Changelog for gtk2-metatheme-arc-20221218-2.16.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Apr 03 2023 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version 20221218
* Cinnamon theme:
* Update for Cinnamon 5.4
* GNOME Shell theme:
* Update for GNOME Shell 43
* Various fixes and updates for GNOME Shell 42
* GTK 3 and GTK4 themes:
* Fix \"dark style\" preference with Arc-Dark variant
* Add borders to solid-csd decorations, fixing some borderless windows
* GTK 3 theme:
* Fix switches in xfce4-panel menus
* Fix offset titlebar decorations in some cases (e.g. Cinnamon 5.4 and Electron applications in GNOME)
* Various Fixes and improvements
* Sat Apr 30 2022 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version 20220405
* GNOME Shell theme: Update for GNOME Shell 42
* GTK 3 theme:
* Nautilus path-bar improvements
* Style redesigned path-bar in Nautilus 42
* Various fixes
* GTK 4 theme: Add libadwaita public color definitions- Update to version 20220223
* GTK 3 theme: Various fixes and improvements
* GTK 4 theme:
* Add styling for libadwaita widgets
* Stop versioning the theme, as that seems unnecessary for GTK 4
* Various fixes and improvements
* GNOME Shell theme: Fix dash-to-dock focused application icon mouseover background- Update to version 20220102
* Cinnamon theme:
* Update for Cinnamon 5.2
* Drop support for versions before 3.8
* GTK 4 theme: Fix applications crashing with GTK 4.6
* GTK 3 theme:
* Drop versioned themes, and only target GTK 3.24 for now on
* Xfce4 panel padding fixes
* Hide border on MATE panel sensors applet graph
* GNOME Shell theme:
* Drop Arc-Lighter variant for GNOME Shell 40 and later
* Drop support for versions before 3.28
* Metacity theme:
* Add dark Metacity v3 variant, with distinct window border
* Adjust titlebar padding
* Increase rounded corner radius slightly
* Don\'t round corners for tiled windows
* Xfwm4 theme:
* Increase resize border width
* Make bottom decoration corners square
* Fix titlebar button spacing- Update to version 20211018
* Added Arc GTK 4 theme: Currently based on GTK 4.2, but should work just as well with GTK 4.4. Any libadwaita specific styling is not yet supported, so applications using it may appear imperfectly themed.
* GTK 3 theme:
* Update style for libhandy
* Fix circular buttons appearing elliptical
* GNOME Shell theme:
* Add support for GNOME Shell 41
* Various updates and fixes for GNOME Shell 40
* Cinnamon theme: Support version 5.01
* Wed May 12 2021 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 20210412: + Support GNOME 40 + Switch to meson build system.- Replace autoconf and automake BuildRequires with meson.
* Thu May 07 2020 Alexei Sorokin - Update to version 20200502:
* No changelog available.- Build the Cinnamon theme.- Switch to
* Tue Nov 19 2019 Petr Cervinka - Update to version 20190917:
* Allow builds against gnome-shell 3.34
* Refactor gnome-shell 3.32 code
* Removes redundant selectors/styling (i.e. styling that is no longer required in newer gnome shell versions), and replaces with newer selectors/styling (modifying to match Arc styling where necessary)
* Integrates styling from the default gnome shell theme into the Arc shell theme. Because the user shell theme (Arc in this case) is \"overlaid\" over the default shell theme, this is styling that was being \"pulled in\" anyway.
* Add full shadows to panel dropdown menus
* InfoBar colors should respect type
* Remove border from stackswitcher
* Don\'t hardcode LightDM font-size
* XFCE 4.14 panel styling fixes- Update GitHub project url from NicoHood to arc-design- Update public keyring from NicoHood to David Mohammed
* Thu Oct 17 2019 Richard Brown - Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485)
* Sat May 11 2019 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 20190330 (no changelog supplied)- Fix build with gnome-shell 3.32 and newer
* Thu Oct 25 2018 Update to version 20181022:
* No changelog available.- Use GPG signing.
* Mon Sep 10 2018 Update to version 20180715 (changes since 20180114):
* Added openbox theme
* Updated thunar style
* Added inkscape and optipng dependencies
* Bugfixes
* Thu May 31 2018 Update to version 20180114
* General cleanup of outdated gtk versions and extras
* Readme update
* Minor fixes for cinnamon and xfce4
* Add budgie desktop styling #17
* Slightly darken fonts for light theme to improve contrast #15
* Switch building from gulp to sassc
* Mate screensaver styling #27
* Install plank theme with makefile directly