Changelog for
range-v3-devel-0.12.0-150700.5.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Jul 25 2022 update to 0.12.0:
* NEW: views::chunk_by which, like the old views::group_by it replaces,
* splits a range into a range-of-ranges, where adjacent elements satisfy a binary
* predicate (#1648). [Note: Whereas views::group_by evaluated the predicate
* between the current element and the first element in the chunk, views::chunk_by
* evaluates the predicate between adjacent elements. -- end note]
* NEW: constexpr all the algorithms that are constexpr in C++20\'s std::ranges
* NEW: Fold algorithms from P2322
* NEW: ranges::unformatted_ostream_iterator
* NEW: Support for the build2 build system
* Implement P2328: relax the constraint on ranges::join_view
* to support joining ranges of prvalue non-view ranges
* Improved algorithm for ranges::linear_distribute
* Renamed safe_subrange_t to borrowed_subrange_t
* Extend ranges::to to support conversion to container-of-containers
* views::enumerate can be a borrowed_view
* ranges::upper_bound works in the presence of overloaded operator&
* Input iterators are no longer required to be default-constructible
* Bug fixes- drop fix-install.patch: upstream
* Sat Aug 15 2020 Initial package