Changelog for innoextract-1.9-1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Aug 09 2020 Daniel Scharrer - 1.9-1- Bump version to 1.9 (new upstream release):- Added preliminary support for Inno Setup 6.1.0- Added support for a modified Inno Setup 5.4.2 variant- Fixed output directory being created for unsupported installers- Fixed some safe non-ASCII characters being stripped from filenames- Fixed handling of path separators in Japanese and Korean installers- Fixed build with newer Boost versions
* Sun Sep 15 2019 Daniel Scharrer - 1.8-1- Bump version to 1.8 (new upstream release):- Added support for Inno Setup 5.6.2 to 6.0.2 installers- Added support for modified Inno Setup variants- Added support for older Inno Setup installers, including My Inno Setup Extensions installers- Encoding for non-Unicode installers is now determined from the languages supported by the installer, overridable using the --codepage option- Changed filesystem and output encoding to WTF-8 (extended UTF-8) to represent broken UTF-16 data- The architecture-specific suffixes AATT32bit and AATT64bit are now used to disambiguate colliding files- Fixed various bugs and improved robustness
* Tue Jun 12 2018 Daniel Scharrer - 1.7-1- Bump version to 1.7 (new upstream release):- Added support for Inno Setup 5.6.0 installers- Added support for new GOG installers with GOG Galaxy file parts- Added support for encrypted installers- Added --list-sizes and --list-checksums options to print file information- Adde a --data-version (-V) option to check if an executable is an Inno Setup installer- Fixed case-sensitivity in parent directory when creating subdirectories- Fixed issues with names used to load .bin slice files
* Thu Mar 24 2016 Daniel Scharrer - 1.6-1- Added support for Inno Setup 5.5.7 (and 5.5.8) installers- Added a --collisions=rename-all option- Fixed issues with the --collisions=rename option- Unsafe characters in special constant strings (ie : in {code:…}) are now replaced with $- Windows: Fixed progress bar flickering while printing extracted filenames- Windows binaries: Fixed crash on platforms without AVX support
* Thu Sep 24 2015 Daniel Scharrer - 1.5-1- Bump version to 1.5 (new upstream release):- Added support for Inno Setup 5.5.6 installers- Added --include and --exclude-temp options to filter extracted files- Improved handling of file collisions and added a --collisions option to control the behavior- Added support for newer multi-part installers via the --gog option- Added support for building without iconv, using builtin conversions and/or Win32 API instead- Various bug fixes and improvements
* Mon Mar 11 2013 Daniel Scharrer - 1.4-1- Bump version to 1.4 (new upstream release):- Fixed issues with the progress bar in sandbox environments- Fixed extracting very large installers with 32-bit innoextract builds- Improved handling- The --list command-line option can now combined with --test or --extract- The --version command-line option can now be modified with --quiet or --silent- Added support for preserving timestamps of extracted files (enabled by default)- Added a --timestamps (-T) command-line options to control or disable file timestamps- Added an --output-dir (-d) command-line option to control where files are extracted- Various bug fixes and tweaks
* Tue Jul 03 2012 Daniel Scharrer - 1.3-1- bump version to 1.3:- Respect --quiet and --silent for multi-file installers- Compile in C++11 mode if supported- Warn about unsupported setup data versions- Add support for Inno Setup 5.5.0 installers
* Sun Mar 25 2012 Daniel Scharrer - 1.2-1- created package
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