Changelog for librdkafka-devel-1.5.2-lp156.1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Oct 26 2020 Dirk Mueller - update to 1.5.2:
* Security fixes: There was an incorrect call to zlib\'s inflateGetHeader() with unitialized memory pointers that could lead to the GZIP header of a fetched message batch to be copied to arbitrary memory.
* The default value for the producer configuration property retries has been increased from 2 to infinity
* The default value for the producer configuration property has been increased from 5 to 30 seconds
* lots of bugfixes, see
* Fri Aug 21 2020 Chris Coutinho - Update library v1.3.0 -> 1.5.0
* Improved broker connection error reporting with more useful information and hints on the cause of the problem.
* Consumer: Propagate errors when subscribing to unavailable topics (#1540)
* Producer: Add `batch.size` producer configuration property (#638)
* Add `` to allow newly manually created topics to be propagated throughout the cluster before reporting them as non-existent. This fixes race issues where CreateTopics() is quickly followed by produce().
* Prefer least idle connection for periodic metadata refreshes,, to allow truly idle connections to time out and to avoid load-balancer-killed idle connection errors (#2845)
* Added `rd_kafka_event_debug_contexts()` to get the debug contexts for a debug log line (by AATTwolfchimneyrock).
* Added Test scenarios which define the cluster configuration.
* Added MinGW-w64 builds (AATTed-alertedh, #2553)
* `./configure --enable-XYZ` now requires the XYZ check to pass, and `--disable-XYZ` disables the feature altogether (AATTbenesch)
* Added `rd_kafka_produceva()` which takes an array of produce arguments for situations where the existing `rd_kafka_producev()` va-arg approach can\'t be used.
* Added `rd_kafka_message_broker_id()` to see the broker that a message was produced or fetched from, or an error was associated with.
* Added RTT/delay simulation to mock brokers.
* Subscribing to non-existent and unauthorized topics will now propagate errors `RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PART` and `RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED` to the application through the standard consumer error (the err field in the message object).
* Consumer will no longer trigger auto creation of topics, `` may be used to re-enable the old deprecated functionality.
* The default consumer pre-fetch queue threshold `queued.max.messages.kbytes` has been decreased from 1GB to 64MB to avoid excessive network usage for low and medium throughput consumer applications. High throughput consumer applications may need to manually set this property to a higher value.
* The default consumer Fetch wait time has been increased from 100ms to 500ms to avoid excessive network usage for low throughput topics.
* If OpenSSL is linked statically, or `` is configured, librdkafka will probe known CA certificate paths and automatically use the first one found. This should alleviate the need to configure `` when the statically linked OpenSSL\'s OPENSSLDIR differs from the system\'s CA certificate path.
* The heuristics for handling Apache Kafka < 0.10 brokers has been removed to improve connection error handling for modern Kafka versions. Users on Brokers 0.9.x or older should already be configuring `api.version.request=false` and `broker.version.fallback=...` so there should be no functional change.
* The default producer batch accumulation time, ``, has been changed from 0.5ms to 5ms to improve batch sizes and throughput while reducing the per-message protocol overhead. Applications that require lower produce latency than 5ms will need to manually set `` to a lower value.
* librdkafka\'s build tooling now requires Python 3.x (python3 interpreter).- Update install location of doc/license files
* Wed Mar 25 2020 R. Tyler Croy - Add v1.3.0 which includes a number of properties and bugfixes over 1.1.0
* Thu Oct 31 2019 Guillaume GARDET - lto breaks crc32 detection in configure script, so disable it for non x86_64 architectures. Reported upstream:
* Thu Sep 05 2019 Thomas Bechtold - update to 1.1.0:
* In-memory SSL certificates (PEM, DER, PKCS#12) support
* Pluggable broker SSL certificate verification callback
* ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm=https (off by default) to validate the broker hostname matches the certificate. Requires OpenSSL >= 1.0.2.
* Improved GSSAPI/Kerberos ticket refresh
* SSL peer (broker) certificate verification is now enabled by default (disable with enable.ssl.certificate.verification=false)
* %{} is no longer supported in sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd since kinit refresh is no longer executed per broker, but per client instance.
* SASL GSSAPI/Kerberos: Don\'t run kinit refresh for each broker, just per client instance.
* SASL GSSAPI/Kerberos: Changed sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd to first attempt ticket refresh, then acquire.
* SASL: Proper locking on broker name acquisition.
* Consumer: now correctly handles blocking poll calls, allowing a longer poll timeout than the max poll interval.
* configure: Fix libzstd static lib detection
* rdkafka_performance: Fix for Misleading \"All messages delivered!\" message- update to version 1.0.1:
* Fix consumer stall when broker connection goes down
* Fix AdminAPI memory leak when broker does not support request
* Update/fix protocol error response codes
* Treat ECONNRESET as standard Disconnects- update to version 1.0.0:
* This release changes configuration defaults and deprecates a set of configuration properties, make sure to read the Upgrade considerations section from
* add support for Idempotent Producer, providing exactly-once producing and guaranteed ordering of messages.
* In previous releases librdkafka would maintain open connections to all brokers in the cluster and the bootstrap servers. With this release librdkafka now connects to a single bootstrap server to retrieve the full broker list, and then connects to the brokers it needs to communicate with: partition leaders, group coordinators, etc. For large scale deployments this greatly reduces the number of connections between clients and brokers, and avoids the repeated idle connection closes for unused connections.
* Fri Dec 14 2018 fix pkg-config provides warning
* Mon Dec 10 2018 Thomas Bechtold - Don\'t BuildRequire lz4 on SLE12- Do not use %make_build which is not available on SLE12
* Thu Dec 06 2018 Thomas Bechtold - Add missing Requires to -devel package
* Thu Nov 29 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Update summaries. Remove performance results that do not mention their reference.- Remove duplicate Group/Summary fields.- Fix rpmlint\'s \"librdkafka.x86_64: W: no-binary\"- Fix shlib package requiring itself. Remove excess Provides.
* Thu Nov 29 2018 Thomas Bechtold - Fix Requires for -devel package
* Thu Nov 29 2018 Thomas Bechtold - Initial packaging (version 0.11.6)