Changelog for
lua-lgi- :
* Thu Jun 20 2019 obs-service-tar-scmAATTinvalid- Update to version
* Fix bytestring handling with embedded null bytes
* Cairo: Add bindings for cairo_surface_create_similar_image
* Cairo: Add bindings for device scale
* cairo: Add new constants from Cairo 1.14
* doc: Note `on_` prefix for signals
* Fix compilation of the new test case on Travis
* Also add the test case to the meson build
* Fix the test case added in the previous commit
* Add a new test case for multiple Lua states
* Fix GObject warning in tests
* Wed Nov 01 2017 update to 0.9.2
* Sat May 28 2016 Update to version 0.9.1:
* Marshal NULL strings as nil instead of empty strings. This allows use of e.g. DataInputStream:read_line() APIs.
* Add support for arrays with lengths as struct fields.
* Allow GLib.Variant construction for lightuserdata.
* Fix gtop binding (certain structs could not be imported).
* Adapt to new set of annotations in newer GLib.
* Assorted Lua5.3 fixes, lgi is now fully Lua5.3 compatible.
* Fix binding of Gdk.Rectangle from newer Gdk.
* Wed Sep 02 2015 Only depend on Lua(API) in Tumbleweed: openSUSE 13.2, Leap and SLE12 do not yet provide this symbol.
* Thu Jul 30 2015 Depend on Lua(API) = %{%lua_version}. Note: lua_version is only major.minor of lua (e.g 5.2, 5.3[...]). This is needed as the files are installed in /usr/share/lua/5.2 when built against lua 5.2.
* Wed Apr 29 2015 Update to 0.9.0:
* Allow defining new properties on custom GObject subclasses implemented using lgi.
* Improve compatibility with locales (turkish).
* Fix GPtrArray handling.
* Improve behavior when running in assorted multiple-embedded and concurrent scenarios.
* Fri Aug 15 2014 new upstream package; version 0.8.0
* Tue Jan 08 2013 new package; version 0.6.2