Changelog for
twin-devel- :
* Mon Jun 17 2019 obs-service-tar-scmAATTinvalid- Update to version
* configure: enable Linux console raw keyboard driver by default
* increase terminal scrollback lines from 200 to 1000
* configure: REALLY detect if pkg-config is not available
* configure: if pkg-config is not available, check manually for libXft instead of aborting
* xft: use pkg-config instead of hardcoded path -I/usr/include/freetype2
* xft: only consider fonts that include ASCII, and give
* preference for fonts containing the words DejaVu, Sans, Mono in their name
* misc xft cleanup; regenerate configure and all
* Fix an instance of XChar2b that I had missed.
* Do some reorganizing to remove most ifdefs related to adding the xft driver.
* Merge driver-specific x11_setcolors.c into hw_X11.c and hw_xft.c.
* Mon Jun 17 2019 Андрей Алыпов
- run spec-cleaner
* Sat Jun 02 2018 Update to version 3ae22ca (2018-05-18): + Numerous fixes and code cleanup.- Add helper script.
* Thu Feb 16 2017 Updated to latest git release: + Numerous fixes and code cleanup.- Split shared libraries into separate packages.
* Sun Sep 09 2012 Initial build.