Changelog for
faust-2.33.1-bp150.4.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri Aug 27 2021 Konstantin Voinov
- Add 01-LibsndfileReader.patch
* Tue Jul 27 2021 Konstantin Voinov - remove obsolete patches- Update to 2.33.1- New
* Tools dynamic-faust, faustbench, faustbench-llvm and faust2object are now part of the macOX binary distribution.
* New -os0 and -os1 options (variants of -os).
* Add dynamic-coreaudio-gtk tool.
* New faustremote [] ==> script.
* Add faust2w64puredata script.
* Add -bs option to faust2sndfile.
* Add -edit option in dynamic-jack-gtk.
* Add -ct option in faust2sndfile.
* Add -double support with soundfile.
* Make -inj foo.cpp option correctly work in faust2object tool.
* Add switch/case based Interpreter loop for Windows32 compilation in Interp backend.
* Update faust2juce to Projucer 6.0.8 (build date 22 Mar 2021). Add Visual Studio 2019 builds to the plugin and standalone Jucer files. Add new arg to faust2juce for VST 2 SDK folder. Add new arg for disabling juce splash screen.
* Add -a arch_file in compile options generation.
* Add dsp_crossfader class.
* New experimental faust2audiokit tool.
* Csharp backend contributed by Mike Oliphant.
* Add -fx (fixed-point) option.
* Add -soundfile option to faust2object.
* Add faust2cagt tool.
* New soul-faust-editor tool.
* Add architecture files for Daisy and faust2daisy.
* Add -rc option to possibly use the foo.rc file in faust2sndfile.
* Complete createSRAdapter.
* Add -us/-ds/-filter options to faust2object, faustbench, faustbench-llvm.
* Add support for \'logical right-shift\' and correct support for int64 in most backends. Correct -ftz 2 and -double support in wast/wasm backends.- Fixed bugs
* Correct -double mode in Interp backend.
* Correct polyphonic handling in -double mode.
* Improve voice stealing in mydsp_poly.
* Fix \'pow\' function to compute with integers when both arguments are integers.
* Correct faust2plot and faust2csvplot SR parameter handling.
* Correct faust2max6 assist messages. Fix CPU measure display in several tools.
* For faust2max6, correct ui.js to create appropriate \'int\' or \'float\' type slider depending of the step value.- Libraries change log
* Add pink_noise_demo to demos.lib.
* Add jprev and greyhole reverbs: developed by Julian Parker and Till Bovermann.
* ADSR modification: favors a constant release time rather than a constant release slope for very short gates.
* New fds.lib by Riccardo Russo.
* New aanl.lib library for antialiased nonlinearities by Dario Sanfilippo.
* New wdmodels.lib library by Dirk Rosenburg.
* Making the behaviour of si.smoo SR-independent.
* Add tabulate in basics.lib.
* Thu May 20 2021 Konstantin Voinov - use llvm11, fix build
* Wed Mar 10 2021 Konstantin Voinov - Update to 2.30.5- New
* add layout and label parameters in DSP algrebra API.
* add MIDI output handling in faustgen~ and faust2msp/faust2max6
* add new D backend and faust2dplug tool
* Rust backend generate more efficient code
* add all supported CPUs in faust2object
* add -cm (--compute-mix) option
* new faust2vcvrack tool
* add setParamValue/getParamValue methods using path in APIUI
* adding bluetooth MIDI support to the Gramophone
* improve sound2file tool to generate interleaved or non-interleaved files
* add -preset option in faust2jack and faust2jaqt
* add -multifun option in faust2object
* add -bs and -control options in faustbench
* add -rui option- Fixed bugs
* rework MIDI channel handling in MidiUI: channels go from 1 to 16 and channel 0 is used for \"all channels\" at receive and send time
* type2Binary and type2String in wast/wasm backends
* mode -double in faust2juce
* faust2android incorrect monophonic handling
* avoid multiple registration of AudioWorkletProcessor code
* rework MIDI chanpress implementation- Libraries change log
* various bugs fix and documentation improvements
* fixed encoder3D and optimMaxRe3D in hoa.lib
* added quantizer library
* Oleg Nesterov SVF filters
* Tue Sep 01 2020 Konstantin Voinov - Update to 2.27.2- New
* add -ct and -cat options.
* add -llvm option in faust2juce
* new faust2object tool to compile several CPU specific versions of the code (using C++ or LLVM backends)
* add OBOE audio driver for Android
* experimental up/down sampling C++ DSP wrappers
* possibility to have specific definitions according to the floating point precision option
* add -jucemodulesdiroption to faust2juce
* improve inter-tracer
* add -single option in faust2max6
* add scrolling in GTKUI
* add MIR support in interp/comp mixed mode
* new -gramophone option in faust2esp32
* new faust2w64vst tool
* implement isnan/isinf in non C/C++ backends
* improve SOUL backend (now passing almost all impulse-tests) and tools
* make -uim option generate a FAUST_CLASS_NAME string
* add attribute handling in faust2max6
* added mi.lib examples
* FAUST_LIST_ACTIVES/FAUST_LIST_PASSIVES macros generated in -uim mode
* reworked Rust backend, now passing all impulse-tests
* add buildUserInterface method in DspFaust class (faust2api)
* add -soundfile option in faust2jackconsole
* add log/exp scale handling in MidiUI
* special BS variable handling in FIR
* add -dlt size option in scalar mode, remove obsolete -lt option
* add -us/-ds/-filter parameters to faust2max6/faust2msp
* add a normalisation rule \'abs(abs(x)) = abs(x)\'
* add -control option in faustbench-llvm
* primitive \'enable/control\' working with -occp backend and scalar mode
* add \'float -> int\' cast out-of-range detection in Interp backend.
* add \'enable/control\' in FIR scalar mode
* add -source option to faustbench
* add -bs option to soul-faust-tester and faustbench-llvm
* add MIDI architecture file for iPlug project
* new -mapp option
* support for LLVM 10 (with compiled version in the OSX and Windows binaries)- Fixed bugs
* fixes in C libfaust API
* fixes in faust2esp32
* fixes in faust2webaudiowast/faust2webaudiowasm/faust2wasm scripts the compiler now refuses to compile DSP code that cause several identical UI paths (like /foo/bar/ui_item) to be produced, since identical paths cannot be distinguished when controlled with OSC for instance
* correct MIDI synch messages handling
* correct controllers save/restore in JUCE architecture
* missing loop dependencies fixed in -vec mode
* fixes in faust2unity
* improved JuceReader class
* correct code generation for << and >> operators
* fixes in rdtable/rwtable code generation
* correct Csound architecture
* fix openFrameworks audio driver
* fixes in faust2lv2
* correct \'dump\' behaviour in Max/MSP and faustgen~ architectures to output [path cur min max]
* fix select/if cond generation in LLVM and wast/wasm backends
* enable AudioUnit\'s input only when inputs > 0 in coreaudio-ios-dsp.h
* fixes in faust2png- Libraries change log
* new platform.lib that contains platform specific value of SR and tablesize values (to be possibly changed on embedded platforms)
* runtime.lin file removed and code moved to interpolators.lib
* new version.lib
* correct os.lf_sawpos
* correct ma.isnan/isinf definitions
* rework crosses in route.lib
* fixes in hoa.lib
* new os.hsp_phasor
* new ma.zc, an.abs_envelope, an.abs_envelope_rect, an.ms_envelope, an.ms_envelope_rect, an.rms_envelope, an.rms_envelope_rect
* correct os.quadosc
* updated mi.lib
* added averaging functions in maths.lib
* added amp envelope functions in analyzers.lib
* rework lookahead limiters
* added zero-crossing rate function
* CZ oscillators: refactor and add phase aligned versions
* Fri Feb 21 2020 Konstantin Voinov - Update to 2.20.2