Changelog for python3-Sphinx-5.3.0-lp154.2.10.noarch.rpm :

* Sun Oct 16 2022 Martin Liška - Update to version 5.3.0
* #10759: LaTeX: add :confval:`latex_table_style` and support the ``\'booktabs\'``, ``\'borderless\'``, and ``\'colorrows\'`` styles. (thanks to Stefan Wiehler for initial pull requests #6666, #6671)
* #10840: One can cross-reference including an option value like ``:option:`--module=foobar```, ``:option:`--module[=foobar]``` or ``:option:`--module foobar```. Patch by Martin Liska.
* #10881: autosectionlabel: Record the generated section label to the debug log.
* #10268: Correctly URI-escape image filenames.
* #10887: domains: Allow sections in all the content of all object description directives (e.g. :rst:dir:`py:function`). Patch by Adam Turner
* Sun Oct 02 2022 Markéta Machová - BuildRequires just flit-core instead of flit
* Fri Sep 30 2022 Martin Liška - Update to version 5.2.3
* #10878: Fix base64 image embedding in sphinx.ext.imgmath
* #10886: Add :nocontentsentry: flag and global domain table of contents entry control option. Patch by Adam Turner
* Tue Sep 27 2022 Martin Liška - Update to version 5.2.2
* #10872: Restore link targets for autodoc modules to the top of content. Patch by Dominic Davis-Foster.
* Mon Sep 26 2022 Martin Liška - Update to version 5.2.1
* #10861: Always normalise the ``pycon3`` lexer to ``pycon``.
* Fix using ``sphinx.ext.autosummary`` with modules containing titles in the module-level docstring.- Remove unneeded spec hunks.
* Sun Sep 25 2022 Martin Liška - Update to version 5.2.0
* #10356: Sphinx now uses declarative metadata with pyproject.toml to create packages, using PyPA’s build project as a build backend. Patch by Adam Turner.
* #10286: C++, support requires clauses not just between the template parameter lists and the declaration.
* #10755: linkcheck: Check the source URL of raw directives that use the url option.
* #10781: Allow ref role to be used with definitions and fields.
* #10717: HTML Search: Increase priority for full title and subtitle matches in search results
* #10718: HTML Search: Save search result score to the HTML element for debugging
* #10673: Make toctree accept ‘genindex’, ‘modindex’ and ‘search’ docnames
* #6316, #10804: Add domain objects to the table of contents. Patch by Adam Turner
* #6692: HTML Search: Include explicit index directive index entries in the search index and search results. Patch by Adam Turner
* #10816: imgmath: Allow embedding images in HTML as base64
* #10257: C++, ensure consistent non-specialization template argument representation.
* #10729: C++, fix parsing of certain non-type template parameter packs.
* #10715: Revert #10520: “Fix” use of sidebar classes in agogo.css_t
* Wed Jul 27 2022 Martin Liška - Update to version 5.1.1
* #10701: Fix ValueError in the new ``deque`` based ``sphinx.ext.napolean`` iterator implementation.
* #10702: Restore compatability with third-party builders.
* Sun Jul 24 2022 Martin Liška - Update to version 5.1.0
* #10656: Support `Docutils 0.19`_. Patch by Adam Turner.
* #10467: Deprecated ``sphinx.util.stemmer`` in favour of ``snowballstemmer``. Patch by Adam Turner.
* #9856: Deprecated ``sphinx.ext.napoleon.iterators``.
* #10444: html theme: Allow specifying multiple CSS files through the ``stylesheet`` setting in ``theme.conf`` or by setting ``html_style`` to an iterable of strings.
* #10366: std domain: Add support for emphasising placeholders in :rst:dir:`option` directives through a new :confval:`option_emphasise_placeholders` configuration option.
* #10439: std domain: Use the repr of some variables when displaying warnings, making whitespace issues easier to identify.
* #10571: quickstart: Reduce content in the generated ```` file. Patch by Pradyun Gedam.
* #10648: LaTeX: CSS-named-alike additional :ref:`\'sphinxsetup\' ` keys allow to configure four separate border-widths, four paddings, four corner radii, a shadow (possibly inset), colours for border, background, shadow for each of the code-block, topic, attention, caution, danger, error and warning directives.
* #10655: LaTeX: Explain non-standard encoding in LatinRules.xdy
* #10599: HTML Theme: Wrap consecutive footnotes in an ``