Changelog for
libflite_cmu_grapheme_lex1-2.2-lp156.15.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Sep 16 2023 Dirk Müller
- update to 2.2:
* Better grapheme support for hundreds of new languages as part of Wilderness project
* Also includes updated G2P rules for indic- add flite-2.2-lto.patch (build with LTO)- add flite-2.2-texinfo-7.0.patch (build with newer texinfo)
* Sun Jan 17 2016 Update to new upstream release 2.0.0
* No changelog provided
* Tue Apr 07 2015 add patch for doc/Makefile, changed option -number to -number-sections to avoid option error
* Thu Mar 26 2015 fix build for factory, adding texi2html build requires
* Mon Dec 26 2011 Remove redundant sections
* Thu Dec 15 2011 rework shlibs patch
* add -lm ti linker flags- fix deps
* BuildReq: autoconf- spec-cleanup- fix changes file
* Sun Mar 14 2010 update to version 1.4 o crude multi-voice selection support (may change) o 4 basic voices are included 3 clustergen (awb, rms and slt) plus the kal diphone database o CMULEX now uses maximum onset for syllabification o alsa support o Clustergen support (including mlpg with mixed excitation) But is still slow on limited processors o Windows support with Visual Studio (specifically for the Olympus Spoken Dialog System) o WinCE support is redone with cegcc/mingw32ce with example example TTS app: Fluwm: Flite on Windows Mobile o Speed-ups in feature interpretation limiting calls to alloc o Speed-ups (and fixes) for converting clunits festvox voices- removed obsolete sources/patches o README-ALSA.txt o flite-1.3-alsa_support.patch- reworked patches o flite-1.3-sharedlibs.patch > flite-1.4-sharedlibs.patch- cleanup spec o added header o sort TAGS o bzipped Source o macros- changelog to changes file
* Tue Nov 14 2006 Added comment to %%build stating why \"_smp_flags\" isn\'t used with make
* Mon Nov 13 2006 Modified alsa support patch file to patch \"\" instead of \"configure\"- Added \"autoconf\" step to %%build- Added BuildRequires: autoconf- Fixed patch backup file suffixes- Renamed patch files to a more standard format- Moved header files from /usr/include to /usr/include/flite- Added -p option to all cp operations (to preserve timestamps)
* Sun Nov 12 2006 Recreated patch to allow shared libraries to build correctly (sharedlibs.patch)- \"flite\" and \"flite_time\" binaries now link to flite shared libraries (sharedlibs.patch)- Simplified the documentation patch filename- Modified patch steps in %%prep to create backup files with different suffixes- Removed \"_smp_flags\" macro from %%build for all archs