Changelog for
python-certbot-0.36.0-1.4.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Jul 24 2019 Updated Provides and Obsoletes on certbot to include the python2-certbot package
* Wed Jul 17 2019 update to version 0.36.0 (bsc#1141928)
* Update the \'manage your account\' help to be more generic.
* Certbot\'s config_changes subcommand has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
* certbot config_changes no longer accepts a --num parameter.
* The functions certbot.plugins.common.Installer.view_config_changes and certbot.reverter.Reverter.view_config_changes have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
* Tue Jun 18 2019 update to 0.35.1
* Renewal parameter webroot_path is always saved.
* Scripts in Certbot hook directories are no longer executed when their filenames end in a tilde.
* Sat May 18 2019 update to 0.34.2:
* Apache plugin now tries to restart httpd on Fedora using systemctl if a configuration test error is detected. This has to be done due to the way Fedora now generates the self signed certificate files upon first restart.
* Updated Certbot and its plugins to improve the handling of file system permissions on Windows as a step towards adding proper Windows support to Certbot.
* Updated urllib3 to 1.24.2 in certbot-auto.
* Removed the fallback introduced with 0.32.0 in `acme` to retry a challenge response with a `keyAuthorization` if sending the response without this field caused a `malformed` error to be received from the ACME server.
* Linode DNS plugin now supports api keys created from their new panel at [](
* Adding a warning noting that future versions of Certbot will automatically configure the webserver so that all requests redirect to secure HTTPS access. You can control this behavior and disable this warning with the --redirect and --no-redirect flags.
* certbot-auto now prints warnings when run as root with insecure file system permissions. If you see these messages, you should fix the problem by following the instructions at, however, these warnings can be disabled as necessary with the flag - -no-permissions-check.
* `acme` module uses now a POST-as-GET request to retrieve the registration from an ACME v2 server
* Convert the tsig algorithm specified in the certbot_dns_rfc2136 configuration file to all uppercase letters before validating. This makes the value in the config case insensitive.
* Fri May 03 2019 Add migration script from old certbot to the new one (boo#1119619).
* Mon Mar 18 2019 update to version 0.32.0
* If possible, Certbot uses built-in support for OCSP from recent cryptography versions instead of the OpenSSL binary: as a consequence Certbot does not need the OpenSSL binary to be installed anymore if cryptography>=2.5 is installed.
* Certbot and its acme module now depend on josepy>=1.1.0.
* Apache plugin now respects CERTBOT_DOCS environment variable when adding command line defaults.
* The running of manual plugin hooks is now always included in Certbot\'s log output.
* Tests execution now relies on pytest.
* An ACME CA server may return a \"Retry-After\" HTTP header on authorization polling, as specified in the ACME protocol, to indicate when the next polling should occur. Certbot now reads this header if set and respect its value.
* The acme module avoids sending the keyAuthorization field in the JWS payload when responding to a challenge as the field is not included in the current ACME protocol. To ease the migration path for ACME CA servers, Certbot and its acme module will first try the request without the keyAuthorization field but will temporarily retry the request with the field included if a malformed error is received. This fallback will be removed in version 0.34.0.
* Thu Mar 14 2019 Provide certbot namespace on py2 too to avoid migration conflict
* Fri Feb 08 2019 update to version 0.31.0
* Avoid reprocessing challenges that are already validated when a certificate is issued.
* Certbot\'s official Docker images are now based on Alpine Linux 3.9 rather than 3.7.
* Clarify behavior for deleting certs as part of revocation.
* Tue Jan 29 2019 Update to 0.30.2:
* Update the version of setuptools pinned in certbot-auto to 40.6.3 to solve installation problems on newer OSes.
* Always download the pinned version of pip in pipstrap to address breakages
* Rename old,default.conf to old-and-default.conf to address commas in filenames breaking recent versions of pip.
* Add VIRTUALENV_NO_DOWNLOAD=1 to all calls to virtualenv to address breakages from venv downloading the latest pip
* Added the `update_account` subcommand for account management commands.
* Sat Dec 15 2018 update to 0.29.1:
* The default work and log directories have been changed back to /var/lib/letsencrypt and /var/log/letsencrypt respectively.
* Noninteractive renewals with `certbot renew` (those not started from a terminal) now randomly sleep 1-480 seconds before beginning work in order to spread out load spikes on the server side.
* Added External Account Binding support in cli and acme library. Command line arguments --eab-kid and --eab-hmac-key added.
* Private key permissioning changes: Renewal preserves existing group mode & gid of previous private key material. Private keys for new lineages (i.e. new certs, not renewed) default to 0o600.
* Update code and dependencies to clean up Resource and Deprecation Warnings.
* Only depend on imgconverter extension for Sphinx >= 1.6- update URL
* Fri Nov 30 2018 Add Requires: python-mock, it won\'t run without it
* Fri Nov 16 2018 update to version 0.28.0
* revoke accepts --cert-name, and doesn\'t accept both --cert-name and --cert-path
* Tue Oct 09 2018 Do not conflict with Certbot as now we provide/obsolete it
* Wed Oct 03 2018 Provide and obsolete certbot main package too to ensure we can migrate to the new split setup directly
* Tue Sep 18 2018 Conflict with certbot package to allow easy migration
* Fri Sep 14 2018 update to version 0.27.1
* the documentation can be built using Sphinx 1.6+
* Tue Aug 28 2018 Initial package, split from certbot blob