Changelog for centreon-web-20.04.14-12.40.noarch.rpm :
* Fri Jun 04 2021 ecsos - Update to 20.04.14- Rebase centreon-web-install-vars-for-steps.patch- Remove insserv things from spec. * Wed Jul 22 2020 ecsos - Update to 20.04.4 * Tue Jun 16 2020 ecsos - Update to 20.04.3 * Tue May 05 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 20.04.0 * Tue Mar 31 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.10 * Bug Fixes - [Configuration] Export “NULL” values correctly to Remote Server (PR #8281) - [Dashboard] Report displays templates instead of services (PR #8406) - [Centcore] External commands processed every second if in multiple files (PR #8407) * Tue Mar 24 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Run spec-cleaner. * Tue Mar 24 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.9 * Bug Fixes - [LDAP] Sync user deletion from groups (PR #8287) - [Top Counters] Use session cache to store results (PR #8189) - [Configuration] Geo coordinates of hosts not exported to Remote Server (PR #8390) * Fri Feb 28 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.8 * Bug Fixes - [Documentation] Typos fixed in the documentation (#8336) (#8364) - [Documentation] Remove useless checks (#8360) - [Install] remove harcoded version in source install (#8332) - [Install] source installation script fixes (#8341) - [Install] replace macro in cron files (#8359) - [Web] correct delete comments (#8367) * Security - [ACL] set read only access by default instead of read/write (#8317) * Thu Feb 20 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.7 * Bug Fixes - [Charts] Problem using zoom in when having timezone (PR #8286) - [Source install] Several files are not copied in centreon directory - [Status Details] Display details strange behaviour when Summary selected in by Hostgroup page (PR #8265) - [UI] Add nowrap style to badge class to avoid wrap in dense typeface environments like chinese (PR #8314) - [Mobile] Third level menus are not accessible (PR #8320) * Security - Do not expose session ID identifier in URL (PR #8291) * Technical - Remove all unused front-end code * Wed Feb 05 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.6 - [Status Details] Services shown as CRITICAL while OK (PR #8253) - [Status Details] Cannot empty Hostgroup drop-down list in Services by Hostgroup (PR #8257) - [Autologin] Access to URI with arguments (PR #8262) - [Configuration] Check command --help display won\'t work (PR #8255 and #8268) - [Event Logs] Filter on disabled objects (PR #8238) - [Services Grid] Filters not used correctly (PR #8260) * Wed Feb 05 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Rework centreon-web-install-vars-for-steps.patch- Remove BuildRequires nagios.- Remove all /etc/nagios dirs from spec and permission. * Mon Jan 27 2020 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.5 * Bug Fixes - [Install] Check MariaDB version before using ALTER USER (PR/#8068) - [Install] Update libinstall scripts (PR/#8180, PR/#8188) - [Status Details] Display details not working when Summary selected (PR/#8200) - [Traps] Cannot save trap configuration (PR/#8165, PR/#8169) - [Clapi] Fix overlapping in clapi export (PR/#8191 fixes #7562) - [Clapi] Add parameters for HOST object (PR/#8085) - [API] Improve consistency of getparam (PR/#8201) - [Custom View] fix display for user with no widget preferences (PR #8159 fixes #7875) - [Web] Issue with random blank pages (PR/#8187,#8193) - [Web] Search in media page does not work (PR/#8203) - [Web] Improve authentication messages in login.log (PR/#7943) * Security - [Web] Bump terser-webpack-plugin to 1.4.2 (PR/#8182) - [Web] Upgrade handlebars dependencies (PR/#8224) * Mon Dec 09 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.4 * Documentation - Clearly indicate that dependencies between pollers are not possible * Improvements - [Downtimes] Manage downtimes for host and service (PR/#8110) * Bug Fixes - [Custom Views] Define new custom view error file template (PR/#8141) - [Custom Views] Fix double quote in widget title (PR/#8161) - [ACL] Remove ACL notice on lvl3 calculation (PR/#8120) - [Configuration] Fix performance regression in notification system (PR/#8143) - [Remote] Host and service templates are not properly imported (PR/#8147) - [Topology] Correct URL options for service pages (PR/#8164) * Fri Dec 06 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Change php-pear- * definitions to php-pear( *). * Wed Nov 27 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.3 * Mon Nov 25 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.2 * Enhancements - [API] Return curve metric name (PR/#8055) - [Install] Display complete release note of a Major version (commit 06f714d) - [Install] Improve last web install step intall button (PR/#7873) * Documentation - Display release notes per section in upgrade process - Update FAQ to install RRDCacheD on el7 (PR/#8052) * Bug Fixes - [API] Add macro password option for service template using CLAPI (PR/#8012) - [API] Unable to set host notification to None through the API (PR/#8077) - [Charts] Match metric name with metric value (#5959, #7477, PR/#7764) - [Charts] Curves in graph not synchronized on display (PR/#8039) - [Charts] Fix rrd command line with v1.5 (PR/#7804) - [Configuration] fix host name filter history (PR/#8134) - [Install] Check mariaDB version before using ALTER USER (PR/#8068) - [LDAP] Add missing Okta selector (PR/#8028, 7825) - [LDAP] Ldap users using the auto-import cannot login (PR/#8112) - [Configuration] Remove unused radio button in meta service configuration (PR/#7992) - [Monitoring] Fix recurrent downtimes filter (PR/#7989, #7987) - [Notification] Link properly contact with contact template on file generation (PR/#8080) - [Remote Server] Export properly trap matching and hostgroups (PR/#8054) - [Remote Server] Additional Remote Server config fails (#8104, PR/#8105) - [Remote Server] Hostgroup and servicegroup not exported (PR/#8135) - [Traps SNMP] Fix traps regression with same oid (PR/#8118) - [Traps SNMP] Accept null value for description (PR/#8109) - [UI] Fix breacrumb url for parent\'s levels (PR/#8108) - [UI] Correctly toggle edit load and header of widgets (PR/#8114) * Security Fixes - Avoid SQL injections in multiple monitoring pages - CVE-2019-17647 (PR/#8063, PR/#8094) - Cross-site scripting (reflected) - Dont\' return js (PR/#8095) - Do not allow to get all services using downtime ajax file - CVE-2019-17643 (PR/#8022) - Do not allow to unhide password macros (PR/#8071) - Filter access to api using external entry point - CVE-2019-17646 (PR/#8021) - Fix default contact_autologin_key value - Fix security on LDAP page - CVE-2019-15300 - (PR/#8008) - RCE on mib import from manufacturer input - CVE-2019-15298 (PR/#8023) * Performance - Set LDAP contactgroup synchronization every hour (PR/#8070) * Technical - Correct the call of static method (PR/#8026) - Improve centreonworker logging (PR/#7712) - Optimize select all in select2 component (PR/#7926) - Poc new update field pollers (PR/#8093, PR/#8100) - Update dependency of centreon-react-components (PR/#8024) * Thu Nov 07 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Set BuildRequires version of rrdtool from 1.4.7 to 1.7.0 * Thu Nov 07 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Fix missing dir /var/lib/centreon/centcore * Mon Nov 04 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Fix missing CENTREON_CACHEDIR. * Fri Nov 01 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.1 * Bug Fixes - [Install/update] correct loop issue on installation/update (PR/#7997) * Mon Oct 28 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.10.0 * Features - [Authentication] Add Keycloak SSO authentication in Centreon (PR/#7700) - [API v2] New real time monitoring JSON REST API v2 for services and hosts - currently in beta version (PR/#7821) - [API v2] Manage acknowledgements (PR/#7907) - [Notification] Add new options for Contacts & Contact groups method calculation (PR/#7917, PR/#7960, PR/#7963, PR/#7965, PR/#7971): - Vertical Inheritance Only: get contacts and contactgroups of resources and linked templates, using additive inheritance enabled option (Legacy method, keep for upgrade) - Closest Value: get most closed contacts and contactgroups of resources including templates - Cumulative inheritance: Cumulate all contacts and contactgroups of resources and linked templates (method used for new installation) * Enhancements - [Administration] [Audit logs] Add purge function for audit logs (PR/#7710) - [Authentication] Add Okta LDAP template (PR/#7825) - [Charts] Centreon-Web Graph Display and png export is coherent (PR/#7676) - [Charts] Better management of virtual metrics: you can display or not a virtual metric (PR/#7676) - [Charts] Only one color by curve: users see the same color curve (PR/#7676) - [Configuration] Add display locked checkbox for objects listing (#7444) - [Configuration] Add contactgroups filter in list of contacts (PR/#7744) - [Configuration] Add status and vendor filters in list of SNMP traps (PR/#7758) - [Configuration] Move global rrdcached option to Centreon Broker form for each broker (PR/#7791) - [Configuration] Allow to redifine action command for Centeron Engine & Centreon Broker (PR/#7810) - [Install] Allow people to use another user that has root privileges when installing centreon (PR/#7445) - [Install] Add possibility to install widget during last step (PR/#7890) - [Install] New script that aims at automating all manual steps that are required when installing Centreon from packages (PR/#7853) - [Remote Server] Poller attached to multiple remote servers (PR/#7849) - [Remote-Server] Allow to use direct ssh connection to poller from central (PR/#7680) - [Remote-Server] Optimize execution time of export/import (PR/#7749) - [Remote-Server] Improve centreonworker logging (PR/#7712) - [UI] Do not display round values in detailed top counter (PR/#7547) - [UI] Style default select to be as much like select2 as possible (PR/#7819) - [UI] Update style of checkbox, radio, tabs (PR/#7845) - [UI] Adding cursor pointer to icons (PR/#7613) - [Widgets] Add multiselect on severity preference (PR/#7752) - [Widgets] Upgrade poller preference of engine-status widget (PR/#7820) - [Widgets] Add connectors for servicegroups and severities (PR/#7753) * Performance - [ACL] centAcl optimize memory and time execution (PR/#7751) - [API] Improve performance of clapi call through REST API (PR/#7842) - [Chart] Increase performance on server side when we get data from rrd files to display charts: between 70% and 90% (PR/#7676) * Documentation - Doc correct migration using Nagios reader (PR/#7781) - Update MySQL prerequisites for master (PR/#7904) - Improve documentation for MySQL/MariaB strict mode (PR/#7806) - Improve migration procedure (commit 47be1c3) - Improve prerequisites (commit 7200461) - Fix typo Centreon word (and one variable) (PR/#7796, PR/#7806) - Add link to Centreon API JSON REST v2 (commit bfac416) - Add OS update (commit 04e9942) * Bug Fixes - [ACL] Redirect to login page when user is unauthorized (PR/#7687) - [ACL] Add ACL to select meta-services for list of services in performance menu (PR/#7736) - [ACL] Fix cron renaming bound variable name (PR/#7984) - [API] Delete services when host template is detached from host (PR/#7784) - [API] Fix import of contactgroup when linked to ldap (PR/#7797) - [API v2] Fix bad verification when an admin has access group (PR/#7972) - [Charts] Fix export png for splited graph (PR/#7676) - [Charts] Graph is smoothed to much (PR/#7676, #4898) - [Charts] Unit curves not displayed when only 1 metric (PR/#7676, #5533) - [Charts] strange char & missing dates in exports (PR/#7676, #7310) - [Charts] HTML code instead of accented characters in graphs (PR/#7676, #6318) - [Charts] Graphs Period Showing Different Times (PR/#7676, #5939) - [Charts] Match metric name with metric value in export (#5959, #7477, PR/#7764) - [Centcore] Correct typo in scp command (#7849, PR/#7946) - [Centcore] Create centcore file by action (PR/#6985) - [Configuration] Correct issue in wizard with PR #7849 (commit 2b8a728) - [Configuration] Fix style of broker modules options checkboxes (PR/#7899) - [Configuration] Select also pollers attached to additional RS for generation (PR/#7922) - [Configuration] Fix the manual activation/disactivation of a contact (PR/#7930) - [Configuration] List contact using escapeSecure method (PR/#7947) - [Configuration] Fix SNMP traps generation by poller (PR/#6416) - [Configuration] Fix stream connector configuration update in Centreon Broker form (PR/#7813) - [Custom-Views] Correction on custom view using spanish (PR/#7778) - [Dashboard] Remove useless columns which break sql strict mode (PR/#7937) - [i18n] Fix issue with translation when several modules are installed (PR/#7916) - [Install] Change the bash interpreter for the native sh (commit (PR/#7911)) - [Install] Update wording about cache in install/upgrade process (PR/#7895) - [Install] Fix syntax error in step5 of upgrade process (PR/#7900) - [Install] Disable button when installing modules last step (PR/#7873) - [Menu] Retrieve menu entries as link (PR/#7826) - [Monitoring] Apply downtimes on resources linked to a poller (PR/#7955) - [Monitoring] Save properly monitoring service status filter (PR/#7908) - [Monitoring] Fix pagination display in service monitoring by servicegroups (PR/#7755) - [Monitoring] Fix labels in graph alignment for service details page (PR/#7805) - [Monitoring] Fix double host name display in host details page (PR/#7737) - [Remote-Server] Allow remote server config to be loaded with mysql strict mode enabled (PR/#7887) - [Remote Server] Change grant option for remote server database centreon user (PR/#7888) - [Remote Server] set remote_id/remote_server_centcore_ssh_proxy to NULL/0 (PR/#7878) - [Remote Server] Fix simple remote server creation (PR/#7936) - [Remote Server] Add missing host poller relation in export (PR/#7928) - [Remote-Server] Adapt nagios_server export columns (PR/#7871) - [UI] Do not display autologin shortcut when disabled (PR/#7340) - [UI] Avoid host icon to be flattened (PR/#7870) - [UI] Retrieve space before alias in user menu (PR/#7869) - [UI] Fix compatibility with IE11 (external modules) (PR/#7923) - [UI] Rename contact template titles properly (PR/#7929) - [UI] Fix style of frozen checkboxes (PR/#7882) - [Widgets] Undefined pagination variable when editing custom view (PR/#7935) - [Widgets] set GMT to default if null (PR/#7766) * Security fixes - Add rule for max session duration (PR/#7918) - Hide password in command line for status details page (#7414, PR/#7859) - Escape script and input tags by default (PR/#7811) - Add php mandatory params info in source installation (PR/#7897) - Escape persistent and reflected XSS in my account (PR/#7877) - Remove xss injection of service output in host form (PR/#7865) - Sanitize host_id and service_id in makeXMLForOneService.php (PR/#7862) - Session fixation using regenerate_session_id (PR/#7892) - Remove command test execution - CVE 2019-16405 (PR/#7864) - the ini_set session duration param has been moved in php.ini (PR/7896) * Technical - [API] Update type of returned activate property (PR/#7851) - [CEIP] Telemetry ceip improvements (PR/#7931) - [Component] Compatibility with RRDtool >= 1.7.x (PR/#7676) - [Component] Update to rh-php72 (PR/#7542) - [Composer] Reduce size of centreon package on packagist (PR/#7818) - [Composer] Add missing translation dependency in composer.json (PR/#7879) - [Configuration] Move filesGeneration directory to /var/cache/centreon (PR/#7735) - [Core] Improve the centreon user service definition in ServiceProvider (PR/#7891) - [CSS] Clean cache at each new centreon version (PR/#7959) - [Database] Start compatibility with MariaDB/MySQL STRICT mode - in progress (PR/#7544) - [Database] Remove useless primary keys on multiple tables (PR/#7542) - [Database] Change type of column widget_models.description to TEXT (PR/#7542) - [Database] Add default value to acl_groups.acl_group_changed table (PR/#7542) - [Database] Update column types of downtimes table (PR/#793) - [Database] Compatibility with MySQL v8.x version (PR/#7801) - [Install] Do not require conf.php files to exist in module upgrade directories (PR/#7914) - [Lib] Upgrade front libraries & improve dynamic import (PR/#7724) - [Select2] Fix default select2 getter on severity (PR/#7814) - [Select2] Allow to display disabled status in select2 options (PR/#7531) - [Test] Fix acceptance test of locked elements (PR/#7910) - [Update] Move alter table statement in a php script for MySQL compatibility (PR/#7838) - [Upgrade] Take into account the removal of older conf.php (PR/#7952) - [Update] Remove upgrade of bigint columns (PR/#7953) - [UI] Remove wizard graph tour in performance view (PR/#7676) - [Update] Finish module update with upgrade to last version (PR/#7956) * Known issue - [logs] Fix the limitation of max value for the primary key of the centreon_storage.logs table (:ref:update_centreon_storage_logs) * Fri Sep 06 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.04.4 * Enhancements - [Administration] Add the possibility to define the refresh frequency for LDAP settings for users (PR/#7627) - [API] Update output of getparam command on host object (PR/#7678) - [Configuration] Close tooltip when user clicks somewhere else (PR/#7729) * Bug fixes - [ACL] Add ACL to select meta-services for service performance (#6534, PR/#7736) - [Backup] Change backup path of httpd24-httpd (PR/#7577) - [Configuration/Administration] Fix filters save with pagination (PR/#7732) - [Configuration] Fix meta service generation with special char (#7608, PR/#7705) - [Configuration] Trap generation reindexing pollers id (#6205, PR/#6416) - [Clapi] Delete services when host template is detached from host (#4371, PR/#7784) - [Clapi] Fix import of contactgroup when linked to ldap (PR/#7797) - [Centcore] Use correct ssh port (PR/#7677) - [Graphs] Issue with export of splitted graphs fixed (PR/#7822) - [Menu] translate properly menu entries - [Monitoring] Fix pagination display in service monitoring (PR/#7755) - [Remote-Server] Check bam installation on remote server is http only (#7626, PR/#7640) - [Remote-Server] Fix enableremote parameters parsing and setting (PR/#7711) - [System] Compatibility with MySQL v8 - [UI] Remove chrome password autocomplete in several form (#6283, PR/#7697) - [UI] Custom view page is no longer broken with spanish language (PR/#7778) * Documentation - Correct CLAPI Host parameters (PR/#7658) - Correct SSH exchange notice (#7620, PR/#7639) * Technical - [Lib] update composer * Wed Jul 17 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.04.3 * Enhancements - [Traps] Increase trap special command database field (#7610) - [Traps] Make AATTHOSTIDAATT macro available for trap configuration (#7592) - [Traps] You can create a trap with matching mode regexp (#7679) - [UI] Enhance helper (tooltip) for mail configuration (#7584) - [UI] Translate notification delay parameters (#7696) * Bug fixes - [Centcore] Issue fixed with commands that were overwritten (#7650) - [Configuration] Correctly save service_interleave_factor value in Engine configuration form (#7591) - [Configuration] Correctly search services by disabled state (#7612) - [Downtime] Correctly compute downtime duration & end date (#7601) - [Event Logs] Several issues fixed on CSV export (group arrows, host filter) - [Installation] Missing template directory in tar.gz package - [Monitoring] Correctly display services with special character + (#7624) - [Remote Server] Update only properties of selected poller (#7633) - [Remote Server] Do not compare bugfix version on task import (#7638) - [Remote Server] Increase size of database field to store large FQDN (#7637 closes #7615) - [Remote Server] Set task in failed if an error appears during import/export (#7634) - [Remote Server] Filter output to master on NEB category only (#7695) - [Reporting] Correctly apply ACL on reporting dashboard (#7604) - [UI] Add scrollbar to remote server configuration wizard (#7600) - [UI] Change icon cursor when exporting graphs to PNG (#7613) - [Upgrade] Issue with upgrade from 18.10.x to 19.04.x (#7602 closes #7596) * Documentation - [Onboarding] Improve actual content for Quick Start and add more (#7609) * Security fixes - [UI] add escapeshellarg to nagios_bin binary passed to shell_exec (#7694 closes CVE-2019-13024) * Tue Jun 04 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.04.2 * Bug fixes - [LDAP] optimizing the data sent when importing contact (PR/#7559) - [Web] expose properly react router dom (PR/#7582) * Tue Jun 04 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.04.1 * Enhancements - [Graphs] Add more curves template for fresh installations (#5819, #7530) - [Remote Server] Add possibility to use HTTPS or HTTP for communication and to define TCP port (PR/#7536) - [Remote Server] Add possibility to verify or not peer SSL certificate (PR/#7536) - [Remote Server] Add possibility to use or not configured proxy (PR/#7536) * Bug fixes - [ACL] Fix issue with monitoring pages (PR/#7554) - [Administration] Correct the redirection after submitting the monitoring form (PR/#7545) - [Packaging] Install systemd .service files with 644 permissions - [Web] Fix date format for CSV export (PR/#7533) - [Web] Correct the displayed saved researched value in the select2 components (PR/#7525) - [Packaging] fix installation of conf.pm and centreontrapd.pm - [Monitoring] Fix hard_state_duration column (#7506) - [Graphs] No-unit series now trigger a second axis (Closes #7330 with #7341) - [Graphs] \"Split chart\" mode do not show thresholds (Closes #7342,#7235 with #7343) - [Monitoring] Macros not displayed in WUI for new services when you select your template (Fixes [#7121] with #7515, #7535) - [Monitoring] Filter issues on host monitoring page fixed (#7511) * Security fixes - [ACL] Fix ACL calculation when interfering with the GET request (PR/#7517) * Mon May 20 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Copy config/centreon.config.php.template to centreon.config.php to fix missing extension in gui. * Fri May 17 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- Update to 19.04.0 * New features - The extension management page has been unified. The installation, update and removal of modules and widgets are available via the “Administration> Extensions> Manager” menu. It is now possible to install all extensions at one time or to update all extensions in one click. Moreover a detail page provides access to the description of the extensions. - Improved navigation within the menu. It can be used both open (by clicking on Centreon logo) and closed to navigate within the Centreon web interface. Closed, only one click is required to access the desired page. Open, it is possible to navigate a menu by opening and closing the submenus or to access another menu in a click. * Enhancements - [CEIP] Add additional statistics including modules if present (PR/#7328) - [Configuration] improve filters and pagination in the configuration menus (PR/#7348) - [Debug] centreon_health script to gather various data (PR/#7418) - [Install] New upgrade process that can start only from 2.4.0 and later - [LDAP] Optimize ldap sync at config generation (#6949 PR/#7130) - [Menu] Remove unnecessary menu level - [Menu] Color the open level 2 and 3 menus (PR/#7295) - [Remote-server] allow usage of domain names (PR/#7250) - [UI] Fix wording of messages related to recurring downtimes (PR/#7261) - Standardize how to display menus access - Reduce reduce number of title levels displayed in index - Create dedicated UI access administration chapter - Improve custom uri chapter - Move SSO chapter to administration/ldap * Bug fixes - [API] Use the web service or initialize it (PR/#7265) - [API] Fix init parameters (PR/#7277) - [Backup] partial backup didn’t backup the right partitions - [Broker] change default value for centreonbroker_logs_path - [Broker] Broker configuration doesn’t generate rrdcached external information in a new install - [CEIP] Improve ceip install update (PR/#7374) - [Centcore] Don’t generate blank line in centcore.cmd - [Centcore] Enhance centcore log - [Centcore] Fix getinfos information - [Configuration] change size (6 => 30) of input geo coordinates on host form (PR/#7405) - [Install] Remove non-existing topology_JS entries - [Install] Remove obsolete rrdtool configuration and sources (PR/#7195) - [Install] use /etc/sysconfig/cent * files to get options for Centcore and Centreontrapd process (PR/#7380) - [LDAP] Fix sql errors in the log on authentication (PR/#7278) - [LDAP] Optimize ldap sync at config generation (Fix #6949 PR/#7130) - [Logs] removing warning in the logs (PR/#7395) - [Menu] Fixing an issue with the menu when loaded by mobile browsers (PR/#7256) - [Monitoring] Fix hide password in command line (PR/#7079) - [Translation] fix translation for broker logs path - [Translation] missing French translations in the graph page (PR/#7429) - [logAnalyser] Code refactor - [perl scripts] enhance logger lib to handle utf8 * Documentation - Restart php-fpm instead of Apache for changes in php.ini (PR/#7332) - Add EN & FR chapters for data retention (PR/#7269) - Describe how to enable user audit log in doc (PR/#7276) - Improve partitioning chapter (PR/#7274) - Correct installation chapters - enable systemctl for centreon (PR/#7284) - Add FAQ for known issues about Remote Server (PR/#7266) * Security fixes - Authenticated RCE in minPlayCommand.php (PR/#7232) - SQL injections in the service by hostgroups and servicegroups pages (PR/#7267) - Allow to set illegal characters for centcore (PR/#7206 PR/#7287) - Token generation uses predictable generator - Authenticated SQL injection in makeXML_ListServices.php - SQL Injection in serviceGridByHGXML.php * Technical - Add mechanism to manage external pages (PR/#7382) - Add mechanism to manage notification mechanism of modules (PR/#7378) * Known issue - Depending on the size of your screen and which level 3 menu is opened, you may have difficulty to access to another menu. Just close the opened level 3 menu before navigating to another menu.- Rebase centreon-web-centreonbroker_module_path.patch * Thu Mar 14 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- update to 18.10.4 * Enhancements - [API] API for commands arguments descriptions (PR/#7196) - [API] Add showinstance CLAPI command to Host (PR/#7199) - [API] Acknowledge resources using the API (Issue/#6068 - PR/#7187) - [Centcore] Allow to set illegal characters for centcore (PR/#7206) - [Installation] Update source installer regarding 18.10 version (PR/#7160) - [UI] Improve host template selection by remplacing simple select with multi-select (PR/#7208) - [UI] Indent third level menu (PR/#7251) * Bug Fixes - [UI] Fix issue with comments date in host and service detail pages (Issue/#7180 - PR/#7194) - [UI] Fix issue with session expiration and avoid login “inception” (PR/#7202) - [UI] Fix issue with event logs export CSV/XML (Issue/#6929 - PR/#7167) - [UI] Fix search filter for recurrent downtimes (PR/#7201) * Documentation - Improve prerequisities (PR/#7244) - Improve poller configuration (PR/#7116) - Enable services after remote server installation (PR/#7027) - Update upgrade to Centreon 18.10 documentation section (PR/#6934) - Describe directory of XML files for partitioning (PR/#7203) - Correct documentation link (Issue/#6997 - PR/#7016) - Add daemon-reload command added when installing DB on dedicated server (Issue/#7137 - PR/#7139) * Security - Fix security issue by removing dead code related to escalation (PR/#7200) - Fix rce vulnerability when using command’s testing feature (PR/#7245) - Fix SQL injection for GET parameter (PR/#7229) - Fix unauthorized file upload (PR/#7171) * Tue Feb 26 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- update to 18.10.3 * Enhancements - [Configuration] Avoid huge memory consumption when generating configuration (PR/#7072) - [Remote Server] Add one-peer retention (Issues/#6910,#6978,#6987 - PR/#6959) - [UI] Menus of banner can be opened/closed by clicking on icon (PR/#7127) - [UI] Improve tooltip positioning in monitoring listing (PR/#7140) * Bug fixes - [Backup] Configuration backup correctly done using scp (PR/#7112) - [Configuration] Unset service/contact relations if SETCONTACT clapi method used (PR/#7115) - [Configuration] Include check_centreon_dummy during installation process (Issue/#7019) - [UI] Date picker failed when no language selected (PR/#7046) - [UI] Manage pagination in all custom select components (PR/#7102) - [UI] Avoid duplicated en_US language selection in user settings (PR/#7094) - [UI] Fix issue with shared views and multi widgets (PR/#7126) - [UI] Display configuration has changed for all pollers (PR/#7107) - [Remote Server] Replace special characters when setting up a remote server (Issue/#6979 - PR/#7133) - [Remote Server] Prevent access to ressources configuration not defined on remote (PR/#7136) * Mon Jan 07 2019 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- update to 18.10.2 * Enhancements - [Configuration] Prevent time period to call itself via templates - PR #7024 - [Configuration] Re-add the PID column in the poller list page - PR #6993 - [Documentation] Add clean yum cache command for 18.10 upgrade - PR #7030 - [Documentation] Correct typo in RS architecture FR chapter - PR #6965 - [Downtimes] Apply ACL on resources to configure recurring downtimes - PR #6962 - [Translate] Add all date picker libraries for new translation - PR #7040 - [UX] Improve full screen mode - PR #6976 * Bug fixes - [Chart] Fix graph export when a curve is only displayed in legend - PR #7009 - [Documentation] Describe DBMS minimal version to prevent partitioning tables issue - PR #6974 - [Monitoring] Use all selected filter on refresh with “play” button - PR #6984 - [Extensions] Fix module upgrades using php scripts - PR #7073 - [Remote Server] Update default path of broker watchdog logs * Technical - Update select2 component - PR #7034