Changelog for
menu-cache-devel- :
* Sun Nov 05 2023 obs-service-tar-scmAATTinvalid- Update to version
* Support gcc10 compilation
* libmenu-cache: Fix memory leaks
* Release 1.1.0.
* Fix over last commit, there were unneeded lines left after copy-paste.
* Open listening socket in the child, after closing all file descriptors.
* Use freopen() instead of dup2() in menu-cached.
* Fix an issue with multiple daemons started.
* Reduce inactivity timer to 6 seconds (from 600 seconds).
* Avoid leaking sockets into executed processes
* Fix daemonization
* Fri Aug 18 2017 edit _service
* Sat Dec 12 2015 update to version 1.0.1
* Mon Sep 29 2014 update to pre-release version 1.0.0
* A little code optimization
* Fix compilation warning
* Fix DISTCLEANFILES in docs - generated files should be cleaned
* Add Log Domain \"Menu-Cache\" for better library logging messages
* Fixed bug when cache was not updated while it should
* Added new cache file format generation support with changes: - invisible directories (NoDisplay=true or empty) can be put into the cache too but with flag (not displayed) set; - content of TryExec field is added to contents of cache file; - the working dir to execute application is added to cache file; - list of categories is added to contents of cache file; - list of keywords is added to contents of cache file.
* Fixed crash in menu_cache_item_get_file_dirname() for a non-existent file (might happen for directories without .directory file).
* Made menu_cache_app_get_working_dir() actually work.
* Made menu_cache_lookup() faster (do not load cache immediately but on idle instead).
* Eliminated secondary cache reload in menu_cache_lookup_sync() - server response in such case will be ahead of idle reload (since main thread is in wait ATM) and therefore idle call will be supressed.
* Added new API menu_cache_app_get_categories() to get list of categories for the application.
* Added new APIs for applications: menu_cache_list_all_for_category() and menu_cache_list_all_for_keyword() that return list of applications matching criteria.
* Fixed problem if some string in the desktop entry file contained a new line character. That broke cache file format, now it\'s replaced with a \"\
\" string and converted back into new line in the library.- applied spec-cleaner
* Sat Sep 06 2014 New upstream release 0.7.0
* do not do configure until $DOCONGIGURE is set to non-empty
* menu-cache-gen: don\'t fail on improper menu sctructure when verbose=0
* Be more verbose on file loading failures. May be better not fail at all?
* menu-cache-gen: don\'t fail if
file isn\'t found, just skip it
* Fix menu-cached crash after menu-cache-gen failure
* Handles menu-cached failures more gracefully in libmenu-cache
* Add a parameter for menu-cached to specify socket path
* Fix unrequested empty directories in default mode
* Fix support for tag - it should move not into but to instead
* debian: add libfm-dev into build dependencies
* debian: dh-autoreconf was missing in debian/control file
* Fix \'./configure --help\' formatting and update NEWS file
* Update output of \'menu-cache-gen -h\' command
* menu-cache-gen: implement inline_alias attribute support
* Take show_empty attribute into consideration in _stage2()
* Add option --verbose for menu-cache-gen (quiet by default, max 3 verbosity level)
* Support NoDisplay in files (menu-cache-gen) to hide folder
* Update AUTHORS and README files
* Fixing memory problems in menu-cache-gen
* Pass LegacyDir prefix to menu-cache-gen composer using XML comment
* menu-cache-gen: add support for tag
* Implement support for \'inline\' attribute of tag in menu-cache-gen
* Fix check for duplicates in menu-cache-gen merging
* Add support into menu-cache-gen for tag
* Fix few parsing issues in ragards to desktop menu specifications
* libmenu-cache: send languages list to menu-cache-gen instead of single lang code
* Support for tag in menu-cache-gen
* Check for mandatory for