Changelog for libHalf-2_5-25-2.5.3-2.4.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Sep 28 2020 Dirk Mueller - update to 2.5.3: * Various sanitizer/fuzz-identified issues related to handling of invalid input * Fixes to misc compiler warnings * Cmake fix for building on arm64 macOS (#772) * Read performance optimization (#782) * Fix for building on non-glibc (#798) * Fixes to tests * Sun Jul 05 2020 Stefan Brüns - Fix 0001-Use-absolute-CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR-for-libdir-in.patch so pkgconfig file has no duplicate prefix. * Mon Jun 29 2020 pgajdosAATTsuse.com- version update to 2.5.2 2.5.2 * Invalid input could cause a heap-use-after-free error in DeepScanLineInputFile::DeepScanLineInputFile() * Invalid chunkCount attributes could cause heap buffer overflow in getChunkOffsetTableSize() * Invalid tiled input file could cause invalid memory access TiledInputFile::TiledInputFile() * OpenEXRConfig.h now correctly sets OPENEXR_PACKAGE_STRING to \"OpenEXR\" (rather than \"IlmBase\") 2.5.1 * A patch release that corrects the SO version for the v2.5 release, which missed getting bumped in v2.5.0. * This release also fixes an improper failure in IlmImfTest when running on ARMv7 and AAarch64. 2.5.0 * No more build-time header generation: toFloat.h, eLut.h, b44ExpLogTable.h, and dwaLookups.h are now ordinary header files, no longer generated on the fly. * New StdISSTream class, an \"input\" stringstream version of StdOSStream * New Matrix22 class in Imath * Chromaticity comparison operator now includes white (formerly ignored) * Various cmake fixes * Bug fixes for various memory leaks * Bug fixes for various invalid memory accesses * New checks to detect damaged input files * OpenEXR_Viewers has been deprecated, removed from the top-level cmake build and documentation.- modified patches % 0001-Use-absolute-CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR-for-libdir-in.patch (refreshed)- modified sources % baselibs.conf * Thu Apr 16 2020 pgajdosAATTsuse.com- version update to 2.4.1 * Various fixes for memory leaks and invalid memory accesses * Various fixes for integer overflow with large images. * Various cmake fixes for build/install of python modules. * ImfMisc.h is no longer installed, since it\'s a private header.- deleted patches - Fix-the-symlinks-creation.patch (upstreamed) * Mon Feb 10 2020 Stefan Brüns - Fix relative paths in generated pkgconfig files: 0001-Use-absolute-CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR-for-libdir-in.patch * Thu Nov 14 2019 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add Fix-the-symlinks-creation.patch to fix the symlinks creation. * Tue Oct 08 2019 Stefan Brüns - Set correct includedir in IlmBase.pc pkgconfig file * Thu Sep 26 2019 pgajdosAATTsuse.com- version update to 2.4.0 * Completely re-written CMake configuration files * Improved support for building on Windows, via CMake * Improved support for building on macOS, via CMake * All code compiles without warnings on gcc, clang, msvc * Cleanup of license and copyright notices * floating-point exception handling is disabled by default * New Slice::Make method to reliably compute base pointer for a slice. * Miscellaneous bug fixes * CVE-2018-18444 Issue #351 Out of Memory * CVE-2018-18443 Issue #350 heap-buffer-overflow- upstream does not provide gpg signature anymore https://github.com/openexr/openexr/issues/565- modified sources % baselibs.conf- deleted patches - testBox.patch (upstreamed) - testBoxAlgo.patch (upstreamed)- deleted sources - ilmbase-2.3.0.tar.gz.sig (not needed) - ilmbase.keyring (not needed) * Tue Nov 06 2018 Petr Gajdos - asan_build: build ASAN included- debug_build: build more suitable for debugging * Mon Nov 05 2018 Petr Gajdos - updated to 2.3.0 * ThreadPool overhead improvements, enable custom thread pool to be registered via ThreadPoolProvider class * Fixes to enable custom namespaces for Iex, Imf * Improve read performance for deep/zipped data, and SIMD-accelerated uncompress support * Added rawPixelDataToBuffer() function for access to compressed scanlines * Iex::BaseExc no longer derived from std::string. * Imath throw() specifiers removed * Initial Support for Python 3 * removed patch - ilmbase-halfExport.h-license.patch (upstreamed) * Mon Feb 12 2018 pgajdosAATTsuse.com- fix license of halfExport.h [bsc#774408] + ilmbase-halfExport.h-license.patch * Wed Jan 17 2018 adam.majerAATTsuse.de- Update keyring and set keyring URL * Mon Jan 15 2018 avindraAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 2.2.1 * Bumped version to track OpenEXR- bump sonum and macroify it- cleanup with spec-cleaner * Sat Aug 12 2017 jengelhAATTinai.de- Fix RPM groups. Diversify summaries.- Drop useless --with-pic, this is only for static libs. * Tue Aug 08 2017 roAATTsuse.de- simplify check section in specfile and remove hack for gcc45- add patches from debian to allow testsuite to pass - testBox.patch allow fuzzy comparison of floats, doubles - testBoxAlgo.patch allow fuzzy match of b12 == b2 * Fri Jan 23 2015 meissnerAATTsuse.com- updated openexr.keyring from the savannah project page. * Wed Jan 21 2015 p.drouandAATTgmail.com- Update to version 2.2.0 * Bumped version to track OpenEXR- Bump so_suffix to 2_2-12 and libHalf11 to libHalf12 according to upstream changes- removed arm-build.diff: upstream?- removed fix-i586.patch: upstream?- Bump so version in baselibs.conf * Thu Aug 21 2014 fcrozatAATTsuse.com- Add obsoletes to baselibs.conf. * Wed Nov 27 2013 mvyskocilAATTsuse.com- update to 2.1.0 * Bumped version to track OpenEXR (Piotr Stanczyk)- small cleanup of spec file * Mon Jul 15 2013 mvyskocilAATTsuse.com- update to 2.0.1 * Bumped version to track OpenEXR (Piotr Stanczyk)- add gpg-offline based verification- use downloads from nongnu.org, instead of github * Fri Apr 12 2013 mvyskocilAATTsuse.com- update to 2.0.0 * Bumped version to track OpenEXR (Piotr Stanczyk) * Numerous minor fixes, missing includes etc * Minor fixes for newer gcc versions and OS X. (misc) * Preparation for OpenEXR v2 release { remove message for final release } (Piotr Stanczyk) * Updated the so verison to 10 (Piotr Stanczyk)- obsoletes * 0001-Correcting-for-incorrect-license-section.patch * ilmbase-1.0.3-ucontext-i386.patch * Thu Mar 28 2013 mmeisterAATTsuse.com- Added url as source. Please see http://en.opensuse.org/SourceUrls * Thu Sep 27 2012 idonmezAATTsuse.com- Correct baselibs.conf * Fri Aug 24 2012 Rene.vanPaassenAATTgmail.com- fix build on i586 platforms, by fixing error in declaration of the restorControlRegs function * Wed Aug 08 2012 dmuellerAATTsuse.com- fix build on non-x86 platforms with ucontext * Tue Aug 07 2012 mvyskocilAATTsuse.cz- fix bnc#774408 - Proprietary licenses in ilmbase 1.0.3 * 0001-Correcting-for-incorrect-license-section.patch * Thu Aug 02 2012 mvyskocilAATTsuse.cz- update to 1.0.3 * Updated the so version to 7. * Added support for enabling/disabling large stack optimisations, used in halfFunction.h. * Added ImathNoise.(h/cpp) files. Initializes Perlin noise to match the Renderman implmenetation. * Added SVD, eigenvalue solver, and procrustes fit calculations to ImathMatrixAlgo. * Added Imath::FrustumTest for frustum visibility testing. * Fixed a stack corruption in the matrix minorOf functions.- provide a sane packaging conforming to shared library policy * source package is ilmbase, ilmbase-devel is the devel package * then libFoo$VERSION packages provides so files * Tue Feb 28 2012 reddwarfAATTopensuse.org- Link libIlmThread against lpthread, it was removed in SR#100972 * Sat Feb 18 2012 crrodriguezAATTopensuse.org- revert visibility patch, it was not supposed to sneak-in yet.. [bnc#747565] * Sat Jan 21 2012 jengelhAATTmedozas.de- Remove redundant sections (cf. specfile guidelines) * Fri Jan 20 2012 crrodriguezAATTopensuse.org- Reuse windows code to provide symbol visibility support. test suite passes, so unless it is incomplete or buggy this should be just fine, if something breaks, open a bug report. * Mon Jul 26 2010 mvyskocilAATTsuse.cz- update to 1.0.2 (bug fix release)- rename to libilmbase6 according Shared Library Policy * Sat Apr 24 2010 cooloAATTnovell.com- buildrequire pkg-config to fix provides * Fri Dec 18 2009 jengelhAATTmedozas.de- add baselibs.conf as a source * Fri Jun 13 2008 crrodriguezAATTsuse.de- remove unusable static libraries * Thu Apr 10 2008 roAATTsuse.de- added baselibs.conf file to build xxbit packages for multilib support * Wed Oct 31 2007 mvyskocilAATTsuse.cz- inital release (version 1.0.1) * need for the update of OpenEXR to 1.6.1