Changelog for mc-4.8.27-0.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Sep 02 2021 ecsos - Midnight Commander 4.8.27:
* Core - Minimal version of Autoconf is 2.64 (#3603) - Minimal version of Automake is 1.12 (#3986) - Minimal version of Gettext is 0.18.2 (#3603) - Minimal version of libssh2 is 1.2.8 (#4259) - Reimplement version detection (#3603, #4249) - Significantly reduce rebuilt time after version change (#2252, #4266) - Drop automatic migration of configuration from ~/.mc to XDG-based directories (#3682) - zsh: support custom configuration file: ~/.local/share/mc/.zshrc (#4203) - Widgets: implement WST_VISIBLE state to show/hide widgets (#2919) - Find File: add Follow symlinks option (#2020)
* VFS - extfs: support unrar-6 (#4154) - extfs: support official 7z binary (7zz) (#4239) - ftpfs: apply file list parser from lftp project (#2841, #3174)
* Editor - Word completion: get candidates from all open files (#4160) - etags: get rid of hardcoded list length and window width (#4132) - Update syntax files: - python (#4140) - Add syntax highlighting: - Verilog and SystemVerilog? header files (#4215) - JSON (#4250) - openrc-run scripts (#4246)
* Viewer
* Diff viewer
* Misc - Code clean up (#4179, #4173, #4269) - Filehighlight of c++ and h++ files as sources (#4194) - Filehighlight of JSON files as documents (#4250) - Support of alacritty terminal emulator (​ (#4248) - Support of foot terminal emulator (​ (#4251) - Support of (alt+)shift+arrow keys in st terminal emulator ( (#4267) - Mouse support in screen: don\'t check variable (#4233) - mc.ext: support fb2 e-books (#4167) - ext.d: use mediainfo to view info about various media files (#4167) - Remove OS/distro-specific package-related stuff from source tree (#4217)
* Fixes - FTBFS against NCurses on OS X 10.9.5 (#4181) - Segfault on dialog before panels get visible (#4244) - Crash if shadow is out of screen (build against NCurses) (#4192) - Crash in search (#4222) - Crash on startup with enabled subshell in FreeBSD (workaround) (#4213) - Hang on start randomly with zsh as subshell (#4198) - If command line is invisible it\'s partially displayed (#4182) - Broken handling of zip archives (#4180, #4183) (bsc#1187583) - Broken handling of jar files as zip archives (#4223) - Timestamps of symlinks, sockets, fifos, etc are not preserved after copy/move (#3985) - %view action in the user menu doesn\'t work on no-exec filesystem (#4242) - Hardlinks are not colored by file type or extension (#3375) - mcedit: silent macro makes terminal disrupted (#4171) - mcedit: disrupting of TAGS file path (#4207) - vfs: unable to browse compressed tar archives (#4191) - sftpfs vfs: CVE-2021-36370: server fingerprint isn\'t verified (discovered by AUT-milCERT during an audit of open source software) (#4259) (bsc#1190180) - ftpfs vfs: month of file is always January (#4260) - Tests: log files are written by libcheck and automake simultaneously (#3986)- Rebase mc-ext-audio.patch.- Rebase mc-extd-sound.patch.
* Sun Mar 14 2021 Andreas Stieger - Midnight Commander 4.8.26:
* Support file names of any length
* Implement persistent command line buffer for subshell (bash >= 4, zsh and fish are supported)
* Implement shadows of dialog windows and menus
* Allow running clipboard commands if DISPLAY is not set
* Add support of \"alacritty\", \"tmux\", and \"tmux-256color\" terminals
* VFS: Support wim archive format (using wimtools)
* VFS: Support pak archive format (using unar)
* Editor: Add Swift syntax highlighting
* Various bug fixes
* Mon Jul 27 2020 Andre C. Barros - Update to 4.8.25
* Avoid subshell warning for standalone mcedit/mcview/mcdiffview run from mc
* Implement chattr command (change ext{2,3,4}fs extended attributes)
* New syntax highlighting: Kotlin and ino
* File highlighting updates
* Lots of other fixes- Updated mc-ext-audio.patch- Updated mc-extd-sound.patch- Removed mc-rpm.patch
* Tue Mar 17 2020 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 4.8.24
* Implement the file edit and view history
* sftpfs: support keyborad interactive authentication
* add yabasic (Yet Another BASIC) syntax highlighting
* File highlighting updates
* New skins
* Lots of other fixes- Remove sftp_interactive_password.patch- Remove mc-no-common.patch
* Wed Jan 15 2020 Adam Majer - mc-no-common.patch: fix compilation on Tumbleweed (bsc#1160401)
* Thu Aug 01 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Use python3 instead of python as we do not need to depend on python2- Format with spec-cleaner- update to 4.8.23:
* Modify \"File exists\" query dialog (#3935):
* Speed up of large directory structures delete (#3958)
* Support key binding for menu (#212)
* Syntax updates: + shell (#3981) + ebuild (#3988) + RPM spec (#3991)
* Code cleanup (#3955)
* Use Geeqie (a fork of GQview) as main image viewer, fallback to GQview (#3962)
* various small fixes- Refresh patches:
* mc-multi-press-f-keys.patch
* sftp_interactive_password.patch
* Tue Jan 15 2019 update to 4.8.22
* Core - Support BTRFS\'s file clone operation - Find file: show pattern and content in the results window title - Find file: remember state (empty or not) of Content field - Improve support IBM i - Improve handling of hard link creation errors - Support user-defined prompt in the Fish subshell
* VFS - sftp: preserve atime and mtime (#3917)
* Editor - man page cleanup (#3918) - syntax: PHP - highlight keyword \'null\' (#3920) Meson - initial implementation (#3940)
* Misc - ext.d: use MPV as a fallback for mplayer -identify (#3919) - ext.d: improve recognition of MS Office formats (#3929)
* Fixes - \"Cannot create target file\" when target has backslash space in the name (#3923) - Quiet single file overwrite (#3908) - Show error message for each not-installed program when view documents in MS Word and Excel formats (#3926) - Crash when trying some sftp connections (#3937) - Crash when return to filemanager from subshell (#3943)- mc-extd-doc.patch: refreshed- mc-extd-video.patch: refreshed- mc-vfs-fish-deleted_source_file.patch: refreshed- xls2csv_update.patch: refreshed
* Tue Jun 26 2018 sftp_interactive_password.patch: Fixes logins to remote SSH sessions where only Keyboard-Interactive password is available and tunneled password is disabled (bsc#1098235)- mc-rpmlintrc: removed
* Tue Jun 05 2018 update to 4.8.21
* Core
* Cancel Chmod/Chown/Advanced chown operation for large group of files when operation is not permitted (#3850)
* Mouse support in the \"Advanced chown\" dialog window (#3148)
* File highlighting by extension is case insensitive by default (#1620)
* Safe file overwrite (#3913)
* Support zstd compression format (#3906)
* Editor
* Syntax: - Rust support (#3884) - JavaScript modules support (#3890) - Improve Markdown support (#3893)
* Viewer
* Diff viewer
* Misc
* Add JavaScript module support to filehighlight.ini (MidnightCommander/mc#132)
* Add Excel xlsx file format support to (MidnightCommander/mc#135)
* i18n of argument type names in --help blocks (#3879)
* Code cleanup: (#3857, #3914)
* Fixes
* Fail to link to ncurses built as two libraries: ncurses+tinfo (#3880)
* Garbage in displaying of summary of file sizes for selected files (#3883)
* \"Compute totals\" unnecessarily done for moves (#3149, #3908)
* mc.ext: allow Java class files to be viewed even if JAD isn\'t on PATH (MidnightCommander/mc#134)
* mcedit: broken extended key mode (#3897)
* mcedit doesn\'t save all opened files (#3898)
* extfs: sftps: -31 SFTP Protocol Error when transferring file (#3406, bsc#1119302)
* extfs: rpm: truncated script content in the viewer (#3865)
* extfs: rpm helper misses CONFLICTS field (#3789)
* Fri Apr 13 2018 Remove some unused BuildRequires, enabling building on SLE-15- Drop fdupes usage as difference is only 1 file smaller than 1kB.
* Tue Apr 10 2018 xls2csv_update.patch: fix mc to call xls2csv correctly (bsc#1087708)