Changelog for
merkaartor-0.19.0-lp156.39.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Oct 01 2023 obs-service-tar-scmAATTinvalid- Update to version 0.19.0:
* Added explicit cast to bool.
* add CMake unity builds to be linux ci build matrix
* fix errors caused by unity build
* change namespace QtLP_Private, because it seems to be compiled twice
* Added protobuf to windows and linux CI environments.
* Added PROTOBUF option to
* Remove dead code: installer.nsi
* Removed dead code: MCadastreFranceBackground, MWalkingPapersBackground.
* Enabled protobuffer support.
* Remove dead code: TagSelectorWidget.
* Remove dead code: PrimitivePainter
* Remove dead code: imagepoint.
* mapcontrol.
* Remove dead code: GpsFix.
* Remove dead code: CheckBoxList.
* Remove dead code: ZipEngine.
* Remove dead code: QFatFs.
* Remove dead code: RegionMapWidget.
* also handle addtags arg in load_object command handle = in tags added
* Mon Sep 18 2023 Christophe Marin
- Look for the Qgpsmm pkgconfig file rather than gpsd-devel (boo#1215444)- Update snapshot- Add patch:
* 0001-Work-around-upstream-version-check.patch
* Sat Jun 05 2021 Markus S - Updated ro v0.19.0-rc1
* FIX: Fixed various GDAL import issues on all platforms.
* CHG: Projection engine no longer enables coordinate wrapping by default.
* CHG: Projection no longer guesses some EPSG projections only based on string contained, but rather requires it being an exact match.
* CHG: Added support for newer Proj.4 versions.
* CHG: Improved logging output.
* CHG: Added support for gpsd 3.20 and newer
* Sun Feb 28 2021 Markus S - Update to new snapshot to fix build failure
* Thu Nov 14 2019 Markus S - Update to 0.18.4. New formal release, basically the same as last snapshot.
* Thu Oct 03 2019 Markus S - New git snapshot- Replace license placeholder (\"the same license as for the pristine package itself\") with the proper header of the pristine package\'s license, ie. GPLv3.- Credit proper copyright holders
* Sun Aug 11 2019 Markus S - New git snapshot to fix build breakage
* Sun Mar 24 2019 Markus S - Fix build breakage caused by LibProj 5 to 6 upgrade.
* Sun Jan 13 2019 Markus S - Fix unresolved dependency caused by a recent packaging change.- Update to a 0.18.4 prerelease because 0.18.3 no longer builds with Qt 5.12 as shipped by TW.- Drop 0010-qmake-config-nostrip.patch
* No longer required
* Fri Apr 06 2018 Markus S - Fix TW build- Update License tag to SPDX 3.0- Correct a typo
* Tue Aug 08 2017 Update to version 0.18.3
* ADD : Updated slippy map to allow selection.
* ADD : Implemented relation filter, based on current selection.
* ADD : Implement /add_node command in JOSM Remote control.
* ADD : Tuned the \"Create roundabout\" tool.
* ADD : Added support for address parser.
* CHG : Reworked upload dialog to include some statistics and encourage description.
* CHG : Changed semantics of Open and Import, separated GDAL Import.
* CHG : Increased max zoom in slippy map to 19.
* FIX : Various crash fixes and code cleanup.
* FIX : Fixed drawing of transparent background imagery.
* FIX : Fix qDebug() output on Windows.
* FIX : Fixed screen update while panning with keys.
* FIX : Fixed segfault on loading non-existent file.
* FIX : Fixed import of some NMEA formats (Garmin GLO).
* FIX : Fix gpsdata handling for gpsd >= 3.12
* FIX : Partially fixed printing.
* FIX : Fixed GDAL imports for GDAL 2.0.
* DEL : Removed OpenStreetBugs references (service no longer exists).- Dropped 0001-Fixed-GDAL-imports-for-GDAL-2.0.patch. 0002-Fixed-version-info-in-tarballs.patch, 0003-Fixed-compilation-issues-with-GEOIMAGE-1-and-Qt5.patch, 0004-Modified-GDAL-import-to-always-confirm-projection-be.patch, 0005-Fixed-debug-build.patch, 0006-Implemented-SYSTEM_QUAZIP_LDFLAGS-fixing-issue-66.patch, 0007-various-typos.patch, 0008-hardening-buildflags.patch, 0009-desktop-keywords.patch, 0011-libgps22.patch and 0012-desktop-keywords-syntax.patch (merged upstream)- Refreshed 0010-qmake-config-nostrip.patch- Dropped merkaator.png as source (now supplied upstream, in several sizes)- Disabled spatialite (unstable and upstream is deprecating it)- Spec cleanup
* Tue Dec 29 2015 disabled GEOIMAGE due to QtWidgets/QDockWidget bug- See:
* Tue Dec 29 2015 copied patches from Debian
* Tue Dec 29 2015 update to 0.18.2
* Sun Dec 28 2014 osmlink.patch: Support modern OSM links