Changelog for
rkcommon-devel- :
* Wed Dec 15 2021 obs-service-tar-scmAATTinvalid- Update to version
* bump version to v1.8.0.
* Fix pre-processor syntax, closes #6
* Change memory layout of Quaternion to i, j, k, r
* safe math; unify ISPC math functions from Open VKL
* update to Catch v2.13.7.
* bump version to 1.7.0.
* Preserve ordering that libraries were opened to close in order
* no sse2neon/arm support on windows
* ARM supprt, pull in SSE2NEON for some intrinsics use
* bump version to 1.6.1.
* Sun Nov 28 2021 Андрей Алыпов
- initial package (version 1.8.0) for openSUSE