Changelog for eternal-lands- :

* Mon Apr 12 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version
* True Type font support, with a default set of fonts included in the data pack. (Note: unbundled ubuntu-fonts)
* Removed the random chance of closing the item list window.
* Help text shows if a book in the inventory or storage has been read.
* New #command \"##\" to show list of commands
* New #commands for window size, \"#reset_res\" \"#set_res \", \"#save_res\" and #show_res.
* New #command \"#quantity\" or \"#q\" to set the inventory quantity based on the specified calculation.
* New #command \"#set_default_fonts\" to reset the client fonts to the default TTFs.
* Feature to sort items in storage categories alphabetically.
* Feature to save general options per character, for example the maximum food level.
* Feature to enable show/hide of chat using ALT+C or an optional icon.
* Included two standard user menus in the data pack. Right-click and deselect \"Standard Menus\" to disable.
* Many other smaller changes, bug fixes and improvements including a fix for region sounds on maps.
* Sun Apr 11 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version
* Unequip button on inventory window now protected by double-click
* To align with high-dpi changes, the notepad font is now not scaled by the \"User interface Scaling Factor\" option. Use the notepad font size directly.
* The console scroll indicator (^^ ^^), is now scaled using the chat font size.
* Modified config window set-up to allow rescaling without restart, now you just need to close and reopen the window.
* New trouble shooting option to clear modifier keys when the window get focus.
* Added a button to items window to show/hide the text message panel.
* If possible, when we swap an equipped item, move the removed item to the slot left by the replacement.
* Added #disconnect (or #disco) commands to disconnect from the server.
* Added CTRL+U key bindng to open the summoning menu in addition to using the touch cursor on the summoned creature.
* The buttons and / or the equip grid of the inventory window can now be moved to the left of the window.
* Added a \"Unequip all items\" buttton \"<\", to the inventory window.
* Enable auto equip when using the item keys.
* Main window resizeable and full-screen available without restarting.
* Added delete recipe option.
* Added skill experience related operators to #calc.
* Added context menu to control indicators.
* Added PM/ModPM count indicator, click to clear.
* Added ranging lock indicator.
* Added option for the \"click close to attack\" and \"click close to open bag\" changes from the Android client.
* Improved performance of targeted eye candy effects like mana drain to prevent the drop in FPS.
* Enabled snow on selected maps.
* Zirakgunda fully remade, with many changes to Zirakinbar to go along with it.
* Lots of new buildings and changes to Idaloran.
* Several other maps have new general insides, and a few new secrets added.
* \"location info\" now available everywhere
* Ported to SDL2
* Sun Mar 20 2016 initial packaging