Changelog for
python310-psycopg-c-3.1.17-13.1.i586.rpm :
* Mon Jan 15 2024 Antonio Larrosa
- Use %sle15_python_module_pythons
* Sun Jan 07 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 3.1.17:
* add missing enum entries
* Fri Jan 05 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 3.1.16:
* version only update
* Thu Dec 14 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 3.1.15:
* Fix use of service in connection string
* Fix async connection to hosts resolving to multiple IP addresses
* Respect the PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT environment variable to determine the connection timeout.
* Psycopg 3.1.14
* Fix interaction with gevent (ticket #527).
* Add support for PyPy (ticket #686).
* Fri Nov 24 2023 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 3.1.13:
* Raise DataError instead of whatever internal failure trying to dump a time object with with a tzinfo specified as ZoneInfo (ambiguous offset, see ticket #652).
* Handle gracefully EINTR on signals instead of raising InterruptedError, consistently with PEP 475 guideline (ticket #667).
* Fix support for connection strings with multiple hosts/ports and for the load_balance_hosts connection parameter (ticket #674).
* Fix memory leak receiving notifications in Python implementation (ticket #679).- Update to 3.1.12:
* Fix possible hanging if a connection is closed while querying (ticket #608).
* Fix memory leak when register_
*() functions are called repeatedly (ticket #647).
* Release Python 3.12 binary packages.- Update to 3.1.11:
* Avoid caching the parsing results of large queries to avoid excessive memory usage (ticket #628).
* Fix integer overflow in C/binary extension with OID > 2^31 (ticket #630).
* Fix loading of intervals with days and months or years (ticket #643).
* Work around excessive CPU usage on Windows (reported in ticket #645).
* Fix building on Solaris and derivatives (ticket #632).
* Fix possible lack of critical section guard in async executemany().
* Fix missing pipeline fetch in async scroll().
* Build binary packages with libpq 15.4, which allows group-readable permissions on the SSL certificate on the client (ticket #528).- Update to 3.1.10
* Allow JSON dumpers to dump bytes directly instead of str, for better compatibility with libraries like orjson and msgspec (ticket #569)
* Fix prepared statement cache validation when exiting pipeline mode (or executemany()) in case an error occurred within the pipeline (ticket #585).
* Fix connect() to avoid “leaking” an open PGconn attached to the OperationalError in case of connection failure. Error.pgconn is now a shallow copy of the real libpq connection, and the latter is closed before the exception propagates (ticket #565).
* Fix possible (ignored) exception on objects deletion (ticket #591).
* Don’t clobber a Python exception raised during COPY FROM with the resulting QueryCanceled raised as a consequence (ticket #593).
* Fix resetting Connection.read_only and deferrable to their default value using None (ticket #612).
* Add support for Python 3.12.
* Wed Jul 12 2023 Steve Kowalik - Initial release of 3.1.9