format in route path The current check for whether to add an optional format to the path is very lax and will match things like `:format_id` where there are nested resources, e.g: ``` ruby resources :formats do resources :items end ``` Fix this by using a more restrictive regex pattern that looks for the patterns `(.:format)`, `.:format` or `/` at the end of the path. Note that we need to allow for multiple closing parenthesis since the route may be of this form: ``` ruby get \"/books(/:action(.:format))\", controller: \"books\" ``` This probably isn\'t what\'s intended since it means that the default index action route doesn\'t support a format but we have a test for it so we need to allow it. Fixes #28517. * Andrew White * * Don\'t include default headers in `ActionController::Metal` responses The commit e16afe6 introduced an unintentional change of behavior where the default headers were included in responses from `ActionController::Metai` based controllers. This is now reverted to the previous behavior of having no default headers. Fixes #25820. * Jon Moss * * Fix malformed URLS when using `ApplicationController.renderer` The Rack environment variable `rack.url_scheme` was not being set so `scheme` was returning `nil`. This caused URLs to be malformed with the default settings. Fix this by setting `rack.url_scheme` when the environment is normalized. Fixes #28151. * George Vrettos * * Commit flash changes when using a redirect route. Fixes #27992. * Andrew White * * Thu Mar 02 2017 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 5.0.2 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 5.0.2 (March 01, 2017) ## * Make `with_routing` test helper work when testing controllers inheriting from `ActionController::API`. * Julia López * * Wed Dec 21 2016 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 5.0.1 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 5.0.1 (December 21, 2016) ## * Restored correct `charset` behavior on `send_data` and `send_file`: while they should pass along any supplied value, they should not add a default. Fixes #27344. * Matthew Draper * [#]# Rails 5.0.1.rc2 (December 10, 2016) ## * Move `cookies`, `flash`, and `session` methods back to `ActionDispatch::Integration::Session`. * Matthew Draper * * Do not reset in `ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest#open_session`; doing so is incompatible with existing (unintended) API usage. * Sean Griffin * [#]# Rails 5.0.1.rc1 (December 01, 2016) ## * Fixed error caused by `force_ssl_redirect` when `session_store` is enabled. Fixes #19679 * Taishi Kasuga * * Use accept header in integration tests with `as: :json` Instead of appending the `format` to the request path. Rails will figure out the format from the header instead. This allows devs to use `:as` on routes that don\'t have a format. Fixes #27144. * Kasper Timm Hansen * * Fixed integration test requests appending and changing request paths. [#]Before post \"/anything\", params: params, headers: headers, as: :json \"/anything\" would be converted to \"/anything.json\" based on format. The path is now maintained and the format is respected based on `:as` option. Fixes #27144. * Fixes incorrect output from rails routes when using singular resources. Fixes #26606. * Erick Reyna * * Fixes multiple calls to `logger.fatal` instead of a single call, for every line in an exception backtrace, when printing trace from `DebugExceptions` middleware. Fixes #26134. * Vipul A M * * Add `ActionController::Parameters#merge!`, which behaves the same as `Hash#merge!`. * Yuji Yaginuma * * Added `ActionController::Parameters#deep_dup` which actually creates a params copy, instead of refereing to old references in params. Fixes #26566. * Pavel Evstigneev *, *Rafael Mendonça França * * Make `fixture_file_upload` work in integration tests. * Yuji Yaginuma * * Add `to_param` to `ActionController::Parameters` deprecations. In the future `ActionController::Parameters` are discouraged from being used in URLs without explicit whitelisting. Go through `to_h` to use `to_param`. * Kir Shatrov * * Fix nested multiple roots The PR #20940 enabled the use of multiple roots with different constraints at the top level but unfortunately didn\'t work when those roots were inside a namespace and also broke the use of root inside a namespace after a top level root was defined because the check for the existence of the named route used the global :root name and not the namespaced name. This is fixed by using the name_for_action method to expand the :root name to the full namespaced name. We can pass nil for the second argument as we\'re not dealing with resource definitions so don\'t need to handle the cases for edit and new routes. Fixes #26148. * Ryo Hashimoto *, *Andrew White * * SSL: Changes redirect behavior for all non-GET and non-HEAD requests (like POST/PUT/PATCH etc) to `http://` resources to redirect to `https://` with a [307 status code](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.4.7) instead of [301 status code](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.4.2). 307 status code instructs the HTTP clients to preserve the original request method while redirecting. It has been part of HTTP RFC since 1999 and is implemented/recognized by most (if not all) user agents. [#] Before POST http://example.com/articles (i.e. ArticlesContoller#create) redirects to GET https://example.com/articles (i.e. ArticlesContoller#index) [#] After POST http://example.com/articles (i.e. ArticlesContoller#create) redirects to POST https://example.com/articles (i.e. ArticlesContoller#create) * Chirag Singhal * * Add `:as` option to `ActionController:TestCase#process` and related methods. Specifying `as: mime_type` allows the `CONTENT_TYPE` header to be specified in controller tests without manually doing this through `AATTrequest.headers[\'CONTENT_TYPE\']`. * Everest Stefan Munro-Zeisberger * * Prevent autoload from deadlocking while ActionController::Live is streaming. * Alex Chinn * * Don\'t override the `Accept` header in integration tests when called with `xhr: true`. Fixes #25859. * David Chen * * Reset a new session directly after its creation in `ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest#open_session`. Fixes #22742. * Tawan Sierek * * Fix \'defaults\' option for root route. A regression from some refactoring for the 5.0 release, this change fixes the use of \'defaults\' (default parameters) in the \'root\' routing method. * Chris Arcand * * Check `request.path_parameters` encoding at the point they\'re set. Check for any non-UTF8 characters in path parameters at the point they\'re set in `env`. Previously they were checked for when used to get a controller class, but this meant routes that went directly to a Rack app, or skipped controller instantiation for some other reason, had to defend against non-UTF8 characters themselves. * Grey Baker * * Don\'t raise ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod from ActionDispatch::Static Pass `Rack::Request` objects to `ActionDispatch::FileHandler` to avoid it raising `ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod`. If an unknown method is passed, it should exception higher in the stack instead, once we\'ve had a chance to define exception handling behaviour. * Grey Baker * * Handle `Rack::QueryParser` errors in `ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper` Updated `ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper` to handle the Rack 2.0 namespace for `ParameterTypeError` and `InvalidParameterError` errors. * Grey Baker * * Deprecated omitting the route path. Specify the path with a String or a Symbol instead. [#] Before get action: :show, as: :show [#] After get \"\", action: :show, as: :show * Volmer * * Added new `ActionDispatch::DebugLocks` middleware that can be used to diagnose deadlocks in the autoload interlock. To use it, insert it near the top of the middleware stack, using `config/application.rb`: config.middleware.insert_before Rack::Sendfile, ActionDispatch::DebugLocks After adding, visiting `/rails/locks` will show a summary of all threads currently known to the interlock. * Matthew Draper * * Fix request encoding in Integration tests when string literals are frozen using `--enable-frozen-string-literal` or `# frozen_string_literal: true`. * Volmer * * Since long keys are truncated when passed to ciphers, Ruby 2.4 doesn\'t accept keys greater than their max length. Fixed default key length on cipher for `ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor`, which was causing errors on Ruby 2.4. * Vipul A M * * Fixed adding implicitly rendered template digests to ETags. Properly ignore implicit template cache option to ETag, if `template: false` is passed when rendering. * Javan Makhmali * * Fri Aug 12 2016 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version see installed CHANGELOG.md * Mon Jul 04 2016 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to rails 5.0 - see http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2016/6/30/Rails-5-0-final/ * Tue Mar 08 2016 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 4.2.6 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 4.2.6 (March 07, 2016) ## * No changes. * Tue Mar 01 2016 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails (February 26, 2016) ## * Do not allow render with unpermitted parameter. Fixes CVE-2016-2098. * Arthur Neves * [#]# Rails (January 25, 2015) ## * No changes. * Tue Jan 26 2016 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version see installed CHANGELOG.md * Fri Nov 13 2015 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 4.2.5 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 4.2.5 (November 12, 2015) ## * `ActionController::TestCase` can teardown gracefully if an error is raised early in the `setup` chain. * Yves Senn * * Parse RSS/ATOM responses as XML, not HTML. * Alexander Kaupanin * * Fix regression in mounted engine named routes generation for app deployed to a subdirectory. `relative_url_root` was prepended to the path twice (e.g. \"/subdir/subdir/engine_path\" instead of \"/subdir/engine_path\") Fixes #20920. Fixes #21459. * Matthew Erhard * * `url_for` does not modify its arguments when generating polymorphic URLs. * Bernerd Schaefer * * Update `ActionController::TestSession#fetch` to behave more like `ActionDispatch::Request::Session#fetch` when using non-string keys. * Jeremy Friesen * * Tue Aug 25 2015 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 4.2.4 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 4.2.4 (August 24, 2015) ## * ActionController::TestSession now accepts a default value as well as a block for generating a default value based off the key provided. This fixes calls to session#fetch in ApplicationController instances that take more two arguments or a block from raising `ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)` when performing controller tests. * Matthew Gerrior * * Fix to keep original header instance in `ActionDispatch::SSL` `ActionDispatch::SSL` changes headers to `Hash`. So some headers will be broken if there are some middlewares on `ActionDispatch::SSL` and if it uses `Rack::Utils::HeaderHash`. * Fumiaki Matsushima * * Fri Jun 26 2015 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 4.2.3 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 4.2.3 (June 25, 2015) ## * Fix rake routes not showing the right format when nesting multiple routes. See #18373. * Ravil Bayramgalin * * Fix regression where a gzip file response would have a Content-type, even when it was a 304 status code. See #19271. * Kohei Suzuki * * Fix handling of empty X_FORWARDED_HOST header in raw_host_with_port Previously, an empty X_FORWARDED_HOST header would cause Actiondispatch::Http:URL.raw_host_with_port to return nil, causing Actiondispatch::Http:URL.host to raise a NoMethodError. * Adam Forsyth * * Fallback to `ENV[\'RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT\']` in `url_for`. Fixed an issue where the `RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT` environment variable is not prepended to the path when `url_for` is called. If `SCRIPT_NAME` (used by Rack) is set, it takes precedence. Fixes #5122. * Yasyf Mohamedali * * Fix regression in functional tests. Responses should have default headers assigned. See #18423. * Jeremy Kemper *, *Yves Senn * * Wed Jun 17 2015 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 4.2.2 see installed CHANGELOG.md [#]# Rails 4.2.2 (June 16, 2015) ## * No Changes * * Sun Mar 22 2015 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to version 4.2.1, see CHANGELOG.md * Wed Jan 28 2015 adrianAATTsuse.de- update to 4.2.0 * Mon Jan 19 2015 dmuellerAATTsuse.com- update to 4.1.9: * Fixed handling of positional url helper arguments when `format: false`. * Restore handling of a bare `Authorization` header, without `token=` prefix. * Fix regression where path was getting overwritten when route anchor was false, and X-Cascade pass * Fix a bug where malformed query strings lead to 500. * Fix arbitrary file existence disclosure in Action Pack (CVE-2014-7829) * Fix arbitrary file existence disclosure in Action Pack (CVE-2014-7818) * Mon Nov 10 2014 tboergerAATTsuse.com- To get rails 4 running on SLE 11 i have switched the rb_build_versions definition to rub21 as it is activated within devel:languages:ruby. That way we can get running rails 4 on SLE 11 too.