Changelog for musescore-devel-4.2.1-lp156.1.4.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Mar 03 2024 ecsos - Update to 4.2.1 * This release fixes a number of crashes and improves the stability of the app. For details, please see completed tasks in the 4.2.1 project. https://github.com/orgs/musescore/projects/36/views/2 * Sat Dec 23 2023 ecsos - Update to 4.2.0 * In addition, this release contains myriad engraving, playback, and interaction improvements, including: - A new system for notating guitar bends, including playback support - A new system for easily displaying alternate string tunings for plucked string instruments - Much improved control over synchronicity of notation elements between main score and parts - The ability to select individual sounds within SoundFonts, and a bespoke system for categorising sounds in our default SoundFont, MS Basic - An enhanced upload flow to audio.com, including the ability to replace existing audio files online - A convenient list view for seeing all your scores in the Home tab - The ability to open scores in the desktop app directly from musescore.com - Playback support for harp glissandi via the harp pedal widget - Microtonal playback support - A new note input mode for Braille music notation - \"A tempo\" and \"primo tempo\" elements in Palettes - The option to import/export scores in the MEI file format * In addition, please see this document for a complete list of engraving improvements, including: - Improved handling of arpeggios spanning multiple staves and voices, - More placement options for ties - Significant layout and interaction improvements - MusicXML improvements - A multitude of refinements to key signatures, time signatures and parts * Sat Dec 23 2023 ecsos - Update to 4.1.1 - This release fixes a number of crashes and introduces some stability improvements.- Changes from 4.1.0 * New features in MuseScore 4.1 - New engraving and playback support for ornaments, including the ability to set custom alterations for trills, turns and mordents - A major improvement to the app\'s performance, allowing larger scores to play back up to 60% more efficiently - A dedicated new default reverb, which can be adjusted for each instrument track as well as globally across the entire mix - New auxiliary sends in the mixer, allowing instrument tracks to be routed to dedicated auxiliary channel strips for applying audio effects - New engraving and playback support for capos on guitar staves - New feature for displaying harp pedal diagrams - Dynamics and expression text now automatically combine, plus new controls for scaling and positioning dynamics - New live Braille module, including a panel that displays selected measures as Braille music notation (enabling more efficient score reading on Braille displays) - Upload audio directly to audio.com, allowing you to build a portfolio of your audio content to share with the world - View and open your online scores from musescore.com directly from the desktop app * Other updates - Save to cloud: option to make a score \"unlisted\" - Publish to musescore.com: option to either replace the existing published score, or publish the score as a new file - New loading screen when opening multiple instances of the app on macOS - Fixed syllable-based pasting of lyrics - A more reliable VST scanning process - Around 100 engraving fixes and improvements (Read this article on musescore.org for a complete list) - Numerous bug fixes- Drop musescore-fix-build-error-with-jack.patch because now in upstream. * Sat Dec 23 2023 ecsos - Update to 4.0.2 * Score corruption fixes - Multiple issues causing score corruption have been fixed - Part scores are now scanned for corruptions - There is now a more comprehensive system for alerting you when there are corruptions identified on your score (including a mechanism to help you avoid saving those corruptions) * Usability improvements - The Properties panel has been improved so it\'s possible to edit the visibility, colour and play settings of individual notes within chords - Toggling visibility of notes within chords now produces more predictable results - Images in frames can now be deleted - Parts can now be reset to their original layout - The UI is now easier to interact with when the user is holding the mouse unsteadily - The audio export process can now be cancelled - There\'s a new feature to save relevant diagnostic files (making it easier to get support from MuseScore developers) * Performance enhancements - Major improvements to how MuseScore handles with WASAPI (Benefits Windows users) * Bugs squashed and regressions repaired - Various crashes have been fixed (including numerous VST-related crashes) - Zoom controls in the status bar are easier to use and more intuitive - Various problems with the visual behaviour of the app on second monitors are now resolved - Text line spacing option has been reinstated in Properties - Some playback problems have been resolved, including when entering tablature notation, and when changing the tempo using the tempo slider - Multiple other minor bug fixes * A ton of engraving fixes and improvements - Multiple fixes to system-line objects - Several errors arising from setting notes to cue size are resolved - Fixes to the behaviour of system objects - Various fixes to the behaviour of stems - Voices now align correctly in \'full\' tab staves - Sticking in percussion music no longer breaks slurs - Slurs now show correctly in parts when only some voices are displayed - Cross-page glissando lines have been finessed - Various collisions have been resolved (clefs and key signatures, accidentals and cross-staff beams)- Changes from 4.0.1 - Fixed a crash on startup with specific VST instruments present - Fixed a crash on deleting particular staves - Fixed a hang on startup involving WASAPI - Fixed corruption on adding or removing beats or measures in certain cases - Fixed shortcuts using numeric keypad - Fixed issues involving system elements and parts - Fixed issues with playback start position - Fixed chord symbol playback on transposing staves * Fri Jan 06 2023 ecsos - Update to 4.0.0 No really changelog from upstream. See: https://musescore.org/de/node/337788 * Wed Feb 10 2021 ecsos - Update to 3.6.2 - Fixed an issue with gap between staff and final barline with courtesy clef - Fixed an issue when removing spanners from measures outside of the rewrite range - Fixed an accessibility issue with the score migration dialog - Fixed a crash related to QtWebEngineProcess after update - Fixed an issue with timeline showing part name rather than instrument name - Fixed an issue with focus of dockable windows when visibility is toggled - Fixed an issue where custom gliss text reverts to default \"gliss\" - Added missing Flügelhorns to instrument ordering definitions - Fixed an issue where beams cannot be connected over quarter rests - Fixed an issue where staff spacers do not work on last system of page - Fixed an issue with broken swapping of notes/chords with Shift + Left/Right - Fixed an issue with incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file - Fixed an issue with unsaved default settings to pre-3.6 score after \'reset styles to default\' - Fixed an issue with Banjo fifth string fret numbers - Fixed an issue where invisible breath marks impact layout - Fixed a crash during the opening of a score with a missing section break - Applying tremolo is now a toggle operation - Fixed an issue where the Mixer panel is not fully shown when opened - Fixed an issue where an empty rehearsal mark is not deleted after entering a system break - Fixed an issue where multi-measure rest numbers can collide with other elements - Fixed an issue where deleting a breath/caesura leads to the wrong note being selected - Fixed an issue when parts inherit non-default style from score - Fixed a crash when changing time signature at the beginning of a corrupted measure - Fixed an issue with unreadable chord symbols - Updated the close icon for Import Midi Panel (and Find/GoTo) - Fixed an issue with auto-sizing of vertical frames when dragging the height handle- Changes from 3.6.1 - Fixed a crash on open of a file with start repeat in continuous view - Fixed an issue when switching tabs when opening a score while \"Score migration dialog\" is open - Fixed crashes when rearranging instrument positions and changing Ordering - Fixed an issue where the window is marked as modified, even when the last score is closed - Fixed a crash when opening scores with large orchestration created in older versions of MuseScore - Fixed an issue with incorrect order of Violins in Orchestra template - Fixed a crash when hiding palettes - Fixed an export failure when part name contains a slash - Fixed an issue where spacers do not function when vertical justification is enabled - Added an option to Copy SMuFL Symbol Code for symbols in Master Palette - Clef changes are no longer visible on hidden staves - Fixed an issue where first system indentation can cause measures to not fit on system - Fixed an issue with wrong key signatures upon \"Reset Al Styles\" in concert pitch scores - Display symbols\' SMuFL name in Symbols Palette - Removed corner radius from new default rehearsal mark style - Fixed an issue where custom style defaults are ignored when creating new score from template - Fixed an issue where applying a key change to a selection causes a crash when transposing instruments are involved - Fixed an issue where an incomplete voice in local time signature leads to corruption upon import - Fixed an issue where swapping notes in a two-note tremolo causes corrupted tremolo, and crash - Fixed an issue where two-note tremolos display incorrectly on a stave with custom scale - Fixed an issue where measure number offset changes on reload - It is now possible to copy/paste the LetRing, PalmMute and Vibrato elements - The link on \"Score migration dialog\" now leads to Bilibili if using Chinese * Mon Jan 18 2021 ecsos - Update to 3.6 To many changes. Instead look here: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/releases/tag/v3.6 * Mon Oct 19 2020 ecsos - Update to 3.5.2 * Fixes - Fixed an unexpected page stretching in \"Edit style\" dialog - Fixed an issue with audio export on Windows, previously exporting to .FLAC or .OGG could result in an empty file that cannot be played - Fixed an issue of harmony playback preferences. Previously, the real value of \"Chord symbol playback\" was not taken into account until the first toggle of this setting - Fixed a potential crash that could occur when resizing the Piano Roll * Thu Oct 08 2020 ecsos - Update to 3.5.1 * Fixes - Fixed a crash during voice changing of chord with tied grace note - Fixed a wrong curly bracket scaling when using MuseJazz - Fixed a scaling of tuplet number - Fixed an issue of Staff/Part dialog not becoming dirty after changes if activated via double click - Fixed an issue of divider not being removed after undo of deleting a vertical frame - Fixed an issue of triple and quadruple dots not being exported correctly - Fixed an issue of tremolo customizations lost on second save/reload - Fixed various issues with the handling of title frame on MusicXML import - Fixed an issue of decrescendo not working on tied notes with subchannels - Fixed an issue of changing portaudio preferences not working - Fixed an issue with loudness of accents - Chord symbol playback settings are now available in Edit Style dialog - Fixed an issue of changes to Measure properties not being propagated between score and parts - Fixed an issue of Ctrl+Delete command not allowed in note input mode - Added preferences to disable chord symbol playback when opening old scores, or creating new ones - Fixed an issue with entering notes above/below staff - Fixed an assertion failure when adding image to vertical frame - Fixed issues with voice and chords with drum input - Fixed crashes when using hbox within vbox - Fixed a crash when deleting all measures - Added the guitar \"Solo\" templates with default guitar sound - Fix invisible elements not getting displayed after turning \"Show invisible\" on - Fixed an issue of 1-line staves showing unexpected vertical offset - Fixed an issue of bad selection and corruption on delete - Fixed a crash when changing Common time to Cut time in parts - Fixed a crash on playback of score with MM rest at the end - Updated extra navigation shortcuts to handle MMRests appropriately - Updated offsets of Gonville\'s top & bottom bracket glyphs - \"Add clef\" shortcuts are now allowed to also work in normal mode - Fixed an issue of clicking footer text corrupting parts - Fixed an issue of continuous view stopping repeats from working in playback - Fixed a crash when drag-and-dropping a breath & pause or rest symbol from the score to a custom palette - Fixed a crash on flipping beam across system break - Fixed an issue of status bar not showing concert pitch of octave transposing instruments - Fixed an issue of ambitus not being correctly calculated for (octave) transposing instruments - Fixed crashes when pasting fret diagram without chord symbol in score with parts - Fixed an issue of instrument change data not being properly saved in linked staves - Fixed an issue of flipping “above” breaths/pauses to “below” when pasting a measure with them - Now possible to flip breaths/pauses using X - Fixed an issue of alpha (transparency) not showing on several symbols and Elements - Create Time Signature dialog now doesn\'t add unnecessary special text whenever the internal value of nominator or denominator is changed - Added fractional Time Signatures Support - Fixed an issue of unintended loss of denominator in Time Signatures - Fixed an issue of exporting to WAV, OGG, FLAC files with path name that contains non-ASCII characters - Fixed crashes after updating due to qmlcache - Adjusted the size of a settings field for multimeasure rests - Fixed an issue of workspace being changed to Basic when changing language settings - Fixed a crash when doing file operations after changing translations in preferences - Fixed an issue of corruption caused by editing certain tuplets - Fixed a crash caused by Start Center if there is no Internet connection - Fixed a crash on DPI change in preferences - Fixed a crash when inserting a new measure within a melisma - Fixed an issue of a pair of acciaccaturas showing two slashes instead of one * Wed Sep 02 2020 ecsos - Update to 3.5 * New features - Option available in Preferences for playback of chord symbols - Mid-staff instrument changes now do almost everything automatically - Support for Orca (Linux) screenreader - Hairpins, voltas, and other lines now adapt anchor points when dragged - Splash screen displays progress messages while loading MuseScore - Diatonic pitch up/down (keep degree alterations) shortcuts - Select Similar Elements: Same Beat - New Score Wizard now automatically numbers instruments - Property for beam style of tremolo (all strokes attached to stem) - Style for hiding brackets which span to a single staff when empty staves are hidden - Properties and styles for measure number positioning, including cantered and below staff - Property and style for position of multimeasure rest numbers - Property for fretboard diagram rotation * Improvements - Double-click a header, footer, or instrument name to access the dialog for editing it - Score tabs can now be closed using mouse middle button - Improved layout of two-note and single-note tremolos, with and without stem - Smooth scrolling during playback in Continuous view - Various improvements to simplify searching and loading backup files - Metric modulation for dotted eighth to quarter - Automatic collision avoidance between rests and notes/rests in other voices - Staff property to automatically merge rests between voices - Allow selection of multiple similar items with shift+click - Allow repeating a note by clicking a notehead then pressing R in normal mode - Changes made in Preferences are applied significantly faster - Style options to align chord symbols within systems - More zoom controls - Additional plugin capabilities - Altered keyboard and mouse zoom precision and consistency - Improved performance of applying preferences - Chords playback is on by default (untick the \"play\" property to disable it) - Adding notes to a tuplet now adds them with respect to the tuplet\'s space - MuseScore 3 is now available as a Windows PortableApp - Altered Shift+L/R for leading space while in edit mode upon notehead - All symbols are now available for the plugins * Fixes - JACK audio/MIDI worked incorrectly on some platforms - Loop playback skipped final rests in the last measure - MIDI note-off events were not sent in some cases - Undoing slur addition to a range only removed one slur - Canceling a selection worked incorrectly in some cases - macOS package was not notarized in Apple - Various fixes for the text editing process - Fixed an issue when hiding notes or rests in a voice > 1 causes stems/beams to flip in a bad and unexpected way - Fixed an issue when two grace notes disabling vertical chord alignment (Maximum Shift Above) - Fixed an issue when \"maximum shift above\" leading to layout weirdness if measure has rhythm slashes and rests - Fixed an issue with inactive \"Realize chord symbols\" command - Fixed an issue when key signature appears in multiple places on the single staff - Fixed an issue with missing grid of measures in the \"timeline\" view - Fixed an issue with appearing of empty dialog during the \"Save Online\" - Fixed an crash during the drag & drop of volta in continuous view - Brackets were displaced in Continuous View - Nested tuplets in linked staves led to corruption - Octave selection was inconsistent in note input mode - Voices worked incorrectly in the parts dialog in some cases - Misclicking when attempting to create a range selection caused the current selection to be lost - On-screen rendering of synthetically emboldened fonts was broken in some cases - Smooth scrolling worked wrong in Continuous view when dealing with repeats - Saving Online a yet unsaved or uncompressed (mscx) file didn\'t work - Fixed zoom-box 100% selection bug - Fixed a bug with ignoring of blank lines at top of text elements - Fixed an issue when cut/paste, drag/drop in Piano Roll Editor does not preserve NoteEvent values - Fixed a playback of chord symbols attached to fret diagrams - Fixed a note entry suggested position with no selection and last selected note in voice > 1 - Fixed a display of the bold and underlined texts - Fixed the \"Save Online\" on AppImages * Sat Apr 25 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 3.4.2 * Fixes - Telemetry dialog was not accessible for visually impaired people - Drum input palette worked incorrectly due to the changes involving single click behaviour - MuseScore crashed when pressing numbers/letters in a different voice when inputting tabs - Hidden pedal items were no longer displayed - \"L\" letter could not be typed when entering text * Complete list of issues resolved and improvements implemented - Users can now iterate through the telemetry dialog using \'Tab\' key - Add support for key input in telemetry dialog (Esc, ArrowUp, ArrowDown, Enter) - Revert to double-click to apply elements from drum input palette - #299654: Crash on startup with Qt 5.14 - #300393: Note Name Plugin in Musescore 3.4: results hard to read - #299369: [TAB] Crash when pressing numbers/letters in a different voice - #300502: Hidden pedal items are no longer displayed - #300279: Impossible to apply properties to all parts in 3.4.1 - #300347: Rehearsal mark does not accept letter L - #293181: Deleting measures leads to corrupting the other linked staff if their display has been reversed- Rebase musescore-fix_prefix.patch.- Fix rpmlint position-independent-executable-suggested. * Sun Jan 26 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 3.4.1 * Fixes - MuseScore crashed after closing a menu bar pop-up window if no score is opened - Audio glitches on note input and playback happened on macOS and other platforms - Parts corruption happened on timewise delete of individual beats - Crash happened when undoing \"Beam middle\" setting on a single note - Pedal lines alignment applied to the whole system, not individual staff * Complete list of issues resolved and improvements implemented - #300107: Crash after closing a menu bar pop-up window if no score is loaded - #280493: Fix audio glitches on note input and playback on MacOS - #290096: Fix parts corruption on timewise delete of individual beats - #299807: Fix a crash on undoing \"Beam middle\" setting on single note - #284441: Implement per-staff alignment of pedal lines- Changes from 3.4 * New - Apply palette elements with a single click if there is a selection in the score - Allow dragging notes horizontally - Slurs, hairpins and other elements can be edited after single click - Add middle adjustment handle for beams, for moving whole beam vertically * Improvements - Double click is not needed to reach edit mode anymore - Introduce section break properties, bend properties, tremolo bar properties in the Inspector - Allow access to several properties window in the Inspector - Name of the newly created custom palette can be specified - Accessibility: improve speech for elements with spanners * Fixes - \"Don\'t play trill\" option silenced the note playback - Slurs on small staves were displaced in some cases - Barline handles were drawn incorrectly after dragging one - Strings in the Part dialogue were ambiguous - Y Offset value of fretboards didn\'t restore after undoing the values being changed from Edit Mode - Replacing a note with an accidental left the accidental on the new note - Adding Intervals (above/below) didn\'t take into consideration the accidental toggle state - Multiple chord symbols attached to same note didn\'t copy as part of the range - Strings in fret diagrams without \"X\" or \"O\" displayed as \"?\" on Linux - MuseScore crashed when changing a triplet\'s rest\'s duration - Images attached to rests weren\'t imported from MuseScore 2 - Tremolo Bar dialog had multiple UX issues - AppImage: system printers weren\'t available in the print dialog- Drop /home/eric/osc/home:ecsos/musescore/musescore-fix_qtwebengine.patch because can no more applied. * Sat Dec 07 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 3.3.4 * Fixes - Palette names were scrambled and nearly impossible to read (Windows 7) - Scale of palette was incorrect for high and low DPI displays - Courtesy accidentals disappeared after an octave change using Ctrl(Cmd)+Up/Down - Crash reports could not be sent- Changes from 3.3.3 * Improvements - Tie button behaves as a toggle now - Enable changing notes duration if selecting note stem, hook or a range - Visual improvements for palettes - Mark notes that are out of instrument range with red or yellow color even when they are selected - Save Online is now fully synchronised with the musescore.com upload page * Fixes - Export Pdf on Mac with Muse Jazz Text was garbled and unreadable if no printers were setup on a machine - Entering notes with mouse failed in Italian TAB - Scoreview jumped back to start of score during note input on (auto)save - Sticking could not be copy-pasted - Extensions could not be installed on macOS Catalina * Thu Nov 14 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 3.3.2 * Fixes - MuseScore crashed on startup in some cases on Windows 7 - \"Save online\" failed in some cases - Palettes were incorrectly placed when using multiple HighDPI monitors and scaling - Palettes disappeared on Ubuntu 18.04 in some cases * Complete list of issues resolved - #295348: [Musicxml Export] - Strange Missing Hairpins - Implement \"Move soundfont To Top\" button for Fluid/Zerberus synths GUI - #295944: Tuplet dialog does not default to style settings, and creates tuplets with bad property flags - #295898: Deleting a StaffTypeChange causes a crash in macOS - #283943: fix a crash on deleting a measure at glissando end - #295176: [MusicXML] improve instrument change handling - #296298: Inspector: segment \"Leading Space\" input field topped at 10sp - #292079: prevent crash when adding grace notes to a selected measure - #295703: Slurs to grace notes disappear after inserting bars - #292343: measure numbers restart from 1 after section break even if the corresponding property got disabled - #283628: fermata \"play\" property does not work - Fix score editing with keyboard not working after closing dialogs on MacOS - Add the bbox property to PluginAPI::Element - #296154: Accessibility: Make palette tree a single Tab object - Downgrade Qt version on Windows to Qt 5.9.8 to avoid recent Qt regressions that prevent normal usage of MuseScore - Update Qt version on Linux AppImages to Qt 5.9.8 to avoid recent Qt regressions that prevent normal usage of MuseScore - #296566: erase invalid elements from CmdState - #296995: use a more reliable way to prevent layout from altering CmdState - #296579: \"Save online\" doesn\'t work - #288662: Mouse wheel zoom sensitivity - #293998: Figured Bass Continuation Lines Disappearing - #296960: Percent sign cannot be entered into text- Changes from 3.3 * New - Complete palettes redesign - Note Input workflow improvements - Native support for Roman numeral analysis and Nashville notation * Improvements - Chord Symbol Formatting not only for MuseJazz has been supported - Symbols can be attached to barlines - Multiple improvements to the Plugin API - Implement changing palette and palette cell properties on fly - Current workspace is automatically saved on each action that changes the workspace - Palettes and workspaces can be reset to the default state defined by the workspace you started customisations from - Improve algorithm for determining start point for note input - Move the viewport to show actual changes in the score if they are outside of the current view * Fixes - NVDA screen reader didn\'t work - Various MusicXML Import/Export fixes - Various fixes for the playback of tied notes, muted voices and notes being edited in parts - Sticking was not linked between score and parts - The presence of fretboard diagrams prevented input of chord symbols in other staves - Loop playback was set incorrectly in parts - Shortcuts navigation across the palettes was broken - Palettes and palette cells were not translated - It was impossible to enter successive sticking elements * Complete list of issues resolved - MuseScore 3.3 Beta release notes - MuseScore 3.3 Beta Update release notes - MuseScore 3.3 Release Candidate release notes - MuseScore 3.3 Release Candidate 2 release notes - MuseScore 3.3 Release Candidate 3 release notes - #296127: Can\'t use CMD+SHIFT+Drag to copy on Mac - #296171: fix triggerLayoutAll() for spanners - #296271: Crash by undoing/redoing in main score a copy-paste made in the parts- Rebase musescore-fix_qtwebengine.patch.- Rebase musescore-fix_prefix.patch. * Wed Sep 25 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 3.2.3 * Fixes - Articulations didn\'t play properly in MDL instruments - Tuplets layout was broken in some cases - Fingering jumped unpredictably in some cases - Score_and_Parts pdfs were garbled when using MuzeJazz font on macOS - Switching between workspaces erased the enabled plugins- Changes from 3.2.2 * Fixes - Significant performance drop on macOS 10.14+ machines - The Menu Bar entries under Plug-Ins were empty- Changes from 3.2.1 * New - Official builds for macOS 10.10 and 10.11 are now available * Fixes - Sticking was lost on reloading scores - The position data of articulations (above, below) was lost after saving - Empty score crashed when playing in some cases- Changes from 3.2 * New - Default to dark theme on macOS if Dark Mode (available as of 10.14 Mojave) is the system-wide preference - Sticking (the process of assigning certain notes to either our left or right hand) as a new command * Improvements - Make basic colors of the application including voice colors consistent - 7/8 time signature was added to advanced workspace and master palette - Avoid poor alignment of hairpins to dynamics bound to the segment before hairpin start - Add style settings allowing MDL templates to follow basic drum line notation rules better - Double/triple-clicking in a text editing mode now selects a word/paragraph respectively * Fixes - Playback tempo was incorrect when working in continuous view - Playback tempo set to defaults in some cases when editing score elements - Tempo changes set fermata time stretch to defaults - Tuplets and articulations were laid out incorrectly - Layout shift in a measure at start of a system happened in some cases - Multi-measure rests created unexpected key signatures in some cases - Key signature appeared in multi measure rest after being deleted from underlying measure - Side panels were not dockable after being undocked and closed once - Mixer panel disappeared in some cases - Mixer didn\'t remember changes in the channels - Changing clef didn\'t have an effect in combination with multi measure rest - Сopying/pasting a clef into an another clef crashed Musescore - Right-click / Edit Element with a different element selected led to crash - Exporting parts from a score didn\'t produce correct MIDI, MP3, WAV, OGG, and FLAC files * Wed Jun 19 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 3.1 * New - Single-note dynamics playback - long notes can play dynamic changes - Updated soundfont that supports single-note dynamics out of the box - High quality soundfont with better strings and synth instruments available as an extension in the Resource Manager - Option to completely disable Auto Placement - Elements can cross staves still participating in Auto Placement - Half-time/Double-time feature that shortens and lengthens rhythms on copy-pasting - Linearization feature that unrolls all repeats - Internal computational approach that allows creating 256th, 512th, 1024th notes and any kind of compound tuplets - Online documentation for Plugin API is available * Improvements - Playback starts immediately on large scores - Continuous view performance was significantly improved - The layout of the scores imported from MuseScore 2 is now preserved - Size and usability of Play Panel is now improved - Add chord symbol support for fret diagrams - Move the whole segment on dragging a note in edit mode - Allow changing duration of multiple notes - Select notes after deleting various elements - Make copy-pasting hairpins possible - Fix significant lag on iterating over notes with left-right arrows - UI refinements including more streamlined Inspector - \"MuseScore File\" string (under File -> Save As...) now indicates which version you are about to save (MuseScore 3) * Fixes - System positions calculations allocated too much space - Courtesy clefs and key signatures were positioned incorrectly around repeat barlines - Cross-staff notation was incorrect in some cases - Barlines spanning was wrong in some cases - Barlines were incorrect when small and standard staves were mixed - Piano keyboard display didn\'t update when adding accidental using toolbar or palette - Side panels became undockable after being undocked and closed once - Could not add proper slur to grace notes when there were more than one - Layout of small staves was incorrect in some cases - Key signatures displayed incorrectly after clef change - Grace notes (after) collided with accidentals on main note - Key signature disappeared in all but first stave - Note\'s dot\'s visibility was incorrect when toggling visibility with note and dot selected - Couldn\'t pan score while playing when a note was selected - Instrument Change didn\'t transpose - Couldn\'t delete clef change at the start of a system - Accent-staccato didn\'t work in default template - Some properties were not kept on saving score - Incorrect key/time signatures and clefs appeared in the score in specific cases - User-modified barlines were not linking correctly between staves of a score, parts, and multimeasure rests - Ties were laid out incorrectly in some cases - Problems with layout of with beams, slurs, tuplets, and tremolo in cross-staff notation - Sizes and positions of some elements were not scaling correctly for small staves - Brackets didn\'t appear after section break - Users were automatically logged out after 5 hours when using Save Online - Phrasing in target measure was not cleared on copy-pasting - ChordIdentifier Plugin didn\'t work with MuseScore 3 * Tue Apr 02 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 3.0.5 * Improvements - The whole chord sounds when iterating over notes with left-right arrows - Support more properties for fingering - Add more properties for Plugin API - Optimise New Score Wizard start time and layout calculations * Fixes - MuseScore 3.0.4 crashed on startup on macOS - Score margins and related staves positioning were calculated incorrectly - Spacers worked incorrectly when interacting with page borders - Measure counting was wrong when setting a custom offset value - Keyboard navigation in Single Page view worked incorrectly - MuseScore crashed on finishing work on Windows - MuseScore crashed when changing Time Signature in parts - MuseScore crashed when selecting a bracket in edit mode More information is available on https://musescore.org/en/3.0.5- Changes from 3.0.4 * Fixes - All instruments played as piano in some specific cases - \"Save online\" login screen didn\'t work on Mac - Removing section break crashed the editor in some cases - Copying measure repeats didn\'t work - Brass Quartet and Brass Quintet templates couldn\'t be opened More information is available on https://musescore.org/en/3.0.4- Changes from 3.0.3 * New - New crash report facility * Improvements - Whole score playback can be turned on when in the Part tab using the mixer. Part playback works by default in in the Part tab - Improved global performance - Drag-and-drop user experience is improved * Fixes - Caesuras and sections breaks didn\'t cause pauses in playback - Some properties were not properly saved - Fermatas over barlines could not be added - Articulations could not be added to grace notes - Redundant key/time signatures appeared in Page/Continuous view and Parts - Visibility was not properly applied - Ties failed to be copied-pasted in a score with parts - Keyboard navigation in Continuous View was broken More information is available on https://musescore.org/en/3.0.3- Changes from 3.0.2 * Improvements - Reworked login screen when using Save Online allows signing in via Facebook and Google and creating an account from within the editor - New easy fingering input mode and other fingering improvements * Fixes - Plugins framework didn\'t work - Grace notes displayed the wrong size in TAB staves - Default window size was too large on a multi-monitor setup - Color was not available as a text style setting, including issues with coloring lyrics for different voices - Slurs were not exported properly to MusicXML - Tempo text was not imported properly from MusicXML More information is available on https://musescore.org/en/3.0.2- Changes from 3.0.1 * Improvements - Redesign of New Score Wizard makes it easier to search templates, provides better score previews, and significantly improves accessibility for blind users - Reworked Mixer UI allows minimizing and making it dockable - Better automatic placement of hairpins and dynamics - Better import of 2.X scores * Fixes - Properties were not saved properly in a number of cases - Layout was broken after operations with measure rests and tuplets - Time signatures appeared incorrectly in some cases and might lead to crash - Using the implode tool on notes connected with slurs led to crashes - Editing a barline was applied incorrectly - Context menu on instrument names didn\'t appear - Pages with landscape orientation were cropped when printing - Playback went crazy on saving - Tempo was applied incorrectly in certain cases involving fermatas - Slurs were lost or detached in some cases - Autoplacement couldn\'t be switched off for stems and arpeggio More information is available on https://musescore.org/3.0.1 * Wed Jan 02 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- update to 3.0 MuseScore 3.0 is packed full of new features and improvements. * Musical notation - Automatic placement - potential collisions between elements are detected and resolved automatically, allowing you to easily create great-looking scores with little need for manual adjustment - Improved parts facility - link parts to specific voices within a staff - System dividers - automatically generate dividers between systems - Staff type changes - change staff size, number of lines, and other properties mid-score - Temporary and cutaway staves - staves may appear and disappear as needed, including the ability to have empty measures be completely invisible - MuseJazz font - give all elements in your scores a handwritten appearance - Named noteheads - automatically display pitch names in noteheads using a variety of different naming schemes * Usability - Tours - get online help automatically as you need it - Timeline - navigate using a graphical overview of the music structure of your score that shows rehearsal marks, changes of tempo, key, and time signature, etc. - Score comparison tool - easily view differences between versions of a score - Single page mode - vertically scrolling view of your score - Improved Inspector - control more element properties and set style defaults directly from the Inspector window, including new above/below placement settings - Palette search - enter a search term to quickly find any symbol - Timewise note input and editing - insert and deletes notes and rests within measures, automatically shifting subsequent music forwards or backwards - Next/previous element - Alt+Right/Left shortcuts to navigate through each element of your score - Auto-update - no longer necessary to download and install new versions from musescore.org * Playback - Improved Mixer - mute individual voices, collapse channels into a single column, assign MIDI ports and channels - Improved Piano Roll Editor - easier control of the playback parameters of each note in your score - Redesigned Play Panel - docked within main window- Add Patch musescore-webengine_off.patch to pervent build, because it is in package libqt5-qtwebengine. (Set BUILD_WEBENGINE to OFF does not work.) * Fri Sep 14 2018 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- update to 2.3.2 * Bug Fixes - Fix #273921: [Regression] Augm. dot misplaced for low stemless notes - Fix #273837: MDL install failure on Linux - Fix #273996: Crash when exporting audio with Zerberus sounds (MacOS only) - Fix #273973: Playback cursor disappears after splitting then restoring the display- changes from 2.3.1 * Bug Fixes - Fix #273921: [Regression] Augm. dot misplaced for low stemless notes - Fix #273837: MDL install failure on Linux - Fix #273996: Crash when exporting audio with Zerberus sounds (MacOS only) - Fix #273973: Playback cursor disappears after splitting then restoring the display- changes from 2.3.0 * New features - #273032: Implement extensions to provide an easy way to install soundfont, templates and instruments.xml - #256021: Add buzz roll tremolo stem - #271198: Add a more flexible way to choose noteheads in drumset for percussion instrument - #271723: Implement filters in Zerberus - #272276: Add ability to have a different MIDI pitch for drum instrument based on articulation or tremolo - Implemented flams and crush notation for unpitched percussion * Playback - Fix #270996: No sound on upgrade to 2.2 if default soundfont was saved as default - Fix #271717: Match the default tempo in New Score Wizard - Fix #272377: \'Follow text\' is not applied to tempo text * Zerberus - Fix #222031: remove ties and spanners when removing induvidual notes within a chord - Fix #271718: clicking noise fix - Fix #271719: sound accumulation on noteOff - Fix #271722: long release samples do not play in their entirety - Fix #272687: Unable to select an SFZ playback for a drum instrument - Fix #273150: incorrect off_by processing - Fix #273241: incorrect loading sample when use comment line * User interface - #273511: Order notes in Drum Input Palette like in instruments.xml - #269952: Allow new templates to be seen without restart - Follow macOS platform conventions for window title and dirty state - Use setWindowModified to display * in window title - Fix #8808: Add option to limit scroll area of the navigator and the score view - Fix #117236: Honor \'pan score\' button during edits - Fix #153691: Drumtools palette not closing when switching between files - Fix #268016: No message on second keyboard shortcut already in use - Fix #271074: Image capture with transparent background empty when pasting into other programs on Windows (reverted Fix #209596: Screencapture + Copy + Transparency issue) - Fix #271935: Wrong voice button is highlighted after unsuccessful voice change - Fix #273672: Right align \"Double augmentation dot\" in preferences dialog - Fix #272153: Notes for transposing instrument are shown in concert pitch on piano control * Crashes and corruptions fixed - Fix #76751: MuseScore crashes when opening plugin manager after adding new plugin - Fix #270850: Changes to a score cause all fermatas over a barline to be discarded - Fix #271039: crash when closing score after changing tempo in play panel - Fix #271161: crashes on certain tuplets due to failure to sanitize - Fix #271299: Errors with multiple clefs - Fix #271325: Adjusting a note outside the range of a piano causes a crash when the piano keyboard is visible. - Fix #272172: Remove tuplets after inserting measures causes corruption/crash - Fix crash in MusicXML import when drumset instrument has no midi-unpitched * Score layout - Fix #253926: Key signature not displaying correctly on clef change at the start of a score - Fix #267602: Measure shifts back and forth with each layout - Fix #269404: Line/Ottava Text properties do not apply user-defined vertical offsetting properly - Fix #271187: Bad canvas position when operating near right margin with vertical stacking - Fix #271450: Double-click to set breaks on frames - Fix #271529: Incorrect stem position for some noteheads in layout - Fix #272023: Downstem mirrored notes lose accidental - Fix #272066: Canvas improperly positioned when setting zoom level - Fix #272390: Measure numbering by interval should take 1st measure number into account - Fix #272691: No naturals in key sig after mmrest - Fix #273555: Checking \"Show first\" with an interval of 1 for measure numbers only shows measure number 1 - Fix #273305: Courtesy clef hide/show issue * Instruments - Reworked instruments.xml - Fix #271103: Add 7-string guitar and Cavaquinho (4-strings guitar) - Add missing 5-string staff type, append 7- and 8-string tablature types - Don\'t show presets for more strings than the instrument is set up for, esp. counting only fretted strings, i.e. non-open strings * Import/Export - Fix #271707: MusicXML export: crash when exporting hairpins - Fix #271840: MusicXML import: no barlines when using property - Fix #272062: Opening of some MusicXML files caused MuseScore to crash * Miscellaneous - Fix #270496: Add missing elements to incomplete tuplets when reading from a file - Fix #272042: Saved preferences override command line options - Debian fix: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=898757. Fix crash when starting with piano open. - Allow path to be relative to stored album file - Fix #273660 : MIDI Keyboard Not Responded when Pressed Before Opening a Score- drop musescore-fix_build_missing_include.patch, because no in upstream. * Sun Jun 10 2018 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- update to 2.2.1 - Fix #270803: [Regression] Messed playback in the score - Crash reported in #270748: [Regression] Playback slow to engage, when starting playback too quickly after load score - Fix #270878: [Regression] MIDI fixup for overlapping note shouldn\'t kick in for different midi tracks - 2.0.x score gives synthesizer output artifact with new soundfont- add complete source path- rebase patches, because sourcedir is now MuseScore- add patch musescore-fix_build_missing_include.patch * Thu May 04 2017 cgardnerAATTsuse.com- Release 2.1.0 Released 2 May 2017 For a complete dscription of what has changed for 2.1.0 see https://musescore.org/en/developers-handbook/release-notes/release-notes-musescore-2.1 * Sun Aug 21 2016 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- add BuildRequires: texlive-dvips * Wed Apr 06 2016 cgardnerAATTsuse.com- Release 2.0.3 For a complete dscription of what has changed for 2.0.3 see https://musescore.org/en/developers-handbook/release-notes/release-notes-musescore-2.0.3 * Tue Sep 01 2015 wbauerAATTtmo.at- fix package dependencies (boo#943985) * Tue Jul 21 2015 cgardnerAATTsuse.com- Version 2.0.2, released July 2015. * Wed Mar 25 2015 cgardnerAATTsuse.com- Update to consistently require Qt5 (5.4.2) for all distros from this repo to reduce problems with mismatched Qt libraries preventing mscore from loading * Mon Mar 23 2015 cgardnerAATTsuse.com- Version 2.0, released 23 March 2014. See http://musescore.org/en/node/50996 This is the first major release of MuseScore since version 1.3