Changelog for
analog-6.0-15.37.i586.rpm :
* Fri Feb 03 2006 Danilo Godec
- corrected the script analog-montlhy to set proper permissions and ownership- corrected the script rebuild_analog_stats to proper permissions and ownership
* Tue Jan 10 2006 Danilo Godec - corrected the script analog-montlhy to properly create needed directories- corrected the script rebuild_analog_stats to properly create needed directories
* Thu Dec 15 2005 Danilo Godec - adapted to SuSE- added configuraton for apache (analog.conf)- added a script for monthly statistics- added configuration files from added a PHP script for building and displaying current statistics
* Sun Dec 19 2004 Johan Petersson - version 6.0
* Sun Mar 23 2003 Johan Petersson - version 5.32
* Sat Jan 11 2003 Johan Petersson - version 5.31
* Sun Dec 01 2002 Johan Petersson - version 5.30
* Tue Jun 25 2002 Johan Petersson - version 5.24
* Tue May 14 2002 Johan Petersson - version 5.23
* Wed Mar 20 2002 Johan Petersson - version 5.22 (security fix)