Changelog for python311-tqdm-4.65.0-150400.9.1.noarch.rpm :

* Fri May 05 2023 update to 4.65.0:
* add Python 3.11 and drop Python 3.6 support
* misc code & docs tidy
* fix & update CI workflows & tests
* Fri Apr 21 2023 add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
* Thu Apr 13 2023 Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
* Sat Sep 10 2022 update to 4.64.1:
* support ipywidgets>=8 (#1366, #1361 <- #1310, #1359, #1360, #1364) + fix jupyter lab display + update notebook tests
* Sat Apr 09 2022 update to version 4.64.0:
* add contrib.slack (#1313)- changes from version 4.63.2:
* rich: expose options kwargs (#1282)
* autonotebook: re-enable VSCode (#1309)
* misc docs typos (#1301, #1299)
* update dev dependencies (#1311)
* Sun Mar 27 2022 update to version 4.63.1:
* fix stderr/stdout missing flush() (#1248 <- #1177)
* misc speed improvements/optimisations
* Sat Mar 12 2022 update to version 4.63.0:
* add __reversed__()
* add efficient __contains__()
* improve CLI startup time (replace pkg_resources => importlib)
* tqdm.autonotebook warning & std fallback on missing ipywidgets (#1218 <- #1082, #1217)
* warn on positional CLI arguments
* misc build/test framework updates + enable py3.10 tests + add conda dependencies + update pre-commit hooks + fix pytest config (nbval, asyncio) + fix dependencies & tests + fix site deployment
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Ignore deprecation warnings from pytest-asycio for compatibility with 0.17
* Sat Nov 27 2021 update to version 4.62.3:
* fix minor typo (#1246)
* minor example fix (#1246)
* misc tidying & refactoring
* misc build/dev framework updates + update dependencies + update linters + update docs deployment branches
* misc test/ci updates + test forks + tidy OS & Python version tests + bump primary python version 3.7 => 3.8 + beta py3.10 testing + fix py2.7 tests + better timeout handling
* Sun Aug 29 2021 update to version 4.62.2:
* fix notebook memory leak (#1216)
* fix contrib.concurrent with generators (#1233 <- #1231)
* Thu Jul 22 2021 update to version 4.61.2:
* install colorama on Windows (#1139, #454)
* add telegram support for leave=False (#1189)
* support pandas==1.3.0 (#1199)
* fix keras potential AttributeError (#1184 <- #1183)
* fix py3.10 asyncio tests (#1176)
* flush stdout/err before first render (#1177)
* misc minor build & test framework updates (#1180)
* Sun Jul 04 2021 update to version 4.61.1:
* fix utils._screen_shape_linux() sometimes raising ValueError (#1174)
* minor build/CI framework updates (#1175)
* minor documentation updates- changes from version 4.61.0 :
* keras support for initial_epoch (#1150 <- #1138)
* misc documentation updates + update & shorten URLs (#1163) + fix typos (#1162)
* fix & update tests (#1163)
* minor framework updates (#1163)
* Fri Apr 30 2021 update to version 4.60.0:
* add contrib.logging helpers for redirecting to tqdm.write() (#1155 <- #786)
* support delay in notebook (#1142)
* fix contrib.tmap, tzip not using tqdm_class (#1148)
* add notebook tests (#1143)
* updates & misc minor fixes for documentation
* Sun Mar 28 2021 specfile:
* remove pandas.patch, seems to be included upstreams- update to version 4.59.0:
* add tqdm.dask.TqdmCallback (#1079, #279 <- #278)
* add asyncio.gather() (#1136)
* add basic support for length_hint (#1068)
* add & update tests
* misc documentation updates (#1132) + update contributing guide + update URLs + bash completion: add missing --delay
* misc code tidy + add [notebook] extra (#1135)- changes from version 4.58.0:
* add start delay in seconds (#836 <- #1069, #704)
* add tests
* misc code tidy (#1130)
* misc documentation updates- changes from version 4.57.0:
* add line buffering for DummyTqdmFile (#960)
* fix & update demo notebook (#1127)
* fix py3 urllib examples (#1127)
* suppress deprecated pandas warnings (#824, #1094)
* misc framework updates
* misc tests updates
* misc code tidy
* Mon Feb 15 2021 Don\'t test pandas at all in Ring1 staging
* Sun Feb 14 2021 Update to 4.56.2
* fix attribute errors when disabled (#1126)
* add tests- Changes in 4.56.1
* fix repr() & format_dict when disabled (#1113 <- #624)
* rename __repr__() => __str__()
* minor documentation updates (#1113)
* add & update tests- Test numpy only for non python36 flavor (Numpy 1.20 in TW dropped Python 3.6, NEP 29), tests are automatically skipped if not installed.- Remove unused and untested python3 flavor BuildRequirements in test build: ipython, ipykernel- Enhance IPython
* Mon Feb 01 2021 Simplify the rich supplements in the bash completions package
* Wed Jan 13 2021 Update to 4.56.0
* some tqdm.gui improvements- Fix testsuite with pandas.patch
* Sun Jan 10 2021 Update to version 4.55.2.
* update tests
* make pre-commit pytest quicker
* switch pre-commit from make to python
* update contributing guidelines
* fix formatting
* test dependencies
* update .gitignore
* fix (auto & manual) formatting
* fix minor detected bugs- Updates for 4.55.1.
* fix (Rolling|Expanding).progress_apply() on pandas==1.2.0
* minor documentation updates- Updates for 4.55.0.
* fix ASCII notebook export
* fix notebook gui-mode extra spaces
* better ETA for early iterations
* better ETA for wildly varying iteration rates
* update submodule inheritance
* tqdm.gui
* tqdm.notebook
* tqdm.contrib.telegram
* tqdm.contrib.discord
* documentation updates
* misc code optimisations
* add tests
* misc code linting/formatting- Updates for 4.54.1.
* drop py3.4 (no longer tested)- Updates for 4.54.0.
* get rid of get_new- Updates for 4.53.0.
* provide get_new() helper for mixed subclasses in nested mode
* fix nested asyncio (#1074)
* document async break hazard
* add tests
* drop py2.6/3.2/3.3 and distutils (no longer tested)
* drop py2.6
* drop distutils in favour of setuptools/setup.cfg
* use setuptools_scm
* fix & update tests
* fix & upgrade snap build
* update CONTRIBUTING docs- Remove python-tqdm-remove-nose.patch, fixed.
* Tue Nov 03 2020 move bash completion into separate package to avoid conflicts with multiple python flavors gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
* Fri Oct 23 2020 added patches + python-tqdm-remove-nose.patch
* Sat Oct 10 2020 update to version 4.50.2:
* fixed platform.system() causing fork() warnings (#691)
* fixed contrib.concurrent.process_map pickling error with threading.RLock (#920)
* updated documentation & examples
* updated CI framework
* updated tests
* misc code tidy- changes from version 4.50.1 :
* fix multiprocessing lock creation leak (#982, #936, #759) + fixes #617 which introduced this bug (v4.29.0, released 2019-01-06, undiagnosed until now) where multiple threads could concurrently create and append process locks to a global list, then try to release them without first acquiring 👿
* major test overhaul: fix, update, and speed up
* misc CI framework updates
* code linting
* minor documentation tidy- changes from version 4.50.0:
* add bar colour option (#1040 <- #450) + for notebook as well as std/CLI + plain text as well as hex (e.g. \'green\' or \'#00ff00\')
* notebook improvements (#1032 <- #1031) + split bar description into separate widget + improve reset() (handle width and colour)
* fix exceptions when file is closed (#1041, #1036 <- #1033)
* add & update tests
* minor documentation updates
* move and configure issue/pr templates
* Sat Sep 19 2020 update to version 4.49.0:
* CLI: add --tee (#1014 <- #1013)
* CLI: add --update and --update_to (#996 <- #975)
* CLI: add --null (#996)
* CLI: accept - instead of _ in options (e.g. --update-to)
* make update() return True on display to ease efficient use of custom callbacks (#845)
* fix py>=3 CLI --delim encoding error
* fix py>=3.5 version detection in (#1029 <- #1028)
* fix final ETA when using initial (#1021 <- #689)
* update documentation + add & update custom callback examples + improve help formatting of boolean CLI options
* add & update tests
* Sat Aug 15 2020 update to version 4.48.2:
* fix notebook formatting- changes from version 4.48.1:
* fix ANSI escape codes breaking tqdm.write (#692, #777)
* fix long-lived strongref (#1007,
* fix cli --version crash on missing git/refs/heads (#635)
* fix contrib.tenumerate ignoring total (#1017)
* fix potential deep => shallow kwargs copy issues
* improve notebook display for unknown total (#1015)
* make asyncio inherit from std rather than auto
* make auto multi-inherit from autonotebook, asyncio on Python3.5+
* misc documentation & examples updates + mention docker-compose requirements (#771)
* misc linting & tidy
* misc minor testing framework updates
* Sat Jul 18 2020 update to version 4.48.0:
* add tqdm.asyncio (#1004, #772, #91 <- #65) + supports async iterables (async for row in tqdm(iterable)) + supports iterables + supports coroutine.send (tqdm(coroutine).send) + add as_completed wrapper (for f in tqdm.as_completed(fs))
* reduce contrib.discord logging verbosity
* fix potential pandas() modifying
*kwargs bug
* update documentation + add missing inline docstrings + update contributing notes + update readme + add to examples/ folder o async_coroutines o coroutine_pipe + standardise variable naming
* add tests + add benchmark tests against popular alternative libraries + test new functionality + more thorough miniters test (#1003)
* misc framework updates + tidy changelog helper + add helper bots o comment-bot /tag o post-release-bot - wiki updater - website updater o benchmark regressions - full/thorough test on schedule & release - quick test on PR
* Fri Jul 03 2020 specfile:
* fix location of bash completion- update to version 4.47.0:
* add contrib.discord (similar to contrib.telegram) (#976)
* add contrib.bells to auto-enable all extras
* add contrib.utils_worker for common slow tasks (e.g. web I/O) + fix lazy large memory usage & discard unsent messages (unprocessed tasks)
* fix slow notebook imports (#955 <- #709)
* fix gui TypeError on unknown len() (#971)
* misc documentation/error message updates + more succinct ImportError on missing ipywidgets (#872) + fix broken/deprecated link (#981) + add inline usage for contrib.discord and contrib.telegram
* misc framework updates + add official py3.8 support (#986) + fix snap builds
* Sun Jun 28 2020 update to version 4.46.1:
* fix missing sys.setcheckinterval in py3.9 (#978)
* fix keras.TqdmCallback compatibility with tensorflow==2.2.0 (#979)
* update documentation + correct contrib.concurrent correct max_workers (#977) + drop prominent mention of xrange (#965)
* minor linting
* Sat May 09 2020 specfile:
* add bash completion script- update to version 4.46.0:
* add contrib.telegram #949 <- #948
* add bash tab completion and --comppath #946, #947 <- #858
* fix exception safety in external_write_mode #940
* add requests examples (#242)
* update documentation
* Wed Apr 08 2020 Update to version 4.45.0:
* propagate and close() on exceptions (#926 <- #548)
* fix nested clear()
* rework nested close() (#930 <- #924 <- #918, #677)
* update all documentation & demos
* add and update tests
* dev framework: add pre-commit helper
* fix _utils ImportError => DeprecationWarning
* Sat Feb 22 2020 update to version 4.43.0:
* fix notebook exceptions (#669 <- #650) + set_description() when disable=True
* contrib.concurrent: avoid unnecessary len(iterable) (#893)
* update documentation + clarify etymology (#895) + fix minor typo (#890) + update contributors and years
* update tests
* fix CI tests for PRs
* Sun Feb 09 2020 update to version 4.42.1:
* support pandas==1.0.0 (#780, #555)
* minor metadata updates
* minor CI test update
* Sun Jan 26 2020 update to version 4.42.0:
* notebook: update disable=None behaviour (#880)
* tqdm.keras: support tensorflow.keras as well as keras (#885)
* add contrib (#882) + tenumerate (#840 <- #480, #402) + tzip <= zip + tmap <= map + add concurrent module o thread_map <= o process_map <= + add itertools module (#225) stub o product
* add & update tests
* add & update documentation + README + examples/
* update CI framework
* Mon Jan 06 2020 Remove unneeded python2 ipython-related testing dependencies. These packages are no longer available for python2 and the test suite will automatically skip them if they aren\'t available.
* Sun Jan 05 2020 specfile:
* update copyright year- update to version 4.41.1:
* fix batch_size=None
* keras missing pop(\'size\')
* Sun Dec 29 2019 update to version 4.41.0:
* trim on ncols overflow with ANSI handling (#850, #716 <- #690)
* add notebook.reset() (#864)
* add keras.TqdmCallback (#867 <- #835)
* documentation updates + document newly added features (above) + notebook ncols percentage/pixels (#276)
* test updates + test newly added features (above) + add CI for win and osx (#841) + py2 threading
* Fri Dec 13 2019 update to version 4.40.2:
* fix pandas unhashable func (#862 -> #863) + add tests
* Sat Dec 07 2019 update to version 4.40.1:
* test for floats for total- changes from version 4.40.0:
* officially support float for n and total (#802) + notebook: use FloatProgress <= IntProgress (#471, #456) + allow imprecision (n <= total + epsilon) (#849)
* fix unicode bar format arguments (#803 -> #851)
* add contrib submodule (#815)
* add wrapattr, utils.CallbackIOWrapper, contrib.DummyTqdmFile (#84 - > #844)
* update tests
* update documentation
* tidy automatic snap deployments
* minor doc update (#854)
* Sat Nov 30 2019 Don\'t use RPM internal/reserved name %suffix (change to pkg_suffix).
* Sun Nov 24 2019 update to version 4.39.0:
* add pandas builtin operations check (#843 <- #697)
* avoid unnecessary dedent (#837)
* remove unneeded bar logic
* misc code tidy
* update documentation + document default argument overriding (#370) + add missing isatty() (#713) + update badges + add code of conduct
* update framework + clean CI stages + update CI default py3.6 => py3.7 + automate snap releases (#686 <- #685)
* Sat Nov 09 2019 update to version 4.38.0:
* support lock_args for e.g. non-blocking intermediate writes (#838 - > #839) + use self.refresh() in more places + add and update performance tests + support args for TqdmDefaultWriteLock.acquire()
* fix colorama on win (#678, #764)
* framework updates + CI cleanup move to stages (check/test/deploy) auto deploy notes deploy only on parent repo separate docker deploy + update documentation sync/generation
* update examples
* update documentation
* add and update tests
* misc tidy and linting- changes from version 4.37.0:
* potential future pandas fix (#824)
* better unicode widechar support (#803 -> #410, #805)
* fix example/tqdm_wget unknown total (#826)
* add stacklevel=2 to warnings (#821)
* misc framework updates + snapcraft version fix + update issue/pr templates (#830) + update unit tests
* misc documentation updates + update parallel (multiprocessing, ThreadPoolExecutor) example (#407) + add slides, video images + add CII Best Practices badge + add repology badge + update badge icons
* Sat Sep 21 2019 update to version 4.36.1:
* fix CLI entrypoint- changes from version 4.36.0:
* expose more custom format params
* potential thread safety fix (#548)
* update submodule architecture (#198 -> #800) + backward-compatibility + expose utils + rename main -> cli + add/fix tests + fix minor cached var optimisation + gui partial upgrade (#790) + notebook upgrade (#790) support {bar} in bar_format (#594) inherit methods including set_
*(refresh) (#740 -> #741) + ready for contrib releases (#252)
* support custom bar_format with unknown total
* fix tqdm_notebook red block on explicit file=None (#791)
* update notebook to fully support custom bar_format (#594, #649)
* misc tidy + warnings + linting + update submodule contribution guide (#252) + parallel (py)make test + fix Zenodo metadata
* update documentation + pandas, notebook, gui (#245) + indentation + update multiprocessing and multithreading examples (#796)
* Sun Aug 25 2019 update to version 4.35.0:
* add {bar} format specifier (#623 -> #799) [width][type]
* add tests and documentation
* update performance tests- changes from version 4.34.0:
* add leave=None convenience option for leave = position == 0
* ensure nested completed bars respect leave=True (#230)
* ensure nested bars are cleared before being moved up (#795)
* support both and = syntax for CLI options (#761 -> #774)
* misc documentation updates (#778, #782)
* fix/update tests
* update GitHub docker package deployment
* Fri Aug 09 2019 update to version 4.33.0:
* fix pandas==0.25 API change
* add contributor badges (sourcerer)
* fix py26 travis CI
* metadata fixes > .zenodo.json > CODEOWNERS
* GitHub package registry docker deployment
* minor linting
* documentation updates
* Mon Jun 24 2019 update to version 4.32.2:
* fix \'Set changed size during iteration\' (#481 -> #700, #754)
* add tqdm.autonotebook check for $VSCODE_PID (#747 -> #751)
* fix missing multiprocessing in Jython (#698)
* make bool(tqdm(iter)) consistent with bool(iter) (#353 -> #694)
* add and update unit tests
* add and update documentation & framework + update notable contributors list + update usage docstrings (#714, #715) + add funding + add awesome-python badge + trove classifier update + update demo notebook badges + add JOSS DOI + add Zenodo metadata + move unnecessary root clutter
* Mon Jun 03 2019 Update to 4.32.1
* fix notebook with unknown total- Update to 4.32.0
* support unit_scale in notebook
* support negative update (#432, #545)
* add reset() function (#547, #545)
* add [python] make run- Fix jupyter dependencies.
* Sat Feb 16 2019 update to version 4.31.1:
* fix file.encoding==None caused by #598 (#673 -> #676) + add tests
* tidy code, update authors and tests + add test to CI- changes from version 4.31.0:
* Write bytes to stdout/stderr in py2 (, #589 -> #598) + Add write_bytes parameter for py2/3 default override
* support custom bar characters vias ascii parameter (#223 -> #227) + implement, document and test custom bar spinners
* support custom bar_format with unknown total (#282 -> #284)
* fix TypeError when unit_scale and unknown total
* document format_dict
* expose elapsed_s, remaining_s to bar_format
* add unit option to bar_format (#368)
* auto README.rst generation framework + add notes in
* update tests
* update documentation
* misc code tidy- changes from version 4.30.0:
* avoid moving when leave=False
* generalise nested bar tests
* add display() helper function
* add and expose format_dict (#562, #482, #494, #656) + allow arbitrary keyword arguments for format_meter + document format_dict overriding + add tests for overriding + related: #660 #172 #587
* add and tidy developer documentation
* fix py3 CLI pipe decoding error (#663)
* framework overhaul (developing, testing, Travis CI updates)
* tidy code and style (flake8)
* refactor + make - add support for multi-line commands - tidy and efficiency + replace\'s built-in make -> py-make>=0.1.9 (#290) + add requirements-dev.txt and extras_require[dev]
* add, update and tidy tests
* include interactive Jupyter demonstration (#652 -> #659)
* update documentation + add FAQ about py2 pipes (#359) + add badges + update examples + update authors- changes from version 4.29.1:
* fix classmethod lock bug (#617: #457 -> #658)
* add unit test to prevent regression- changes from version 4.29.0:
* Avoid global multiprocessing locks (#611 -> #617)
* Add support for infinite iterables (#651)
* Fix missing attr pos when used in multi-threaded environment (#573)
* Do not join TMonitor if it is the current thread (#613 -> #641)
* Add OpenBSD NIX support (#638)
* Unit tests, general documentation fixes and tidying (e.g. #642)
* CI travis improvements + py37-dev -> py37 (#622) + fix py26
* Tue Feb 12 2019 Remove installed files after running the testsuite
* Sat Feb 09 2019 Switch to multibuild (with separate test) to avoid large dependencies on the main package.
* Mon Dec 31 2018 update to 4.28.1:
* tqdm.main(): expose argv
* cli: add working `--manpath`
* fix CLI:--manpath not found issue
* update .gitattributes
* CLI unit tests
* remove deprecated dist options
* add missing auto submodule
* PyPI fix
* remove man page from distribution
* cli:add `--man_path` option
* Wed Oct 17 2018 update to version 4.27.0:
* fix str.isnumeric #605
* fix WeakSet KeyError #548, #553, #596 -> #607
* stop tqdm_notebook description truncation #582 -> #599
* include unit_scale for rate #608
* add auto -> nowarning autonotebook
* add better postfix numeric formatting #621
* minor refactoring #609 -> #616
* update documentation
* add unit tests
* fix py26 CI
* Sun Sep 16 2018 update to version 4.26.0:
* fix smoothing (#566 -> #601)
* pandas updates + address the FutureWarning in pandas, drop pandas test in py34, add in py37 (#603) + support pandas axis=\'index\' or \'columns\' (#570)
* minor documentation updates (#597, #600, #606) + developer notes
* Tue Aug 28 2018 Reenable testsuite
* Sat Aug 25 2018 specfile:
* remove devel for noarch package
* make %files section more specific- update to version 4.25.0:
* stop monitor on shutdown (#571, #572)
* fix find_packages() for submodules (#593) + properly add autonotebook (#586, 1cf3393)
* ignore ANSI escape codes in the bar length calculation (#450, #591 - > #592)
* update documentation (#243)
* Tue Aug 07 2018 update to 4.24.0
* autonotebook submodule for automatic selection of notebook/CLI bar (#443, #508) > update/add pandas() example documentation (#474)
* NameError:IntProgress changed to a more helpful ImportError (#187, #451, #558)
* support bool() cast when disable=True (#574)
* fix format_sizeof hundreds rounding (#579 -> #581)
* ensure URLs in documentation are secure (https)
* Sat Jul 14 2018 specfile:
* removed patch support_pandas_23_groupby.patch (included upstream)
* always run tests- update to version 4.23.4:
* Support pandas 0.23.0 core.groupby module layout (#555 -> #554)
* Add python_requires to help pip (#557)
* minor maintenance updates + CI updates: drop travis py33 due to tox (tox-dev/tox#648) + minor code tidy
* Thu May 17 2018 update to version 4.23.3
* suppress warning
* update .github things- update to version 4.23.2
* minor import syntax fix #496
* re-fix nested overlaps #477
* update documentation and examples
* code tidy and abstraction- update to version 4.23.1
* fix AttributeErrors (#546) > pos on initialisation (#323, #510 -> #544) > fp on write() (#383)
* fix py34 CI
* update documentation- update to version 4.23.0
* Fix disable=True whereiterable has no len() and is not None (#539)
* Add ncols to specify tqdm_notebook bar width (#276 -> #292)
* allow custom pandas total (#364 -> #535)
* Add progress_apply for pandas.(Series|DataFrame).(rolling|expanding) (#530 -> #537)
* unit tests, pep8 tidy
* postfix non-dict documentation note- update to version 4.22.0
* allow direct non-string assignment to postfix member (lists, dicts, etc) (#382 -> #534)
* documentation updates
* unit tests- update to version 4.21.0
* fix #532 write() with manual position > more robust free position finding
* add TqdmWarning base class
* fix GUI __del__() > add TqdmExperimentalWarning
* add, tidy & fix unit tests
* documentation > wiki release notes > update contributors > fix 7zx example- update to version 4.20.0
* pandas wrapper: remove
*args and add better total handling (#244, #299, #322, #366 -> #524)
* document windows unicode know issues (#454)
* suppress RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration -> TqdmSynchronisationWarning- update to version 4.19.9:
* fix monitor thread termination and update tests- Add support_pandas_23_groupby.patch
* Fix for pandas 0.23.0 support
* See:
* Sat Mar 17 2018 update to version 4.19.8:
* TqdmMonitorWarning
* warnings.warn
* abstract and no-raise monitor error
* Sat Mar 17 2018 update to version 4.19.7:
* fix: Avoid manipulating uninitialized instances on monitoring thread.
* Thu Mar 01 2018 specfile:
* update copyright year- update to version 4.19.6:
* CLI improvements + --bytes implies --unit B --unit_scale --unit_divisor 1024 (#503) + allow hyphens in CLI arguments (#511)
* synchronisation: fix for sem_open on aarch64 (#513)
* framework update + CI/tests, year 2018, py37, badges, documentation
* Sun Dec 10 2017 update to version 4.19.5:
* multiprocess/lock fixes (#457)
* set_description in notebook (#345 -> #475)
* minor tidy (#476)
* documentation updates
* Sun Oct 15 2017 update to version 4.19.4:
* fix Lock:NotImplementedError on certain systems (#466 -> #468)
* use recursive locks (#469 -> #468) + fix deadlocks
* tidy (#448)
* flush() on moveto() (#398 -> #399, #420, #467)
* update tests and benchmarks- changes from version 4.19.3:
* no changelog available
* Tue Oct 10 2017 specfile:
* added man page, fixed path for man-page in
* added fdupes- update to version 4.19.2:
* flush() on refresh() (#459 from #317)
* status printer updates (#331) + use sp() in refresh() + remove redundant clear():nomove=False
* misc minor documentation updates
* unit tests- changes from version 4.19.1:
* rate_(no)inv(_fmt) (#72, b228bc3)
* __repr__() tidy (#389)
* fix write() before initialisation AttributeError: _lock (#457)
* man pages
* documentation updates
* Fri Oct 06 2017 Redo description with sensible content.
* Tue Oct 03 2017 update to version 4.18.0:
* Thread safety! (#285 -> #291 -> #329, #407, #417)
* Ease redirection of sys.stdout/stderr (#422)
* Minor internal stream bugfix (#439)
* AttributeError fixes (#323, #324, #418)
* Related to: + Misc bugs (#334) + concurrent.futures (#97) + Multi-tqdm (#143) + flush() and refresh() (#331) + Newline on refresh() (#361) + Nested trees (#384) + Manually positioned nested bars clearing (#385)
* Sun Sep 24 2017 update to version 4.17.1:
* __repr__() bugfix
* better unicode detection
* initialise `n` even when disabled- changes from version 4.17.0:
* easier redirect of stdout (#426 -> #431) + cls.external_write_mode() AATTcontextmanager
* refresh=True for set_description/update(_str) (#317 -> #377)- changes from version 4.16.0:
* more formatting control (#347 -> #362) + set_postfix_str(), set_description_str() + move \": \" to bar_format + complements #266, #270
* better CLI support (e.g. hyphenated paths) (#421 #423 -> #424)
* more unit tests (#411) + upgrade to pypy2/3-5.8.0 + add py37-dev
* doc updates- changes from version 4.15.0 :
* minor fixes (#395)
* minor documentation updates (#400, #401, #412)
* better pandas support (#351 -> #409)
* Jupyter notebook fix (#352, #369 -> #373, #405)
* optimise setcheckinterval/setswitchinterval (#376)
* add unit_scale (#273, #295 -> #378)
* Wed Jul 05 2017 upgrade specfile to singlespec- upgrade to 4.14.0
* Wed Mar 01 2017 Update to 4.11.2
* thread safety #332
* address DeprecationWarning #319 -> #326
* version extra #328 -> #330 + security fix + add non-master branch name + Fixes BNC#1017485 + Fixes CVE#CVE-2016-10075
* minor safety
* minor documentation and comments- Update to 4.11.1
* Officially support Python 3.6, addressing #333- Update to 4.11.0
* postfix argument added #266->#270
* fix tests for + numpy #272->#302 + PyPy3 #318->#325
* 7z extraction example script
* new logo #315
* hit counter with logo colours and stats
* documentation updates
* safer Makefile emulation
* better github contributions integrations and Code of Conduct #310- update to version 4.10.0:
* fix maxinterval to adjust miniters to mininterval #249
* minor bugfixes (eg #288)
* misc optimisations, unit tests, and benchmarks (eg #298)
* documentation updates- update to version 4.9.0:
* monitoring thread to automatically to adjust miniters and avoid exceeding maxinterval + test race conditions + kill on KeyboardInterrupt + instant refresh + low performance overhead, option to disable
* new CLI argument: --bytes to count chars
* disable automatically on non-TTY (#281)
* fixed refresh() and clear() if disabled (#286)
* misc fixes
* documentation
* unit tests
* optimisations, style fixes
* codacy badge
* safety and warning suppression
* ignore coverall failures (#283)
* fix broken link in README (#262)
* Fix time() in refresh() + avoid write() races (#264)
* Fix __repr__() #269
* Fix update(0) causing ZeroDivisionError (on first call) #268
* Faster simple bar for perf test (#257)
* cleaner tqdm_notebook exit when not run in a notebook (#267)
* Disable coveralls because of duplicate comments on github (#263)
* Migrate codecov config -> codecov.yml
* Mon Sep 19 2016 update to version 4.8.4:
* 14% overhead reduction
* fix exception when closing tqdm_notebook without a total
* support more pandas modules
* pandas.Series.progress_map
* pandas.DataFrame.progress_applymap
* Panel.progress_apply
* PanelGroupBy.progress_apply
* GroupBy.progress_aggregate
* GroupBy.progress_transform
* faster CI builds
* misc documentation update and link to wiki- update to version 4.8.3: (no changelog available)- update to version 4.8.2:
* custom tqdm warning/exceptions
* tests now multiprocessed and include pandas- update to version 4.8.1:
* custom tqdm warning/exceptions
* tests now multiprocessed and include pandas- update to version 4.8.0:
* tqdm.pandas classmethod replaces tqdm_pandas function (deprecated)
* ipython aliased imports fixes
* write without any instances
* readme update
* examples update
* test fixes and updates- update to version 4.7.6:
* numpy len support, addressing #185- update to version 4.7.5:
* spring clean (mostly pragma)
* addresses #182
* series len, tests
* disable support (fixes #184), fkake8 fixes- update to version 4.7.4:
* pandas.DataFrame.apply support
* tqdm_notebook.write()
* tqdm_gui.write()
* misc notebook fixes
* delay notebook imports (>80% reduction in import time when unused)
* optional colorama only on windows
* documentation tidy
* more & faster tests- update to version 4.7.1:
* pandas.DataFrame.apply support- update to version 4.7.0:
* CLI custom delimiter support
* More robust CLI argument parsing
* either one or two - preceding kwargs (eg -ascii or --ascii)
* no positional args (so no need to quote multi-word -desc for example)
* bool kwargs with implicit value=True still supported
* optional = sign after kwargs
* tests
* doc updates, badges
* pyversions, doi, licence, github- update to version 4.6.2:
* Fix warnings due to IPython/Jupyter widget- update to version 4.6.1:
* add IPython/Jupyter support
* fix {bar} length breaking display when using custom bar_format
* add a no inversion rate formatting for bar_format (i.e., always show it/s and never s/it)- update to version 4.6.0:
* (no changelog availabel)- update to version 4.5.0:
* print messages within (nested) loops using tqdm.write(...)- update to version 4.4.3:
* remove docopt dependency for CLI
* re-added update(0) ability to trigger refresh
* minor fixes
* re-added (OSI approved) licence to source
* dev versioning auto-fallback
* slight speed optimisation
* tests
* documentation- update to version 4.4.2:
* no changelog available- update to version 4.4.1:
* remove \"dumb binaries\" from build, coverage- update to version 4.4.0:
* modularise- update to version 4.3.0:
* fix_position
* tidy- update to version 4.2.0:
* licencizors- update to version 4.1.0:
* compat-fixes- update to version 4.0.0:
* automate nested + deprecate nested + add manual override control with position
* documentation and example updates, coverage and tests
* make leave==True by default (was False)
* Mon Feb 01 2016 update to version 3.8.0:
* update(n<1) raises error
* sanitise and update examples and README
* fix encoding error
* remove py32 from Travis
* changelog more accessible from README
* Wed Jan 20 2016 Initial version