Changelog for panda3d-devel-1.10.11-lp156.1.7.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Feb 06 2022 Simon Puchert - Update to version 1.10.11
* Fix erratic shadow bug with multiple lights from gltf/blend2bam (#1153)
* Fix erratic behavior of HW skinning shaders on non-animated models (#1207)
* Don\'t load texture from disk when loading .bam if preloading is off (#1208)
* Fix TextureReloadRequest not working properly when mipmapping is disabled
* Add TexturePool.get_texture() method for querying textures in pool
* Fix crash when opening a .txo, .dds or .ktx file fails
* Improve error message when calling tex.write() with unknown extension
* Generate events for mouse buttons 4 and 5 on X11
* Add raw event (raw-<) for key between shift and Z on ISO keyboards
* FrSky RC controller is now registered as flight stick (#1218)
* Support building with tkinter on all supported platforms (#780)
* Fix issue with zipimport module not being packaged
* Fix grayscale icons becoming blue when scaled automatically
* Automatically include cacert.pem when depending on certifi
* Suppress assorted spurious missing module warnings
* Targeting linux_x86_64 / linux_i686 also allows use of manylinux wheels
* Add support for Maya 2022 (#1213)
* Support compilation with Assimp 5.x (#1212)
* Support building on manylinux_2_24
* Fix nodes with same tag key but different value getting flattened together
* taskMgr.step() now restores previous SIGINT handler afterwards (#1180)
* Add base.clock as alias for globalClock
* FilterManager mul parameter now accepts floating-point values (#1231)
* Assorted minor API documentation improvements
* Fix memory leak getting Bullet persistent manifolds from Python (#1193)
* Fix assertion in PythonLoaderFileType with debug Python build
* Add missing property interface to PlaneNode
* Fix prepare_scene() not properly invoking the Shader Generator
* Add name property to AICharacter class (#1205)
* Add bullet-split-impulse configuration variable (#1201)
* Fix slider thumb entering dragging state on keyboard button press (#1188)
* Allow OnscreenImage to be created before ShowBase is created (#1209)
* Fix manager, t, play_rate, duration properties of Sequence/Parallel (#1202)
* Expose ButtonEvent API to Python (UNSTABLE API, will be changed soon)- Update to version 1.10.10
* Round refresh rates when choosing display mode on macOS (#1144)
* Vectors now support floor division
* It is now possible to use round(), ceil() and floor() with vector types
* Add RenderState::get_unused_states()
* Fix assertion error in RenderState::get_num_unused_states()
* Fix Assimp loader not importing normal vectors correctly (#1163)
* Fix error when trying to render DirectGUI in offscreen mode (#1174)
* Fixes to enable compilation with recent OpenEXR and FFMpeg versions
* Fix draw callback being called twice if cull callback calls upcall()
* Improve error message when display module fails to load
* Fix writing/reading BitArray to/from bam files on 64-bit systems (#1181)
* Panda no longer tries to compress buffer textures when compression is enabled
* Fix Geom::make_lines_in_place() (& points, patches) leaving invalid state
* Fix memory leak when cleaning up FilterManager (#1166)
* Fix memory leak deleting multisample OpenGL FBOs (#1166)
* Fix auto-binding of SSBOs sometimes causing overlapping bindings (#1176)
* PSSMCameraRig::update() now accepts a camera node directly
* Support copying depth buffer for 32-bit depth with 8-bit stencil (#1142)
* Prevent trying to copy depth from non-depth buffer in OpenGL renderer (#1142)
* Fixes to format selection for OpenGL renderbuffers (#1137, #1141)
* gl-depth-zero-to-one is now supported in OpenGL ES 2+ (if driver supports)
* Maya models can contain more than three eggObjectTypes (#1134)
* Fix black screen on Linux when switching fullscreen without a WM active
* Fix Linux crash when trying to load a directory instead of a file (#1140)
* Fix crash when loading an invalid font
* Fix a very obscure unintended DirectGUI behavior change in 1.10.9
* Wed May 12 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version 1.10.9
* Show error for unrecognized p3d_TextureXYZ GLSL shader inputs
* New filled wireframe mode that respects vertex shaders
* Fix mouse confinement activating on Windows for non-foreground window
* Better support for headless OpenGL on Linux via EGL-based fallback
* EGL implementation can now fall back to alternative EGL devices
* Fix ability to create multisample FBO when using EGL
* Fix copy-RAM and copy-texture modes for multisample-enabled buffers
* FilterManager now respects depth-bits specified in Config.prc
* Auto-convert vertex data down from 64-bit float to 32-bit in OpenGL ES
* Add missing 16-bpc and 32-bpc integer texture formats
* Support `Texture::set_ram_image_as()` for 3D and multiview textures
* TexturePeeker now supports cube maps
* TexturePeeker now supports integer texture formats
* Workarounds for disappearing text and GUI items in multithreaded pipeline
* Fix generated accent marks for some fonts appearing flipped
* Included static fonts now include dotless i glyph
* Fix DirectOptionMenu issues when changing items from item callback
* Fix some Python 3 compatibility issues
* Improvements to `direct.stdpy.pickle` pickle, esp. for Python 3
* Fix `direct.stdpy.pickle` sometimes duplicating Panda objects
* Add pickle support to various Panda classes
* AsyncFuture can now store an arbitrary Python object as result
* AsyncFuture.gather() now schedules coroutines on current task chain
* Coroutine exceptions are no longer suppressed in optimized builds
* Fix CollisionHandler\'s again_patterns property
* Support bam serialization of BulletGhostNode objects
* Assorted memory leaks fixed- Update to version 1.10.8
* Fix a memory leak, particularly noticeable with multithreaded pipeline
* Fix error with build_apps not working with certain versions of Python
* Fix crash caused by some gamepad drivers on Linux
* Add GraphicsPipe::get_display_zoom() for querying system DPI scaling
* Skinning-enabled shaders can now properly render unskinned models as well
* BitMask, SparseArray, BitArray types can now be pickled
* VFSImporter now properly detects source file encodings in Python 3
* Fix compilation error with Bullet 2.90+- Update to version 1.10.7
* Add High Dynamic Range filter with ACES tone mapping to CommonFilters
* Add sRGB filter to CommonFilters
* Fix (shadow) buffer no longer working after host buffer is destroyed
* Fog density passed to shader now defaults to 0 when no fog is applied
* Don\'t check sampler/light type mismatch for non-shadow-casting lights
* Shader generator now makes use of Material alpha values if present
* Support sRGB textures and framebuffers in OpenGL ES 2 renderer
* Egg files can now be loaded with sRGB texture formats automatically
* Fix maya2egg regression not creating animations properly
* Fix FMOD issue reading sounds from read-write-opened multifiles
* Fix faulty collision detection when sphere is under polygon
* Sun Mar 29 2020 Simon Puchert - Update to version 1.10.6
* Fix multithreading crash when garbage collecting render states (#499)
* Fix a memory leak in task system in Python 3 (#873)
* Fix detection for convex angles in visible geometry in collision system (#879)
* Fix regression in 1.10.4 when overriding verticalScroll_frameSize (#864)
* Fix DirectScrolledList scrollTo error in Python 3 (#880)
* Fix OpenGL shaders not being properly applied across multiple buffers
* Proper handling of texture rotations applied to normal maps (#808)
* Add support for custom vertex columns when munging points to quads (#870)
* Fix ShaderTerrainMesh disappearing when enabling compressed-textures
* Fix MouseWatcherRegion leave event sometimes being fired twice (#858)
* Fix odd behavior when pressing multiple mouse buttons during capture (#843)
* Fix support for dead key input on some X11 servers
* Fix raw key events being sent down repeatedly when holding key on X11 (#874)
* Numpad keys are no longer included in get_keyboard_map() on X11
* Add labels to some keys in get_keyboard_map() on X11
* unloadAnims no longer removes all control effects, only for given anims (#853)
* AnimChannelScalarTable (for morph animations) is now exposed to Python
* It’s now possible to create a CharacterSlider with default value
* Fix assertion errors when model-cache-dir cannot be created (#790)
* Textures with clear colors are no longer stripped from bam files (#844)
* Support texture clear colors in bam files (requires bam-version 6 45 in PRC)
* Fix bam2egg skinning bug for models with default poses on joints
* bam2egg supports multitexturing and multiple UV sets
* Reduce library size by not exporting symbols of linked static libraries
* makepanda now auto-disables plug-ins in Config.prc that were not compiled in
* Fix refcounting of returned ReferenceCount-like objects in interrogate
* Fix erratic build failure in dcParser code- Update to version 1.10.5
* Fix NaN assertions when particles get very large positions (#822)
* Add support for Autodesk Maya 2020
* Support .pz and .gz compressed models in deployment system
* Support implicit namespace packages in deployment system (#778)
* Fix deployment system issues reading .pyc files in some Python versions
* Fix error with distutils package when deploying in a “virtualenv” env (#747)
* Fix “NameError: name ‘mdef’ is not defined” error when deploying (#721)
* Fix custom loader hooks sometimes not working with Actor (#750)
* Fix defaults for package_data_dirs in deployment system (#779)
* Fix issues with adding icons to deployed executable (#718)
* Add PNMImage.quantize() that palettizes using median cut algorithm
* Fix stereo and MRT FBO rendering in OpenGL ES (#815)
* RTM_copy_ram mode is now fixed for multiview textures in OpenGL
* Fix OpenGL multisample FBO issue with 16-bit float buffer (#756)
* Workaround for infinite loop in Triangulator for certain polygons (#737)
* Fix dcparser issue with unpacking uint64 and int64 (#751)
* Fix ability to compile dcparser outside of the Panda3D codebase (#759)
* Fix all direct.stdpy.threading2 threads behaving daemonically (#758)
* direct.stdpy.threading2.Thread instances provide daemon and name properties
* Fix possible stack overflow when reading many bytes from a stream (#754)
* Support adjusting particle birth offset time (#769)
* Fix ability to pass a tuple to loader.loadModel
* Fix an issue in interrogate with generating C bindings (#722)
* Fix a variety of ABI compatibility issues with NDEBUG builds
* Fix static linking of harfbuzz and freetype in makepanda
* ls() and bam-info -ls now list included animations
* Fix white ambient color when loading PBR materials from .bam/cache (#828)
* Fix inconsistent behavior when passing small values to shader inputs (#827)
* Fix issue passing unicode to DirectScrolledList (#752)
* Fix interrogate parser issue with function-like macro expansion
* Interrogate now finds types nested in explicitly specialized template class
* Improve performance reading all data from a file with direct.stdpy.file
* PandaSystem now records whether libc++ or libstdc++ was used on macOS
* Many improvements to API documentation
* pandac/input/
*.in interrogatedb files are now included in .whl builds
* Fix division exception in ServerRepository (#762)
* Fix ShaderBuffer contexts not being cleared at GSG destruction
* Fix DirectOptionMenu item text scale reset on item unhighlight (#768)
* Python particle classes now have snake-case aliases
* Fix crash printing out cached buffer contexts
* Rudimentary, experimental, low-level handling of digitizer input devices
* Thu Sep 19 2019 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to
* Fix a regression when calling destroy() on DirectGUI items- Update to 1.10.4
* Fix exception trying to create DirectScrolledList
* Fix flickering in DirectScrolledFrame and other scissor issues
* Support adding icons to deployed applications
* Support non-affine (eg. projective) transforms in calc_tight_bounds
* Allow setting notify-output after initial import
* Fix Actor.makeSubpart on models with pre-bound animations
* Properly interrupt task manager if first task chain raises error
* Fix return value of encrypt_string in Python 3
* Support writing loader plug-ins in Python
* Fix reading multiple p3d_TextureMatrix[] values from GLSL shaders
* Fix shader error flag not being set if GLSL compilation failed
* Add NodePath.replace_texture() convenience method
* Fix assertion when calling analyze() on geometry with strip cut index
* Implement fallback in GL renderer when F_sluminance is not supported
* Set reasonable limits for sliders in ParticlePanel
* Fix for DirectEntry autoCapitalize feature on Python 3
* PythonUtil.weightedChoice now raises IndexError on empty list
* Support changing DirectScrollBar width after initialiation
* Workaround for Bullet deadlock when adding shape to a scaled body
* Support setting DirectEntryScroll entry after initialization
* Fri Aug 02 2019 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to 1.10.3
* Fix logging issues/crashes in apps deployed with Python 2.7
* Fix issues when starting in fullscreen on Linux/X11
* Fix Linux crash when no input devices are present
* Unbreak support for matrix arrays in vertex data in OpenGL
* Support playing and looping compressed Ogg and WAV audio files
* Lot of other bug fixes- Update to 1.10.2
* Fix a memory leak issue in Python applications
* Fix crash reading unaligned float4 column in GeomVertexReader
* Fixes for switching to fullscreen at runtime on Windows and Linux
* Fix incorrect display mode listing in some Linux distributions
* Fix threading crash on Linux when using get_keyboard_map()- Update to 1.10.1
* Fix deploy-ng error regarding \'exist_ok\' on Python 2
* Fix regression with Audio3DManager.setSoundVelocityAuto()- Update to 1.10.0
* New input framework to natively support gamepads, joysticks, etc.
* Multi-threaded render pipeline is a lot more stable now
* Complete support for Python 3
* Support for coroutines and async/await
* Add new shader-based terrain rendering method (ShaderTerrainMesh)
* Support cube map arrays
* Support buffer textures
* Many more texture formats supported
* BC4 and BC5 compression modes supported
* Support for right-to-left text
* Native .flac loader
* Support loading .opus files with libopusfile
* Fix various memory leaks
* Bullet objects are serializable to .bam files.
* Bullet bindings are now thread safe.
* Bullet debug drawer is more efficient; no longer inherits GeomNode.
* Support for Assimp library to load a broad variety of model formats- Build with opus, vorbis and libbullet support- Does not need openCV as panda3d only uses it on non Linux to support webcams, on Linux Video4Linux is used
* Sat Aug 05 2017 Add shared-mime-info and macros
* Sat Aug 05 2017 Update to 1.9.4- Dropped non-openSUSE stuff from spec file- Dropped nomore needed patches:
* panda3d-1.7.1-return-nonvoid.patch
* panda3d-1.7.2-return-nonvoid.patch
* panda3d-1.7.2-ode-0.12.patch
* Fri May 22 2015 upgraded to 1.8.1- excluded opencv if suse_version < 13.2 to fix build- removed obsolete patches- enable parallel building
* Mon Mar 18 2013 Cleaned the spec file up- Corrected the license- Corrected the buildrequirements
* Mon Sep 03 2012 fixes to build on SLE_11_SP2 -- more specifically, exclude GLES and GLES2