Changelog for vnstat-1.11-lp150.1.9.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Aug 10 2014 removed \'-u\' parameter from init.d script to actually being able to start the daemon
* Wed Jul 31 2013 Fixed spec file (removed lost pach files)
* Sun Jul 07 2013 remove the \'-o\' option in useradd: -o is useless without -u and newer versions of pwdutils/shadowutils fail on this now- specfile cleanup (added license header and cron dependency)- fix address of Free Software Foundation in init script
* Mon Feb 04 2013 update to 1.11:
* Fix: Memory allocation was miscalculated when creating interface list from /sys/class/net when /proc/net/dev wasn\'t available which in turn could crash the daemon
* Fix: Daemon database cache could remain empty after a -HUP signal
* Fix: Don\'t make temp directory in vnstat.cgi writable for everyone
* Import GNU/kFreeBSD support from Debian (#608963, patch by Mats Erik Andersson)
* Remove usage of GNU only \'-D\' option for install for BSD in Makefile
* The daemon now automatically creates databases for available interfaces if no databases are found during startup
* Mon Feb 04 2013 prevent cron from writing a syslog message about the vnstat call
* Sat Aug 21 2010 update to 1.10:
* Fix: Buffer overflow was possible in hourly image output when RateUnit=1 and HourlyRate=1
* Fix: Minor memory leak was possible in the handling of HUP signal in daemon
* Fix: Graphical elements weren\'t correctly aligned in summary image when header wasn\'t visible (-nh)
* Fix: --delete didn\'t work
* Possibility to merge statistics from several databases and save the end result to a new database (--mergesaved)
* Added validation of database cache in daemon in order to be more robust in case of system memory corruption
* Support for --style to -l (live mode)
* Alternative print mode to -l (live mode) with optional parameter
* Present options and elements in man pages in alphabetical order
* Code cleanup- changes in 1.9:
* Fix: TrafficlessDays configuration option was enabled when set to zero when it should have been disabled
* Fix: MonthRotate setting was getting ignored for the first month if the database is created when day of month < MonthRotate value
* Configurable summary layout in image output (1.7 <> 1.8 layouts)
* --oneline, a simple parseable one line output
* --transparent for setting image background transparency from the command line
* --delete for deleting databases and stopping monitoring, doesn\'t require restarting the daemon
* A database write can be configure to occur after interface status changes
* Different database write interval can be configure to be used when all monitored interfaces are offline
* Better configurability for the content of outputs, including a narrow output for space limited terminals (OutputStyle and --style)
* Code cleanup
* New configuration file settings: OutputStyle, SummaryLayout, SummaryRate, SaveOnStatusChange, OfflineSaveInterval
* Wed Aug 19 2009 fix segfault caused by vnstat-limits+su.patch. vnstat-limits+su+fix.patch added.
* Sun Aug 02 2009 update to 1.8:
* makes averaged traffic rates visible
* adds monthly traffic to the summary
* supports merging data from multiple interfaces to one output
* dates are now formatted according to the system locale setting by default
* Tue May 26 2009 change ownership also of existing backup files of the database- ignore \'.\' and \'..\' when modifying files -- the previous method could change the ownership of /var/lib...
* Tue May 26 2009 move creation of \"vnstat\" user from %post to %pre, so that it happens before files are installed- make vnstat a system user and create a separate group \"vnstat\" for it- prerequire the tools needed for the pre/post scripts- change ownership of existing databases from root to vnstat user, when updating