Changelog for taglib-1.13.1-5.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Jul 12 2023 Danilo Spinella - Update to version 1.13.1: * Fixed parsing of TXXX frames without description. * Detect MP4 atoms with invalid length or type. * Do not miss ID3v2 frames when an extended header is present. * Use property \"DISCSUBTITLE\" for ID3v2 \"TSST\" frame. * Build system improvements: Use absolute path for macOS dylib install name, support --define-prefix when using pkg-config, fixed minimum required CppUnit version. * Code clean up using clang-tidy. * Thu Nov 17 2022 Jonas Kvinge - Update to version 1.13: * Added interface StreamTypeResolver to support streams which cannot be fopen()\'ed, e.g. network files. * Added MP4::File::strip() to remove meta atom from MP4 file. * Added Map::value() to look up without creating entry. * Use property \"WORK\" instead of \"CONTENTGROUP\" for ID3v2 \"TIT1\" frame, * use property \"WORK\" for ASF \"WM/ContentGroupDescription\", * use property \"COMPILATION\" for ID3v2 \"TCMP\" frame. * Build system improvements: option WITH_ZLIB, BUILD_TESTING instead of * BUILD_TESTS, GNUInstallDirs, FeatureSummary, tests with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, * cross compilation with Buildroot, systems without HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC, Clang. * Fixed heap-buffer-overflows when handling ASF, APE, FLAC, ID3v2, MP4, MPC tags. * Fixed detection of invalid file by extension when correct type can be detected by contents. * Fixed unnecessary creation of map entries in APE and FLAC tags if looked up tag does not exist. * Fixed parsing of MP4 non-full meta atoms. * Fixed potential ID3v1 false positive in the presence of an APE tag. * Fixed ID3v2 version handling for frames embedded in CHAP or CTOC frames. * Fixed parsing of multiple strings with a single BOM in ID3v2.4.0. * Fixed several smaller issues reported by clang-tidy. * Mon May 09 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Remove build rpath from executables (boo#1199058, similar to bsc#1166467 which was fixed in SLE using -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON instead of -DCMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH=ON) * Thu Mar 18 2021 tiwaiAATTsuse.de- Add missing zlib dependency in devel package * Fri Mar 12 2021 Dirk Müller - reference download url of tarball * Tue Feb 16 2021 Jonas Kvinge - Update to version 1.12: * Added support for WinRT. * Added support for Linux on POWER. * Added support for classical music tags of iTunes 12.5. * Added support for file descriptor to FileStream. * Added support for \'cmID\', \'purl\', \'egid\' MP4 atoms. * Added support for \'GRP1\' ID3v2 frame. * Added support for extensible WAV subformat. * Enabled FileRef to detect file types based on the stream content. * Dropped support for Windows 9x and NT 4.0 or older. * Check for mandatory header objects in ASF files. * More tolerant handling of RIFF padding, WAV files, broken MPEG streams. * Improved calculation of Ogg, Opus, Speex, WAV, MP4 bitrates. * Improved Windows compatibility by storing FLAC picture after comments. * Fixed numerical genres in ID3v2.3.0 \'TCON\' frames. * Fixed consistency of API removing MP4 items when empty values are set. * Fixed consistency of API preferring COMM frames with no description. * Fixed OOB read on invalid Ogg FLAC files (CVE-2018-11439). * Fixed handling of empty MPEG files. * Fixed parsing MP4 mdhd timescale. * Fixed reading MP4 atoms with zero length. * Fixed reading FLAC files with zero-sized seektables. * Fixed handling of lowercase field names in Vorbis Comments. * Fixed handling of \'rate\' atoms in MP4 files. * Fixed handling of invalid UTF-8 sequences. * Fixed possible file corruptions when saving Ogg files. * Fixed handling of non-audio blocks, sampling rates, DSD audio in WavPack files. * TableOfContentsFrame::toString() improved. * UserTextIdentificationFrame::toString() improved. * Marked FileRef::create() deprecated. * Marked MPEG::File::save() with boolean parameters deprecated, provide overloads with enum parameters. * Several smaller bug fixes and performance improvements.- Remove obsolete patches: * taglib-versionbump.patch * 0001-Changed-libdir-includedir-variables-to-change-based-.patch * Mon Jan 20 2020 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add patch to get the right directories when running taglib-config: * 0001-Changed-libdir-includedir-variables-to-change-based-.patch * Wed Aug 14 2019 tchvatalAATTsuse.com- Update to version 1.11.2~git20190725.79bc9ccf: * Call fflush() before ftruncate() to drop all buffered data (#914) * Wed Jul 17 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Use version 1.11.2~git20190531.ba7adc2b to match up the update-version.patch- Install examples * Mon Jul 08 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Switch to service file for generating the package- Use conditions to enable the multibuild tests in other loop while also generating the docs- Make sure the tests are actually executed