Changelog for naev-0.11.5-42.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Sat Jun 15 2024 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 0.11.5
* Fixed FLF-Pirate map not providing jump information
* Fixed the combat hologram projector making escorts hostile
* Build system no longer libdl on platforms such as BSD
* Sun May 19 2024 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 0.11.4
* More guards against divides by zero in autonav
* Fixed warnings on certain OpenGL drivers
* Fixed toolkit not rerendering when right-clicking on tabbed windows
* Fixed Marius enclave description
* Tweaked Za\'lek Diablo and Mephisto stats so that they are better suited to their respective roles
* Updated flicker drive, blink drive, and hyperbolic blink engine descriptions to be more complete and correct
* Initialize outfit Lua scripts when added in the equipment view so that flicker drive signature gets properly computed
* Flicker drive no longer displays -10% signature range bonus twice when equipped
* Fixed crash when selling deployed ship
* Gave the Dvaered warlord event better criteria so they don\'t attack the hypergate
* shark/sh01_corvette: have the pilot jump in from the same system as the player
* minerva/kex03: have mission claim the crimson gauntlet to prevent unwanted spawns
* dvaered/gauntlet: have mission claim the system if it can, but not fail if it can\'t
* trader/trader_escort: player can only escort one group of traders at a time
* neburesearch/neburesearch_01: use the correct faction when complaining
* Fixed some typos and revised writing
* Translation updates
* Sat Jan 27 2024 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 0.11.3
* Don\'t run discovery event when in cinematic mode
* Do a better job of updating old save autonav settings
* Added more checks so tutorial messages don\'t appear in claimed systems
* Fixed blinking not breaking stealth
* Fixed auto-hail message colouring
* Only do updates with positive delta ticks
* Fixed cargo disappearing when buying a ship when over the cargo limit
* Don\'t let the player trade ships when they have mission cargo
* Fixed not being able to turn off point defense weapons
* Fixed Za\'lek drone bay being cheaper than the mini-bay
* Flicker drives can not be stacked and are mutually exclusive with other blink drives
* Decreased Nexus Drill Lance mining malus from -80% to -15%
* Increased all mining yields by roughly 5 times
* sciencegonewrong/02_sciwrong: make the drones not hostile to other factions
* neutral/baron_comm: fixed trivial warning when trying to clean up baron comm event
* neutral/wastedump: fixed getting rid of cargo while landed
* Translation updates
* Sat Jan 20 2024 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 0.11.2
* Stopped autonav from preventing wobble and overshooting by crashing the entire game- Changes in 0.11.1
* Give all ammo back to player after doing obelisk
* Fixed player being invincible after completing an obelisk
* Fixed a crash when loading games while a landing hook was running
* Fixed race condition in threadpool
* Fixed asteroids spawning in not proper shapes
* Fixed autonav wobble and overshooting
* Point defense won\'t shoot at disabled pilots anymore
* Fixed battery descriptions
* Discovering a hidden jump will make both directions known
* Fixed AI trying to scan hostile targets they lost track of
* Properly save and load reward_value to and from saves
* Fixed events and missions being able to trigger in obelisk tests
* Fixed beam weapons not hitting asteroids
* Properly compute weapon range with launch_range modifiers
* Fixed some range checks with inrange weapon sets
* Fixed Empire Pacifier mass being too low
* Fixed warning when looking at internal flow amplifier descriptions
* Removed Soromid Ira turret and forward weapon stats
* Fixed reality rip and avatar of sirichana abilities giving errors when the AI tries to use them
* Fixed issue on some systems with indexed images
* Fixed pirates and pilots that don\'t care being able to disable the fake transponder
* Can now see and target allies that are stealthed
* Pheromone emitter won\'t do anything in exclusively claimed systems
* Fixed some weapons such as beams not hitting targets other than selected one
* Fixed rendering order making it so most effects were below the player
* Fixed fallback switch weapon sets not being found properly
* Fixed bioship \"Wanderer\" perk giving absolute accel bonus instead of relative
* Increased Neural Accelerator Interface energy regen malus to -100%
* zalek/blackhole/zbh09: don\'t error out when a bioship ceases to exist
* kidnapped/traffic_00: fixed formatting string telling the player what system to go to
* kidnapped/traffic_01: ship should spawn if taking off in the same system, not just jumping in
* tutorial/nelly01: fixed derelict message not appearing
* minerva/pirate4: fixed save me spam only being print once
* neutral/seek_n_destroy: fixed warnings when taking off in the same system
* sirius/achack/achack01: fixed not being able to accept mission
* dvaered/dv_diversion: fixed not being able to accept mission
* dvaered/dv_bikers: don\'t allow the player to use escorts and properly update mission TODO
* sirius/achack03: fixed not being able to complete the mission
* neutral/kidnapped: fixed inconsistency in the name of the system to go to
* shadow/shadowrun: fixed VN issues not allowing mission completion
* shadow/shadowrun: changed locations to make it possible to do in the allotted time-frame
* shadow/shadowvigil: fixed Seiryuu not appearing
* shiplover: don\'t ask the player about ships they can\'t obtain
* Fixed many typos
* Translation updates
* Wed Dec 27 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 0.11.0
* Reworked universe map to fit existing lore
* House Sirius completely reworked
* Improved autonav that uses lanes and is configurable
* Reworked structural outfits and number of ship slots
* Weapon sets are more simple with no distinction between weapons and non-weapons
* Possible to legally obtain all \"standard\" factional ships and outfits
* Point defense weapons that automatically fire at fighters and missiles
* A lot more content
* Significant engine speed-ups
* Full changelog:
* Fri Jul 07 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 0.10.6
* Fixed potential segfault with invalid semver strings
* Fixed sign error when buying artifacts in the Baron Prince mission
* Fixed behaviour of naev.trigger with parameters
* Fixed Lua spfx volume changing with game speed
* Fixed memory leak in luaspfx trails
* Fixed missions doing things in systems they should not
* Fixed Adrenal Gland III\'s time speed up effect
* Fixed Misi giving upgrades for free
* Fixed minor planet check in frontier war missions
* Fixed silent installs on windows
* Fixed typos
* Sun Apr 23 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 0.10.5
* Start counting effect stacks from 1 not 2
* Fixed launcher weapons using outfit mass instead of ammo mass
* taiomi: fixed claim check for last mission
* Fixed some typos
* Fixed equipment of Lancelot in \"Sharkman Is Back\" mission
* Fixed clicking on jump points also selecting planets in some cases
* nelly02: Nelly now stops recommending stuff that only does a little disable
* shadowvigil: Fixed mission not spawning escorts
* flf_patrol: Missions should no longer be able to have ridiculously low credit rewards
* Fixed some events not claiming systems that could interfere with other missions
* hypergate_construction: should actually claim the system
* Fixed some formatting in the alt text when hovering over outfits in the equipment window
* ec06: refuel tanker should provide as much fuel as possible
* taiomi09: fixed smugglers becoming hostile in some cases
* Changed music.stop() API to stop music from continuing by default
* Fixed potential memory issues on some platforms
* Sun Feb 12 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 0.10.4
* Fixed crashes related to multiple effects being active at once
* Fixed multiple mission_done hooks not passing parameter correctly
* Fixed plugin strings not being initialized with mismatched saves
* ec06: made the final battle work much better
* Full changelog: Run spec-cleaner- Add source URL- Use meson macros for building and install- Use pkgconfig for more BuildRequires- Add BuildRequires cmake, pcre2-devel and libenet- Add _constraints to fix running out of disk space- Fix file-not-in-%lang rpmlint warning
* Wed Nov 09 2022 Dmitriy Perlow - BuildRequre sdl2 stuff via pkgconfig(
* Mon Jul 25 2022 D B - 0.9.4
* Fix \"No error.\" log spam with certain video card drivers
* Fix Lua errors with tiny nebula such as Sarcophagus
* Fix fake transponder cheesing rehabilitation missions
* Fix errors in \"Anxious Merchant\", \"Dead Or Alive Bounty\", \"Harja\'s Vengeance\", and \"The Lost Brother\" missions
* Fix the in-game screenshot feature, in case of odd window dimensions
* Fix at least \"Dvaered Diplomacy\" glitching when the game is saved/reloaded (thanks to \"Duke\" on the Steam forums)
* Update translations, including a new Spanish translation
* Sat Apr 09 2022 D B - Update to 0.9.3
* Bug fix: if the German translation was active, casino minigames\' explanation (Erklärung) didn\'t work
* Fix errors/slowdown in Diversion from (...) missions
* Fix bug in \"Waste Collector\" mission
* Fixed a bug that allowed the player to get infinite escorts
* Work around bugs in at least one OpenGL driver
* Fix crash when unidiff changes assets that the player has targetted
* Player actually has to pay for stealing outfits
* Fixed game hanging when entering some volatile nebula systems
* Sat Jan 22 2022 D B - Update to 0.9.2
* Fix reward messages in the Particle Physics campaign
* Can no longer steal a certain Soromid ship
* Enhanced the logic for deciding whether it\'s safe to save the game after landing
* Fix mission bugs: \"Assault on Unicorn\", \"Emergency of Immediate Inspiration\", \"The Search for Cynthia\"
* Fix zombie autonav toward deselected targets
* Tue Jan 11 2022 D B - Update to since 0.9.1
* Minor countermeasures for long player ship names
* Fix mission breakage in \"Minerva Pirates 4\", \"Runaway Search\", \"Particle Physics 3\", \"Shadow Vigil\", \"Baron Prince\", and \"Dvaered Ballet\"
* Fix exploit in \"Travelling Merchant\" event (mission prize for sale that shouldn’t have been)
* Fix many missions that explicitly attack the player overriding stealth and visibility mechanics
* Fix some text labels that couldn’t be translated from English
* Fix equipment slot information displaying over filter widget
* Fix phantom acceleration after an auto-board and undock sequence
* Darkened nebulas and lowered default background darkness
* Improved upstream metainfo for packagers
* Can no longer steal a certain Za’lek ship
* Fix crash under certain conditions when using the console
* Masochists and LTS distro packagers may build with Meson 0.54 (no subproject fallbacks) or 0.53 (also no \"meson compile\", only \"ninja\")
* Slightly reduced rendered nebula quality to stop breakage on some intel GPUs
* VN music uses logarithmic scale like internal music
* Fixed some offset issues with the slim GUI
* Sun Dec 26 2021 D B - Update to 0.9.0
* Notable changes - Electronic warfare revamp with stealth and illegal cargo and outfits - Systems have patrol routes for dominating factions - Visual novel system for new missions with support for mini-games - Complete rebalance and overhaul of most outfits that can have complex behaviours now - Rehauled backgrounds, new trails, and other graphical improvements - Lots of new content including 40 new missions
* Thu Feb 18 2021 D B - Update to 0.8.2
* Gameplay - Fixed duplicate rewards from pirate ship-stealing missions. (Sorry.) - Fixed the Advanced Nebula Research mission\'s failure condition in case you don\'t stick with the transport ship. (Sorry.) - Fixed the \"The one with the Runaway\" mission so the captured drone doesn\'t appear back in space.
* Engine - Fixed a bug loading games with short (1-character) names. - Tweaked chances of seeing Spaceport Bar missions. - Updated German translation. - Fixed \"configure\" script when the system has a \"cxsparse\" library and no \"csparse\". - Fixed source .tar.gz so ./configure is immediately usable again. (Note: 0.9.x will use Meson for builds.)- Removed naev-0.8.1-overlay.tar.gz
* Wed Feb 03 2021 Jan Engelhardt - Modernize specfile
* Wed Jan 27 2021 D B - Update to 0.8.1
* Gameplay - Lowered large ships\' time constant (renamed from time dilation) by 50% of the deviation from 100%. - Tweaked Za\'lek ships\' stats and outfit slot behavior to match expectations.
* Engine - Restored macOS support. (Catalina users will have to bypass Gatekeeper: See for details.) - Fixed a crash-loop when the \"saves\" folder gets populated by Steam data (or other files) and no Naev save files. - Fixed intermittent error messages about the \"Lua Spawn script for faction \'Trader\'\". - Fixed rare/potential bugs in font and save-file code. - Fixed crash when navigating landing screens with the tab key. - Updated German translation. - Improved text in minor ways.- Added naev-0.8.1-overlay.tar.gz to fix autotools compilation