Changelog for :
* Tue Apr 02 2024 ming li
- Update to version 0.27.1:
* Use uppercase for metavars in the help message.
* Improve the test suite. + Make it possible to use pytest as the test harness. + Skip glibc-supported C.
* locales. Remove switch-to-pytest.patch update to version 0.27
* Recognize the “markdown-text” message flag.
* Drop support for Python < 3.6.
* Make “-j auto” take CPU affinity into account.
* Stop using deprecated abc.abstractproperty().
* Improve documentation: + Update Docutils homepage URL.
* Mon Nov 22 2021 Steve Kowalik - Add patch switch-to-pytest.patch:
* Use pytest to run tests, rather than nose.
* Sun Nov 29 2020 Kyrill Detinov - Update to 0.26.
* Summary of tag changes: + Added: - perl-brace-format-string-error - perl-brace-format-string-missing-argument - perl-brace-format-string-unknown-argument
* Check for errors in Perl brace format strings.
* Sat Aug 15 2020 Kyrill Detinov - Update to 0.25.9.
* Drop support for Python < 3.4.
* Fix compatibility with Python 3.9.
* Fix spelling and grammar in tag descriptions.
* Improve the test suite.
* Tue Apr 09 2019 Kyrill Detinov - Update to 0.25.8.
* Fix compatibility with Python 3.8.
* Add writing system information for Maltese.
* Rephrase help messages for --help, --version.
* Improve error handling.
* Improve the test suite.
* Sun Jan 06 2019 Kyrill Detinov - Update to 0.25.7.
* Drop support for Python < 3.3.3.
* Fix “FutureWarning: Possible nested set” warnings.
* Improve the build system.
* Improve documentation.
* Sat May 19 2018 Update to 0.25.6.
* Drop support for Python 3.2.
* Update various URLs: + Use HTTPS for + Use HTTPS for + → + → + Alioth VCS →
* Improve the test suite.
* Thu Nov 02 2017 Update to 0.25.5.
* Don\'t complain about POT-Creation-Date missing in MO files. In the future versions of gettext (>>, msgfmt will be removing the POT-Creation-Date header.
* Improve error handling.
* Thu Aug 17 2017 Update to 0.25.4.
* Fix crash when checking Python brace formats string that have both named and numbered arguments.
* Reorder sections in the manual page, as per man-pages(7) recommendations.
* Put license into a separate file.
* Tue Aug 30 2016 Update to 0.25.3.
* Rewrite shebang at install time.