Changelog for
python39-tblib-1.7.0-1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Sep 16 2020 Dirk Mueller
- update to 1.7.0:
* Add more attributes to ``Frame`` and ``Code`` objects for pytest compatibility.
* Sun Dec 15 2019 Stefan Brüns - Move the Twisted test out of the main package to avoid the Twisted dependency chain.
* Sun Dec 15 2019 Stefan Brüns - version update to 1.6.0
* When pickling an Exception, also pickle its traceback and the Exception chain (raise ... from ...). Contributed by Guido Imperiale in #53.- version update to 1.5.0
* Added support for Python 3.8. Contributed by Victor Stinner in #42.
* Removed support for end of life Python 3.4.
* Few CI improvements and fixes.
* Mon May 06 2019 version update to 1.4.0
* Remove support for end of life Python 3.3.
* Fixed tests for Python 3.7. Contributed by Elliott Sales de Andrade in `#36 `_.
* Fixed compatibility issue with Twised (``twisted.python.failure.Failure`` expected a ``co_code`` attribute).- deleted patches - 0001-Patch-tests-against-Python-3.7.patch (upstreamed)
* Sun Mar 03 2019 John Vandenberg - Remove bcond_with test preventing the tests from running, and fix the %check- Remove unnecessary dependency on tox, flake8 and 9 other deps- Add 0001-Patch-tests-against-Python-3.7.patch to workaround Python 3.7 test failure.
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Matej Cepl - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Mon Mar 19 2018 Use %license macro for license.
* Mon Aug 14 2017 Initial version